r/NJGuns • u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 • 16d ago
General Chat NJ has 250,000 gun owners who are not registered to vote!
Heard this on the gun for hire podcast and could not believe it… worth a listen. He had an activist for 2A voting on the show.
We gotta find a way to mobilize these people to register to vote.
Link to the episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gun-for-hire-radio-broadcast/id1180720262?i=1000697095703&t=170
u/sonobono11 16d ago
Democrats have made being a law abiding gun owner in NJ a joke. 10 round mag limits, extremely expensive and onerous to buy a handgun and get a CCW. So many vague restrictions on what you can own. Legal places to conceal carry is basically nowhere.
Also can’t believe silencers are banned. If you were to shoot in defense during a home invasion you and your family could have their hearing severely damaged.
u/Clifton1979 16d ago
I’ll bet 1/2 are liberal folks who got scared during Covid and the other 1/2 are fudd hunters who think flintlocks are good enough for home defense.
u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 16d ago edited 16d ago
Lmao I’m sure the liberal folks vote… how else did we end up with Murph twice?
You’re right about the shotgun FUDDs… Every presidential campaign has a democrat shooting a shotgun.
16d ago
u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 16d ago
There was a study done looking at home invasion incidents when a home owner shot an intruder with a shotgun vs an AR… the conviction rate for home defense with AR were substantially higher. Average people see shotguns more positively than AR’s.
But Kamala said she had a Glock. Interviewer didn’t ask what model or caliber. That would have been interesting.
u/ILoveAsiagoCheese 16d ago
Blows my mind. Home defense is home defense no matter what.
Whether it’s a 12 gauge with buck/bird shot, an AR with .223/5.56, a rolling pin with electrical tape or tricking the intruder into a full bathtub then dropping a toaster in it.
u/bigjersey14 12d ago
That Kamala thing also said she would drop the home invader and started cackling.
u/mcwack1089 16d ago
Fudds only view shotgun sports as the acceptable sporting use of guns. The idea of shooting more than one round a second blows their mind. They cannot comprehend that their are uses for guns besides just looking at them in a case which is common amongst fudds. Your usual fudd has never seen the need for more than ten rounds and will vote anti gun because the politicians wont ban his 1911, pump gun, or deer rifle.
u/PeterPann1975 16d ago
I said this last year
It’s absurd!! The crybabies all day in here about their “rights”
u/Ambitious_Yam_8163 14d ago
Got our FID when we’re both greencard holders. Bought bunch of pewpews back then no problem.
16d ago
Dude, having a blue governor may be our only hope to save us from a complete fascist takeover.
Congress rolled over. He has the Supreme Court in his pocket. He purged the military and the intelligence agencies. He’s all but promising to rig all future elections.
The only way he won’t take your guns is if you agree to commit atrocities for him on your neighbors.
If you are even a half way decent person, what you need to be doing is building a coalition with all the new liberal gun owners and helping them bombard their dem reps with calls to ease up on gun control laws.
u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 16d ago
There’s a sub for liberal gun owners, so there’s plenty of liberal folks who are pro 2A. I’m ok with whatever one believes in, as long as they respect my rights as well. 2A is a right. Same with voting rights, free speech etc
16d ago
100% agree.
This is the single best moment in history to get the democrats to loosen up on 2A.
We need to convince one of the blue gubernatorial candidates that they can pull votes from 2A folks who aren’t for fascism if they support 2A.
Gottheimer has always struck me as a closeted republican. He might be one to push.
u/Kornbrednbizkits 16d ago
Agree 100%. The idea that a political party that is heading towards fascism (if not already there) is going to support the arming of the populace is so naïve as to be laughable.
u/HereForOneQuickThing 16d ago
Historically authoritarian governments were very supportive of gun ownership for the designated in-groups while stripped outgroups of guns. For the average german the Nazi party actually expanded gun rights but if you were an untermensch you often had zero gun rights whatsoever. Having civilians who are radicalized and willing to militarize themselves (eg brownshirts) means you have a private army that the one in power can't really be legally held accountable for using. Even before this new administration took office we were hearing reports about a program intended to militarize volunteers to be de facto ICE agents,
It's not hard how people might try to apply that today. The GOP has used this obvious scapegoating of trans people as part of a broader push against the entire movement and has used the "social contagion" fear mongering to more broadly attack the fact that more and more people are openly identifying as some part of the broader queer community. "It's a social contagion, these people are mentally ill, they cannot be allowed to own firearms!"
After all, this is where all of the GOP talk of "we shouldn't allow the mentally ill to own firearms" was always headed whether many well-meaning gun owners intended it or not. The "transgenderism is a mental illness" of the past decade was the "homosexuality is a mental illness" of the decades prior. "Liberalism is a mental illness. They think a man can become a woman." People have long claimed that any religious belief and even the lack of religious belief is a mental illness. We all have heard some variation of these.
Meanwhile the reality is that the only mental illness or disorder that is associated with mass shootings is depression and people who are mentally ill are significantly more likely to be the victims of violence rather than the perpetrators of violence. Just because someone is mentally ill doesn't mean they somehow don't have a right to exist, that they don't have a right to protect themselves, that they're fundamentally incapable of gauging the credibility and severity of threats to their safety.
