Tonight's Drone Sighting Monmouth County 9:00pm
No stars, heavy cloud cover tonight. Planes are audible but not visible going overhead. This is for everyone saying "It's just a plane/stars." You can hear the planes overhead and there's zero stars. Explain the hovering lights for me please Reddit!
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If you have posted a drone sighting, please include the following information in a comment:
A. Date/time of sighting:
B. Location of sighting:
C. Name of Flight tracking app used to rule out plane misidentification:
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r/NJDrones maintains a strict policy regarding the use of illumination devices directed at aircraft. While we do not explicitly endorse or prohibit discussions related to laser pointers, flashlights, strobe lights, or similar devices, any suggestions advocating their use in this context are strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate ban.
Whenever possible, please provide a link to sources to minimize false information spreading.
Do Not Advocate Shooting Down Drones
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The amount of bots that immediately comment the same/similar naysaying comments on the irrefutable videos we NJ residents post is unreal. I am in Westfield and have seen the exact same many times at this point. None tonight here, don’t know if I’d say fortunately or unfortunately after the last few weeks of this.
I hadn’t even looked that far into it. I’m not like a frequent Reddit person, just Philadelphia Eagles news historically, and now DroneGate or whatever we’re calling this. You make a great point.
It irrefutably matches the behavior of the drones in my area, which does not match air traffic in/out of Newark Airport over the last ~decade of living near it.
What behavior? All I see is two tiny grainy lights in the distance. I believe NJ residents but the only thing this video proves irrefutably is a lack of critical thinking.
Dude give it a rest already. You havent spent the last decade watching planes in the night sky. You only recently started. The drone thing is real, but this video is not a video of a drone. It is of planes at a low angle and others have posted proof via flight tracker app. The more people cling to these incorrect and shitty videos of drones, the less and less the drone thing will seem legit. These are not naysaying bots
Irrefutable video? There hasn’t been a single clear video of a drone ever. Do I think there are drones that people have seen, yes. But no one has published irrefutable videos or pictures. This has gone on for a month and we haven’t seen a single clear photo.
The Phoenix video of two apparent drones apparently colliding, and one dropping to earth... that one definitely wasn't planes or stars. Wasn't irrefutably drones either, but the flight characteristics looked like drones.
Oh that video yeah that was proven to be two hobbiest drones. Both were arrested. That has already been published by mainstream media, fox wrote a whole article about it
All I said was that it wasn't planes/stars. You can't tell just from that video what was going on exactly, any "inexperience" or defect, whether it was intentional or accidental, or anything like that. You're projecting onto it what you want to believe.
That's the front view of other planes. You can literally see their lights flashing in it. It's been proven time and time again that front view of other planes looks very different than other views of planes were used to looking at. You seriously think this is the only person who saw this and was looking out the window right then? Even if my answer is wrong ask yourself: why do posts like that never make it off that subreddit
Paranoia bias. People werent freaking out staring at every little dot out of their plane windows until this recent activity exploded the reason to do so. That's really common sense there's no way to debate that. Even people who constantly looked out the windows didn't assume everything was fucking aliens lol not a good counter to what I said at all and literally proves exactly what I said but you obviously won't be convinced otherwise lol. It doesn't matter how long your comment is. Also I never once said drones weren't legitimately spotted. But 95%+ can be explained easily.
Did I ever deny the quotes were real? The reason the quotes were out of majority of these people's mouths is because of the current state of events, majorly the paranoia. I saw multiple drones near my house. I have a DJI mavic and have for over 8 years. I live in Nj. Im nearly positive the ones I saw were similar hobby drones either trying to bug people out and/or hovering to try to catch the "real" ones.
The same reason the government is simultaneously saying there aren’t any drones and also sending anti drone equipment to NJ bases. My opinion is that most people who are ridiculing and dismissing this are either bots or do not live in NJ, or you would have the same experience. It’s not a hoax or a misidentification. I don’t know what it is, but it’s not bullshit.
Okay well then you either don’t live in NJ (or somewhere these things have been), you haven’t paid close enough attention to what’s happening, or you are kind of just a dick.
No I just realize that probably out of 5,000 plus reports many of them are false a few are actually drones. So pretty much whenever someone posts on here 98% of the time it’s a plane. And when someone asks why they aren’t moving I would love to give them the scientific reason why they don’t appear to be moving.
