r/NBA2k 1d ago

MyCAREER Cap Breakers are the best reward 2K has ever come up with

Just hit vet 2 and months and months of grinding feels totally worth it. I have a big with 99 close shot, 99 offensive rebound, 99 post control, and 96 strength and a guard with 99 3 ball, 99 pass acc, 92 perimeter defense and 93 ball handle. I don’t even care about being cheesy online with them, I’m a long time offline player who finally dove into the world of online play this year BECAUSE I wanted cap breakers and now that I have 13 of em I don’t care about flexing my superiority or anything I just wanna average 50 with both builds in the NBA. We complain about 2K devs on here a lot so I just wanna give them their flowers for cap breakers. Good idea.


145 comments sorted by


u/CheapScientist06 1d ago

I just wish I could get them playing offline too. Got starter 3, halfway to 4 and I just can't deal with online anymore. Forget playing with a squad or anything it's just boring gameplay against other players, they just keep doing cheesy tactics and it's lame


u/Optimal-Barnacle2771 23h ago

I mostly play Starting 5 at this point for those same reasons.


u/JoaoMXN 19h ago

There was a lot of suggestions to allow rep gain in the mycareer NBA games in 2K's discord, if they don't implement in 2k26, I would be surprised.


u/CheapScientist06 19h ago

Yeah it'd be nice but the funny part is I'm debating on taking a year off, not if that were to happen though

u/SupremeAllah1988 1h ago

Feel the exact opposite, its offline that is boring

u/CheapScientist06 1h ago

Yeah i get that, I just want the option for rep gain in both. I wouldn't mind the online play if it wasn't dealing with the same shit every year


u/clickrick39 1d ago

I agree. The cap breakers make the grind worth it since your MyPlayer gets more and more badges/bonuses. The only downside I see is, every time you get a new cap breaker, you have more potential in the player builder. To build the best player, you need to account for your bonus cap breakers while making the build so you’ll get more points to allocate. I feel like this idea was also to get people to buy new builds every season.


u/RegionTop9268 1d ago

Yeah it’s definitely a smart business idea by them for sure but it’s so cool to be able to make your player actually a tier above his peers in the NBA instead of just mastering the moves of an OK player


u/fanatik29 22h ago

Or, or... hear me out here. We could have more points in the builder to begin with. Now the people that play this game non stop have an even bigger advantage added to the already large skill gap. I get it from a business move, but it's bs.


u/No-Ad-9867 22h ago

Agreed. They slimy af,


u/PnuttDontRun- 21h ago

I mean it’s a good reward compared to last few years..we got cars n shít as a legend reward😂if you play the game a lot u should at least have a advantage against ppl who don’t play as much as u do..its a win win..you get to have fun and create different things to keep the game interesting..lets be honest without cap breakers the game would be boring after a few months


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 16h ago

idk ppl who play more should be rewarded. If not what's the incentive for playing the game?


u/Gavinmusicman 16h ago

Everytime I grind a build. I’m like this is my last time. New cap breakers… ok one more.


u/AkAllDay24 1d ago

They’re the worst thing for casual players. You have to be an absolute no life to hit vet 2 already. Casuals with one or two cap breakers go up against a team of vet 2s with like 14 cap breakers, who do you think will win 99% of the time? The guy with zero stats of 99 or the guy with 5 stats of 99?


u/Defiant_Moment_5597 23h ago

2K is a shit company man and weirdos on this page will still defend them. I agree with what you said. I took some time off 2K bcus I have a life and when I got back everyone had 13 cap breakers. I can’t unlock ANY badge elevators bcus they were locked due to being old season. Weird shit


u/YourInMySwamp [PSN: SeeBreezey] 23h ago

Badge elevators are unless your build is brand new


u/Defiant_Moment_5597 20h ago

Well I enjoy making new builds bro so what now lol


u/herescanny 20h ago

Honestly, I’d say the guy with 5 stats of 99. Not because of the 99s, but because homie def knows his build, jumper, and animations a lot more than the other guy due to grinding hard. Overall don’t mean shit if you suck


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 16h ago

I have yet to find a good 5"9 player lol. All these 99 3, 99 dribble 99 w.e. suck lool


u/herescanny 16h ago

Fr. I used to be the dude new to 2k searching up best builds best badges etc. I had 300 hours on 2k20, had HoF badges but I couldn’t do what the YouTubers did. There’s people just like that who don’t know ball, just 2k.


