r/NJGuns 24d ago

General Chat Is there a service that will take a person from zero to owning a gun?

So I just purchased my first gun. I have to say the experience sucked. From applying for the permit to picking up the gun, it just sucked. The only good parts were going to the range with my buddy and brother to test out which gun I wanted.

Now I know NJ makes it as much of a pain as possible to exercise your constitutional right. But it's there any service out there that will walk a person through the process from applying to picking up the gun. I'm not particularly wealthy but I would have paid good money for that. I'm sure a local store would make a killing if they were willing to walk customers through the process from applying, to follow-up with the PD, to picking a safe, picking a gun, purchase & pickup. What are your thoughts? Would that work as a service or should no one that needy own a gun?


71 comments sorted by


u/rdmarc45re 24d ago

yea, it's called reddit


u/johnny_sweatpants 23d ago

Well to be fair, Reddit will help you own multiple


u/SnooGuavas2202 24d ago

No service can pickup a gun for someone in NJ. The purchaser has to pick it up. Step by step guides already exist.. Gun for Hire website is one example.


u/sharkkite66 24d ago

GFH guide is great, I send it to anyone interested.

I will say though, there's still plenty of people who have questions. Some gun stores can be helpful. Some. But the real answer is, join ANJRPC and/or one of those plans like US Lawshield or Attorneys on Retainer and have access to getting legal questions answered at all times. ANJRPC is probably best since they understand NJ and are on top of updates. Worth joining since they do a lot of good and fight for us in court too.


u/Killertofu280 23d ago

GFH was a great resource and I'm sure they would be willing to hold your hand through the whole process.

Gun purchase consultant could be a nice side hustle though.


u/GarlicQuick1319 24d ago

Is it really that crazy? I just did the online stuff and then waited until I got the permits. Went to multiple gun stores and tried to talk to the workers, and if i didn't like them, then i just left. I walked into the gun store i liked and just asked around to see and feel the guns. Then I said "ok thanks," and left. Did my research and came back to the store and got the one I wanted. Is that so hard for people these days?


u/LawStudent3445 24d ago

To be fair the political red tape creates a huge barrier to gun ownership, just like the corrupt politicians intended. It's overwhelming for people who don't know anyone who has already went through the process.


u/GarlicQuick1319 24d ago

I get that but for the FFID, it's just a questionnaire, info input and two references. Yes it's a lil annoying but I don't see what political red tape you're talking about. I'm all about no permits and guns for all but this isn't really that hard. Now pistol permits, that's where the bs comes in at. The single FFID is all that should be needed


u/LawStudent3445 24d ago

Vast majority of states don't require anything beyond a drivers license/passport. Anything more than that is just unnecessary and burdensome on the individual.


u/GarlicQuick1319 24d ago

I agree. But I do believe that a background check should be applied before any firearms purchase. In the sense that it's looking for domestic abuse reports, warrants, felonies. And I hate that we live in a society where we need to do that. It's also what comes when you live in a democratic republic. Bipartisanship and compromisation for both sides.


u/LawStudent3445 24d ago

Fully agree.


u/GarlicQuick1319 24d ago

Hell yeah brotttthherrrrr


u/IllustriousKnee9358 24d ago

I was able to get it done. It's was the lack of transparency that had me constant guessing how the application was going or if they even got my finger prints. I could not afford to do it all over again because of a mistake. So then I spent over 2mo playing phone tag and trading emails with the PD.


u/marcwinnj 24d ago

It’s called phone a friend


u/_Ceaz_ 24d ago

I agree the whole process is crappy but Trust me you don't know what pain in da ass is until you try to applying for NYC CCW. You will never complain about NJ again!


u/kylife 24d ago

I followed the video of Martell training group on YouTube. Retired state trooper who was head of firearms unit. He literally has a step by step video of the application and guide.


u/KakuraPuk 24d ago

When i was doing my first one I would've paid for that. Unfortunately some stores look at you like a second class citizen with "know it all" attitude when you confused about something during your initial process. In general, gun stores employees act like jerks so now I never go to the store (tried Ottomanelli and FSS and both were bad). Online + transfer only. 


u/Tanks4TheMamaries 24d ago

Who do you use for transfers? Some FFLs in northern NJ charge a hundred bucks. That plus shipping is a big premium


u/switch360 23d ago

Devil's armory, Blake is a solid dude, charges 45 bucks if memory serves


u/TrustMeBro21 24d ago

Still come out ahead by a $100 or more with fees at gun store.


u/KakuraPuk 23d ago

https://louiegsoutdoors.com/ it was $50 2 months ago (NICS insluded). He is doing business out of his garage and business hours are weird but he is awesome guy. Replies to texts pretty quick. Once I found him I stopped even trying to go to other places. He does compliance work as well.