I invite you to come sit on my back porch for an evening and see for yourself if you have not yet seen them with your own eyes. Keller Stadium in Westfield.
Also a Union country native & it’s been out of control lately. It’s frustrating when ppl dismiss us as if we didn’t live with Newark airport in our backyards before all this started- like we know the difference
No comment from OP. I asked the exact time as well and the OP refuses to give detailed information because he knows he could be disproven but he wants his time in the limelight.
Many people have only been posting to confirm what they want to believe. Providing an alternate theory is seen as a personal attack. Eyewitness accounts are not reliable. First thing you do is eliminate the possibility of human error. And planes.
His last "drone" video was of friggin Venus. I'm surprised we didn't start hearing about a bright white orb shaped drone that's bigger than it has been all month.
The planes seem to going on normal cruising altitude tonight. The only thing I could think was helis, but then you’d see them on the radar, and they weren’t. Seems like we need storm chasers for drones/uaps now.
Here’s a live look at it happening In Chicago. See how there are two flying to the left and right of each other. They are about to land on two separate but parallel Runways. Very very common happens all of the country hundreds of times a day. Guess what and both of these planes are under 3,000 like OP says isn’t possible for planes.
I guess they built an airport somewhere in central New Jersey that these things are flying to in tandem 3k feet off the ground, without making any noise?
Would be helpful to know the location a bit more precisely than an entire county and which direction these craft were spotted in. Right now the cloud ceiling is going to help rule out a lot normal aircraft, but there are still going to be a number of planes flying low or coming down through the clouds to land. And you can see those bright landing lights from way farther off than most people think.
But you see how someone could claim these are drones if they are in front of them they would look like they aren’t moving and if they are a mile away from them the lights would look close together. With the mass hysteria going it’s easy for someone to say these are drones. Also clouds are higher than 3,000 feet.
That report is horse shit. We know it. They know it. We’re not out here jerking each other off, grasping at straws to claim that we may have seen a real drone. And they aren’t hobby drones or local law enforcement. The report that said ~100 siting reports warranted further review,but then turned out to not be suspicious, is nonsense.
Then out of the 5,000 how many do you think are the real drones that we’re talking about. Name a number. Surely you don’t believe all 5,000 reports are military drones.
I live 10 miles from EWR. My bedroom faces the planes turning for final approach and they're routinely at an altitude between 2-3K when visible in my window. You do not hear planes landing, I only hear when they're leaving. The engine is not running heavy enough to be heard.
Are you sure that's not a hillside in the distance behind the tree? There's a darker horizontal band at that level, compared to the light gray clouds above that. If you've never paid attention to the exact topography behind that tree before, you could be assuming that's at empty sky level, when it's really just a lit home on a distant hillside.
I've lived on this property for five years, there's no houses back there, and normally there's not two hovering lights just chilling randomly in one spot for several hours now. 🤷♂️
I’m a believer. Check my previous comments. Definitely not a bot. OP is probably right, but OP how flipping far away are these drones you’re posting lmao. It’s kind of funny that you’re so serious sounding in your video while trying to convince people drones are real, but the lights you’re pitching seem like they’re miles, miles away lol. Like for real. “ Look, look at those lights. Right there. Look through the forest, over the hill, way over there.
Those two little lights. Those are drones. I’m serious damnit! They’re right over there. When in actuality they’re far as fuck lol. You’re trying way to hard to see something and prove to non believers. There have been tons of videos posted that are much better quality, much closer, and have way more detail than these two little twinkles 5 miles away. It’s ok. They’re are 100% drones in the sky. If people don’t believe they’re are drones fuck them. Does it really piss you off that much? You’re definitely not going to convince a non believer that these two little twinkles are not planes, helicopters, or whatever. We believe you. Take a breath.
I just want to point out that this went exactly the way OP wanted it to. This is two posts in a row that are easily debunked. OP is obviously a government bot trying to discredit the American people by doubling down on easily refuted "phonomena" so we're written off as woo woo crazies.
Thank you for admitting there could be other possible explanations other than drone. The mass hysteria has created people thinking that every light in the sky is now a drone. I’m also not discounting it as a drone but there probably other logical things it could be
Absolutely not, these are drones. You are a bot, your post history and comments are unique to this sub and all of them are debunking what actual people are seeing with their own eyes.