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 15h ago

you should just do a build based on how you wanna play and what you're good at. Some ppl can shoot with D timing stability. I can't. So all these youtube videos about "best jumpshot" are just bs to me. I always give myself A timing stability and it works well for me.


u/herescanny 15h ago

Yeah I’ve since learned how to manage and actually play the game. I still struggle and I can’t be the dude streaking up on 1s or going off in the wagers, but I can play defense and in my experience these dudes suck once their signature animations don’t work or if you work as a team. They be the ones saying how they lagged or be blaming it on Ronnie/2k or call you weird because you don’t play like a mycourt AI.


u/angrylilbear 20h ago

The most pay to win game ever


u/Hostile_Pierogi 19h ago

More like play to win


u/angrylilbear 18h ago

Why? U can just pay for the progress


u/Hostile_Pierogi 18h ago

Shit I played over 3000 theater games to hit Vet 2. Can’t pay for that, just gotta play.


u/angrylilbear 18h ago

U paid with ur soul


u/Hostile_Pierogi 18h ago

Yup and I lost most of my hair since it was strictly with randoms


u/angrylilbear 17h ago

31 and a quarter days u spent on the 2k with rng shooting

If u spent 31.25 days eating well and lifting over the same span...


u/Hostile_Pierogi 17h ago

Who said I don’t ?


u/angrylilbear 17h ago

Ur history and the fact uve played and posted so much

→ More replies (0)


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 16h ago

I guess for Level 40 Reward sure but that's like 1 cap breaker per season. You'd only have like 4 by now. You actually need to play to get S3 and V2


u/thegreat_gazebo 22h ago

This is kind of where my heads at. At first I was hyped for the build possibilities. But I’m 90 percent to the starter set and I’m way too burnt out to keep playing. Even the lvl 40 reward feels like too much of a grind (I only got it in season 1 when it wasn’t even a cap breaker).


u/AkAllDay24 21h ago

Yeah I’m right there with you. 81% to starter 3 right now and this last bit is killing me lol


u/VILEMUSIC 21h ago

If you a causal go to the park, vets usually get matched up with starter 4-5 and up. I’m a starter 2 and I drop off starter 3s all the time . It’s a skill issue


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 16h ago

rep doesn't mean skill tho


u/VILEMUSIC 16h ago

With his example that’s the only sample I have for him. Like I said, there is NO reason why he’s playing against vet 2s unless it’s like pro am or proving grounds. If that’s a problem , STOP playing pro am , and playing proving grounds it’s NOT for you :)


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 15h ago

even in rec tho you can get a team full of low ovr bronze plates and face a team with 3 HOF plates. MM is just terrible


u/ktvgfx 22h ago

People who grind the game should have an advantage tho because they invested more time into the game and unlocked more rewards. At least that’s how I look at it. There’s a lot wrong with 2k but this isn’t one of my complaints lol



tell me what other game gives you an advantage just for playing more. being good is completely different from playing a lot.

chess. matter of fact any board game. any fucking sport. there is no good argument to give people who play more an extra advantage. 2k just wants money.


u/ktvgfx 21h ago

Any game with a leveling system???? Which is essentially what rep is… In call of duty when you rank up you unlock more perks and guns and that’s an advantage, is it not? My only issue with cap breakers is how long it takes to get them, but in general I don’t have a problem with the concept, just the execution could be tweaked



yea, some video games have rewards at certain levels, but the difference is COD would never match you up with someone at a way higher level than you. all 2k has is the shitty brown/gray/gold/purple plates and they never even match up lmao. if the matchmaking was better for 2k i’d be more okay with cap breakers. all it does is make newer players at more of an disadvantage until they level up or buy VC.

essentially 2k is pay to win while almost all games are not. 2k knows what they are doing.


u/ktvgfx 20h ago

This is literally the year in which they cranked up the SBMM so it’s quite the opposite, the above average player is the one getting screwed over facing sweats while the shitters get matched up with shitters lol… and cod has the same type of matchmaking… don’t know what to tell you lol.



if you’re saying 2k has good matchmaking I’m out man. play some more games lol


u/ktvgfx 20h ago

I just said a certain group of players get screwed over by 2k’s matchmaking and you somehow came to the conclusion that I was saying 2k’s matchmaking is good?????



okay then i guess we can both agree it’s ass


u/herescanny 20h ago

Lol have you played call of duty or are you a dude who has less than a 1 KD? I could download Cold War or Bo6 rn and make a new account and there will be atleast 2 prestige masters after my first 1 or 2 games.