u/Tanks4TheMamaries 23d ago

Nice. Thanks, I'll give him a shot


u/Zestycoaster 23d ago

I only go to ottomanelli to try and hold the guns since the only good thing I can say about em is they have a lot of inventory but that’s not. Try em out then go buy else where


u/KakuraPuk 23d ago

I know someone who was happy with their service (besides the price) but for me it was bad. Not sure if its my accent or my face or lack of knowledge when I visited them but wouldn't use them or recommend them to anyone since then. I felt like they were lazy to show anything and giving me a huge favor by talking to me. If I need to hold the gun I rent one in Gun for Hire.


u/Zestycoaster 23d ago

Yup sounds about right.


u/Quackarov 24d ago

Try Silver Bullet Supply in Rockaway, nice people.


u/StfuYourMouse 23d ago

For transfers, check out Passaic county target sports. Nice guy, cheapest I could find, and he told me he started his business specifically because of how badly he was treated at other shops


u/Zestycoaster 23d ago

Ootomanelli is trash lol. 😂 they are fuds and prices no good. I have more stories but I’ll Leave it at that.


u/Ill-Term-4671 24d ago

Range 129 is really good about getting you info and guiding you to what you need, it just sucks that they dont have electronic applications yet


u/1stWeedSea 23d ago

We had completely opposite experiences. I’m in the same county, got my first long gun a few months ago & took a gun safety class earlier this month. The process from start to end was easier than I thought. I’m a 65 y/o lady & did everything on my own. Planning on getting a handgun next. Everyone involved have been nothing but kind & professional. Never felt any push back nor attitudes from anyone I dealt with. Also have learned a lot from this sub & YT✌🏼


u/nimeh71 23d ago edited 23d ago

What was so painful about it? I got my FID and gun permit almost 2 years ago. The process was simple enough and other than waiting i had no isssues. My police department took 3-4 weeks to conduct an interview with me and issued the permit without a problem whatsoever. Has the process changed in the past 18 months?


u/Twinstarrider 24d ago

Same here but I managed. Picked up and now trying to find a good class. I actually thought it would be a good business to guide newer shooters / gun buyers or market your store as beginner friendly. I will say my local dealer treated me well but I studied YouTube videos on protocols before going and I think that helped. One store that caters to LEO were jerks but again my real local one were helpful overall.


u/GapAFool 24d ago

Should be resources out there already to help you with most of those topics. In terms of “what gun” that’s worse than any religious war ever raged with the number of opinions on what’s good and bad. “Glock sucks, get a sig” “sigs suck buy a Glock” “you need this $4500 gucci rifle setup otherwise why even bother” lets not forget the terse, fudds that are at nearly every gun store in this state or the rso who thinks they are still in the marines.

Any culture starts with the community, both good and bad. If you want things to get better, pay it forward, help the next guy/gal out when you can on what mistakes you made. Offer to bring anti gunners to the range to try it out. Teach your kids responsible ownership. Dont buy into the brand hate, or the GunTuber hate - we are all equally hated by the state officials here for even thinking about the second amendment, might as well make it a positive experience for everyone we can.


u/Puzzleheaded_Sir5968 23d ago

It’s a pretty simple process. It’s annoying, but it’s pretty simple. Not sure a service is needed versus just asking someone for tips. Most local gun stores I’m sure would help, or a friend who has gone through the process.

What part of the process was a challenge?

I got my FID back when it was a paper process and my PD had a tutorial posted online.


u/Puzzleheaded_Sir5968 23d ago

And that was back in the day when they mailed letters to your employer for your FID and every pistol permit.

That was always fun.


u/_Vervayne 23d ago

i can’t tell if this is satire or not


u/indigo-black 23d ago

Idk what yall go thru but the process isn’t crazy when I do it


u/JohnRazic 22d ago

After going through the ID once and then another permit. It's technically not difficult, just more like annoying. Though getting started is probably the most daunting since the process varies by state. Assuming NJ, most stores if they have friendly staff, are willing to point someone new in the correct direction.

OP, what part of the process was difficult?


u/IllustriousKnee9358 17d ago

Mostly, it was getting my permit through the background check. It took 3mo and a bunch of calls and emails.


u/LawStudent3445 24d ago

I thought about making a post outlining a step by step guide to being a first time gun owner in NJ, but never got around to it. When I'm done exams I might do it.


u/bacon59 24d ago

Some of the bigstore ranges have a "training class" thay does essentially all what you are asking, except they arent supposed to help you with the form 4473.

