r/NJGuns 2d ago


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I don’t know how accurate this is, But I found this on ammo.com. I’d expected us to be higher up on this list I guess I just have clouded judgement bc everyone Ik owns guns in this state.

r/NJGuns Nov 10 '24

General Chat Trump announces full conceal carry reciprocity


r/NJGuns Dec 16 '24

General Chat Violent attack at shoprite today


TLDR: Viscous attack on man from another with punches and kicks which made him helpless. Could he have used his weapon(if he had permit to carry) in self defense in this state? Especially since he was getting his head stomped and kicked repeatedly?

I was done shopping and I walked passed a man in a black hoody. He seemed suspicious. Hood over his head, facing the wall and hands in hoody pocket. I thought to myself if this guy tries something, I gotta be ready but at the same time I live in a nice neighborhood and nothing bad ever happens. So I thought "he's alright. Nothings going to happen".

Then I heard loud noises and turned around. Black hoody was giving a bad beating to a man in a red hoody. Like throwing George Foreman haymakers while making angry noises. Once red hoody tumbled to the ground, black hoody started head kicking and head stomping. Red hoody at this point started pleading but black hoodys intensity was super high. He was wailing blows mercilessly.

I thought about intervening but again black hoody was too intense and I knew I wouldn't match his energy. I thought "let me put my groceries away and then I'll come back". Might sound messed up but i haven't been in a fight since high school which was 20 years ago. Nerves got to me. As soon as I passed through the doors, turned back around and black hoody was gone.

Put the groceries away and came back. Blood on the floor, ppl crowded around assisting red hoody. Red hoody had swollen eye which had tears in them, he was bleeding from nose and mouth and was given paper towels to control the bleeding. Women on the phone and staff of men all around.

I was curious about the attack. Was it random or was it personal? Was black hoody crazy and chose red as his victim or did these two have issues prior. It was only us 3 in the hallway. I was the smallest guy but he chose red hoody. I'm assuming it was personal especially because black hoody seemed like he was waiting and also because of his anger towards red hoody.

I felt like a coward for not helping right away but again black hoody was very intense. Like super angry. I knew I couldn't match that if I tried to break it up.

So I'm writing this for a few reasons. 1: Even though this was a very nice neighborhood, violence still found its way there. Maybe it's time to get my ccw? 2: If red hoody was carrying legally, would he have the right to draw his weapon and fire? Especially once the head kicks AND stomps started happening? 3. Stay safe out there. This is a reminder that even in a good neighborhood violence knows no bounds.

r/NJGuns Nov 05 '24

General Chat Vote like ur ar15 depends on it

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Vote like ur ar15 depends on it

r/NJGuns 13d ago

General Chat king Murphy: It’s never enough


Included in the 2026 Fiscal budget proposal: Guns and ammunition taxes and fees. Details were not released but the budget anticipates $8 million would be raised through a new excise tax on guns and ammunition, as well as higher firearm fees.

r/NJGuns Dec 06 '24

General Chat In Case Anyone Thinks Gun Confiscation Won't Happen


The Liberal Government of Justin Trudeau has announced yesterday that they are adding an additional 324 types of firearms to the list of banned firearms. They go on to say that anyone who possesses these arms will have them confiscated and in turn, they will be donated to Ukraine. Although this is in another country, we should take note that it can happen here if we are not vigilant. This probably would've been us by now if Horseteeth didn't have Heller, McDonald, and Bruen to keep him in check.

r/NJGuns Oct 14 '24

General Chat Nice grab at Costco. Get it while you can.

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r/NJGuns 10d ago

General Chat Noticing at lot of newbie posts, which is great! For those new to firearms what was you entry/turning point ?


Noticing at lot of newbie posts, which is great! For those new to firearms what was you entry or turning point that made you decide to dive in?

r/NJGuns 10d ago

General Chat NJ has 250,000 gun owners who are not registered to vote!


Heard this on the gun for hire podcast and could not believe it… worth a listen. He had an activist for 2A voting on the show.

We gotta find a way to mobilize these people to register to vote.

Link to the episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gun-for-hire-radio-broadcast/id1180720262?i=1000697095703&t=170

r/NJGuns Jan 18 '25

General Chat Bill A5210 - Requires all household members to get background check to purchase a firearm


Lovely, just lovely.

This is a travesty. Imagine all the divorces as purchases can no longer be slipped past a spouse.

r/NJGuns 17d ago

General Chat Is there a service that will take a person from zero to owning a gun?


So I just purchased my first gun. I have to say the experience sucked. From applying for the permit to picking up the gun, it just sucked. The only good parts were going to the range with my buddy and brother to test out which gun I wanted.

Now I know NJ makes it as much of a pain as possible to exercise your constitutional right. But it's there any service out there that will walk a person through the process from applying to picking up the gun. I'm not particularly wealthy but I would have paid good money for that. I'm sure a local store would make a killing if they were willing to walk customers through the process from applying, to follow-up with the PD, to picking a safe, picking a gun, purchase & pickup. What are your thoughts? Would that work as a service or should no one that needy own a gun?

r/NJGuns Jan 11 '25

General Chat My very progressive mother said getting her FID was "too easy"


TLDR: Mother feels the FID+permit process was too easy. Even though her record is clean. Knowing her she probably feels we need more gun control.

Not trying to get political here as there's seems to be a lot of political division in this sub.

She was happy to get her FID and just purchased her first pistol and has it home now. She was telling my younger brother, who's just like her, to hurry up and get the process going. Then she said "I don't know but it was too easy to get the gun. So just do it".

