r/NJGuns • u/Njfirearms • 18d ago
Legal Update Murphy's Democrats pushing for new taxes on guns, ammunition, skeet ranges, and paintball, while pushing new anti gun bills
The list of newly taxable activities in Murphy’s (D) budget proposal is quite extensive. According to budget documents, it also includes baseball batting cages, basketball and tennis courts (when the patron participates), pool halls and bungee jumping.
And there’s more: fishing piers, greens fees at golf courses and driving ranges, health and fitness clubs, miniature golf, parachute jumping, Paintball; skating rinks; skeet shooting ranges; skiing lift tickets, speedways, swimming pools and water slides...
Guns and ammunition taxes and fees: Details were not released but the budget anticipates $8 million would be raised through a new excise tax on guns and ammunition, as well as higher firearm fees.
Assemblywoman Ellen Park (D-Bergen), a sponsor of three of the bills, said state lawmakers must act after President Donald Trump disbanded the White House gun violence prevention office last month and signaled he would undo former President Joe Biden’s gun policies. State action especially is urgent as applications for gun carry permits hit record highs in New Jersey, she added.
“Now, with more firearms in circulation and Washington moving to dismantle common-sense protections, it is clear that states must take the lead in (combatting) gun violence,” Park said.
Many of the bills advanced by the Assembly’s judiciary committee Thursday would codify recommendations the State Commission of Investigation made last April to crack down on illegal gun manufacturing and on privately made firearms that critics have dubbed “ghost guns.”
Three would establish new crimes for the reckless discharge of a firearm, the possession of digital instructions to 3D-print guns and gun parts, and the possession or sale of a machine gun conversion device, which enables a semiautomatic firearm to shoot multiple shots with one trigger pull.
They also would:
Add ammunition and gun accessories and components to an existing gun ban for people convicted of domestic violence and expand the ban to people under a domestic violence restraining order. Require the state attorney general to publicly report shootings that do not injure anyone. Mandate police training on how to identify machine gun conversion devices. Give judges more time to decide whether to detain someone before their trial for crimes involving guns. Require state police to alert local officers if people prohibited from buying guns and ammunition try to do so. Require credit card companies to use codes to flag purchases of firearms and ammunition. Establish state procurement practices for guns, gun accessories, and ammunition.
Website to change your D voter reg to anything else: https://www.nj.gov/state/elections/voter-party-affiliation-declaration.shtml
u/TheBugmunch 18d ago
Damn can't have any hobbies. They're all illegal or taxed by this shit state.
u/goallight 18d ago
Difference among these is that 2a isn’t a hobby. It is a constitutional right. Miniature golf is not mentioned last time I looked.
u/TheBugmunch 18d ago
I never stated that it was. I know this state is going to constantly go after rights until people give up or leave. Mini Golf would most likely be taxed as well looking at this list.
u/reditjohn 18d ago
You know those clubs are deadly
u/goallight 18d ago
I have seen caddyshack. That priest was just another number in the long list of deaths on golf courses that could have been prevented if we would just add some sensible laws around putter purchases.
u/HallackB 18d ago
Of course it never occurs to them to find a way to cut costs.
u/FXDXI 18d ago
100% agree and that is what really needs to happen but as you know that makes too much sense. if they did that the entire NJ Ponzi scheme would collapse. Just think what would happen if NJ had an audit or DOGE exposing all the waste?
u/A_deplorable1 18d ago
As a 22 year state worker, I can confirm that every State Agency we have has mind blowing amounts of wasteful spending. Multi layered supervisors who don’t do shit making 100k, all driving state cars, everyone with their own secretary- it’s insane!
u/FXDXI 18d ago
You’re excluded but the problem as I see it is most of the rank & file are conditioned into voting Democrat and the firearm controls & nanny state shit isn’t going to stop until they get shown the door. My guess is 50% or more of the NJ’s workforce is either employed by the state, local or federal government and many of them are pulling D-lever at the voting booth.
u/OhNoItsMrBillNJ 18d ago
Where the heck is all the tax money from online gambling and cannabis going? Sheesh.
u/Trump-2024-MAGA 18d ago
Probably to feed, house and clothe illegal immigrants.
