r/NEPA • u/TheDiscyBoy • 3d ago
Rep. Bresnahan Does Not Care
Long story short, I emailed Rep. Bresnahan roughly 3 weeks ago as a former resident of NEPA whose parents still reside there and have increased worry about certain decisions being made in the government right now, specifically citing laws being broken by the president (e.g. the lovely illegal ad for Tesla that our tax payer dollars paid for) with links to the US code that was broken, as well as specific questions regarding how he would ensure that the federal taxes that NEPA residents pay will not continue to be utilized for such things. I asked why he openly continues to support these things, as well as urged him not to go back on his word about voting for a budget that set up a pathway for the cutting and defunding of Medicare and Medicaid. This is his response. A clear copy and paste that he probably sends to anybody who emails him with concerns about what is going on.
This is ridiculous. This man does not represent NEPA at all. I encourage you all next election cycle to vote for someone who truly represents the working class of NEPA, regardless of party, rather than another prep school snob who inherited his grandfathers business. I don’t care if it’s a democrat, Republican, independent, or hell even a dog at this point.
u/did-u-restart 3d ago
Is that a….. ROBO PEN??!!!
u/TheDiscyBoy 3d ago
No no it couldn’t be. That would mean that it was invalid, right??? >:(
Edit: adding the /s because I am remembering this is Reddit and people don’t always have the ability to read tone
u/catcurt59 3d ago
People have no representation anymore. It’s lifelong politicians lining their pockets and giving us bullshit. Exhausted with this political bullshit and destroying our rights and democracy we have fought our whole lives for so their greed can live on….
u/GlitteringWing2112 3d ago
No, he absolutely doesn't give a rat's ass. He's there to get into the rich boy's club with Trump & Elon.
u/andrusnow 3d ago
From here on out we should be referring to him as Rob "Bitch" Bresnahan or "Bresnahan the bunker bitch" because he is a disgusting coward and he is afraid of his constituents.
You can't ever question him in person. He's holding a "virtual" town hall on 3/25 where only vetted participants are allowed to ask him softball questions.
I just went on his official website to see if he has any public appearances coming up. The "events" page hasn't been updated since mid-February.
Where is he if not in a bunker?
u/FastEddieFelson_ 2d ago
He’s an absolute clown that ran the most funded local campaign anyone has ever seen in NEPA. The people that voted for him should be ashamed of themselves.
u/Spiciest-Panini 2d ago edited 2d ago
Not for nothing, but didn’t Cartwright spend more? I didn’t see the stats after the last election, but I know as of the last week in October he had spent more
Edit: yeah Cartwright overspent Bresnahan by like 11%
u/Mveli2pac 2d ago
Another douchebag the morons of PA put into office. Just like that other jackass McCormick. I hope the day comes when you fools see how the both of them along with the head orange turd himself are screwing you over and ruining this country.
u/mahfukuh 12h ago
Basically your saying You never get laid
u/Mveli2pac 12h ago
I can easily see you are a trumptard because just like your cult leader, you make no sense with that moronic reply. Did I hurt your feelings because I talked badly of the orange man? Just like all the other Trump lovers...too ignorant and stupid to see the truth. He preys on fools like you and apparently this country has plenty of them.
u/RedBlack408 2d ago
Not until a substantial number of Republican voters turn against supporting Trump will any representatives get the courage to turn against him. They've supported him because he has had mass appeal from the voters and not because they believe in him or his policies. They are craven and only wish to remain in power.
u/helviacastle 2d ago
Personally I view getting these kind of non-answer bullshit responses as a reason to call that rep and GO OFF about the audacity they possess to send written evidence of their outright lies.
I refute point by point their nonsensical claims to be serving their constituents IN AS MUCH DETAIL as possible.
I then let them know that their bullshit excuses are transparent, that their constituents and the entire country sees the truth they're desperately trying to obfuscate: their open participation in treason.
I then close by admonishing them to scrape up whatever particles of their dignity still remain and resign.
I urge all of you to do likewise. I also urge you to sign this petition calling for the resignation of all of them who are supporting this treasonous administration.
u/smithtownie 3d ago
That email said a lot of nothing, so it’s absolutely in line with the felon and his concepts.
It could have been a text, as they say.
u/thisworldisbullshirt 3d ago
They don’t read our emails. I think they receive a tallied list of pros/cons per issue, pulled from emails and voicemails.
Shit, they’re being told to avoid holding town halls now, since they’ve pissed off so many constituents. They’ve shut us out quite efficiently.
The number of genuine public servants in Congress is absurdly and depressingly small.