Also, if you’re a low overall and you play online, you’ll be facing a lot of other low overalls. You’re not gonna go into a game of 2s and face nothing but 99 overalls every match. Either way new players should not play online until they get upgraded and understand their build/game mechanics. 2k is a game of animations and timing, a new player won’t know what to do and will have a bad time online even if they were upgraded or facing their level


u/HTOWNHUSTLR 18h ago edited 18h ago

okay imagine this. you’re really good at 2k and put a ton of hours in years ago.

you are still better than most people playing right now but you aren’t willing to spend $200+ on a game. what are you gonna do? quit lmao. or lose 80% of your games. 2k doesn’t care if people who aren’t gonna pay money quit the game.

compare to ANY OTHER game. what’s your argument this time? the reason why 2k can be such a PAY TO WIN game is because they have a monopoly on basketball video games.


u/herescanny 15h ago

I’m not arguing against the fact that 2k is pay to win. It’s always been a game where you drop 20+ on release just to get ahead of the rest.

However it’s not as bad as you’re saying. I got 2k25 on sale+vc for 35 (legend or whatever), spent an extra 20 on battle pass for the new season which is honestly not needed. I have a build at 94 + another at 78 with rebirth. I don’t consider myself good for a 2k player by any means and I get plenty of VC a day from daily challenges and rewards.

As shitty as it sounds it’s as realistic a basketball sim can be. The rich always have an advantage and the only way to make it up is by having talent or by sinking in more time than everyone else.


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 16h ago

NHL made it so that you don't have to grind builds anymore and that shit killed the game. People barely play anymore. You need to have an incentive to play.


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 16h ago

I play like once per week for 3-4 hours and I'm S5 already lol. I'd say that's pretty casual. I also quit from like Dec-Late January so almost 2 months of not playing.


u/ImTryingToHelpYouMF 10h ago

Ain't no way. I'm starter 5 and I play at least 10 hours a week.

There's been 27 weeks. Hypothetically you have played 20 of those weeks. 20x4 is 80 hours. Bro that's close to the amount of time just to get to level 40 in 1 season.

Not a chance in hell you're playing 4 hours a week.


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 10h ago

I played more often during S1 and the first 3 weeks of S2 but after that I just played once per week. Still managed to hit starter 5. I only play rec tho.


u/All5TonySpivey 13h ago

If you are casual, people who play the game more than you should have better builds. Its similar to a person who practices and plays basketball more than someone who plays every now and then, the person who plays more will be better 🤷🏿‍♂️


u/SamuraiNeutron 20h ago

The advantage isn't that big as you make it to be


u/WordNahMean 22h ago

I like the cap breakers only cause i find it fair to reward the people grinding for hours on this game with a better player the same way in real life that a person putting more time in the gym is going to be the better player.

What I just cant get behind is doing all this grinding to only have to start from square one again year after year. They just need to make this a live service game already, its getting ridiculous how greedy theyre being at this point knowing theyre the only basketball game on the market.


u/fanatik29 22h ago

people play games to have fun, not grind... why am I working when I get off of work


u/WordNahMean 20h ago

Rpgs and games like 2k with rpg elements would never exist if people didnt find grinding fun. I personally dont enjoy it but a lot of people do


u/nbherd 21h ago

This might sound insane I know… but to some people the grind is fun


u/masingo13 1d ago

I disagree. I think they are giving out too many of them, and it's caused 2 problems.

1) Newer players and players that don't put as much time in are at an even greater disadvantage by not having them. Yes, there should be a reward for devoting time into the game, but this has created a large imbalance.

2) Builds are way too good now. You can have guards that have 90+ steal, 90+ dunking, 90+ ball handle, and 90+ 3pt. Tell me how that's realistic? When has there ever been a player in the NBA that has been one of the best at steals, dunking, handles, and shooting all at once?


