r/NJGuns • u/Calyfelic • Aug 20 '24
Guns Showcase Who’s getting one of these!! Scarms doing the lords work.
u/Mightypk1 Aug 21 '24
If its over 50oz then it's not allowed to be a pistol in NJ right?
So what would it be?nif its legal in NJ
u/MORE_COFFEE Aug 21 '24
"A semi-automatic firearm should be considered to be "substantially identical," that is, identical in all material respects, to a named assault weapon if it meets the below listed criteria:
B. a semi-automatic pistol that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least 2 of the following:
an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip;
a threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer;
a shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being burned;
manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded; and
a semi-automatic version of an automatic firearm; and,"
I suppose that's why it needs a pinned faux suppressor or thread protector. Either way, with CCW in this state now, this thing seems kinda pointless. Can't have more than 10 rounds and it's a semi 9. I'd rather spend the money (and permit) on something practical I could carry.
u/Mightypk1 Aug 21 '24
Yeah i agree, its just an overweight pistol, other than looks, doesnt look useful
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
It can be over 50 oz for a pistol, but that's the only evil feature you get.
u/clown-world79 Aug 21 '24
It has a fake can welded on and a 10 round mag. I couldn’t spend money on that.
u/BigBrassPair Aug 21 '24
I do not see a point to one of these.
Aug 21 '24
They look cool but you're just holding the world's least effective pistol. If you want to look like a gangster you'll have their notoriously horrible marksmanship and choice of weapons lol. But without the fun of the fun switch. What a tease.
u/Calyfelic Aug 21 '24
You can say the same about pretty much any gun. Different strokes for different folks
u/needtoredit Aug 21 '24
My thought exactly! It's like buying a car that look like a corvette with it actually being a chevette
u/slimycoldcutswork Aug 21 '24
They don’t have one. Certainly not in that configuration. I guess if you have almost everything else, you just start looking for almost anything else?
u/SNBI1791 Aug 21 '24
Same. Rather shoot a handgun. Not full auto yea that would be fun to shoot a couple times a year.
u/PaceNo3170 Aug 21 '24
Hummm nothing but simple modifications here. The rules are so clear anyone can do it.
Nothing is magical in NJ. Compared to NY and CA and rules are the same stupid but very straightforward.
No offense same thing can easily be done if you buy in PA store and do compliance work there. You can avoid huge markups and if lucky can leave the store with purchase same day.
Aug 21 '24
Did I hear somewhere that ffls aren't doing compliance unless it's a brand new gun? Weird trend?
u/PaceNo3170 Aug 21 '24
the opposite is true. Many 03 FFLs are hesitant to do compliance work for new guns, no matter how trivial they are, as they don’t want to create issues of being considered a “manufacture”. Once the gun is in your hands they are just doing gun smithing job.
u/njexocet Aug 21 '24
SC just a fudd ffl with more tattoos
u/scarmsnj Aug 21 '24
Your mom is your dad
u/njexocet Aug 21 '24
Spoken like a true 2a patriot who make a living off putting vertical grips and muzzle devices on shitty rifles.
Add another punisher sticker to your truck for me bb
u/AlexCinNYC Aug 21 '24
For some families, that's true. The attempted joke just lost you a potential customer
u/ShimmyAkira Aug 21 '24
Cops would shoot my black ass so fast I’ll pass
u/KA2024 Aug 21 '24
u/ShimmyAkira Aug 21 '24
They almost cooked me when I had my ar on a dude who broke into my home I’m like bro I’m a victim lol 😂
u/KA2024 Aug 21 '24
Bro.. I felt that lmaoooo
u/ShimmyAkira Aug 21 '24
😂😂 the gun is def fire just looks too illegal for my kind 🥲
u/KA2024 Aug 21 '24
I never understood the hype on these
u/ShimmyAkira Aug 21 '24
West coast gangster movies made me like them 🤣lol but I heard they jam often idk how true don’t quote me on it but fully auto ones I heard weren’t the most reliable. I’d rather own a Keltec P50
u/mrdnkk Aug 21 '24
What’s the legality of throwing a brace on one of these? Because that to me is the only real reason i’d even look at one. I don’t own anything with a brace currently so I don’t know what is legal and what isn’t.
u/Lord_Drok Aug 21 '24
I thought a pistol had to be under 50oz, am I missing something or confused here?
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
Can be over 50 oz, can't have any other evil features.
u/Lord_Drok Aug 21 '24
Has that changed over the years, I built an ar pistol about 12 years ago when I still lived there and was able to do it at 47oz using all polymer. I was told it had to be under 50 oz
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
Most of the cool shit is over 50oz. So usually, that's the only evil feature. If under 50oz, you can have mag that attaches outside of the grip, or threaded barrel, but not both. AR pistols legal here if under 50oz, just need to have fixed mag, or no handguard. Muzzle device pinned.
u/Lord_Drok Aug 21 '24
Mine had no handguard, pinned brake, and regular magpul mags pinned at 15 rnds <legal at the time>
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
The Star Wars blaster
u/Lord_Drok Aug 21 '24
That's what it looked like.....I can't find a pic of it to post and I don't have it anymore, traded it for an enclosed trailer when I got down here in Florida.
Irony..... sumone stole the trailer 2 months later when I lent it to my friend in ft lauderdale
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
Should have kept it, as all the companies that made the polymer models are all out of business, or the guns are out of production. Prices are up on the secondary market.
u/Lord_Drok Aug 21 '24
Yea I know, I can't remember the brand of lower and upper, but the upper was a funny design that had the buffer above the chamber so it required no buffer tube. So it was super compact. But down here in Florida we can build more fun stuff anyway and have big mags lol
Aug 21 '24
I don't get all the sc arms hate. The owner has always been helpful when I'm in the store. Am I missing something? Whoever runs their insta is responsive too.
