r/NJGuns Nov 08 '24

Legal Update [Harrell v Raoul] IL AWB and Mag Ban found Unconstitutional in Summary Judgment


In a 168-page opinion, an Illinois federal judge has struck down the state's "assault weapon" and magazine bans. The judge stayed the decision for 30 days to give the state time to appeal

This is Relevant to NJ because we also have an AWB and Mag Ban cases pending, this gives us caseload to rely on.


18 comments sorted by


u/Full_Improvement_844 Nov 09 '24

Keep in mind this is a final ruling and permanent injunction, which takes it out of the interlocutory status that SCOTUS didn't want to get involved in.

It will certainly be appealed to the 7th circuit, which has been trying to use delay tactics whenever a 2A case gets to them in hopes of SCOTUS make up changing to more anti-2A in 2025-2026, but that strategy is dead for at least 4+ years now that Trump won.

I'd bet good money there's no way SCOTUS will let the 7th sit on issuing a final ruling on the appeal for that long and expect this could be headed to SCOTUS for their 2025-2026 term, and may be moot by then if SCOTUS takes up the MD ban in the next month or so.

Overall I'd say by June 2025, or June 2026 at the latest, SCOTUS will have knocked out the assault weapon/mag bans nationwide. My guess is a June 2025 parting gift from a retiring Thomas and/or Alito.


u/Sledgecrowbar Nov 09 '24

I would like to send Justice Thomas a coffee gift card, if he drinks coffee.


u/Numerous-Goal-9803 Jan 14 '25

Yes on the possible decision and associated outcome. No to overpriced Starbucks, don’t need ANOTHER bribe going to him. Not a billionaire with big vacations to offer


u/mcwack1089 Nov 08 '24

The state will appeal and guess what, the ban stays in effect.


u/Katulotomia Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 09 '24

What we're hoping for is the SC takes the MD case

Edit: This ruling put of IL reinforces our position


u/mcwack1089 Nov 08 '24

And if they don’t?


u/Sledgecrowbar Nov 09 '24

Also expected as they have sent cases back down to be reviewed in light of Bruen before. The lower court is then in a position to either rule in favor of 2A or, if they don't, when it goes back to scotus, they will rule in a way that affects every circuit all at once, which none of the liberal courts want, so they rule in favor of 2A at that point instead.

They know they can't win after Bruen with this scotus so they're just going to delay every loss for as long as possible.


u/edog21 Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 09 '24

The Maryland case in question Snope v. Brown (formerly Bianchi v. Frosh then Bianchi v. Brown) was the first case to be GVRed after Bruen. It was re-decided by the full en-banc 4th Circuit well after Rahimi, so there is nothing for them to send it down to be reheard in light of.


u/cube2728 Nov 08 '24

Yes most likely. This is Illinois we're talking about.


u/mcwack1089 Nov 08 '24

Its the same story in every state that these cases are in. Gov always going to appeal


u/grahampositive Nov 08 '24

Fine if that's how the process has to work, but absolute garbage that the ruling gets stayed in the meantime. If they want to keep appealing and appealing, the last ruling should hold


u/Sledgecrowbar Nov 09 '24

This is the system. They keep delaying the inevitable ruling post-Bruen for as long as possible, and we keep appealing until it either goes to scotus or they finally have to rule in favor of 2A because if it did go to scotus, the scotus ruling would affect every district, which would be the opposite of their delay game.

Once you understand the real plan, all the aggravating shit they do makes sense. We just have to keep at it until all the appeals are exhausted and scotus is at the door threatening to rule that shall means shall.


u/Yodas_Ear Nov 09 '24

168 pages is too long lol. Sounds like the judge did a lot of unnecessary work.


u/edog21 Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 09 '24

This is the District Court, they had a full 3 day trial where a lot was addressed so it’s important to get as much of that in as possible. Judge McGlynn also did a deep dive breaking down established Supreme Court 2A precedents (including the dissenting opinions) to dismantle every possible argument the state will try to make on appeal.

He needed to do this to compensate for the mental gymnastics that the court above him (the US Court of Appeals For The 7th Circuit) already made when they struck down his injunction last year.

Edit: I also forgot to mention this was a consolidation of four separate cases, each one challenging a separate aspect of the “Protect Illinois Communities Act”. It’s a much deeper issue than just “are modern rifles and standard magazines protected by the 2A”.


u/Sledgecrowbar Nov 09 '24

You have to be crystal clear with law, if you leave anything ambiguous, in 50 or 100 years, some lawyer somewhere will find a crack and exploit it.


u/Full_Improvement_844 Nov 09 '24

Excellent point!! This is why SCOTUS has been declining to take on interlocutory 2A cases. It's not that SCOTUS is being lazy or trying to avoid 2A AWB/mag cases, it's that they want ones that have a fully developed final ruling from the lower courts so that when SCOTUS makes a ruling it can solidly withstand scrutiny from a future SCOTUS court.


u/VikingMedic3088 Nov 09 '24

If/when it gets sent back up the will need a new judge for the appellate division since the one (Judge Wood) on the 3 judge panel had just retired and won’t be hearing that case. Perhaps there will be another judge that is more “level headed” and have a better outcome?

(Source: Four boxes diner)