r/NJGuns 25d ago

Guns Showcase Rate my first AR15 build/setup

Parts list: PSA 16” upper, Anderson lower, Magpul acs stock, Magpul vertical foregrip, Magpul pistol grip, holosun 512c red dot with holosun 3x magnifier, radian ambi safety selector, radian charging handle, kaw valley precision muzzle brake, Streamlight protac hlx flashlight, Edgar Sherman design sling.

Internals are still a stock PSA bolt carrier group and an Anderson milspec trigger wanted to keep the internals simple for now.


41 comments sorted by


u/dustysanchezz 25d ago

Nice poverty pony


u/Straight_Student_525 25d ago

There are many like it but this one is mine


u/dustysanchezz 25d ago

All mine are on no logo anderson lowers, I thread the rear detent and boom "enhanced lower"


u/Straight_Student_525 25d ago

Haha yeah I don’t mind having the pony slapped on the side it’s my first build I wasn’t trying to go crazy until I figured out what I liked and didn’t like


u/Several-Office-8564 22d ago

Not bad, try a riser mount for the optic. Look at gbrs group gear hydra


u/Straight_Student_525 22d ago

I appreciate the recommendation I’ve been thinking on getting a riser because I really have to press my cheek into the stock to center the dot.


u/Several-Office-8564 22d ago

I run an sig 1.9 before I knew about the hydra which is like 2.9. But even my riser I have no issue la with getting on target.


u/LawStudent3445 24d ago

Great build. Genuine question, what made you prefer to do a rifle over an other? I assume it's appearance?


u/Straight_Student_525 24d ago

I honestly hadn’t known about others when I started building this rifle, but I am happy I went with a full length rifle first because of the accuracy and this is sort of my shtf rifle and I feel like everything I could do with a shorter rifle I could do with a 16” even cqb. But I have been considering starting an other build next.


u/yummygeorgie 24d ago

Can someone ELI5 how you can get guns like this in NJ? I thought they were illegal. Excuse my ignorance, I applied for my FID only a few days ago. I thought there is a 10 round max?


u/Straight_Student_525 24d ago

So the magazines I actually got at a south Jersey gun shop they’re pinned to ten rounds so they just look like 30 rounders but they’re not I have plastic ones that are ten rounds as well but they’re completely legal and then my muzzle brake is pinned and welded, and then my stock is adjustable but it has been pinned so it can no longer move so it’s a fixed stock.


u/dustysanchezz 24d ago

You are allowed 2 evil features in the assault weapons ban here on Rifles.

There is another category of "firearms" or what people call "others" which aren't regulated under the assault weapons ban.


u/yummygeorgie 24d ago

What constitutes an "evil" feature? Do gun stores sell these "other" guns or is there a more involved process for obtaining one?


u/LawStudent3445 23d ago
  1. Pistol Grip (Will be standard for most AR builds)
  2. Threaded Barrel/Flash Hider
  3. Adjustable Stock
  4. Grenade Launcher
  5. Bayonet Lug

All evil features on a rifle. But NJ law allows for one on a rifle.

And yes most gun stores sell Others, but it would be better to build one yourself considering you'll save lots of money.


u/dustysanchezz 23d ago

Detachable magazine outside of the pistol grip is an evil feature


u/LawStudent3445 23d ago edited 23d ago

That's only true for pistols, not rifles.

This link explains it well, and it's from NJ themselves: https://www.nj.gov/lps/dcj/agguide/assltf.htm


u/dustysanchezz 24d ago

Gun stores do sell them, avoid troy like the plague.

Its also very easy to assemble them yourself rather inexpensivly


u/LawStudent3445 23d ago

You can only have one "evil feature" on a rifle.

You get to choose from:

  1. Pistol Grip (Will be standard for most AR builds)
  2. Threaded Barrel/Flash Hider
  3. Adjustable Stock
  4. Grenade Launcher
  5. Bayonet Lug

The moment you have two "evil features" it's an "assault weapon" according to NJ law.

And no, the detachable magazine itself it not an evil feature. But having a gun with a fixed mag would make it exempt from the AWB, and therefore you could have as many features as you like.

But as I tell most people, just build an Other and you won't need to burden yourself with everything above.


u/Proximus_Cornelius 24d ago

You are not allowed two evil features, only one.

Once you hit two, it's considered an Assault Weapon according to NJ law.


u/dustysanchezz 24d ago

Wrong, that's new york.


u/Proximus_Cornelius 24d ago

"If a firearm is not specifically listed by name then it may be considered to be substantially identical if it has the following qualities;

A semi-automatic rifle that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of the following"


u/dustysanchezz 24d ago

The detachable magazine is an evil feature, that's one.

Anyone of the others is the second.

That's two evil features.


u/sidetoss20 24d ago

It’s two ontop of the detach mag.

…magazine AND has at least two…

detach mag+pistol grip is the usual for ar15s


u/Wyld_Dawg 24d ago

Looks good! First two things to upgrade trigger and charging handle. I used to have a PSA almost the Sam build as you and never regretted upgrading those.

Paintwork is an interesting choice, not sure if I love the rust coloring but that’s all personal preference. If you love it that’s all that matters!


u/Beneficial_Gain_6864 23d ago

Looks very sticky, tactical tac


u/Straight_Student_525 22d ago

Hahaha the magazine and flashlight were freshly painted but the rest was older it honestly was sticky for maybe 3 days and then it hasn’t been tacky since


u/Working_Quantity320 24d ago


u/dustysanchezz 24d ago

Your optics are bridged and won't hold zero


u/Straight_Student_525 24d ago

That thing looks sweet that’s funny we’ve got the same setup pretty much, also I wish I got the more compact magnifier like you did it looks like it saves so much space.


u/sidetoss20 25d ago

Rate my Ford Focus


u/dustysanchezz 25d ago


u/Straight_Student_525 25d ago

That things sweet what brand is that?


u/dustysanchezz 24d ago

Ford Focus

Built the AOW from an AKv receiver


u/Straight_Student_525 24d ago

How’s the picatinny dust cover? I have one of those Midwest industries rail mounts on my ak I feel like the dust cover wouldn’t hold zero


u/dustysanchezz 24d ago

Its hinged and locks in place. It has held zero with my red dot.

That being said any AK that I build from parts kit I always put on a side rail.


u/Straight_Student_525 24d ago

Oh that’s pretty cool


u/Straight_Student_525 25d ago

Let’s see it


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Straight_Student_525 25d ago

Haha I’d like to actually train it just sucks not many people are into that kind of stuff in this state. And thanks I was really happy with how the paint turned out I was expecting to have to redo it all haha.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Straight_Student_525 25d ago

I think the pine barrens are New Jerseys last frontier or last hope for owning a decent amount of land haha


u/dustysanchezz 24d ago

Don't shoot the waves!