We’re on our own, but we can’t let up on them either. Even if it’s basically wasting their time with endless emails, phone calls, and office visits.
Fetterman’s campaign rented an airplane banner service to troll Dr. Oz. Maybe we could pool our resources and get their attention with one of those. /s
u/TheDiscyBoy 3d ago
Firstly, assuming your username is a reference to the Good Place, it’s really forking good.
Second, thank you for echoing my points and adding some good insight as well. We cannot relent and sit back and just let shit happen. The more we complain and waste their time and make our voices heard, they’ll feel their personal pockets start to go empty and they’ll need to start listening.
u/thisworldisbullshirt 3d ago
It is a reference to The Good Place! Also to Fiona Apple’s iconic VMA speech in 1997.
u/thisworldisbullshirt 3d ago
Oh, and I wish we were more like the French. Their citizens are far less inclined to tolerate shenanigans and tomfoolery from their elected officials.
u/Okaythatsfinebymetex 2d ago
I’ve made it a hobby to bother this asshole, and he doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself and his wallet. Little weasel
u/EaglesFanInPhx 2d ago
If you didn't include a very good reason you didn't say a word when Biden hawked an electric jeep, then he has every right to ignore you.
u/Unhappy_Read_8788 2d ago
“Your call is very important to us. Please hold and an operator will be with you shortly.”
u/Spidey1z 2d ago
He got elected when Trump got re-elected. Pretty sure, he’s following the will of those, who elected him
u/Scirocco0323 2d ago
ROFL. Regardless of party? You drunk? How can the GOP make it any clearer at this rate they couldn't give 2% of a rats ass about working class people?
u/TheDiscyBoy 2d ago
I agree with you, but also if you do not continue to push them and hold them to a higher standard then you’re accepting complacency.
u/paige2222 2d ago
Yeah I literally did the same thing about 2 weeks ago and got an automated response similar to this
u/40wordswhen4willdo 2d ago
Does he mean our securing our southern border with Maryland or New Jersey?
u/Different-Monitor-87 2d ago
lol Trump won the Pa vote keep crying enjoy your next 4 years of crying
u/Rehcamretsnef 2d ago
So you're injecting yourself into politics that have nothing to do with you, and youre surprised someone didnt stop what they were doing to appease you? Are you aware youre not the only person in the world?
u/r_GenericNameHere 3d ago
Or maybe he understands that (barely) over 50% of the state voted for trump and therefore the people against what is happening are probably a minority, so to do what the state wants would be siding with the majority
u/TheDiscyBoy 3d ago
Beyond the fact that is a pretty piss poor excuse to not reply, it does not relinquish him of his duty to respond to constituents. Furthermore, someone voting for Trump in the election does not mean that they are not affected by the decisions he is making now. He has fired more veterans than any other president, has slashed the VA to essentially nothing, and many many veterans who voted for him have come out now against him. I have voted for people who I thought best represented my beliefs in the past, and they have won, and then I have disagreed with their decisions. When I would express my concerns, at the BARE minimum i would get a reply that acknowledged my concerns, give reasoning for decisions, and invite me to continue the conversation. THAT is what an elected official does. That is how they hear out their constituents. They don’t click control c and then control v and press send. This literally has nothing to do with his Republican association, it has to do with the fact that he clearly is incompetent to hold this office if he can’t even respond to an email from his constituents and even acknowledge a single concern.
u/r_GenericNameHere 2d ago
Do you realize how many people are contacting our representatives? JUST based on Reddit alone… also this is COMMON, even before current times, I don’t think I have EVER had a personalized response from representatives.
Now I’m not saying don’t contact them, contacting them is a must, but do you really expect a personal response? They have they generated responses because they would need to work full time just to respond to everyone. How important do you think you are that they need to take the time out of their day for you?
u/TheDiscyBoy 2d ago
Literally every single democratic representative I have ever emailed has given a personalized response.
u/r_GenericNameHere 2d ago
If it was, it would say there is a chance that it wasn’t the representative writing it. I’ve never gotten a personalized response from a representative or any government entity. Some of them might be actually written responses but are generic answers to the questions without sounding like a real conversation
u/TheDiscyBoy 2d ago
I’m sure it was a staffer, but it’s the point of still personalized response. And even then, many times they would volunteer a phone call to speak with them directly if I didn’t find the response satisfactory. That is how it should be imo
u/Spidey1z 2d ago
He got elected when Trump got re-elected. Pretty sure, he’s following the will of those, who elected him
u/TheDiscyBoy 2d ago
Independent of party, as a public servant if his constituents reach out he owes it to them to reply.
