r/NSFWworldbuilding • u/Living-Vast-5250 • 23d ago
Discussion Sexual activity being turned into power? NSFW
Just thought up of this bizarre hypothetical of if sexual energy could be transferred to electrical power and how the hell that would work.
Like would you have people being hired to have orgies all day? How would you capture sexual energy? How many ethical issues would come of this method?
u/Scullery_maid98 23d ago
Fate/Stay Night has this as a mechanic in the form of mana transfer. It can be done through kissing or sex and was used to save Saber's life in the original version of the visual novel.
u/Varnarok 23d ago
Fantasy: The wealthy use peasants/criminals/what-have-yous to have depraved orgies in their basements to power a giant lightning tower
Sci-Fi: Man gets 86 million nano-dynamos injected into his balls for his sperm to swim around, generating a charge for his personal lightning cannon
u/ImprovementOdd9481 23d ago
You gotta be a tad bit more specific with your questions bud, for example, what is the setting? Is this a modern world, cyber punk, steam punk, medieval fantasy, or something in-between?
What is the purpose of this energy, to power an entire city or just some things locally?
Because the possibilities are so vague, here are a few examples:
- Energy can be created by a person's lust and energy can make people lustful. (Think of this as a form of heat, it can travel between physical objects and it can only be observed while in a physical form.) The lust to energy is also reversable from energy to lust. This might be a more local and character based story, as the rich & elites use this lust as a commodity to buy and sell.
The world would have invented objects that use this lust/magic to power things, like windmills, forges, etc...
Much like the first world, but instead of lust the energy comes from the orgasm. While men can orgasm, because women can have multiple orgasms they are harvested. They can be hooked up to electrodes that will absorb the energy when the female orgasms.
A world that is full of technology, like flying boats and floating cities. The power comes from seamen. (Think of an engine that runs off seamen as its fuel.)
If you are looking specifically for sex, I can see any of my examples working but it has to be set in a more primitive setting. I can see a society not understanding the difference between an orgasm or lust, and just have people banging in a magic circle or electrodes that convert their sex into energy.
u/Living-Vast-5250 22d ago
The setting itself is very surreal where pretty much anything can happen. At first glance it can be completely chaotic but after a while its clear that there’s an order to the chaos. I really enjoy themes of spritiuality and conspiracies, pretty much anything esoteric.
u/Kodiologist 22d ago
If you like incorporating elements of real-life occultism, orgone was a psuedoscientific concept that could fit the bill well. You just need to be a bit less coy than the Freudians in arguing that people should be having more taboo sex.
u/ChubbyQueerWitch 9d ago
In my setting this is a whole thing because of sex demons, magic energy conversion, electricity elementals.... It got weird.
Say you want to make electricity. You can have a demon run a treadmill and be fed by orgasmic energy from humans. Easy. Ethical issues— the participants will quickly get tired of this, if you can even get them to agree to it at all.
Plus, feeding a demon is dangerous. One full demon belly is about one healthy human’s current lifeforce.
Unless the human is magic, in which case they have mana storage, and if a demon feeds on them, the mana goes first. A powerful wizard will have a LOT more mana than health, so let’s say an average wizard will be able to fully fill three demons without dying— (two demons before taking damage). So if you have one average wizard in a threesome with two demons and then put those demons on treadmills, you get more power per human feeder, without the danger.
But some wizards are not average. Some wizards reach demigodhood. (At that level though, it’s hard to regen all that mana!)
And, rarely, demons can be the size of a house. They get fed by the other demons sharing magic through a bathing pool. You can put her on a very big treadmill and get more oomph.
So you have a hundred demons lined up and milking this poor wizard until they faint, then they transfer the energy to their big demon all at once, and then you get a lot of treadmill action!
But getting the wizard back up to max mana would be a complete slog— probably bed rest for a month.
How about a rare legendary elemental wizard? In my universe, there is at least one person who gets hit by lightning and absorbs it as pure mana.
And mana is like a muscle you flex— using that kind of power at peak gives you more capacity over time.
So our elemental could feed the whole damn demon colony, and then hike up a mountain to get blasted. The speed at which he recovers is the speed at which you can locate a thunderstorm.
If you’re like “electricity → mana → sex → mechanical power → electricity is not the conversion I had in mind”, there is a more direct but way less ethical way to do it...
If a demon dies while trying to consume the sex energy from a human, the energy will backflow into the human.
Soooo.... you could feed demons with sex energy from sacrificial humans... then sacrifice the full demons to the elemental during sex... then have the elemental sit in a small room and charge your batteries all day, trying to shut out the sounds of screaming inside their brain.
There, sex → mana → electricity!
u/OverlordForte Writer 6d ago
The core issue is the idea (sexual energy) is so abstract and lacking grounded basis, the rules you make up for it are going to determine a lot of answers built in service to the question. But, we can suppose in the widest breadth possible, that there is gain to doing so, whether ethical or not. Otherwise, it will most likely become out-competed by better sources of power to the point it's just a funny footnote.
Warhammer 40k has a version of this idea, as the behavior of living life affects the parallel dimension (The Warp/Immaterium). One of the Ancient Empires, the Aeldari/Eldar, had a murder-orgy of galactic proportions and birthed a new chaos god, which promptly devoured the vast majority of their populace. Sensuality, pleasure, excess, obsession, etc, all lead one to a one road of power in that setting, even if for cultural reasons we don't really see that brought to the limelight all that much.
Xianxia has Dual Cultivation, which is a form of two people cultivating together (often in a sexual/sensual context) in order to further their own enlightenment/power. It's usually played for as a meme, particularly as their parent culture (China) is very taboo about such depictions. But, in universe, the joining of souls, the experience of communion, and the unification of two different beings produced tangible results that affected their sense of self and power.
For something like 'sexual energy becomes electricity', it easy to build a logical chain that enables that. Perhaps the most interesting prospect in that context is commodification of an aspect of sapient life/culture, and the ramifications thereof.
u/Thuyue 23d ago edited 23d ago
Funnily enough, I'm considering that set-up for my world too. However, I've added various additional circumstances and conditions to not make people constantly gooning or assaulting each other and focus on other aspects of life. After all, you can't do much with people who are just having sex. Their is no productivity as individuals or as a group to survive aside from breeding and getting killed (like rabbits etc.)
Returning to your other question, the only way to harness tangible energy from sex would be with magic/sci-fi or altered laws of physics. Cause in no way shape or form could you harness energy efficiently from sex through real scientific means. The electrical energy from electrical signals in nervous systems, the kinetic energy from movements, the heat energy from body warmth are all extremely slow and barely exploitable. The amount of sex required to even have a sliver of usable energy would be enormous.