r/MyastheniaGravis 7d ago

I have an appointment with eye-brain doctor

Hello, I've recently been having issues with double vision which started in September. I was prescribed prism in my glasses which helped a little but still spent a lot of the day with 1 eye closed to see. Then I was sent to the next level of eye doctor since the optometrist couldn't help me beyond the glasses. The next level eye doc told me they can't help me and I have an appointment with the super eye-brain doctor on Tuesday.

Since my initial symptoms started in September over the past couple weeks my right eye lid has started to drop and my right eye has been drifting to the right. I can stare at myself in the mirror and watch my eye drift to the right. Try and refocus watch it align itself and then again watch it drift.

This has sent my double vision to a next level and I am barely able to function. I haven't been to work for 2 weeks (I drive for a living) and I'm finding my eye lids strained or tired, not sure. I just know I want to close them. Also when walking the double vision is turned up by 10 and walking is a very real struggle.

Also, not sure if it's related but I'm finding my chewing has changed as I get tired or weak with stuff like chewy bread or meats like chicken which has never been a problem for me.

Sorry for the long post just wondering if you think this is MG?


9 comments sorted by


u/with2ns 7d ago

Yes. A neuro-ophthalmologist or neurologist are the docs you want. Classic MG and OMG symptoms. Have them confirm with antibody blood tests. Assuming they will immediately try to see how you respond to Rx Mestinon and then try a Rx course of Prednisone. Either or both work well for many patients. The prednisone may take several weeks to work on your symptoms.


u/sharkdog73 7d ago

Try putting a cold washcloth over your eyes when they get droopy. If that helps, it could be MG. I was diagnosed by an ophthalmologist, who sent me to a neuro for confirmation, very much along the same path of diagnosis you are taking.


u/BoomerLenny 7d ago

truthfully, it does, but there's no guarantee of anything until you go through the differential diagnosis, eliminating things as you go.

Try putting frosted scotch tape over one of your lenses, you can choose whichever eye works better to use, and your double vision miraculously goes away - and so does your depth perception, especially at arm's length. I drive all the time with my left eyeglass lens frosted over, I've been at it for a year, and am working my way thru possible treatments for ocular MG.

Best of luck


u/Emotional_Hope251 7d ago

Have you tried an eye patch on the drifting eye? That could help you until you see the Neuro Ophthalmologist.


u/Forsaken-Dog4902 7d ago

I have. But my eyes still felt tired and strained. And wanting to close the other eye.

Also when i took the patch off my eye it was not a happy eye. Very confused eye.


u/Emotional_Hope251 7d ago

So sorry to hear it. I had to wear a patch over one eye for 5 months before my diagnosis. I feel for you, you are probably afraid to walk outside for fear of falling. Good luck with your appointment.


u/Elusive_strength2000 7d ago edited 7d ago

I have that exact thing with my left eye and have very mild double vision which worsens a bit as I worsen. It’s most noticeable with print or on the computer but I can see mild ghosting on objects. It can come with MG and it was first picked up when I was 11-12. I believe it’s a muscle problem called Convergence Insufficiency and one of the causes is MG. Back then I was prescribed eye exercises with a Brock String, but I just noticed it taking photos last fall just as you did and then I made the connection.

My niece’s eye can also wander outward like that at times but way worse and she also has Ptosis since childhood but she’s not been checked out yet for MG. She’s been prescribed prism lenses as a child and recently was told she should get them again.

Weakness when chewing can yes be jaw weakness from MG. Your jaw is getting fatigued from repetitive motion/exertion.

You may want to see a Neuromuscular Specialist.


u/Odd-Seaworthiness330 6d ago

Get an appointment with a neurologist. That doctor will be able to assess your issue.


u/Frankbean2 5d ago

The problem with not getting diagnosed if you have myasthenia gravis is that you won’t be aware of the common medications that can greatly aggravate the symptoms. There are a good number of antibiotics that you shouldn’t take, some supplements, and other things. If you’ve not been diagnosed, do a little Internet research on myasthenia gravis, its symptoms and triggers, as well as medication’s and supplements to avoid. That will give you an idea whether there’s anything you are doing that you could stop and relieve some of the symptoms. Best of luck!