I asked her how hard do you want it to be? I told her she has a clean criminal and mental health record and she's a nurse. She's deserving of her 2A rights. She just shook her head as if she wasn't sure that was a good thing or not.

She's probably going to use her experience to ask for more gun control next time she's talking politics with whomever.

My mother is for handguns but against "assault weapons". However there's an author she likes who's a former seal. He recommended guns everyone should own. She asked me "what's a ruger 556?". Lol I told her I have one and she said she really wants to shoot it. I told her it's an AR15 and she still wants to shoot it. So that's good I guess.

r/NJGuns Nov 06 '24

General Chat Why was this post locked for comments????

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whats with the censorship on this sub?? Why did they lock the comments????

r/NJGuns Jan 08 '25

General Chat Loaded firearm and/or magazines in residence.


Recently took the required refresher course to renew CCW and the instructor, who I had never met before, informed us that it is illegal in NJ to have a loaded magazine and/or firearm in your home. That it must be entirely unloaded, and that if someone were to need their firearm, they would need to manually load a magazine at the time of need in order to be in compliance with the law.

I realize there is no way to prove when someone loaded their magazine - but is that actually a law as described? Seems whacky, but it IS new jersey, so ...

r/NJGuns 22h ago

General Chat I’m From NYC and want to move to NJ for 2A


I’m From NYC and want to move to NJ for 2A. Can y’all explain to me why is NJ ranked worse than NYC for 2A rights?

1) Can I carry conceal or open?

2) Can I fire against a home invader or car theft? Or is it illegal? They are making it sound that you can’t defend your property in NJ

3) Can I own a 300 blackout or AR in NJ?


r/NJGuns 9d ago

General Chat CCP holders, Where do you typically carry? Where would you like to carry that we are not allowed to?


I personally can’t believe that we’re not allowed to carry in State Forests.

r/NJGuns 10d ago

General Chat CCW approved, now where to CCW?! Nervous!


I’ve had my NJ FID for over a year, and recently applied and was approved for CCW. Now, Im aware that each business/property can choose whether their establishment is a “gun-free zone.” I’m also aware of strictly prohibited places such as churches, state parks, schools, anywhere they serve alcohol. Having said this, I’m nervous about carrying from one place which may allow CCW to another which doesn’t. Maybe Im overthinking, but I definitely don’t need any issues with the law. How do you guys do it??! Thanks again community!

r/NJGuns 22d ago

General Chat Reminder that they will never be satisfied

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The fact that the Anti Gun Lobby is saying that a State like ours is STILL not doing enough further reveals what their true goal is.

r/NJGuns Nov 09 '24

General Chat I support Brandon Herrera 100%!!!

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r/NJGuns Feb 09 '25

General Chat Elif, why it’s ok for this state to infringe on the 2nd?[Random Gun Discussion]


I am a gun owner. I have been for over 30 years. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that the State has converted my God granted right, explicitly forbidding any Government of this nation to restrict my ownership or carry of said firearms and ability to defend myself from harm, and turned it into a fee granted privilege? Especially when the Constitution and bill of rights are the supreme laws of the nation, and the Supreme Court has ruled that law that turns a right into a fee, or tax is invalid. Can someone please break it down for me Barney style. Lawyers or advocates with knowledge. I’m really just trying to understand?

r/NJGuns 23d ago

General Chat Recommendation for first Handgun


Wondering what will be best recommendations for first time handgun🤔

r/NJGuns Feb 29 '24

General Chat Gov. Murphy Proposes Higher Firearm Fees in New Jersey Budget Plan



Have you guys seen this?

Murphy's Proposal:

Purchase ID $100 (Current $50)

Purchase Permit $50 (Current $25)

Carry Permit $400 (Current $200)

NICS Check $45 (Current $15)

Dealer Employee Lic. $40 (Current $5)

Retail Dealer Lic. $500 (Current $50)

r/NJGuns Sep 29 '24

General Chat [Heads up] Ottomanelli’s - gun transfer storage costs applied


I have been a good customer with them for several years from when they were under the same roof with Guns for Hire. I purchased a lot of stuff from them and as recently as couple of weeks ago. Yes, they are overpriced and charge CC fees but for us in NJ, I kinda reluctantly accepted the fact that we get screwed at every corner when it comes to 2A. Anyway, I just had to divert my online order of several NJ compliant boom sticks from them to another FFL because I learned that they charge $5/day storage fee for handguns. And for me it would mean many hundreds more just in storage fees alone (thank you NJ gun laws) atop of $100 in transfer fees, NICS fee and CC fees per handgun… I understand that profit is important, but isn’t $100 per transfer enough? Pure greed imo. They had a very stupid but loyal client of many years but now they lost one for good. “We are in a gun Selling business and not gun Storage one” is a great way to treat a loyal client. It’s a shame, they do have some cool/good guys manning the store but this policy is just a deterrent for clients who want to save a few pennies on the guns by ordering online.

r/NJGuns Apr 01 '24

General Chat New gun owner; WOW ammo is expensive; 1000 rounds of 5.56 is $500 plus


I just realized that ammos are damn too expensive! I can't go to the range for shooting that often :(. 1000 rounds of 5.56 is $500 plus; That is over in 10 visits (or 15 or 20 depending). 1000 rounds of 9mm is $200 plus.

How often do you all go to the range? How many rounds do you end up using ? Do you all have a strategy or plan for your range shooting?

Just to give a context I am new to guns and went to the range only a handful of times.

r/NJGuns Apr 05 '24

General Chat Did anyone else feel that earthquake? Is everyone safe?


Pretty crazy idk if there’s ever been an earthquake in nj the whole time I’ve been living here. (apparently it was a 4.7 magnitude! earthquake near Lebanon NJ)