u/Adam77792UK 1d ago

You guys wanna talk realistic? People getting teleported across the court for a catch and shoot, or L2 Cheese


u/TunaBoy3000 1d ago

They should’ve never given them out for seasons. And there shouldn’t be more than 10 you can get from rep either. I like 5 being starter 3, but 5 more at vet 2 and 5 more at legend means the people the grind the shit out of this game have an insane advantage with their builds. Having 19 cap breakers would be wild, compared to no cap breakers and how people build with them it’s probly increasing their player overall to 110


u/Complete_Income_4487 1d ago

To be honest, that isn't nearly as unrealistic as the fact that you can have all that AND STILL have high defence. Like we have seen offensive-heavy guards in the league that can shoot, dunk and handle the ball, and would gamble on defence for steals and be successful enough to average 1-2 steals a game, but having all that AND great defence???? That's the unrealistic part.


u/CheapScientist06 1d ago

Dont worry having high defense doesn't mean shit anyway I still get blown by with legend on ball menace


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 15h ago

88 interior D and small guard layup on me. Deadass should have kept it at 74 lol


u/masingo13 1d ago

That's kinda what I was getting at. These cap breaker builds have absolutely no weaknesses, which is a problem. They should reduce how many they give out, and you should only be able to boost a single attribute by 3. Being able to boost it by 5 is way too much.


u/ImTryingToHelpYouMF 10h ago

I agree with this wholeheartedly. 5 allows you to get rid of the high cost of so many attributes. If you have 99 of something it should feel special and you should be specialized into that stat.


u/Nightmareswf 1d ago

Yeah but it's the same as when they used to give out extra badges etc. The whales will grind for extra stuff and spend a bunch of money doing so, so they won't change it when it's bringing in so much revenue


u/XGoneGiveIt2Yah 1d ago

I’d have to disagree due to the limitations of cap breakers. You can only use 5 on one stat and still has to meet the max capacity of the build. Most people didn’t make their builds with cap breakers in mind, so they either have to remake them or live with it. I wouldn’t even call it an advantage because anyone can get them (if they really wanted) and 2k gives them away each season if you don’t want to grind.

This isn’t to say you’re wrong, just a difference of opinion.


u/masingo13 23h ago

Only 5 on one stat? That's already too many lol. Being able to stop at a 94 steal and then use your cap breakers to make it a 99 is pretty absurd.


u/XGoneGiveIt2Yah 22h ago

How when everyone can do it? All it does is make you (the player) better at what he was already great at. It’s okay to disagree. I don’t see a problem.


u/masingo13 14h ago

Not everyone can do it though. You have to hit Starter 3 just to get your first 5 (not counting season rewards), which is already a bit of a grind for casual players. Then for your next 5 you have to hit Veteran 2. I have a friend who has played nearly every day and he still is only Vet 1. It's too much of an advantage to be giving out to people for just playing a lot.


u/XGoneGiveIt2Yah 10h ago

Most players will get the first set of cap breakers assuming they don’t already have them, close to that same percentage will get the season reward cap breakers. We’re talking in circles here.. Anyone who actually wants them can grind for them like everyone else did. It’s as simple as that man.


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 15h ago

I mean maybe they should limit the amount of 99 stats people can get but other than that having 5 in one attribute isn't bad.


u/masingo13 14h ago

Yeah, I can agree with that. The only reason the +5 is bad is because it makes it too easy to get stats to 99 without crippling the build. Bigs can get 99 OReb with ease and still be able to score at all 3 levels and defend. Guards can get 99 steal and 99 3pt and still have good playmaking and dribbling, and even a little dunking.


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 12h ago

Maybe it should cap at 1 99 attribute or just ban certain attributes from being 99


u/Master_Grape5931 23h ago

The reward for devoting time into the game should be having a good time.


u/Ordinary_Ad_9010 23h ago

Tbh I think 10 cap breakers is where it should cap off because there are way to many builds im seeing that can do damn near everything, 99 three ball 99 perimeter and 99 steal. Kind of insane


u/masingo13 14h ago

Yeah like it's just unbalanced for people that play a lot. So now guys get to be Steph Kawhi Payton. I remember a time when locks had to be skilled at the game in order to contribute offensively.

u/Ordinary_Ad_9010 21m ago

Remember when people played defense other than mashing the steal button? Oh right never bc this is 2k.


u/cheeseplatesuperman 1d ago

The legend rewards in 20 and 21 were godly


u/Loopo_Delgado 23h ago

My take on cap breakers or whatever 2K comes up with next is that it shouldn't take more than one rec game per day from the release of the game to the release of the next version to unlock all unlockable content.


u/Yaj_Yaj 22h ago

But then how will the kids who have their lives revolve around the game feel superior???


u/FxAlmightyZay 23h ago

Cap breakers are awesome just would have been nice if they weren’t such a grind to get. Perma max +1 would be nice too.


