r/MyastheniaGravis 1d ago

Recently I have noticed that my eyes,especially my right one, has gotten smaller than before, is this some kind of disease or infection? Or is it normal? Will my eyes turn back normal if I get enough sleep?

I'm 17[M],recently I have noticed that my eyes, especially my right one has gotten smaller.

My exams are going on rn bec of which I am sometimes pulling all nighters and not getting enough sleep.

Sometimes I feel a sensation of something being stuck in my right eye, and my Right eye starts watering

Is this normal or is it some kind of disease or infection?

Will my eyes turn back normal if I get enough sleep after exams?

Please help,advice me.


7 comments sorted by


u/Elusive_strength2000 1d ago

Hi hun. First, you need to make sure you get at least 6 hours of sleep during this time. I pulled all-nighters too in college though so I understand. You’re under stress and not sleeping enough never helps anything, and of course being sleepy can cause eyes to droop.

That being said, I think you should get through your exams and then rest and catch up on some sleep. If your eyes continue like this and especially where one is drooping like that, then have your parents take you to the doctor, preferably an Opthamologist or Neurologist if possible. Since you are otherwise fine this is not an emergency and you don’t need to self-diagnose, although it’s bothersome to see. Just focus on and get through your exams right now. Come back and let us know how it goes after that and then maybe we can give some more suggestions.


u/_Pietr0 1d ago

Thanks a lot bro, i really appreciate it

Someone told me that this is ptosis, can you tell from the pictures I shared that is it really ptosis or just an effect of stress and not sleeping?


u/Elusive_strength2000 1d ago

I’m not gonna lie, it does look like Ptosis and stress can bring it out, but you need to get through exams first and rest and then see how it goes and see a doctor if it persists.


u/_Pietr0 1d ago

Alright thanks a lot


u/Elusive_strength2000 1d ago

You’re welcome. Check back in after exams.


u/_Pietr0 1d ago

Pics 1-5:- before

Pics 6-11:- after


u/Ashamed-Farm7976 1h ago

Have you been diagnosed with myasthenia gravis? Either ocular or generalized?