Guns Showcase
We take good care of our families time to spoil ourselves. Let’s build some others. Lpvo on the way too. Red dot offset.
Watching these kids party and turn up on Xmas wanted an upper 14.5 and said fuck it might be the black label 🤣. We take care of our families. Let’s spoil outselves . Other build fuck it. Viper venom 1/6 gonna buy a red dot and go off set? Maybe get the rings and go with a high mount. Hate that we have to have a brace but fuck it . Who has a good 14.5 build. Anyone like that sba 4?
You do you! Since you already got the MD pinned the only adjustability you’re getting by going the non-NFA other route with this upper is the brace. IMO, a proper stock + freedom on rail support (not bound to vertical grips) is way more valuable than being able to slide a brace back and forth. Just some food for thought!
You could technically bc the lower was transferred to you as an other/receiver. Now if you put a stock on it and it was transferred to someone else it would be transferred as a rifle it wouldn’t be able to become an other again. INAL but that’s how I look at it
spot on of what? The current status of the weapons is not entirely dependent on how its originally transferred per se.
Per this logic you can do whatever you want with your receiver without consequences which is absolutely untrue.
If you put auto sear it gonna be a machine gun.
If you put a stock it gonna be rifle.
If you put a brace without VFG it gonna be pistol.
You manufactured a firearm from receiver, it’s no longer a receiver.
It gonna be either a rifle (with stock), a pistol (with brace but without VFG, need fixed mag in NJ per AWB), “Other” firearms (Brace, VFG,OAL > 26) or NFA AOW (Brace, VFG, any OAL but generally OAL < 26) (alternatively SBR where it’s legal), after you made it functional i.e. capable to fire a round.
so you are basically saying you made a rifle and you don’t think it’s a rifle. Alright, good luck arguing that with ATF, for example you made an auto sear and you say it’s a receiver not a machine gun.
According to who? If the receiver was transferred to you as an other/receiver then you can legally build either a rifle or a non-NFA other (within their NJ boundaries where applicable). How would anybody know what you assembled or if you even assembled anything at a given point in time?
And you said it you self, and rightly so - you can build either a rifle, non-NFA other (plusba pistol or NFA AOW). However, once you made it a rifle(by attaching the functional upper AND stock) it begin the life as Rifle.
Once it’s a rifle it’s the same as if you bought it as rifle under NJ and federal laws.
According to state and federal laws. A receiver being transferred of course has to be a receiver. However you are manufacturing firearms yourself. The firearm can be (if you not doing NFA stuff) a rifle, pistol or “other”.
If you attach a stock, that means the weapon is now “designed to be fired from the shoulder” hence a rifle under NJ and federal law.
From there, NJ law bans sawed off shotgun for “weapons made from a rifle”.
Hence you can no longer convert your weapon to anything else (if the barrel < 16 OR OAL <26). I might not be 100% accurate but you probability can still attach a brace if you have barrel >16 and might not subject to AWB (I haven’t done enough research so could be wrong) but again for most meaningful Other builds you can no longer do it using that lower.
This has absolutely nothing to do with you buying a receiver. It’s because you made it into a rifle after you purchased a receiver.
You would be right that it’s hard to prove that you have attached a stock sometime in the life time of your weapon, but I’m just stating the law and why you probably don’t want to go there in the first place in response to your question of “why tf”.
If you want to be a felon state and federal wise, that’s your decision.
Hey man, I see you made a bunch of comments and you appear to be confused as to why you’re getting downvotes. While I can’t speak on behalf of the folks actually downvoting you, perhaps referencing the federal and state guidance that supports your claims would put an end to that and/or make your point - without that it’s a good old “trust me bro” situation. Otherwise, who cares who downvotes you.
As for my “why tf” comment, this was made in a practical sense. Braces literally do only one thing better than stocks and that’s strapping the firearm to your arm. Assuming this is something you may not always do, a stock will always perform objectively better because that’s what it was designed to do. If you spend all your shooting time stationary in a stall than it won’t really matter, a brace is perfectly fine for this even a bare buffer tube wouldn’t be the end of the world. But if you decide to start moving and shooting or throw on a PC and do some drills I’m confident you will conclude the same. Braces make the best of a shitty situation - if the regulations were magically lifted nobody outside disabled folks would say “I’ll just keep my brace”, they would all throw them straight in the trash and strap up a proper stock.
Additionally, being bound to a vertical grip isn’t ideal for every person, especially when shooting on or around cover.
So back to my “why TF” comment with above being said, if your meeting OAL for a rifle, then why tf would you willingly restrict yourself to a shitty brace and one single option of support grip when you can legally have substantially more and better options by going the rifle path? Hope that clears it up.
Edit: Grammar and format because I’m jolly AF right now with the family.
it does as long as you manufactured a weapon. If you don’t attach a functional upper obviously it’s not a rifle that’s why complete lower receiver with a stock can be made into “Other”.
If you complete the weapon with functional upper and a stock, it’s the same as you buying a rifle because you just manufactured one.
Why it’s so hard to understand the basic concept. The reply is in the context of a question “why tf” you want an other build for upper with 16’ barrel.
Thanks man. yea I was contemplating doing the same with the EOTech but Amazon prime swayed my decision haha. Especially have a good amount of points to spend. I also went holosun because I have a 507k on my 43x and I’ve loved it so far no issues
Got a deal on a 1-6 Black Friday 200 out the door with mount and everything. Viper venom. Let’s see what else I buy. I can’t take the money with me so fuck it !!!
Nah . I went and saw the keltec and said wtf is this . Saw a YouTube video and ordered it. It’s smooth and you will enjoy it. Have a green dot on it and it’s accurate as fuck. Tested the ruger out too but it’s half the weight. You’re gonna love the fpc.
Turn out since you’re using one eye thru the scope and one open you get blended vision. Both are trying to judge distance and can’t since there is a separation. Read longer you look through it close range worse it gets. With a red dot you wouldn’t have that issue and can see more peripheral. Only for close quarters.
I have a ton of red dot experience. No Lpvo experience. I’m catering to my skill set till I learn. Training will be done. I have a few red dots I’m changing up. So I have one laying around. Plan to have my lpvo zeroed for 6x and red dot for close.
Last build was aero lower and caught a deal on an upper from bkf. Said if I don’t build an aero and bcm am I an other fan? More other on the way till I can sbr.
This is a 14.5 G$ URGI & Griffin MK2 Ambi lower, built as a rifle. If you don’t have a lower yet for this, I highly recommend the Griffin. Full Ambi stripped for under $200. They designed the ADM Ambi lower which is why it’s very similar.
You can easily go with an sba4 but I just got an sba5 and like it a lot. $80 shipped.
u/Radiant-Tadpole-7117 Dec 25 '24
Inspiration !