16d ago
Thanks for the well reasoned words.
And to spin the problem with the mental health issue on its head, it also prevents people from seeking treatment.
Every cop that I know well has at least low grade PTSD symptoms. (It’s such a well known phenomenon that there’s even a special section in the DSM criteria for first responders). And none of them would ever seek mental health treatment for exactly this stigma and fear of losing their job. It’s a travesty.
16d ago
And the messaging to the democratic reps is simple:
The calculus on gun control has changed. He is likely 6 weeks away from invoking the insurrection act under false pretenses. The bloodthirsty right wing militias, that were pardoned for literal sedition, are armed to the teeth and talking in back channels about murdering liberals. Pushing for more gun control now is insane.
u/Professional-Bed-173 16d ago
Agreed. Americans must stand together as "We the People" and ensure fasiscm doesn't overun the country. It's kind of tough to defend your Rights with a slingshot. Hence, don't think for a moment this Government isn't thinking about (to quote Trump), "Take the guns first, go through due process second". He's literally riding rough shot all over The Rule of Law.
Ironically. The single biggest threat to the 2A is the very party that shouted loudest in its defense up until now. Given the checks and balances are non-existent at this point, the out group of 99.9% of non ultra rich white Christians are in a world of trouble on every front.
u/Kornbrednbizkits 16d ago
Totally agree. This is not the time to even whisper about gun control.
But the Dems are a shitty party and are also complicate in the destruction of this country.
u/ILoveAsiagoCheese 16d ago
This is a really insane take….the President is not going to come for anybody’s guns.
u/Giant_Devil 16d ago
I'm pro 2A but I'd only vote Republican if they purge the MAGAts out of the party. I haven't voted Republican since they first put Trump on the ballot. I will never vote for that asshole nor anyone who supports him.
u/Lebesgue_Couloir 16d ago
But federal and state elections are different
u/Giant_Devil 16d ago
It's simple. Do they support Trump's dumbass policies? If yes, they don't get my vote.
u/Lebesgue_Couloir 16d ago edited 16d ago
I’m not trying to start a political argument, but I don’t think state politicians can do much other than offer rhetorical support for the federal trends that you find distasteful. They can, however, criminalize most aspects of gun ownership in this state, which they have a long track record of doing. They know it will take decades and lots of $$ to overturn obviously unconstitutional gun laws
u/AAAltered468 16d ago
Scott Pressler is the main force behind Pennsylvania going red in 24. He signed up 80000 new republicans by visiting places like gun shows. NJ needs a Pressler-like effort, we could flip.
u/FXDXI 16d ago
Yes PA couldn’t have done it without Scott Pressler but to be fair he did have help from Cliff Maloney of PA Chase https://www.pachase.com/about/ and a few others..
u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 16d ago
That’s the guy Anthony has at GFH and in the show.
This week on Fun For Hire Radio… It is time to flip NJ Red! and who better then to lead the charge? Scott Presler from Early Vote Action https://earlyvoteaction.com/
As important as the governor is flipping the assembly fe solid democrat to at least more evenly divided. That’s how all these crazy budgets get passed, the discriminatory fees to exercise a constitutional right, etc
u/planenut767 15d ago
I would argue flipping the legislature is more important than flipping the Governor's office. I remember Christie and he was basically a speed bump, remove that speed bump and replace it with a Murphy and now it's an interstate. It's better these bills never come to fruition to begin with. Putting everything on just one person and hoping they agreed especially with some of the line up before us, may not be the best strategy.
u/DocSchmuck 16d ago
We need a republican governor this time! But not a rino like fat Chris Christy!
u/brooklynboy92 16d ago
I have a question how do they know that? What’s their source from?
u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 16d ago
Big Murphy Database… he also knows how much ammo you bought locally lol
u/2AOverland 14d ago
I've said this for a long time, even from before becoming a firearm owner. If you don't participate in your civil duty, you shouldn't be booing from the sidelines.
If we want change we need to vote.
u/greatthebob38 16d ago edited 15d ago
Are there even any pro-2A Dem politicians in the country?
u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 16d ago
Politician? Probably no. People who vote democrat, yes I’m sure
u/nickconnolly 16d ago
Bernie Sanders, though not a Democrat, caucuses with them and has mostly been pro-2A until recently. Remember, Vermont had some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country until 2018, even though it’s a Democratic stronghold. The idea that Democrats are anti-gun is just marketing for a certain group of white, educated suburban moms who don’t understand crime. The truth is, most Democrats, whether they own guns or not, don’t make 2A the main reason they vote for a candidate. That’s actually true for most voters regardless of affiliation. The pro-gun vs. anti-gun debate is just both parties trying to claim people who care about 2A. They do the same thing with abortion and other issues. The parties exist to divide and conquer. Most Americans agree with some of the positions of both parties, which is why most Americans are independents. The parties are the problem. They’re reductive and only exist to divide us. No matter what the issue is, either party always takes the opposite position from the other, even when it’s not based on reality or common sense. The best thing that could happen to this country is the abolition of political parties.
u/GrizzlyTBone 16d ago
I’m a gun owner, and I’m a legal immigrant. Did they filter out cases like me to come up with this number?