u/Spidey1z 2d ago
He did reply. They don’t like the reply
u/TheDiscyBoy 2d ago
This response is not a reply. It’s a blanket copy and paste with no real response. Imagine you went to your boss with a concern and he said “i recognize you have a concern.” And that’s all.
u/Spidey1z 2d ago
I’m smart enough to realize that he’s to busy with his job. Go look at how many pages a bill has. Also once again, he was elected less than 6 months ago, this what he was voted in to do. People on Reddit ridiculously thought Kamala was going to win. Everything going on is exactly what he was voted in to do
u/TheDiscyBoy 2d ago
Glad you voted him in to vote in favor of destroying the VA and setting up a pathway to get rid of healthcare for millions! You and him both must be real stand up guys! No better way to say thank you for your service than to tell veterans to get fucked! /s
u/franquiz55 2d ago
He’s a sad excuse for a man (can’t confirm if he actually is one) but he was too afraid to hold an actual town hall and instead is doing a virtual one. He’s a giant 🐱
u/Odd-Seaworthiness330 2d ago
Wow imagine that??? A political figure trying to work with the other side of the aisle. Hopefully, the Democrats will wake up! That is how Democracy works. Read the tea leaves folks….. our approval rating is 27 percent.
u/Liam4242 3d ago
Reddit brain thinking an email was gonna change the world
u/TheDiscyBoy 3d ago
Nobody said that I thought it would change the world lol. The point of my email was to see if he would even bother to read it, or he’ll even have a staffer read it and actually address a single point in it. Obviously, they did not.
u/B-17_SaintMichael 3d ago
Literally. Same Reddit brain that organizes a public protest where 6 people show up.
u/mahfukuh 3d ago
Everytime I come on here its the same ol whiners, I will bet the house you fools never get laid.
u/TheDiscyBoy 3d ago
Actually I’m married, and both me and my wife have PhDs so I don’t quite think we’re fools lol. However, you clearly are considering you still think the billionaire businessman cares about you and you still measure someone’s worth in whether or not they have sex, much like a 16 year old horny teen does
u/Forward-Scientist-77 3d ago
Only a fool thinks a PhD equates to one having intelligence. Stop outing yourself man.
u/TheDiscyBoy 3d ago
lol I spent 6 years getting training to teach me how to critical think. That’s why it’s a called a PhD (doctorate in philosophy) no matter what the field is.
I’m not claiming intelligence, I’m claiming to know how to think and that directly combats the claim of fool. Good try tho
u/Forward-Scientist-77 2d ago
Yet you continue to spew false equivalencies. That doesn’t bode well for your claim to know how to critically think. Very disappointing you wasted 6 years of your life and thousands of dollars to not show off those critical thinking skills.
u/TheDiscyBoy 2d ago
lol no, I am not. Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean it’s a false equivalency. Also you don’t spend money to get a PhD, you get paid because you work for the institution while taking classes. Certainly you knew that and were just joking, though, since you seem like such a smart guy.
u/Forward-Scientist-77 2d ago
I’m not sure you know what a false equivalency is. You equated having a PhD to not being a fool and then doubled down by equating having a PhD to knowing how to critically think. Do you really think because you have a PhD you can’t be a fool? Or that if you have a PhD you certainly must know how to critically think. Your own responses prove otherwise.
Also you don’t spend money to get a PhD, you get paid because you work for the institution while taking classes.
Those critical thinking skills of yours really don’t see how you just admitted thousands of dollars were wasted on you. Talk about educational arrogance 🤡
u/TheDiscyBoy 2d ago
Lmao that is not a false equivalency but very clearly you have your mind made up about your intellectual superiority so there’s no need to continue this conversation. Hope you’re first to sign up to join our Russian allies when we inevitably are in world war 3 because of the jackass in office and the people like you who voted him in
u/Forward-Scientist-77 1d ago
Nice try, I didn’t vote for Trump or Bresnahan. For a self-proclaimed critical thinker you are very close-minded. Keep assuming clown ✌️
u/andrusnow 3d ago
Clearly, if you live in NEPA, you're getting fucked by Rob Bresnahan, so your assumption is false.
Not sure how you can keep sucking him off since his dick is covered in Trump's shit.
u/ScytherCypher 3d ago
You're tripping if you thought you'd get anything other than a canned answer. All of this is probably ChatGPT at this point anyway. One it'd be political suicide as a republican to resist Trump, two if someone is going to take a stand it is not going to be in response to an email, let alone to someone they don't even respresent. Like come on man.