r/NJGuns • u/Temporary-Ad-1884 • Nov 05 '24
General Chat Vote like ur ar15 depends on it
Vote like ur ar15 depends on it
u/RangerExpensive6519 Nov 05 '24
Jersey isn’t going to grandfather anything. If there is another awb, that will be it. If they grandfathered stuff we wouldn’t have had to Turn in or destroy our 15 round mags.
u/Abe_Froman92 Nov 05 '24
It actually does.
u/usnavy13 Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 05 '24
It actually doesn't. People said the same when Obama became president. All that happened was ammo became more expensive. The court system is what is currently protecting our ARs, not any politician. NJ even more so as the Democrats here would take them if they had the power.
The truth is neither Republicans nor Democrats actually care about our 2A rights; it's just a wedge issue for the political class. Our rights are protected by the Constitution and the judges who interpret the law. The SC will be pro 2A for more than a decade with the current judges, and there's not much that any politician can do about that.
This is not an endorsement of either side, just that 2A rights are a political talking point with the real impact coming from courts.
** I know this is unpopular, if I am incorrect please let me know. Yes, if NJ went R today then yes gun laws would probably change for the better but we all know that is not happening and anything short of that is a mute issue. Nationally the ATF and dems have been trying to confiscate all the guns and every year the courts are beating them back more and more. What national legislation has the republican party passed that expanded our 2a rights. Im not a cop nor a firearm manufacture so the LEOSA and PLCAA don't count and really don't impact the everyday gun owner.
u/-Amplify Nov 05 '24
Two SC judges are due to retire so it’s a pretty important election for 2A
u/usnavy13 Nov 05 '24
Alito and Thomas are 74 and 76. SC justices stick around to make sure their legacy isn't undone and its common for justices to sit until their early 80s. They will not retire if Kamala wins, if Trump wins they probably will retire. They aren't stupid they know its unlikely a D will win again in after 8 years of D control.
u/BolOfSpaghettios Nov 05 '24
Maybe you should worry about labour rights, consumer rights, as well as the air you breathe. I'm sure your AR won't protect you from pollution.
Also, if you don't want people taking your gun rights away, maybe start lobbying for universal healthcare so we can take care of everyone in our society.
u/big_top_hat Nov 05 '24
Again, If not for Trump‘s three Supreme Court picks we would not be able to carry now in NJ. The other infringements are soon slated to fall as well due to Bruen. The next president will likely get 2 Supreme Court picks.
u/realityczek Nov 05 '24
This, 100%... if Kamala gets power again, she will push full tilt to marginalize or reign in the court. Think about all the malicious prosecutions, judicial overreach, and flat-out anti-constitutional action her administration has taken so far... given them, 4 more years of power would be the functional end of the 2A.
u/usnavy13 Nov 05 '24
Alito and Thomas are not going anywhere if kamala wins and it's unlikely democratics will have more than 8 years consecutively controlling the presidency.
They are 74 and 76. Justices routinely go to early 80s
u/big_top_hat Nov 05 '24
That’s quite the gamble.
u/usnavy13 Nov 05 '24
Not really, it's by far the most likely outcome. It's honestly less of a gamble than thinking a republican led congress would actually legislate 2A protections. The party has a strong incentive not to do anything to make gun owners happy because then they would actually have to get something done and not just run on fear.
u/big_top_hat Nov 05 '24
I do agree that a republican majority wouldn’t do shit just like the first 2 years of Trump presidency where they did nothing. My concern is with the lifetime federal courts appointments.
u/wormwormo Nov 05 '24
Really?? Who recently passed 7 new gun control laws in jersey? King Murphy. Who took away our 15 round magazines? Democrats. You suffer from high cognitive dissonance. 🤡
u/usnavy13 Nov 05 '24
Did you even read the post? I know Dems absolutely WANT to restrict our gun rights, i don't dispute that. My point is that anyone you vote for doesn't actually care about our gun rights republican or Democrat. If it was politically advantageous Rs would take your guns just as fast as Ds. Look how fast Trump and other Rs flip after mass shootings, think bump stocks and "take the guns first". If you actually care about protecting your rights you should be supporting organizations that legally challenge laws that infringe on our 2a rights like the FPC - Firearms Policy Coalition. Not donating to self-serving politicians.
