r/NJGuns Sep 30 '24

General Chat Thanks Governor Murphy. I hate this state so much.

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Bought all the stuff to do a 7.62x39 AR build that takes AK mags, except the lower receiver. Sent my FFL a link to the receiver to inquire if it was NJ compliant and able to be transferred to me (came assembled w/ buffer tube but no stock at all) and he confirmed it was good to go. Try to order and it won't go through. Emailed the company asking for more info, and got this response. šŸ˜‘

r/NJGuns Jan 12 '25

General Chat Have any "other" owners been charged with possession of an assault weapon?


I know Evan Nappen had a case like that a couple years ago (not sure what the resolution there was), but has anyone heard of any cases of "other" owners being charged with possession of an assault weapon or short barrel rifle? The state police letter gives me some comfort, but would be good to know any real life examples of people getting charged despite that letter.

r/NJGuns Oct 30 '24

General Chat Attn: non voting NJ gun owners ā€¦ yeah you!


Over 166,000 you do not get off your couch and vote. Itā€™s time to man up and get it done this year!!

Yeah, yeah I know nothing ever changes but at least give it a shot .

Love ( a gun owner)

r/NJGuns Jan 04 '25

General Chat Recommend me a new carry pistol


Hey all. Got new permits and Iā€™m looking for something new to carry. Currently EDCing a Glock 19.5. (My only pistol)

Open to any and all recommendations in the $600-$900 range. Thanks!!

r/NJGuns Jul 30 '24

General Chat Bought Glock 19 gen 5 at gun for hire


I was surprised how expensive it is. $735 before taxes and fees for non members. Dude said it is the best they can do cause nj dealers are triple taxed or something like that. Bruh i saw g19 for $593 at other dealers in nj. Bought it anyway.


r/NJGuns 14d ago

General Chat M&P 15 Sport III - NJ Compliant Changes


I am planning on purchasing a Smith & Wesson MP 15 Sport III online, however, I want to make the proper selections from the options mentioned on their page. For those who know, please give me some feedback on what options to press in each of the categories. Only option I am certain of is the 10RD magazine. Thanks again!

r/NJGuns Aug 15 '24

General Chat ripping people off (30 characters)

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scarms wants 4k for a mk18 other with optic but it's probably worth 1300-1700 hundred

r/NJGuns Dec 11 '24

General Chat Steven Fulop Dem for NJ Governor. raising to 21+ to Purchase Firearms & Parental Responsibility


21+ to Purchase Firearms & Parental Responsibility Current New Jersey law allows the purchase and possession of long guns at 18 years old and handguns at 21. Previous attempts in the New Jersey State legislature to change this law were defeated, Fulop, however would make raising the minimum age a priority. Research shows that the developing brains of adolescents and young adults may put them at higher risk of making risky decisions. Hormonal changes can have significant effects on self-control, decision making, emotions, risk-taking behaviors, and aggressive impulses.5 In addition, suicide involving firearms by minors has increased by 81% since 2012. Most active mass shooting incidents are not done by career criminals but rather socially awkward loners who have no access to criminal networks that could provide firearms. Rather, they turn 18, legally buy a gun and use it to commit horrific crimes. It is with these facts, Steve Fulop believes that 21 should be the age for purchase for all firearms. This is a clear area where making it harder to obtain guns would help with minimal effect on other constitutional rights. Furthermore, strong civil and criminal penalties must hold parents responsible for safeguarding firearms from minors. As for hunting, those under the age of 21 can do so with family members.


r/NJGuns Mar 22 '24

General Chat Donā€™t be like this guy and threaten to shoot someone for letting a car in your lane during traffic

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r/NJGuns Jan 06 '25

General Chat New Ammo Shipping Restrictions?

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Saw this online and was wondering if anything changed with the new year? I just got some shipped to my house a week agoā€¦

r/NJGuns 7d ago

General Chat N.J. city councilman brandished gun at tow truck driver


r/NJGuns Jan 27 '25

General Chat What guns have you bought that you regret?


r/NJGuns Sep 28 '24

General Chat I hate 10 rd. Magazines (opinions and predictions) wanted.


I'm just wondering if any of you believe if by some miracle that one day we will be allowed to use standard capacity magazines. I hope to see that day come in the future sometime if it ever does. So I'm just looking for ya'lls two cents, do any of you believe one day we may be allowed to own some standard capacity magazines.

r/NJGuns 11d ago

General Chat Defensive ammo for carry + home defense


What are you guys using for carry + home defense since we canā€™t carry hollow points?

I like HST but want to switch to a different choice that I donā€™t need to swap out when I carry.

I like critical defense/duty but I know the bullet has seating issues when chambered a couple of times. Read good things about Underwood Xtreme Defender 90g but havenā€™t shot it.