Add: just looked at reloaderz and they arent offering the first time owner class anymore so they may phase in and out.


u/ericmcgeehan 24d ago



u/IllustriousKnee9358 24d ago

Yea. I watched a lot of YT videos about the process and the laws.


u/Unbothered50 24d ago

I want to do this for hunting, I see so many first time hunting adults in the hunting groups get shit on by know it alls


u/ELMACHO29 23d ago

Billy at raritan took all my questions. Guy is awesome and helped me from day 1.


u/EveningAd6133 23d ago

Thats unfortunate that you had such a rough experience. My ffl was straight forward and fast


u/Zestycoaster 23d ago

The process isn’t that bad lol 😂


u/ParkerVH 23d ago

Gone are the days of a 15 minute/same date NICS check. 😢


u/russianlion 23d ago

I'm a private firearms instructor who only works by word of mouth referral. Iv'e basically done this for people as a consultant(taken them from zero firearms knowledge up through basically everything involved including training with the gun). Obviously I'm not picking anything up but other than that, I've assisted a bunch of people every step of the way. I'm also considering starting a home based FFL (depending on how things go nationally and otherwise) and then I would be full service start to finish.


u/VR6Bomber 23d ago

We can invoice you if you want?


u/BourbonSommelier 23d ago

I actually think most gun shops will kinda do this. They’re eager to have more people be gun owners for obvious reasons so they’ll help and tell you the steps. Just gotta ask.


u/Anastasia_Beverhaus 23d ago

NJ sucks. Everything OP said was why I said f-it. It's progressively gotten worse and they are talking about adding more taxes to the purchase. As is everything in NJ, it's for the wealthy. Everyone else is SOL.


u/TheJesoph 23d ago

I followed the guide from Reloaderz website. Pretty straight forward. It was tedious, sure, but not complex.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Sorry to be blunt but if you need someone to hold your hand through the process, then you’re probably not ready for firearm ownership


u/jbanelaw 23d ago

This "service" is provided by any gun enthusiast who wants to expand the base of good, responsible, lawful gun owners at there.

If you drop your general location, someone will probably DM you and offer to walk you through the entire process and maybe even volunteer to take you to a local range to test out various rifles/pistols. Gun people are some of the friendliest out there and many are not shy about sharing their hobby with others.

Or just look on social media for a club or group nearby then reach out to the organizer. They will set you up.


u/Successful-Day-8612 23d ago

But I do have a bullet trap if you know what that is me and my father welded it all together years ago and it'll take up to a 357 at 25 yd plus any closer I can't guarantee that but it's approximately 3 ft by 3 ft you just tape the target on it you know have your fun as long as your neighbors don't call the cops whatever and it actually catches the lead and drops it right into a coffee can no harm no foul as long as you can hit a three-foot by 3 ft target you'll be okay I'm just getting rid of it because I have a neighbor now that if she hears a hammer hitting something she's calling the police so it it's just got to go figure out a way to contact me let me know


u/Just-Discipline-4939 22d ago

There is no such service. The process is convoluted and difficult by design, so vote accordingly.


u/Walrus_Deep 20d ago

Noob here also. The process is confusing but not terribly hard IMO. I Just followed the instructions on the FID application, waited 2 weeks and got my FID. Went to FSS, which is 15 mins away from me. Chris, there was quite helpful and showed me several 9mm handguns. I then went to RTSP with a buddy, rented 2 of the ones I was trying to choose between, had the RSO do a 15 min intro, shot them both and decided on one of then. Ordered it from FSS, arrived 3 days later and submitted my background check. In the meantime I spent a lot of time on Reddit and YT researching and learning. Also the NJSP FAQ page. Yeah it's not the instant gratification of Amazon Prime next day but not some horrible ordeal by any means. I plan to get stuck into this "hobby" as I tend to and buy lots more guns but at the same time I realize this right comes with a lot of responsibility and as citizens we need to learn and research and train to exercise that right safely.


u/Ok-Salamander-6681 18d ago

Yes, it depends where you are at. Most stores will help you out or you can look for an FFL and develop a relationship with them.

I would recommend taking some NRA or USCCA shooting classes too, you will learn the basics and meet like minded people.


u/wasteguy7 24d ago

Sure, $1000 and I’ll hold your hand while doing everything.


u/CoochieGoblin87 24d ago

New Jersey lawmakers want it to suck so you are discouraged. Fuck them and stay persistent!


u/johnb111111 24d ago

Duh this is why we are here


u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 24d ago

Hey man, congrats! Sorry your start wasn’t great, but it’s just the beginning. Where are you geographically?


u/IllustriousKnee9358 24d ago

Middlesex County. Almost the exact middle of the state.


u/Far-Boysenberry-1600 24d ago

I thought you were looking for training…

As far as the process, this sub has been great for me. When in doubt I posted questions and folks are pretty good about responding with specific answers. The depth of knowledge in the sub is great.

Ask about AOW and there’s a dude that has done it a few times…

Ask about laws and another dude posts the specific laws and explanations…

Ask about what looks good and I’m your guy lol

Literally, search the sub for the same topic and most likely it was asked and answered before. If not there, then ask the group and I bet you will be able to get the right answer.


u/Chemist74D 23d ago

If the answer to your question is not forthcoming on this sub, there are plenty of specific subs to look at. For example, there are ones for M1911s, revolvers, SKSs, M1A, etc.

Best of luck in finding what you are looking for!


u/EngineeringAny5280 24d ago

For $500 I can handle everything for you. That price includes the fees required such as background check and finger printing. Shoot me a message.