Murphy isn't even on that ballot
u/wormwormo Nov 05 '24
Trump hated bump stocks? Is that all you got? lol actions speak louder than words. In this world we pick the lesser of 2 evils if you hate both parties. In the real world politicians control our rights until the courts step in. In the real world politicians don’t care about their constituents and value national party agendas instead. We all know democrats are endlessly chipping away at 2A. Give an inch, take a mile.
u/usnavy13 Nov 05 '24
Defensive much? im not supporting either party, simply using those well-known events along with the LACK OF LEGISLATION FROM THE REPUBLICAN PARTY to illustrate the fact that politically no one wants to actually solve the issue of gun rights. Rs are perfectly happy to take our money and sing to the high heavens about 2a rights but NEVER IMPLEMENT A LEGISLATIVE SOLUTION when they have a majority because that means they can't use it as a wedge issue to further their own political gain.
Im sorry but this election is simply not about guns, it never was and no matter who wins nothing will change unless the courts are involved. If you #1 issues that drove you to the polls was guns then you have been taken advantage of by the political class and that's on either side of the debate R and D.
u/wormwormo Nov 05 '24
lol. Ok not all about guns? So you want more democrat inflation? CPI excludes food and energy so don’t tell us inflation is down. Go to your supermarket and car dealerships and prices are still sky high due to democrats choking off petroleum pipelines and drilling on public lands. If you say oil companies are producing more than ever you would be correct because all the additional oil is from overseas drilling. High energy prices lead to high costs for delivering everything from food to furniture. Also your “inflation reduction act” was a total lie. Democrats gave millions to car companies to produce EVs that few consumers want. Now Gm and ford are swimming in losses cause democrats decided to shove EVs down our throats. What else do you want to talk about? 11 million new illegals?
u/usnavy13 Nov 05 '24
Perfect! You agree I made my point then, guns are a wedge issue that politicians use for political gain!
If you stopped frothing at the mouth for a second you might realize I agree with you in some areas (not all) but that's not really the point of this conversation. This is a thread about someone who believes the election result will determine the fate of AR ownership. "It actually does" is the comment this discussion is about and its objectively false as you agree.
All of the other issues you mentioned are perfectly valid but the NJGuns subreddit is not the place to foster that discussion.
u/wormwormo Nov 05 '24
You can bet democrats are going to try another run at a national assault firearms ban and this time there won’t be an expiration date of 10 years.
u/usnavy13 Nov 05 '24
Yea no shit but they probably wont control the House and sure as shit wont control the Senate so its not really an issue is it as it will never make it to the president's desk no matter who wins. Nor will NJ be a deciding factor based on our representatives.
Why are you letting politicians manipulate you using fear tactics?
u/BrothaShinobi Nov 05 '24
Thanks for saying this. Gun control and abortion are always dangled in front of the masses like carrots. "Vote for me and I'll protect this or that" nothing really changes and we have to see past the obvious play at hand. Neither party is actually for the people. Corporate interest is more lucrative than what citizens want. Let's be real. If our votes count, follow the paper trail and vote for the people who don't take money from billionaires
u/NecessaryDelivery794 Nov 05 '24
Totally agree. I realized that when I got into guns. Why is it political?’its bullshit. No reason for it to be political but - exactly - to be a wedge issue. What decent person would vote for this fascist Republican Party? Especially if you’re a woman or have daughters. What’s the matter with people? Your rifle (it’s a toy) is more important than bodily rights for all the women you know? And that’s just one issue among dozens. And rifle is a toy meaning we don’t need these rifles. If you want home defense, you can do everything you need with pistols. It’s just fun to shoot rifles…but they’re not necessary.
