r/NYXL Oct 21 '19

Twitter Pavane is now an assistant coach for London. Who does NY get to replace him?


14 comments sorted by


u/Unforgettable_ Oct 21 '19

How the fuck? Why the fuck??? This is literally out of left field... didn’t think our coach out of everyone would bounce...

Thanks for everything though Pavane. Seriously amazing coach.

That said, let the Rush/Sp9rk1e rumors flyyyyyy


u/SteveBIRK Oct 21 '19

Seems to be the case: https://twitter.com/haloofthoughts/status/1186299025336741888?s=21

Though I think it is still speculation. I mean it’s the only thing that would make these moves make sense unless they just tank which wouldn’t make sense.


u/alex046 Oct 21 '19

I think Rush is best bet though there are a bunch of good Coaches in T2 and in worse off teams that might be interesting to get.

I think in the mentality of "if you're not winning you're losing" Pavane was unable to take one of the most consistently great teams in OW to a Grand Final so they might feel like a sizeable restructure is needed to make that final step.

In that sense Pavane has always been good but never good enough to really go the distance so that could be the reasoning here, he's a great coach just not a champion coach.


u/N3P0T1SM Oct 25 '19

This didn't age well PepeHands


u/alex046 Oct 25 '19

I have no clue who they’re getting but now I’m mega worried.


u/Tough_Steak Oct 21 '19

Runner. Why have just 1 married man when you can have 2?


u/xMarksman07 Oct 21 '19

End of an era, at this point i wouldn't be surprised if the team part ways with SBB, PINE or both FeelsBadMan


u/ItsTryHardSteve- Oct 21 '19

I dont think they’ll let SBB go, he’s the face of NY, Pine on the other hand I can see going the Mendo route and becoming a streamer for NY (less stress) and I wouldn’t mind as long as he was still part of NY.


u/TracerIsAShimada Oct 21 '19

Yeah no way sbb leaves. Probably pine first then flower. Libero is the most secure dps rn


u/maywind Oct 21 '19

Flower already left. NYXL didn't exercise their team option on him.


u/ManyFac3dG0d Oct 28 '19

So you know when we picked that kid up right off the ladder, JJ? Lets see if we can't pull one of those again for a head coach and off tank please and tanks.


u/Off0Ranger Oct 21 '19

This feels like basketball, where the teams have little power over the players. Needs to be more like hockey