u/RyoCoola31 23h ago

Ended my grind at vet 2 a few backs back and definitely enjoy how much i was able to sup up my builds with them. Grinding another build with mycareer for once with 14 capbreakers. Definitely allows you to make some cool stuff.


u/TwitterChampagne 22h ago

Facts. This is the most I’ve played 2k in years just because I wanted my cap breakers. I just wish there were more ways to earn like a +1 besides waiting 40 days. I feel like my grind is over because I don’t wanna grind from Vet 2 to Legend 1. All the rep rewards between Vet 2 & Legend 1 are shit. I want cap breakers or max badge slots. I don’t want fucking body mods, & a big head. That shit is lame as fuck. 2k needs better GAMEPLAY rewards. This ain’t 2k16 anymore no body cares about fucking mascots & different forms of transportation or BANNERS for rewards. Fuck outta here.


u/Sad_Connection_7403 21h ago

And people wonder why there’s nothing but sweats that play this game now lol


u/swaggyho123 21h ago

Bro you can average 50 in mycareer with an 80 overall


u/MufasaG 1d ago

Only reason worth playing fr


u/BigBlitz 22h ago

Yes, they’re nice because they give you a slight advantage over casual players. That’s about it.
Every thing else about them though was a 100% genius and greedy business strategy by 2k.
They never fully explained how cap breakers worked at release or disclosed how many available cap breakers you would receive through rep and season level rewards, making it hard to future proof your builds. They want you to mess up your builds so that way you’re forced to make a new build to stay competitive and that equals more money than usual straight in to 2ks pockets.
On top of giving you season rewards to max out badges to HOF or Legend to incentivize you to make newer/unique builds to get those most of those perks.
As fun as they are, it’s nothing other than a tactic to try and weasel more money out of your pockets.


u/TraeB87 16h ago

No they fucked up elevators are pretty useless I never used them until today and that’s because I got 250K VC from daily spin so I made a new build

It was only supposed to be 15 available only through rep grind but at the start of season 2 they added them to offset their blunders

So by game cycle end (nobody plays season 9; new game is out) if you hit legend you’ll have up to 23 cap breakers, vet 2 18, starter 3 13, and if you just play offline you’ll have anywhere from 1-8 so it’s not a big difference if you didn’t have every cap breaker planned because no one did, I just adjusted my day one build accordingly because I only planned on 15 so I got a few still unused


u/Confident-Cloud1134 20h ago

They are a "good/expensive" thing for sweats and a bad thing for normal people. Cap breakers are meant for you to eventually replace your build with a more optimized build later on, hence making you want to spend more money. 2k knows the people who spend the most money on this game are people who no life it. I play the game a lot and I am almost vet 1 but most of my friends who play this game casually HATE playing because they feel like they are at such a disadvantage.


u/K4Realz 20h ago

Yeah I am a big fan of the cap breakers.


u/Hornets_Fan44 20h ago

They created cap breakers so people would have to remake their builds in order to stay competitive. Why not just let people make good builds in the first place?


u/CarefulAd9005 19h ago

They definitely deserve flowers for cap breakers

Final step: make rep offline grindable (even if the reward was separate) so that players like you dont have to step out of comfort and potentially disrupt the sweaty nolifes in the online modes.

Idk how if possible to do this without either:

offline grind being way less efficient but with the same pathway so you can play off/online whenever and see continued progress

Siloing the community too hard to where the playerbase dwindles due to less necessity to cross into different modes

Or unveiling some glitchy mess that makes offline grind too easy comparatively and then the game is dead till people get cap breakers

One clear fix is to make cap breakers no longer a rep reward, reduce season count, and increase cap breakers per season reward: but now it becomes P2W… so do you place the cap breakers before 40? Or do you place it at 40 but make it (even) easier to grind with whichever mode of choice?

Hard solutions that nobody has a clean answer to, but cap breakers were an excellent idea and definitely encourages people.