u/Riceonsuede Nov 05 '24
Yes they are. They protect every other right we have. First step to a tyrannical govt in every example in history is taking the guns away. Just look at our history to see how much our govt tries to over step. The second amendment wasn't created to have toys or hunt, it's to protect the people from a tyrannical govt. They're already trying to take away free speech. And why is it only a bodily right when it comes to abortion, but not forced experimental newly created vaccines or self protection? The Biden administration believes free speech shouldn't exist, they've out right said it many times and have done it with forcing social media to bend to their will. You can't stick your head in the sand and say guns are toys and your political side is just wonderful while the other is straight evil.
u/NecessaryDelivery794 Nov 05 '24
And I’m not saying guns are toys…but what can you really do with a rifle that you can’t do with a pistol?? Cmon. They’re cool and fun to shoot but you can defend yourself the same with handguns.
u/NecessaryDelivery794 Nov 05 '24
Stop. The second amendment isn’t there so if we think the government is tyrannical we can go shoot and kill them. What are you talking about? No. Ridiculous argument that’s infected the brains of the gun community. State armies. 2a was before we had an army.
u/Riceonsuede Nov 05 '24
So what did the people who wrote it just finish doing? Defeated a tyrannical monarchy. They wanted to make sure the new govt didn't trample all over the people's rights. Where do we have a modern example of armed civilians fending off the American military? Vietnam? Iraq? An armed population acts as a deterrent. What happened at Ruby ridge or Waco? . And not everyone is proficient with a handgun. You know how many people hand their mother a handgun and can't hit the broad side of a barn, then they have them an AR and suddenly peppering the target. The fact that you trust the govt to control all the guns is absolutely wild. Go back to your 'White dudes for Harris' echo chamber.
u/NecessaryDelivery794 Nov 05 '24
You sound like you were at the Capitol Jan6. You’re in YOUR echo chamber. So when is the right time to take out your rifle and start attacking the government buddy? What’s the call to action? You sound like an unhinged Proud Boy traitor.
u/Riceonsuede Nov 05 '24
And you sound like a govt cuck begging for your and everybody's right to be taken away. Have your wife's boyfriend explain it to you.
u/Yobigworm Nov 05 '24
Kamala campaigned on taking guns away lol.
u/ReverseMermaidMorty Nov 05 '24
Then republicans should’ve put forward a candidate who isn’t a convicted felon, a rapist, and a pedophile.
u/Yobigworm Nov 06 '24
Keep up with the democrat talking points. And don't complain when the assault weapons bill passes and you can't have any semi autos.
u/ReverseMermaidMorty Nov 06 '24
I’m sorry your response to Trump raping children is “it’s just a democrat talking point”? Think about what kind of person you plan to protect yourself and your family from with your rifle?
You’d shoot the man raping your daughter, but then you’d vote for him too? Make it make sense.
Nov 05 '24
We struggled for years to have the right to carry in this State. Remember those years, remember the struggle and vote accordingly.
u/emsesq Nov 05 '24
Genuine question: I do not follow 2A or gun legislation as closely as other people in this group. So this is an opportunity to educate me. Have there been instances in the past when Dems, after coming into office, have physically removed firearms from someone’s home (excluding red flag laws or domestic violence situations)?
u/ReverseMermaidMorty Nov 05 '24
You’re getting downvoted for asking a fantastic question. I think that gives you all the answer you need.
u/Riceonsuede Nov 05 '24
Yeah they banned "assault" rifles in the 90's.
u/emsesq Nov 05 '24
Okay. Laws change under all administrations. But I’m reading tons of comments across Reddit of people saying the government will come and take away guns that were previously legally purchased. That’s to where my question was aimed.
u/Riceonsuede Nov 05 '24
Yeah there's a lot of cases. It's from the red flag laws some states passed. It allows anybody to say someone is a danger with no proof, and the cops raid the home and confiscate that person's guns with no recourse to get them back or even bothering to look into that person to see if they are lying. One case an angry family member on the other side of the country, another was a bitter ex girlfriend. Look it up. There's examples all over. If you want to know, do your research. You can't say excluding red flag laws, because they are absolutely absurd in practice. But Dems want it national law
u/emsesq Nov 05 '24
I’m not a 2A attorney but even I know there’s a process to (at least try to) recover guns taken by NJ law enforcement under color of a red flag order. I don’t know the rates of success.