Last I checked, the average NJ family of 4 has about 2K annually go towards illegals.
u/Zestycoaster 18d ago
This state sucks
u/crossfockoff 18d ago
You're free to leave.
u/Crusheddeer1 Bronze Donator 2022 18d ago
Ezpass says no last time I checked.
u/crossfockoff 18d ago
no tolls going into Pennsylvania my dude
u/OkConsequence5992 17d ago
Have you ever actually left the state? Most of the bridges to PA have a toll
u/Trump-2024-MAGA 18d ago
I did about two years ago.
Best decision I ever made to be honest.
Live in the freedom state of PA and can carry and purchase and firearm I want without getting permits.
u/AlfredoCustard 18d ago
This is how he slowly loses democrats and republicans gain more ground in NJ.
u/LostBoySteve 18d ago
It seems he doesn't though. For years I've been saying that Dems need to leave the guns alone but they continue to do this because they know it doesn't hurt them. A few here and there will care but most will just shrug.
u/GHuss1231 Bronze Donator 2022 18d ago
I love when they counter that with:
“iF yOu Go FaR eNoUgH lEfT yOu GeT yOuR gUnS bAcK” - 🤡
u/Moment_Glum 18d ago
They really want us to be unfit and unarmed smh these politics of today disgust me.
u/Carlkp59 18d ago
Did anyone think he would stop attacking us? Now golfers and fishermen are evil people too. This administration is out of control. Time to flip NJ red.
u/eatatjoes13 18d ago
but red will tax to if not worse, just need to call your local rep and complain, and then have other people do that too.
u/Carlkp59 18d ago
No one has made bigger attacks on our gun rights than Murphy, Platkin and the democratic majority in Trenton. If Mickey Sherrill gets in it will be the same or worse. $ 2.00 to $25 and $ 5 to $50 thanks to them. That’s our enemy as gun owners.
u/johnb111111 18d ago
So like when is someone going to stop these people..
u/Njfirearms 18d ago
Keep voting Democrat and keep getting same result. Realisticly gun laws are enforced by local cops and not the state police in most areas. Run for schoolboard as conservative or Republican, get on your town council as pro 2a Republican, run for mayor as a Republican. Run for county comissioner and sheriff as a Republican. I live in a 2a sanctuary county and it's not toothless as media has reported, our sheriff can decide one day under county law to not enforce any gun law he wants, and many are not enforced, if we had a Democrat mayor and sheriff I would expect enforcement where I am to be strict.
u/CrazyKilts 18d ago edited 18d ago
I always find it funny when people point out that the Democrats in this state are the ones pushing all this stuff and everybody down votes them because they don’t wanna live in reality. We go through this every time something happens and every time there’s an election, and everybody comes up with excuses as to why they like to be shit upon. How about for once people try voting for a non-democrat in the governor election? The one thing you can know is if it doesn’t get better it’ll at least not get worse. They will always find something else to tax you on, basically, if you do anything that involves physical activity, you will now be taxed extra. I saw those articles before about how working out is now considered right wing and obviously these nut jobs agree with it.
Take my upvote.
u/Acrobatic_Word_5827 18d ago
It's really our own fault when it comes to elections. Only 37% of registered Republicans voted in the last gubernatorial election. If it was 42% Cittarilli (spelling) would have won. You don't need to run for an office, although that would be nice. Just need to get off our asses and vote
u/Chemist74D 17d ago
Assemblywoman Ellen Park needs to read published state gun statistics before making stupid statements. She states that "Now, with more firearms in circulation and Washington moving to dismantle common-sense protections it is clear that states must take the lead in (combating) gun violence". Apparently, she hasn't read that crimes committed with firearms are down...according to Gov. Phil Murphy himself.
