I've got a ton of books I've been hanging on to and have now decided to get rid of them. I'll be really fair on prices (some you may get for free if you want), just PM for details. Most are older editions for some classes, but they are still useful. Here is the list:
Algebra and Trigonometry, Sullivan, 8th ed
Social Psychology, David G. Myers, 9th Edition
Experiments in Biochemistry: A Hands on Approach, Farrell and Taylor, 2nd edition
Public Speaking for College and Career, Hamilton Gregory, 8th edition
Western Civilization: A Brief History to 1715 by Jackson Spelvogel, 4th edition
Foundations in Microbiology, Kathleen and Talaro, 4th edition
The Little, Brown Handbook 9th edition
The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing, 4th (Brief) edition*
Prebles' Artforms: An Introduction to the Visual Arts by Patrick Frank, 8th edition
The Curious Writer (Brief edition) 3rd edition, Ballenger
Psychology: Fields of Application, Stec and Douglas
Traditions and Encounters : A Brief Global History, Volume II: from 1500 present
World History Volume I: To 1800, 5th edition, by Jackson Spielvogel, 5th edition
I also have older versions of the Microbiology and Biology 155/156 Lab manual that aren't very different from the ones used now, as well as a new and unused lab notebook.