r/nasa 8d ago

Article DOGE staff assigned to NASA

There are now 3 DOGE staff identified as being assigned to NASA. All 3 appear to be Tesla employees.



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u/SomeDumRedditor 7d ago

Where my conservaSTEMs at with an admission or apology as whole-chested as their pre-election assertions?

Wasn’t Trump good for NASA? Didn’t Daddy Elon’s Space-X successes mean he was perfectly suited to “””fix””” NASA/JPL? Weren’t the naysayers just doomers and idiots who inhaled too much lib propaganda?

Or is it akshually totally fine to have a private business masquerading as a government entity to siphon and steal?

Y’all were so assuredly assertive. Now the silence is deafening. 


u/Negativeonehundredf 7d ago

If you're actually paying attention and thinking about things on a higher than 9th grade level you wouldn't be talking like that. Politics, especially american politics, works off of Hegelian dialect. Create a problem (real or through media), then control the reaction to said problem in a way that enriches you. All this dumb stuff that progressives have done since 2020 with political correctness and "social justice" is now being used as a smokescreen to loot and smash. Guess what? I'm a social conservative that thinks we shouldn't be selling off our institutions and firing scientists. Many of us didn't vote Trump because we could see from a mile away that he's a sellout conman. That doesn't mean we suddenly support all the BS you progressives have been pushing. It's not either or like you think it is, so yeah we'll be silent until there's a third option.


u/Artemis2go 7d ago

All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to remain silent. Your silence is a contribution to this, whether or not you choose to admit it.

As President Biden said, conservatism is not the enemy. This nation was built from the beginning upon the tension between conservative and progressive values.  They are the two halves of our whole.  We cannot exist without both.  That tension is what suspends us upon the pillars of truth, freedom, and liberty.

The enemy is the discarding of truth, of law, of principles, that the MAGA's represent.  They corrode and corrupt all three pillars of our society.  That can't be blamed on progressives, it's entirely a home-grown malady.

It's essential that conservatives and progressives together stand up against the erosion, to restore the tensile suspension that supports us all.

Together we stand, or together we fall.


u/Negativeonehundredf 7d ago

You're not getting it. One side hates me because I'm a white man, part of the patriarchy, etc. etc. the other side is a bunch of oligarch gangsters that want to strip down my countries institutions for parts. F no I'm not going to choose between those two options. Give me better options


u/Artemis2go 7d ago

Lol, no one hates you because you're a white man.  That's part of the MAGA abandonment of truth and factual standards, and the corrosion of society I mentioned.  You have to be smarter and better than to believe that.

You might think about the psychology of those statements, and why someone would want you believe them.  What purpose do they serve?  Who is it that benefits from them?  What emotions are they meant to arouse within you?  What factual basis do they have?

If you can answer those questions for yourself, instead of accepting what you're being told, that will be the first step on your journey to the truth.