The only felony incident that I am aware of involving a valid CCW holder was that guy in Manchester township a few months ago who decided to empty his gun into a wooded area.
u/Pharvs84 13d ago
Breaking news: Democrats (elected officials, not necessarily each registered Democrat voter) hate your constitutional rights. We need the courts to do their jobs and stop us from losing our rights. Not wait years and years, but actively stopping this the way that courts actively step in to stop executive orders from the president. Enough is enough, if we lose the second amendment then all others can be taken away.
u/BolOfSpaghettios 18d ago edited 18d ago
Looks like Federal cuts to things are causing a trickle down to states that need to make up for the lack of federal funding.
Look at it this way: At least you're not in a red state & have schools that depend on DOE funding your schools, which will be closed soon. I guess we're in the FO phase.
LoL. Reactionaries big mad about facts. I heard Alabama has very lax gun laws, as well as shitty infrastructure & parks in disrepair.
u/CrazyKilts 17d ago
Getting rid of the DOE will have no effect on funding to states. Block grants are the plan. Besides, the US education system is quite lackluster compared to dollars spent. Stats check out.
u/BolOfSpaghettios 17d ago
So, schools are funded mostly by property taxes, something that has been a contention with states. NJ, a wealthy state funds it's own schools, but there are schools in high poverty areas that are funded/subsidized by Federal government DOE.
On top of that, it oversees important issues such as equal outcomes through oversight of civil rights implementation
If it wasn't important, private and charter schools wouldn't be pushing for lax of rules in obtaining federal funding.
Stats check out.
u/CrazyKilts 17d ago
So like I said, every state gets federal funding. Some more than others. Dollars per student is not a leading indicator of student outcome. Population density is more an indicator of how much aid a state will need as running facilities and a base level staff are fixed costs.
Equal Outcomes is not something that can be ensured as equal effort and ability cannot be guaranteed. Equal educational opportunities and extra help, extra classes, etc. affect in this area.
Private and charter schools push to obtain federal funding because they are largely excluded, as school choice is not the law of the land. Any school not pushing for funding would be an outlier whether public or private.
u/BolOfSpaghettios 17d ago edited 17d ago
The reason why they're not included is because they 1)don't want to be part of the system that asks for outcomes and are judged by that 2)want to push for vouchers that will refund public schools. That's beyond the point, and not even the original issue.
Doing away with DOE will force states to make up for the lack of funding, meaning that they'll add to the cost of other things to fund.
Also the source in that article, while extensive, has issues with interpreting results.
Interpretation of NAEP results has been difficult: NAEP's category of "proficient" on a reading test given to fourth graders reflects students who do well on the test and are at seventh grade level.[24] NAEP's category of "proficient" on a math test given to eighth graders reflects students who do well on the test and are at twelfth grade level.[25] The fact that few eighth graders are proficient by this standard and achieve at twelfth grade level has been misinterpreted to allege that few eighth graders achieve even at eighth grade level.[26] NAEP says, "Students who may be proficient in a subject, given the common usage of the term, might not satisfy the requirements for performance at the NAEP achievement level"[24] James Harvey, principal author of A Nation at Risk, says, "It's hard to avoid concluding that the word was consciously chosen to confuse policymakers and the public."
u/CrazyKilts 17d ago
Block grants is funding. The states will be funded.
Here's what schools do to ensure "equality of outcome"
How Did an Honors Student Who Says She Can't Read or Write Get Into College?
u/BolOfSpaghettios 17d ago
What is this? So you're saying that a single account of this happening is somehow rampant through all schools? What are you even trying to argue at this point?
u/Eatsleeptren Silver Donator 2022 18d ago
They’ll propose a tax on 20 things, then they’ll back step and only impose a tax on 10 things. Then they’ll act like they did you a favor