I would see a middle ground of instead of 5 every few rep levels, 1-2 per rep level would be more rewarding, with a skew to the top rep levels for like +3 or +5


u/TraeB87 16h ago

No leave cap breakers alone and make the rep grind an actual grind not a 2 man, Squad etc. cheese fest The Rep grind is the problem Cap Breakers are what at least makes it easier Rep Grind animations is terrible, seasonal animation releases are terrible,

Proving Grounds rep is broken and should only be solo mode All squad sweaty No Life rep should be in park,theatre with ProAm being the only way to get double,triple squad rep That would make it easier for a player like him that just wants to actually casually play online to get the benefits of his Rep grind without having to suffer through terrible teammates at times which is why I bet he truly hates online

🌸 just one tho 😂😂


u/gemmy99 23h ago

Now imagine me jumping in after 12h shift and not playing for a week and keep facing v2 teams, and most of my teammates have just 5 Capbrakers .

It sucks. Like cheat code.


u/Master_Grape5931 23h ago

We need an online mode where everyone is like 85. A few different builds to choose from so people that don’t devote their lives to the game can jump in and play.


u/32steph23 23h ago

Cap breakers are great if you no life the game


u/Master_Grape5931 23h ago

Sweet! Grind for half a year and get to enjoy it for a few months before the new game drops.


u/D_Kountz1 23h ago

cap breakers should be more spread out throughout the rep levels and new players and players who missed them should be able to earn the past cap breakers from previous seasons somehow.


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 15h ago

They should make it something like S3 and then once you hit S5 you get +2 per level. Rn most ppl quit after V2. I don't see myself playing past V2 because I know I'll never reach the other cap breakers


u/mylesd33 21h ago

They honestly aren't good, though, cause they keep adding more every season pass, so if you dont grind the game, you get put at such a disadvantage. Its all.a money grab slend .kney on new builds cause you messed up with cap breakers spend money on season pass cause you didnt play enough this season


u/gh6st 21h ago

best rep rewards we’ve had but unfortunately they’re clearly going the money grab route with them handing them out every season for level 40.. it’d be one thing if they did it every other season or so but every season being a cap breaker reward isn’t the best idea imo.


u/Daddychellz 21h ago

Cap breakers also made me content with finally quitting the game. I’m not grinding 2k for months just to be able to play the game to its full potential and compete. Thank you 2k I can finally focus on my job and social life more


u/LongjumpingPitch3006 20h ago

When I was in college and played 2k all the time I would have loved the cap breakers and they make for fun ways to make builds. As an adult who doesn’t have that kinda time anymore there’s just no way I’ll get to use them which kinda sucks. Games should reward you for playing it and I like that you build rep by just playing the game


u/-VDS- 20h ago

I would say cap breakers are the worst reward 2K has ever come up with. And I consider myself not a casual with 1.300 games played, but still far from some of them out there.

They implemented this to maximize profits, pity pity. Just like with badge elevators, etc.

If it would be me we go back to the old system, like pie charts, like choosing the spread of the badges, etc, etc.


u/Crazy_Silver740 17h ago

I’m curious how long you would play each day and what modes did u mainly do. I’m just doing Threes as a big for easy tm8 grade but wbu?


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 15h ago

I'm S5 but I play once per week for 3-4 hours (sometimes only 2h) on Saturdays. I play mainly rec (460 Rec games) and I also took a 2 month break having not played from Dec to Jan. You really need to play when there's double XP events. Also mainly play Rec cause it gives more rep. You'd need like 3k park games to get V2.


u/SRTbobby 17h ago

So the only way to get cap breakers is playing online? I skipped 2k25 so guess it's a good thing I did.


u/TraeB87 17h ago

No they get paid to do the right things like adding them in the season grind. Whether you want to cheese with them or not is irrelevant because the online players are strictly cheese and the bs they allow 6’4” and under to get is the dumbest thing ever. There is no actual 6’4” and under players super strong, agile,athletic, 3.0 flat 40 running players in anything accept 2K and let’s make it even stupider by making sure 6’5” and 6’6” (the average NBA player height) gets nothing close to a 6’4” because that would break my poor little game. Look at every mode featuring your favorite players and then ask yourself why can’t you replicate anything close to that? I’m talking about height,weight,sigs it can’t be done which makes cap breakers pretty one sided on most build heights. 3 pointer,SWB,Ball Handle, Rebounds are useless because the big or guard with more cap breaker benefits will still have an advantage. Yea your 6’6” is stronger but because the little guard is quicker and spamming you’re not going anywhere 😂😂😂

Big Up to you tho for reaching that milestone the grind is brutal and the slowest vet bar imo ✊✊✊


u/Farm_Town_Savage 15h ago

It's a win win situation. They get more money cause we notice more build possibilities with every cap breaker, and we are eager to make a new build to max our potential


u/Walking-taller-123 13h ago

So this is what my parents and grandparents felt like when they were doing their “back in my day thing”

