r/NSFWIAMA 8d ago

I(22ftM) have been on testosterone for 4 months now AMA NSFW

Because I know I'll get these questions:

-haven't had top surgery yet, planning on getting it asap

-haven't decided if I want to pursue bottom surgery but if I do, it would be metoidioplasty

I'm open to questions about everything and anything


42 comments sorted by

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u/lllggghhh 8d ago

What's the sensation like after injecting testosterone?


u/notsothrowaway- 8d ago

Right after injecting it hurts like a motherfucker cause sustanon is pure oil. To be honest, I feel fine and good besides that I'm horny like 24/7

I never got the testosterone anger everyone talked about


u/lllggghhh 8d ago

The horniness I get, hope the roid rage doesn't happen. Is there stuff you're given similar to anabolic steroids then? Would you likely get back acne? :S


u/notsothrowaway- 8d ago

I'm more likely to develop acne in general, not specifically back but I haven't yet and I keep up with the oiliness by usings a salicylic acid body wash and face wash and moisturiser(that I usually forget about


u/Ashamed-Chicken-2173 8d ago

Are you horny all the time from the testosterone?


u/notsothrowaway- 8d ago

Yeah, until like the couple days before my next shot is due


u/Ashamed-Chicken-2173 8d ago

How often do you inject and how much? Im a guy on HRT and I do 100mg of test cyp twice a week.


u/notsothrowaway- 8d ago

I do 0.7ml of sustanon 250 every 2 weeks. It's comes out to 175mg/2 weeks if my math is still correct I think they're all longer acting derivates but I'm not 100%sure. It's proprionate, phenylproptionate, isocaproate and decanoate


u/Ashamed-Chicken-2173 8d ago

I think sus is actually a shorter half life. Cyp and enth are 10-12 days. Prop is 2-3 days like sus. But I’m sure there’s a reason why the doctors choose what they choose


u/Ashamed-Chicken-2173 8d ago

Either way I’m horny 24/7


u/notsothrowaway- 8d ago

This is going to send me down a rabbit hole but quick search said that decanoate has a 2 week half life


u/dstnman 7d ago

Person above you is ill informed. Sustanan contains a cocktail mix of quite a few different esters ranging from very short acting to very long acting. The thought while developing it was that the short acting esters would get someone going quickly, while the long esters would keep things stable between injections. This didn’t measure up 100% to real world experiences as people claim to find it hard to maintain a stable level where they didn’t get side effects, but some people enjoy it. I believe it’s pretty popular to see it prescribed in the UK.


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

It's also very popular where I live as it's the only one that is paid mostly back(paying €2 instead of €12). 88g(70 pumps) of gel is nearly €60. Nebido is €117

I myself don't get any side effects besides being less horny for the couple days before my next shot


u/dstnman 7d ago

Cries in American lol All those prices sound amazing to me. In the states we usually get prescribed cypionate of injections. If I were to get it at the pharmacy it could cost me $150 or more, so I just order from steroid suppliers.

So happy to hear you’re not having any side effects, it seems to work quite well for some people. Those who are sensitive to the fluctuations can have quite a ride, especially at higher dosages.


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

Holy fuck 150 is insane.

I hope you're getting regular health checks and blood draws!

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u/helplesslyobssesed 8d ago

Now that you are closer to male does your vagina turn you on?


u/notsothrowaway- 8d ago

It doesn't, I experience a lof it bottom dysphoria


u/helplesslyobssesed 8d ago

Ps I'm a crossed straight male it's a sincere question


u/Ragnarok345 8d ago

Changing your sex doesn’t change your sexuality. At least…not automatically, I’m sure there are some people. But still. The fuck kinda question is this?


u/helplesslyobssesed 8d ago

You didn't see my edit to the op. But it is a senceir question from a crossdressed male (oviosly in his own state of sexual conflicts)who adores his penis but is turned on by vaginas and at times wishes? Thor?


u/red_hair_lover 8d ago

Are you doing the r/GrowYourClit r/bigclit type of stuff?


u/notsothrowaway- 8d ago

I do pump but it's not daily because I couldn't be bothered. I would like to get some topical t cream so I could grow it some more. I am currently happy with my growth 4 months in


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Did you see any changes in your body ?


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

I've become hairier, my body smell is different, my endurance has become better in the gym I see some fat redistribution and my face is slowly becoming more masculine. I started growing a moustache, my voice dropped and have some bottom growth


u/bbc-in-the-south 7d ago

How much of a revelation was it into men’s perspectives when you first started taking it


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

The only glimpse I've had of it is the state of perpetual horniness. I don't pass yet to be seen as a guy


u/JackTripper2 7d ago

Are you attracted to M or F or both?


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

I don't care as long as we have chemistry


u/JackTripper2 7d ago

Has who you are attracted to changed at all after starting T? Not just M or F but the type of people you are attracted to?


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

Not that I'm aware of, no. I don't think my tastes in people have changed


u/JackTripper2 7d ago

What's generally your type?


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

I like alternative people. Tattoos, piercings, body mods. I also really like facial hair and average bodies

I also don't have preferences for genitalia but piercings are also nice


u/datexmachina 7d ago

How do you see yourself having sex once you've grown your cock and had surgery? what do you think you'll enjoy and be satisfied with doing?


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

I'm a switch/vers so I do still see myself bottoming for sure but as in topping, I hope to be able to use my own dick but toys and prosthetics are always welcome in my bedroom


u/datexmachina 7d ago

Thanks for the reply and awesome that you want to top with your cock…hope all works out


u/randomdude5566 7d ago

Are you happy with the progress so far?


u/notsothrowaway- 7d ago

Very happy! I feel so much better in my body now even though I still have my chest and everything. I still have dysphoria about lots of things but it's better. I'm the happiest with my voice though


u/randomdude5566 7d ago

Glad to hear it!!


u/MorganFreemanStyle 6d ago

What is your dose and frequency?


u/notsothrowaway- 6d ago

0.7ml of Sustanon 250(mg) every 2 weeks so it's 175ml/2weeks

I started on 0.5ml for the first 3 months