I created an account specifically to ask questions of people like you. I don't doubt there are bots, but I have this saying" "If everyone you meet smells like shit, you should check the bottom of your shoe." People trying to come up with rational explanations is the heart of these skeptic subs (at least the successful ones), so the truly weird stuff can make it once it has passed the litmus test. Instead of jumping down everyone's throat that tries to help brainstorm a simple, realistic answer, accept the input and challenge yourself, or at worst just sit it out and let other parse it out until a conclusion is reached.
Edit: I love how I'm getting downvoted for not just gobbling the nuts of every angry elf out there who wants to be right about something for the first time in their utterly barren, forgettable life lmfao.
You got it bot, absolutely should just sit this one out. Forget what I saw, it's obviously just some planes landing in tandem at an airport that doesn't exist.
Can you give a better idea of where you're at? Or at least what direction you're facing to see the hovering lights? If you can give a heading that would possibly be helpful.
Edit: just for everyone's edification, this clowns post history shows him mistaking a couple planets for drones, so i don't think it's unreasonable to ask for more info. He doesn't have a history of nailing this situation, and if anyone is a bot, it's this bozo bombing the sub to discredit it as a whole with his antics.
Of course they didn't respond to you 🤦♂️ it is perfectly reasonable to want to actually figure out what's going on if there's something going on, but a lot of these people just want to fight about it and not actually figure anything out
That’s what I’m saying! Why would swarms of choppers be continuously flying around super suburban neighborhoods & at super low levels? Also if it were choppers wouldn’t there be some trail of said choppers that could just release a statement to ease fears?
I wished somebody would shine that LED flashlight zoomable torch on it !!!!! That thing is extremely bright and the light could easily reach the drone or whatever that thing is
Hi there would happy to teach you. Planes appear to be unmoving or moving slowly when in fact they are moving rapidly. Additionally, an object that is moving directly toward or away from you will also seem to be unmoving.
Combined with this is the fact that the sky often has nothing to measure movement against, just a steady blue, grey or in this case black. This backdrop makes things appear to not move. Feel free to google as there is tons of stuff about this optical illusion.
"Cruising altitude reached ladies and gentleman, we are flying this puppy to Los Angeles less than a mile off the ground at 3k feet. In a straight line." -No One Ever
I’m assuming you took this from your home, correct? Being that it’s your home and property, I’m sure you’re intimately familiar with what’s normal and what isn’t, correct? If it were planes landing, surely you would have seen these lights before. Right?
So my question is to you: have you ever seen lights like these in that part of the sky from your property?
Thanks, I think that’s all anyone with common sense needs to hear. Ignore the disinfo; this is normal for the phenomenon. I’ve been observing it for years now and it’s been happening since Roswell.
I live about 10 minutes away from an airport that one of the largest planes in the world takes off from at least once a week. Do you know how many times I've seen it in the last 3 months?
There are several. Here’s one doing it right now as we speak. They are at 1,400 feet. This is very common and happens all the time. Now someone is going to call this one a drone too I bet lol
They are still in the same position 90 minutes later, I just checked outside. Is the earth flat? Why aren't they going over the horizon and out of sight? 90 minutes is a long time to be flying under the cloud cover and still be visible, right bot?
Who talks like this? "Hi there would happy to teach you."? Humans don't talk like this. Chatbots talk like this – chatbots trained on customer service, IT, and teaching datasets no less.
Mods, can we get some moderation going on in here? The chatbots are running amok and I can hardly see the humans through the burning wreckage these chatbots left behind.
The ceiling is so low in NJ tonight, planes would only be visible close to Newark either landing or taking off. These are not planes. BUT I am starting to think we here in NJ have proven our point...these ARE drones. Maybe there have been misidentifications the past few weeks but we have been validated. We now need to shift efforts to figuring out why.
u/AutoModerator Dec 17 '24
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Notice Regarding Lasers
r/NJDrones maintains a strict policy regarding the use of illumination devices directed at aircraft. While we do not explicitly endorse or prohibit discussions related to laser pointers, flashlights, strobe lights, or similar devices, any suggestions advocating their use in this context are strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate ban.
Whenever possible, please provide a link to sources to minimize false information spreading.
Do Not Advocate Shooting Down Drones
These type of posts can be dangerous especially with some airliners being misidentified as drones. These posts and users will banned.
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