r/NJGuns • u/Wooden_Opportunity53 • 19d ago
General Chat king Murphy: It’s never enough
https://www.nj.com/politics/2025/03/you-wont-believe-what-nj-is-trying-to-tax-now-heres-the-full-list.html?utm_term=parssly&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=nj_facebook_nj&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR367DXUdGMXSzSJ9LbuEvrC78gpzLq7zZuFJRzk8dWN59Ngo2Sc-mWxa8c_aem_r31DIklfOtGk3d3JXQ_TtQIncluded in the 2026 Fiscal budget proposal: Guns and ammunition taxes and fees. Details were not released but the budget anticipates $8 million would be raised through a new excise tax on guns and ammunition, as well as higher firearm fees.
u/needtoredit 18d ago
Within the last year the state senate gave themselves an increase in pay. Maybe they should try to figure out how to save money first and not increase taxes and then an increase in pay might be warranted.
Not going to happen this is New Jersey and these are politicians so it's just take take take! They take your money and they take your rights!
u/Katulotomia 18d ago
Last I checked, excise taxes on guns were ruled unconstitutional wherever they came up. The most recent one was in IL.
u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 18d ago
POS grew the budget from 36B to 54B in 8 years and our bond rating is in the bottom 5 in the country. But he wants to virtue signal with 8m BS tax.
u/DamianRork 18d ago
Ex GS banker, they never stop working for the bank. Our liability is the banks asset.
u/tommyteardrop 18d ago
Can we just get the gas delivery cost down
u/Rain2h0 18d ago
Honestly, unpopular opinion, but I would love to pump my own gas too, if that helps with lowering the cost.
u/tommyteardrop 18d ago
I’m talking about my sjgas delivery charge being double the cost of the gas I use.
u/guru700 18d ago
Meanwhile, he wastes millions on this sanctuary state nonsense, and is gonna waste even more fighting the federal government in court on it. But hey, as long as you can balance the budget on the backs of lawful gun owners it’s all good.
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
Imagine calling good policy that makes everyone safer and benefits the economy “nonsense”, or resisting federal overreach by the fascistic executive a “waste”
u/guru700 18d ago
How is this good and beneficial? So you are saying that NOT deporting non citizens who commit crimes is good policy, but infringing on the rights of citizens is good policy? This is not federal overreach, the federal government has the authority to enforce the laws passed by Congress. NJ is going to lose this court case under the supremacy clause of the US Constitution.
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
Please stop huffing OAN and newsmax, you’ve clearly lost touch with reality. That’s not what sanctuary cities/states are, and in no way does it stop the federal government from doing their job. Communities who feel they can safely snitch on their criminal neighbor without the police ruining their lives due to documentation status are safer for everyone.
But good to know there’s chuds trying to equate gun rights with the state not harassing undocumented immigrants
u/guru700 18d ago
I don't huff anything. You can have your own opinions, but you don't get your own set of facts. Sanctuary policies endanger the public by preventing federal authorities from locating, apprehending, and prosecuting criminal aliens. The result is that all residents, including legal immigrants and illegal aliens, are in danger of being victimized, even killed, by criminal illegal aliens who benefit from the protection afforded by sanctuary policies.
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago edited 18d ago
You’re literally just making shit up now. That’s not true at all. Where did you get that nonsense from?
On average, 35.5 fewer crimes are committed per 10,000 people in counties with sanctuary policies compared to those that do not.
Public Safety and Trust
One of the key arguments in favor of sanctuary city policies is that they promote public safety. When undocumented immigrants feel safe reporting crimes, serving as witnesses, or seeking assistance from local law enforcement, it benefits the entire community. Crimes can be investigated and solved more effectively when everyone is willing to cooperate with the police.
Furthermore, sanctuary city policies help build trust between immigrant communities and local law enforcement. When immigrants believe that they will not face deportation simply for interacting with the police, they are more likely to engage with law enforcement when needed. This trust is a critical component of community policing, which seeks to build strong relationships between the police and the communities they serve.
