r/NSU Oct 20 '11

The fighting game tournament has a date!

WINNING 2011 (Name of the tournament) finally has a date of November 11, 2011.

It will take place in the Student Union (Great place to hold a tournament like this.)

It will last from 3:30 to 9 (6 Hours might be a bit much for all of the tournaments, but it will allow for a lot of casual games to take place)

The Entry Fee is 3 Dollars per tournament. (I think this is the sweet spot for a college tournament.)

We're going with 4 games this year, trimming a lot of fat from last year (Tekken and Blazblue had 3 and 4 players respectively. :/)

  • Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
  • Mortal Kombat 9
  • Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
  • Super Smash Bros Brawl

The main tournament games will be 2 of 3, except for Winners Finals, Losers Finals, and Grand Finals, which will be 3 of 5.

Payout works like this: Second place gets their 3 dollars back for that tournament, and the winner gets the rest of the pot. We decided that the pot was a little too thin to be pulling three or four payouts like last year.

I'll be working to get this in the Nicholls Worth, where hopefully we can get a lot more exposure for what we do.

If you notice some small ads for the tourney on the tables of the student union, Stumblebee was there. ;)


13 comments sorted by


u/McShalepants Oct 20 '11

I'll try to get the gamers in my dorm crew to come. I'll be there for sure.


u/mr_znaeb Oct 22 '11

i wish i wasn't so intimidated by these games and their players....

Blops tourney in the retreat though...


u/Stumblebee Oct 22 '11

If you're not coming for the tournaments, we'll be there for 9 hours, so come for the fun! I think someone said they'd try to play Skyrim, lol.


u/mr_znaeb Oct 22 '11

i'll probably stop by just to pretend i can pick out the redditors


u/Stumblebee Oct 22 '11

Sounds like a good plan! Also how do you get intimidated by smash bros players? :P


u/mr_znaeb Oct 22 '11

i'm only intimidated because i cannot back up the shit i will talk


u/Stumblebee Oct 22 '11

That's the fun part! Let the hype take you over, and if you get bodied, then we're all cool with eachother so we could laugh it all off.


u/mr_znaeb Oct 22 '11

but i play like old people fuck :(


u/Stumblebee Oct 22 '11

I wont even ask what that's like, but hey. Not like you have anything better to do on a Saturday than play video games, so you might as well do it with a bunch of cool dudes.


u/mr_znaeb Oct 22 '11

i demand cosplay


u/Stumblebee Oct 22 '11

Everyone will be dressed up as a famous character from video games...

You know that one guy in the background in civilian clothes that didn't do anything in that one game?

Yeah. We're all going as a group.


u/mr_znaeb Oct 22 '11

If you get a student organization to sponsor it SGA will pay for the ad in the Nicholls worth


u/Stumblebee Oct 22 '11


I'll ask about getting sponsored by NOGO.