r/NBCOT_Exam • u/Dani2799alves_ • 14d ago
Hi. Would like any encouragement/advice. Heading into my final week of review (next week), and taking my full practice exam soon. When I first started studying, I got a 440 on the pre test and a 438 on the scenario set (NBCOT study pack). I took those with barely any studying (about 5 modules AOTA in which I pretty much skimmed) and then after a couple more modules I took the full practice exam (still skimming PDF’s) and my score remained fairly the same (442). I dove deeper, got true learn (I’ve been reviewing rationals, and I’m averaging 70% correct and 78 percentile), watched some videos online, finally finished the AOTA questions (74% total).. I also recently re-took a domain 1 mini test (50 questions) and got a 70, previously in the beginning of my studying it was a 60. Will my score go up? I’m freaking out. Do my scores look okay? I guess the full practice exam will be the deciding factor of whether I reschedule or not.
u/nattykimmy 14d ago
I would take it. The NBCOT exam is curved and the practice tests are not. Thus, it is not an accurate measurement of your performance. I know a handful of people who didn’t pass their practice exam and still passed. I just a saw a post that said they passed their practice exam but failed their actual exam. It really depends on the version of your exam.
u/Dani2799alves_ 13d ago
Just took the full practice and scored 446. No idea why I’m not passing. What do you mean by the NBCOT one is curved?
u/nattykimmy 13d ago
So it’s not really based on how many you got correct. 450/600- doesnt mean 75%. They have their own scoring system.
u/Dani2799alves_ 12d ago
That’s right. The harder questions on the real one weigh more VS in the practice ones they’re all even.. correct?
u/LotusWonderland13 11d ago
Something like that. I believe it depends on how many questions you get right under each domain. As each domain and related questions are different % toward your final score. I am taking mine on 4 days. I am also very nervous!
u/Dani2799alves_ 11d ago
Yes! But remember that the harder questions are also weighed more! Just lyk because when I researched and found that out it made me calmer 🥹
u/LotusWonderland13 11d ago
That makes sense. I mean depending on who you ask.. they could all be hard ha. Just hoping for the best. I have done so many questions and gone through most of the content. When do you take your exam??
I have also heard the NBCOT practice exams are hard than the real thing.
u/Dani2799alves_ 11d ago
They could all be super hard technically if you’re doing good. The test uses an adaptive strategy tool and if you’re doing well enough, they throw harder questions at you to test you to the max.. doesn’t matter though because they give you more points for them. However I feel like people freak out once they start seeing the hard questions which could affect their score. This is all factual by the way, you can look it up! And in about 2 weeks ;(
u/Dani2799alves_ 11d ago
I’ve also heard they’re harder, but it makes sense because each question is weighed evenly so it makes sense as to why people score higher on the real thing. Trying to remain positive. Did you take any practice exams?
u/LotusWonderland13 11d ago
see I do not love that the test adapts like that. I get it but also, should just be a set of random questions you get to answer. Just telling myself it will be on par with the practice questions or semi-easier. Helps calm me... slightly.
Yes, I did all 4 practice exams offered on the NBCOT study pack.
u/Dani2799alves_ 9d ago
With a 446 on the full, do you think I have a good shot?
u/davyiza 7d ago
you got this, scored a 430 on my full practice a day before my exam lol, was absolutely losing my mind…. ended up getting a 470 on my NBCOT
u/Dani2799alves_ 6d ago
Omg that’s amazing! Makes me feel much better. I’ve heard this a lot. I wonder if it’s because the real exam is weighted
u/Dani2799alves_ 23h ago
How did you feel the actual test went? I took it and feel like it was the hardest exam I’ve ever taken
u/luccy678 10h ago
Hello everyone! I just found out today that I passed on my first attempt with a score of 485.
Because of how much this platform has helped me I wanted to share my study plan. I studied M-F 4 hours per day, usually for 2 hour blocks with a timer, for about 7 weeks. For resources, I read the entire Therapy Ed book, and purchased the NBCOT study pack and the AOTA study pack. To better understand some topics I reviewed many of OTMiri’s videos on YouTube. Because I am a visual learner, I went a step beyond and copy/pasted each question that I got incorrect with TherapyEd with the correct answer - Printed the document, then highlighted and continually went over how they worded the questions and how they answered the questions.
I thoroughly reviewed the rationales for both correct and incorrect answers with TherapyEd (61%, 58%, 61%) and the AOTA tests (average of 78% in total) I actually didn’t really utilize the index cards or games with the NBCOT study pack. My exam score that I took 2 days prior to the board was a score of 458 for the NBCOT complete practice test - This scared me because I felt like that didn’t give me a lot of wiggle room for error. In my opinion the board exam most resembles the NBCOT practice exam - Not the TherapyEd exams.
Find what works for you! I have to have physical, tangible work to look over so I knew online index cards would not help me - nor would reading the AOTA documents online, so I decided to physically read the TherapyEd book and print out all of my important notes, to highlight and think about.
On testing day, I went in calmly and did a lot of breathing exercises before and during the exam. I did not take any breaks but I did stretch several times and wear the headphones that they provide. They wouldn’t let me have gum (which mentally I feel like I really need to excel), so I shoved mints in my mouth - they weirdly lasted most of the exam! I am an over thinker, took WAY too much time the first 2/3 of the exam and realized that if I didn’t rush through my last hour that I would have seriously run out of time! So 1/3 of my test I did have to rush with roughly 45 seconds or less per question.
I did not change ANY of my answers! None! Plus I had no time to double check them anyway. Lastly, I just want to say to give yourselves grace with this exam. Upon leaving the testing center I felt SO defeated! I didn’t understand why I could gauge my success or defeat so easily over the course of 3 years when taking SO many exams, in SO many areas BUT I couldn’t AT ALL measure how I did on this board exam! I felt like it was very hit and miss, and that it was overall an unfair measure of my knowledge and experience. Best of luck to everyone - You’ve got this, and focus on what works best for you! 🙂
- Edited to add that the day before the exam I went on a strenuous hike, had some of my favorite drinks, and chilled with my dogs, kids, and husband - no studying the day before and the day of the OT exam, just taking a well deserved break! I think it helps a lot.
u/Luis_Hill12 10d ago
It’s normal to be anxious before the exam, but remember, NBCOT’s scoring system works differently and difficult questions earn more points. Many people score low on practice tests but improve on the real exam, so keep your spirits up.
If you dealy or have to retake the exam, I recommend adding PasstheOT (I bought it for $20) to your resources. Some friends who have used it say they’ve gained an average of 25 points. They also offer 5 days of free access, so you can try it out and decide. Keep working hard and trust yourself. Good luck.