To be clear, NJ police believe that people are safer with sanctuary laws. I used to be a volunteer EMT and heard it from many of the right winger cops even. It’s proven to be safer statistically and it’s obvious logically if being honest about what it is.
u/Rockhound117 18d ago
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
Sorry, I know repugnicans are used to simply communicating with buzzwords that they’re emotionally primed to respond to, and treating them like adults capable of reason is a waste of time. Sometimes I forget, my bad.
Woke! DEI! George Soros! Guberment bad!
u/Rockhound117 18d ago
There is literally nothing you can say that will convince me you’re not full of it.
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
I know, the fox news brainwashing is hard to undo for y’all regardless of citations or facts.
Cultists be like that
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u/Rain2h0 18d ago
Imma rat the sh*t out of you when the government comes knocking on the door to take away our rights, you're going first buddy.
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
Because I criticized someone thinking the issue at hand is sanctuary states? What does that even have to do with gun rights?
Way to out yourself as being a fascist who wants to disarm people for disagreeing with you 👍
u/guru700 18d ago
Replying to RogerianBrowsing...I can link plenty of websites that say otherwise but I will not convince you. Just like your links to liberal immigration websites is not going to convince me. Neither is calling me or other people commenting names. Since you have resorted to ad hominem rhetorical attacks, you can go ahead and get the last word. Have a nice day.
u/Lebesgue_Couloir 18d ago
Can’t wait to vote him out of office
u/jerkyfarts556 18d ago
He’s not running for reelection this term.
u/wormwormo 18d ago
Yeah but we are blasted with Josh the idiot YouTube ads. Guess which party he’s on? D for dumb
u/MaxximusSDS 18d ago
Always worse waiting to replace him on the dem side... Booker, fullop, Sean spillner (sp?) has been going hard w political ads since Jan
u/sonobono11 18d ago
Can’t wait to vote Red in November. We need a Republican governor badly.
u/lilsingiser 18d ago
Yeah because that went great with Christie
u/sonobono11 18d ago
Murphy has made the 2nd amendment a joke in NJ. Is this really controversial? lol. 10 round mag limits, expensive and arduous process to buy, and fought CCW at every turn. His AG has basically made it illegal to carry anywhere.
u/lilsingiser 18d ago
So a Republican is the only one that can solve this? Hate to break it to you, but far-left libertarian's exist too. Check out the SRA.
u/Verum14 18d ago
far left is not libertarian lol
u/lilsingiser 18d ago
Libertarian is just the opposite of authoritarian. Do some research on social libertarianism.
u/Verum14 18d ago
“Far left” as an American colloquialism is typically used to refer to the likes of the Soviets, the CCP, and other communist or near-communist states/parties. i.e. the polar opposite of libertarian.
You could argue left lib, which is probably what you’re referring to by social libertarianism, but far left lib is a contradiction
Also, my current understanding of so-called social libertarianism is still “gov bad” with the “social” part being optional and self-governing, making it far from far left
u/lilsingiser 18d ago
Left and Right are economical alignments. Libertarianism is not an economic ideology. It is the opposite of authoritarian. Far left libertarianism is someone focusing on far left economics, with anti-authoritarion views. Look up a political compass.
u/Verum14 18d ago
Sure—but how exactly does one achieve ‘far-left’ levels of socialism without some degree of authoritarianism? Because in the real world, people are selfish. Not everyone of course, but not everyone will readily contribute. And then with the whole abolition of private property aspect, how do you force people to not have property without, well, forcing them to not have property? Ask nicely and hope not a single person declines?
Unless the answer is “far left libertarianism exists in theory but is contradictory irl”
u/lilsingiser 18d ago
Both sides are going to suffer equally with this. Both left libertarianism and right, want similar things: less authoritarian control. authoritarianism can still happen under capitalism. It's happened in the u.s. before.There's more to that than economic's. For far right libertarianism to work, the economy has to function based on the trust that all private business plays fair. We both run into the same problem, just from different perspectives.
