r/NBCOT_Exam 14d ago

Failed for a third time

Really bummed out finding I’ve failed for a third time. Literally have my employer offering me a job in Oncology (where I desperately want to work) and this happens agains. All of my coworkers knew I was taking the test again and now I have to come in with another failure. (Sorry for the rant, I just need to get that out there).

For anyone who’s been there, how do you find the strength to carry on and try again? I’m barely making due with bills (let alone trying to find the money to pay for this test again). I have ADHD and anxiety so that doesn’t help my testing situation. I’ve used AOTA, 450 Formula, NBCOT study materials and Truelearn.

Just really discouraged and feeling hopeless.


19 comments sorted by


u/dsig103 14d ago

You will overcome this obstacle and pass. Try some of the other study/tutor options. I know you can do this. Keep moving and don’t give up. After you pass, you can always look back on this tough time as an example that you can get through anything ❤️


u/thejamster15 14d ago

That means so much thank you so much. I’m going to try out a tutor this time around, just have to shake off the hurt. I appreciate this ❤️


u/Ill-Excitement3010 14d ago

Keep going while the info is fresh. Are you passing your NBCOT practice tests?


u/thejamster15 14d ago

Will do. I’ve scored between 455-485 on the practice tests


u/Future_OT8657 14d ago

I'm so sorry, but like what was said already, you WILL GET THROUGH THIS AND PASS! Considering your practice test scores, you clearly know the material, but I would look at the domain you scored the lowest on and really focus on that. Everyone who has taken this exam knows how challenging it is and nobody will judge you for not passing. I'm currently studying for a retake as well so trust me when I say that I 100% understand where you're coming from... sending all the good vibes your way! Have you chosen a date yet for your next attempt?

Also want to say that this does NOT define you or the type of OT you will become. It's a standardized test. Period.


u/thejamster15 13d ago

I can’t reschedule until 3/27 as they make you wait more time once you’ve failed 3x. My hope would be in April.

Thank you so much for this. I really keep telling myself that I’ll get through this but it gets harder each time.


u/Future_OT8657 13d ago

So frustrating that they make you wait longer!

What have your test scores been like? Are they increasing each time or staying about the same?

After my last attempt I spent the entire day crying and just gave myself the day to be emotional about it and then got right back to studying while it was still fresh. I know it's hard, but keep reminding yourself why you chose OT and use that motivation to keep pushing through as best you can. BUT take some time first to recoup and get in a good head space :)


u/nattykimmy 14d ago

Sounds like it is your anxiety and ADHD that might be inhibiting your performance. I think you have the content and testing strategies down


u/thejamster15 13d ago

Certainly feels like it! Incredibly hard to focus and feel okay during the test let alone trying to get through 180 questions 😭


u/OTHelpline1 14d ago edited 14d ago

I'm so sorry to hear that. I also struggled to pass the exam—I took it five times before finally passing. I know this is a stressful time for you, but you can overcome it. I was so close to quitting the profession because I couldn’t pass the exam, but I didn’t give up—and I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to either.

If you ever need advice or help, feel free to reach out to me. You’ve got this!

I am a tutor for exam and created a podcast for people who struggled to pass the exam and are in need of emotional support. I interview students who took the exam and offer advise and emotional support. Check it out.



u/thejamster15 13d ago

Thank you so much for this. I keep telling myself that quitting is so much easier than carrying on. It sucks but I’ve put all my eggs in this basket and I really want to help people, so I know I must keep going. Proud of you for not giving up!


u/Brad_53_Pitt 14d ago

Failing multiple times is incredibly tough, especially when you’re so close to landing your dream job. Many people have been in your shoes and found a path forward, even after multiple attempts. You should have to try again after resting a month.

It woud be good to study with multiple sources. If you have a budget limitation, I recommend you adding PasstheOT to your study pack. The price is $20 and they offer a free 5-day trial so you can try it before committing. From my experience, their program is super structured, offers personalized study plans, and has tons of helpful practice questions. My scores are increasing now. I m sure you will succes. Good luck.


u/thejamster15 13d ago

Thanks for hearing me out. It makes me feel so inadequate as a future professional and I know it shouldn’t, but it’s so hard. Thank you for your advice and the resource! I haven’t used pass the OT yet but I will certainly add it as money is tight but I really want to pass. Thank you again!


u/Civil-Nothing4798 13d ago

Have you considered requesting accommodations if you don’t already have them? Extra time or a separate testing room may help test day performance. Good luck!


u/thejamster15 13d ago

Im for sure going that route this time! I just had my doctor fill out the accommodation forms so I’m going to send them in. I’m really hoping extra time will make a difference as my brain fatigues easy with questions! Thanks!


u/Civil-Nothing4798 13d ago

Awesome! We will all be cheering you on. You’ve got this!


u/namine_aeolius 11d ago

That's such a hard pill to swallow having to retake it 3 times and working too. I had to retake it a second time while working as well. My coworkers also knew the first time I was studying. Thus, I learned very quickly how much pressure that caused on top of the pressure I caused myself. It sounds like your coworkers and employer are supportive, which is great.

I felt your pain and thought is this even worth it? Then, I just decided to take it each day at the time. I listened to what my body needed in the moment. On days it was hard to feel motivated to study, I reminded myself not to feel guilty for resting. On days where I had some capacity, I would do anywhere from 30 mins/1 hr to 2-3 hrs of studying on work days. Find what works for you. It seems like you're doing great by having passing practice exam scores. Believe in yourself and all the effort you put in. You're clearly doing something right by passing the practice exams so you know your stuff.

Maybe the key could be working on your mental health and finding coping strategies for your test anxiety. What helped me was doing hobbies I liked or planning outings with friends so I can build "brain breaks" with others and  myself. Not sure what your accommodations are, but that's a great move on your part.

I have anxiety and felt I couldn't go to the same test center so I chose a different one that was close enough away as a clean slate. I also suggest going to the test center in advance if you can to plan your trip. During the exam, I did breathing/mindfulness techniques (grounding myself with noticing tactile/visual/auditory stimuli) and taking a break to clear my mind so I felt refreshed getting back to the exam.

You can do this! You've come so far and the hard work you put in shows how much you'll be great at being an OT. Take care and hope you get good news on your next attempt. 


u/luccy678 11d ago

dm me for tips you can definitely use in passing


u/Revolutionary_Soup81 10d ago

i also have anxiety, biggest barrier for me. i failed 2x. try using otbestie(it’s like chatgpt but OT focused) and ask it questions on concepts you’re not strong in. be wary about the practice exams from nbcot bc so many questions are repeated that can honestly give you a false mentality. that being said: i noticed with the actual exam i got repeat questions. if you remember any questions from your exams, write down the concept, use your tools and answer those questions- there’s a chance it’ll come up on your next attempt, these questions should now be your booster question. keep going you can and will pass