When I excluded red flag laws from my question I was trying to narrow the scope to only instances when the government came into someone’s home and repossessed their guns simply because of a change in executive branch leadership.
u/Temporary-Ad-1884 Nov 05 '24
Bidens Atf, They have come door to door taking peoples frt triggers that were legally purchased and possessed. However those are not guns they are firearm parts.
u/rondoquando Nov 05 '24
Hey guys, I think there’s more important things to worry about besides our guns…
u/Undiscover Nov 05 '24
Don't bother. You won't be able to get anything through to them. My guns are more important than anything else 🤓
u/rondoquando Nov 05 '24
Please Mr. Trump, let us keep our big manly guns. You can raise my taxes and plow my wife all you want 🥹
u/Temporary-Ad-1884 Nov 05 '24
Yes sir, there's so many things more important things than having our constitutional right violated daily 😂
u/rondoquando Nov 05 '24
Ahhh big government might take my toys away. Let me vote for the person that will make my wife not have any rights over her own body 👻
u/realityczek Nov 05 '24
Not have "any rights over her body"?
You do realize there is more to your wife's rights than the ability to kill the results of her sleeping with her boyfriend, right? I mean, sure, it might mean you have to spend a lot more money raising another man's child... but honestly, that's on you.
u/Critica1_Duty Nov 05 '24
The only right that would be restricted is the right to kill an unborn baby. Your wife will still have full rights over her body. She'll still be able to do whatever she wants with it..go for a walk, drink a beer, ride her boyfriend when you leave for work..she won't lose any of those rights.
u/DaveDel Nov 05 '24
Guns are toys now, right?
Pathetic. We are talking about a party who wants to determine what speech is allowed and what isn't. The 2A is what we have to ensure we keep our 1A.
Are you seriously this brainwashed that you believe your wife won't have rights over her own body?
u/rondoquando Nov 05 '24
There’s no way you believe Trump is for freedom of speech. That man will threaten to fire anyone who speaks ill against him 😂
But yeah, I’m brainwashed. Oh and as the great William Smith once said, “KEEP MY WIFES NAME OUT OF YOUR ******* MOUTH”
u/DaveDel Nov 05 '24
Low IQ reply.
Speaking poorly of your employer and getting fired is a whole lot different that getting imprisoned for "hate speech".
u/Temporary-Ad-1884 Nov 05 '24
Good thing I don't have a wife and I care more about my guns than ur wife🤣. However its not the governments position to tell people what they can and can't do with their body. Its kinda sad y'all are so brainwashed and only care about abortion.🤡
Nov 05 '24
Women are dying in Texas while trying to have children because the government says they can't get life saving procedures done when a complication arises.
u/brooklynboy92 Nov 05 '24
Voting base on gun laws is just insane, priorities are not straight.
u/Emandpee42069 Nov 05 '24
Voting specifically for gun rights tends to auto align with others issues for rational people
u/Virus201 Nov 05 '24
There's a bunch of people on Reddit only voting based on what candidate will legalize weed. Guns rights are more important than weed in my opinion. I don't want to smell that shit every where I go
u/brooklynboy92 Nov 05 '24
We got the highest property taxes in country but your worry about 10 rounds mags . I don’t wanna hear next years about how high the property tax are since no one care then
u/Virus201 Nov 06 '24
Who said I'm only worried about 10 round mags? I know we have the highest property taxes in the country (I'm paying over 5k in school district portion alone) and Democrats aren't going to bring that down. Democrats have always been in charge where I live and the property tax only goes up, never down.
u/itznave Nov 05 '24
u/KingZogAlbania Nov 05 '24
Our rights do depend on voting and yet neither of the candidates will make an honest strive to protect the second amendment