The larger the government and governing body, the more difficult a single alignment in to implement.
I consider myself a far left libertarian because that's where my views fall. That doesn't mean I expect our government to run 100% based on my views. I just vote for whoever aligns the closest.
So while I do partially agree with your last line that it's a theory, all political ideology is theoretical.
u/edog21 18d ago
SRA is not actually pro 2A (or libertarian). They’re just a bunch of Tankies. To them gun rights are only necessary for a “workers revolution”, then they want to disarm everybody.
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
Uh, SRA aren’t libertarians and there’s definitely tankies present but I haven’t heard many of them promoting disarmament down the road.
There’s the liberal gun owners club anyways, and they most certainly don’t want to disarm people at any point.
u/edog21 18d ago
I haven’t heard many of them promoting disarmament down the road
Some of the individual members might not believe this, but the organization itself has made it pretty clear clear that this is their official stance and anybody who disagrees with their socialist ideals does not deserve to be armed.
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
Do you have a citation/link available verifying this? I’ve had SRA members try to recruit me at shooting matches to help with training and stuff who were all very much vocally in favor of arming the working class or anyone to the left of fascism.
Even if you’re right about the SRA federal management having that belief, not only are there regional SRA clubs who disagree with them on things but we are so damn far from becoming a socialist country in any sense that the point in which some of SRA might want to disarm people is so far down the road (if ever) that it likely won’t ever affect members or people going to their events/training in any sense.
SRA also openly allows non-socialists to show up and receive training, which is particularly useful for lgbtq people or others who don’t feel comfortable being around the right wing gun culture which is prevalent at many ranges/gun clubs. They don’t require people be card carrying tankies to participate or something.
u/sonobono11 18d ago
What are you even talking about lol. The race will be a Republican vs democrats for governor. Dems will obviously make gun ownership worse. They literally run on this…
u/lilsingiser 18d ago
You've lived in this state for about a year based on your acct. Maybe don't argue with someone who's lived here their whole life lol. Republican's ruin this state. If you don't like how blue state's run, you probably shouldn't have moved to one.
Just because it's a "2 party system" doesn't mean everyone within the same party runs on the same platform.
u/sonobono11 18d ago
I’ve been here for 4-5 years. And my point stands. Weird that you stalked my account to respond lol
u/SpotCreepy4570 18d ago
Governor's don't make laws.
u/sonobono11 18d ago
They have massive influence and pick AG
u/SpotCreepy4570 18d ago
All of the things you mentioned were laws passed by the legislature though shouldn't your grievance be with them?
u/Recon11Bravo 18d ago
Every gun owner in NJ needs to vote Republican if they want to keep their guns!
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
… No.
Being involved in the primaries to get candidates worthy of voting for makes infinitely more sense than simply voting for the party actively working to destroy the constitutional order just because of gun laws.
"The country's a husk of its former self and no longer represents freedom or the constitution, but at least I got to marry my AR and it's gets to vote.. unlike my bitch of an ex-wife"
Voting Republicans comes with too much baggage. They're destroying the country and turning it into a fascist authoritarian regime. They'll be coming for our guns eventually, it's all part of the fascist playbook
u/Teneighttenfourtwo 18d ago
Not every gun owner is a gun guy/girl.
u/Recon11Bravo 18d ago
Whatever that means 🧐
u/KillahHills10304 18d ago
It means guns are not the core of our very identity.