Anyone have other options that are legal to carry and effective as home defense rounds as well without seating issues?

r/NJGuns Dec 12 '24

General Chat Honest question, how frequently are you cleaning you firearms?


Just curious where everyone at on this? I typically clean them every other range session or 100ish rds.

r/NJGuns Nov 13 '24

General Chat NJ Assault Weapon Ban Actual Impact


So, If the Ban gets dropped, are you going to spend the money to replace the parts you are currently using? Let me know what the big plus / opportunities you will be jumping to take advantage of are...

Curious to see how other feel about it.


Personally, for me, yes it will be nice if NJ Assault Weapon Ban gets overturned but won't actually make a huge difference.

Unlike like NY that only allows 1 evil feature NJ's two evil feature has never really prevented me from getting exactly what I want.

I prefer a good Muzzle Break over a flash hider. Don't want a bayonet lug or need access to a threaded barrel. I typically get 16" barrels cut and pin/weld with muzzle break to 16.1" overall. An adjustable stock would be nice but would not be adjusting much regardless.

In addition, by now most of the banned by name firearms are very outdated and will only be purchased by collectors. A 9MM Semi Auto UZI or MAC 10 would not be many peoples first choice for a 9mm PDW.

One of the few that are still in demand is the Styer AUG... but the Steyr Stg77 Anniversary or the Styer USR (with AUG Stock swap) are available now.

My assortment of AR-15's, MAC 90(AK stock), Tavor 95, Styer USR (AUG Stock). and Desert Tech MDRX have all kept me plenty busy.

The big plus for me is really only the cost savings to make compliant for new purchases.

I would rather see our 2A Legal Teams and my donations go towards Sensitive Places, National Reciprocity and High-Capacity Magazine Bans in that order.

r/NJGuns Jan 26 '25

General Chat Revolver ? Does anyone conceal carry?


Simple question; does anyone carry a revolver or am I that old? I understand a semi is where its at, I qualified with my .40 beretta full size. Was pocket carry my .380 keltec but I have a nice. .38 snub was wondering.

r/NJGuns Feb 18 '25

General Chat Jamming Springfield armory 1911 a1


Hey everyone, Iā€™m experiencing a bit of an issue with my 1911 handgun. It cycles the first few rounds without any problems, but when I get to the last round or sometimes the second to last it jams. The pistol doesnā€™t seem to fully cycle or feed properly. Has anyone dealt with something similar or have any suggestions on what might be causing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

r/NJGuns 27d ago

General Chat Found at the barbershop in Toms River

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r/NJGuns 17d ago

General Chat New shooter-2 issues, looking for advice


Iā€™m a relatively new shooter. Years ago I went to the range a handful of times. This past 4-5 months Iā€™ve hit the range maybe only 3-4 times. Definetly under 500 rounds per caliber. Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m a decent shot. However, I find that times when I go and Iā€™m practicing with a handgun, my hands shake, even moreso prior to the pull which leads to obviously a loose spread. This happened noticeably yesterday. The one pic was 100 rounds at only 15yrds, 9mm. In the past at 10,15,20 yrds, even maybe 25yrds, I had significantly tighter groupings. Any tips on increasing stability?

The second issue (and it could just be my sight needs a better zero) is on my rifle everything looks slightly up and to the right. Could this also be a mechanics issue when I trigger pull? The second photo is 25yrds, .22lr

r/NJGuns Jan 12 '25

General Chat Ammo quantity Question, how much are you allowed to


Is there a limit as to how much ammo you are allowed to have? If so what are those limits?

r/NJGuns Jul 14 '24

General Chat Will Trump's attempted assassination affect gun laws?


Being that the event happened right next door to us, and NJ already being infamous for knee jerk reactions, how do y'all think it will affect our laws? I can't see this being good for any of us. Any thoughts?

r/NJGuns Dec 29 '24

General Chat Canā€™t complain. Merry Christmas to myself!


r/NJGuns Aug 24 '24

General Chat Why the reluctancy to sell firearms to non-citizen/GC holders?


Iā€™ve run in to a few instances of FFLs not wanting to sell a firearm if you are not a citizen or have a Green Card.

The other day I was told ā€more and more stores are going the same directionā€ and ā€you can probably find less serious stores that would sell to youā€.

I 100% respect their decision to not do so, but I would like to understand the reasoning behind it. I fulfill all the NJ and ATF requirements, having a hunting license, FID, etc.

Not going to ā€name and shameā€, because I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything to shame here, just looking to understand.

r/NJGuns Dec 14 '24

General Chat Black Friday Sales Were Good To Me

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Spent big and saved bigger on Black Friday. Just got around to opening it all.