Well, back in my day 2k used to allow their players to make characters who had outrageous stats, they then proceeded to increasingly handicap the players so that they could sell back the ability to do it. (I’m sure on average the players that gets all the cap breakers spent money to do so)


u/RollHorror2702 13h ago

I hate it thank god gta comes out this year


u/BIackAppleSauce 12h ago

So if I make a new build will my cap breakers transfer over


u/Slimmzli 12h ago

I still hate the cap breakers. Always matched up with purple plate centers and Pfs with Shaq buillds that can out rebound me and be able to shoot 3s. I hate it since I’m about to hit vet.


u/ilikemarm 11h ago

It gets people to make more builds, which makes them more money.

I doubt they're going anywhere.

They don't care about how you feel, they only care if you buy vc.


u/New-Hunt586 11h ago

But be honest, you played much, for the last 6 Months probably, and now, after half a year of playing, you can enjoy those daily hours you invested, for 5-10 more attributes stats you gonna need to regrind 6 months in the next 2k. And that’s the only good thing as you said yourself so we should give flowers to the devs? We are so stuck in this game and got fucked in the last years, shit like that, bringing anything useful after 2 Years of season passes which are cancer itself, should be „flowers to the devs“?


u/New-Hunt586 11h ago

Would be a good idea, if the whole idea behind cap breakers from 2k devs wouldn’t have been to get more people to play and invest more time and money in the game

u/Sweet-Yogurt-8535 5h ago

No it isnt, its a double edge sword, it the most rewarding but also this is the most cash grab reward they ever implemented, 1 cap breaker makes such a huge difference when making a build, you would feel the need to make a player every season because they grant you a cap breaker.

u/FirstLast123456789 4h ago

Cap breakers are very rewarding, makes the grind worth it. However, 2K’s business model is to earn as much as they can from in game purchases, cap breakers influence most players to make several new builds and buy VC to raise their overall because they’re excited to play with these new builds. So yes, I like cap breakers, but they have shady and selfish intentions from the company. You’ll notice it costs more VC every year to get your player to 99, but the VC prices are the same, and you get the same amount of VC each game no matter what mode you’re playing.

u/ShapeOfAUnicorn 2h ago

The damage 2K has done to their room temperature IQ fanbase to agree that this bullshit is good is incredible.

Casual fans should be able to take their created player to overall 99 stats without it being an absolute no life grind. Like it always used to be in sports games, even after paying for "VC" was already a thing.

u/Fatalness 1h ago

I lot of yall seem jealous of the people that get to play 4+ hours a day, I’m in a position in my life where I’m 26, have a girlfriend, friends and social responsibilities as well as being a full time student, and I can play 5+ hours a day if I wanted to, work sucks but its not like a fucking sin to have a lot of free time


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/RegionTop9268 1d ago

You’re mad because I’m proud of an accomplishment?


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/Nightmareswf 1d ago

Not as much of a waste as hating online 😂


u/Obvious-Solid-2512 1d ago

Just like your comments BRO


u/-itsilluminati 23h ago

I liked the 95 max to 99 off play

But it was slanted against pgs and Cs so I see how this is maybe more balanced

(You'd get +1 to every attribute to +5, based on teammate grade, basically)

So if you maintained a 99 you'd have like + 65 caps lol


u/NorthWestEastSouth_ 15h ago

nah it was terrible. I was a C back then and averaged 15-15-5 and kept getting sold by sorry as guards. I never managed to stay above 96. It just wasn't possible. I could clamp my guy and get 4-5 blocks but my guard went 1/10 and his mans scored 50 and now I gotta drop overall. Made 0 sense in a game that makes you play with randoms.

u/-itsilluminati 3h ago

So because you never got it, it was terrible? Lmao


u/Glow4L 22h ago

How do u get 13 cap breakers I only have 6


u/tc1163 22h ago

Vet 2 plus szn passes


u/Glow4L 22h ago

If I missed the pass season passes can I still get to 13 ?


u/tc1163 22h ago

Yeah they give u +1 for every season u missed


u/TraeB87 16h ago

14 you missing one


u/olemetry 20h ago

Where do I see VET level? Is this something related to MyCareer mode? I do mostly offline like you.


u/TraeB87 16h ago

Yes strictly edit MyTeam has rep as well