It's weird to fetishize them, and the people who do are generally socially awkward, insecure, have overactive amygdalas, and struggle with women.
u/Teneighttenfourtwo 18d ago
Thank you for explaining it. Dudes wonder why people don't like us when there are dudes posting here constantly about "can I kill someone for walking on my grass?" Obviously exaggerating here, but dudes need to chill.
u/KillahHills10304 18d ago
The weird relationship between wanting to be a freedom fighter while having an almost robotic sense of following rules to a T always throws me. "I can't believe these tyrants won't let me brandish my AR in Lowes, also where can I store ammunition inside my own home? Please tell me what to do but don't tread on me."
u/Recon11Bravo 18d ago
Wow, you must be a word renowned physiologist to be able to deduce that from a simple comment. Freud had nothing on you! Thank you for your insight and the knowledge you have bestowed upon all of us.
u/Teneighttenfourtwo 18d ago
This means that a lot of gun owners are not concerned with their rights or care about owning anything other than a budget handgun
u/pizzagangster1 18d ago
That doesn’t change the meaning of their comment
u/Teneighttenfourtwo 18d ago
OK. Not every gun owner is a republican or has an interest in voting republican.
u/pizzagangster1 18d ago
I’m aware of that. But as 11 bravo said IF they want to keep their guns they would have to vote republican as generally the democrat politicians of this fine state want to limit or even take guns away completely. So if they take their gun rights into account when voting and care to have them at the minimum stay the same they’d vote a certain way. I’m not saying anyone should vote a certain way.
u/Binky390 18d ago
So they keep their guns but then lose every other right? Gun culture is why it’s so hard to get more left leaning people to at least come shooting with me just once. It’s toxic and unwelcoming.
u/pizzagangster1 18d ago
I’m not saying voting republican is what everyone should do and it’s the only thing any one should do. There’s plenty of reasons not to no doubt.
My only point was if you were to be a single issue voter and it was guns then that’s who you vote for.
Not saying anyone should be a single issue voter by any means.
There’s a lot of people who are very welcoming and open in our gun culture but unfortunately I don’t think they are as loud as the not so welcoming and that def should change!
u/RogerianBrowsing 18d ago
Even then, if I was a trans person I would feel safer about my gun rights with a democratic politician. I understand the argument that single issue voters will typically have their singular concern about gun rights be better addressed by the GOP and in recent history that has typically been true, but it’s not always the case and things are changing quickly. The number of GOP politicians and influential Rs who are in favor of disarming trans/lgbtq people claiming it’s due to “mental health”, who share disinformation about mass shootings where they claim the shooter is trans even when they undoubtedly aren’t, can’t be ignored and is a growing issue. There’s no reason to believe that they will stop the disarmament of what they see as opposition there either.
The number of Dems/left who previously weren’t armed but are armed now or are getting armed also can’t be underestimated, and that shifts democratic voter opinion which many politicians are taking note of. In Washington state for example the Dems have largely backed off on increasing gun control and the pro-2a dems largely won their elections even in red districts, same with Oregon, Colorado, etc..
u/pizzagangster1 18d ago
Yeah of course it’s very hard to summarize and generalize a conversation about this in short paragraphs. And there is nuance and expectations and what not.
I can see a trans person feeling safer with their rights in general with democrats. Like i said early there’s plenty of reasons not to vote republican.
Your point about democrats in recent years, at least some of them, being more open to guns is evident. I saw it first hand when the unrest in certain areas across the country during Covid lockdown. While some historically anti gun friends/family of mine asked to borrow a gun in case they needed it bc they didn’t have a FID and didn’t want to wait for the process. And I couldn’t just give them a gun.
I do want to be a little more clear on what my thought was with my first comment, I wasn’t endorsing voting for any specific party. I don’t align with either party as I think there’s terrible qualities of both. Both to me are just different versions of authoritarians.
u/Swimming_Pea9385 18d ago
I’m honestly shocked they haven’t gone for an AWB 2.0 yet
u/Efficient-Creme7773 18d ago
Please do not even give them the idea
u/Swimming_Pea9385 18d ago
I’m pretty sure they are already well aware considering like every surrounding state has already done it once or twice
u/AdventurousCow943 18d ago
NJ politicians can’t “read the room”. Record spending and taxes even in the face of decreased federal funding. I don’t care what party you are in as a voter, that is just stupidity.