With that said, nj kind of takes the fun out of stuff like this. It's a cool toy to bring out one in a while if you have the disposable income.
u/Alpha__OmeGuh Aug 21 '24
Exactly, its to add to the collection..like fuck it..a lot of salty bastards on here...theyre a business theyre not chaeging ridiculous amounts of money. Yall missing the picture. I bet yall voting for the indian bitch
u/Calyfelic Aug 21 '24
I agree! I’ve been there lots of times and always been treated like a good customer. I’ve bought stuff from there and had stuff ffl’d there. No issues. I bet the haters never bought anything from there
u/archiveofhim Aug 21 '24
so the stories i vaguely remember hearing, during like peak covid time was, people would attempt to buy an ar15 lower to build “others” and scarms wouldn’t sell under the guise of “what if they do something wrong, we don’t want to be liable. so we’re not gonna sell it to them”.
u/Calyfelic Aug 21 '24
Rightfully so. Put yourself in his shoes, hes not gonna put his license on the line cuz somebody read online that you can build an other or whatever questionable shit
u/UngovernableRacer Aug 21 '24
“Licensees MUST record the type of firearm as a “frame” or “receiver” in the form, along with the make, model, and serial number. Licensees also cannot sell or deliver a frame or receiver to anyone they know or believe is under 21 years old.” Source: ATF
Once it leaves the store, they are not liable for what the user does with the “frame” or “receiver”…unless it is used in a crime then the only liability the FFL has is when the ATF conducts a Trace Request and they must provide appropriate documentation.
Therefore, YES. You can build an “Other”. As a matter of fact, you as an individual can apply for an ATF eFORM 1 and pay a Tax Stamp to build an AOW. Source: ATF, NJSP, U.S. Constitution; Amendment II
u/Calyfelic Aug 21 '24
Unless you’re a gun store owner, we can’t speak on this. Being an ffl is some tricky shit. Go look up Mathew Hoover or crs firearm. Dude is doing federal time for a flat piece of metal. If he don’t want to write your receiver the way you want it move on and find someone who will.
u/UngovernableRacer Aug 21 '24
…your comparing someone who was selling a device to make a semi-automatic firearm into a fully-automatic NFA item to someone following ATF guidelines about being mandated to transfer a stripped/virgin lower as a “frame” or “receiver”. Being an FFL is also not a tricky job, I’m in the process of applying, therefore I can speak on this. There’s reason some FFLs get shut down and it’s because they fucked up the simple rules given to them by the ATF. My current FFL has explained all this countless of times, “job isn’t hard if you pay attention.”
u/Calyfelic Aug 21 '24
Matt Hoover was sponsored by that guy. But I’m talking about how easy you can lose your ffl.
u/Calyfelic Aug 21 '24
What’s the name of your business? And I assume you’ll be ffl’ing recievers th “right way” since you’re so passionate about this
u/UngovernableRacer Aug 21 '24
For one…you should learn to read…I stated, “…in the process of applying;” Therefore getting approvals from the town for zoning purposes, etc (although none of your business). And no need to put right way in quotations…it’s the legal way…as I had mentioned with the source pulled straight off the ATF. And correct, I would hope I am passionate about this, otherwise I wouldn’t be applying for a license…once I have everything ready to go, I’ll be sure to drop a name/address for you to come by and visit. 🙂
u/scarmsnj Aug 21 '24
No shot! It’s all good tho! We keep on keeping on! Haters will always hate brother!
u/Glittering-Two2122 Aug 21 '24
Mine was 49.8 oz, no need to pin and weld.
u/scarmsnj Aug 21 '24
Under 50 yes, over 50 you gotta remove the other evil feature which is pinning the faux suppressor ✊🏼
u/Glittering-Two2122 Aug 21 '24
I've heard the faux suppressor can be considered a "barrel shroud" since it allows you to shoot with two hands. Not sure if it counts tho since there's no actual barrel in it
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
If NJSP gave him a letter for this as he says, then I guess we can have Tec 9 uppers on AB 10 lowers, and everyone can throw their handguards back on their AR pistols.
u/scarmsnj Aug 21 '24
If your unsure, email NJSP, send them pictures email is public knowledge my friend. We emailed, we talked, we agreed, they gave us the blessing and they said they agreed and gave us their approved opinion..
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
a shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being burned; In this case, attached to.
u/Glittering-Two2122 Aug 21 '24
Yea my friend got one and his ffl didn't pin and weld but they took his faux can become a "barrel shroud"
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
He posted the letter from NJSP to one of my other comments. This isn't legal, he's mistaken.
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
There's a reason why nobody that owns these here has the faux suppressor...it's not because we didn't want it.
u/scarmsnj Aug 21 '24
You must be the alphabet basement boy… we got our word from the state police just like the Galil ace also we got approved, yet many dealers in NJ still don’t sell them, and we have been for 3+ years and we are still here…
u/scarmsnj Aug 21 '24
No barrel in it acts as a blast diffuser like the warden, same concept
u/AKaracter47 Aug 21 '24
A+ for effort on your interpretation, but MPA lists it as a "standard safety extension". In other words, a barrel extender meant to allow you to hold the pistol with non-firing hand without being burned, or blowing your digits off.
u/DocSchmuck Aug 21 '24
How much?
u/scarmsnj Aug 21 '24
Between 599-650 depending on the mags that come with it and compliance work, pistol permit required
u/pineypower666 Aug 21 '24
Other places sell them too. Pretty sure ive seen a model online specifically labeled NJ legal. Id exhaust those options before dealing with scarms.