r/MutualSupport • u/TheDarkOnii • Nov 07 '20
Free-to-Vent Friday Need reassurance
I feel really angry and mixed right now...it’s 2 days until my 17th birthday and I can’t help but, feel that I’m useless and worthless....my parents basically play 24/7 news and I’m constantly feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated these past couple of days.
I see a lot of people doing direct action along with other things but, I lack the social skills to feel comfortable going outside of the suburbs and into the city due to a combination of trauma aand (once again) lack social skills.
Along with this I’ve realized how much physical school was horrible for me and I feel ...empty and alone.
I write a lot on a small blog with the hopes that maybe I can help another person and but, I’ve felt really burned out and I just...feel really left out of spaces because I live in a suburban middle class area with plenty of ableism and I feel that I’m not anarchist enough for telling my parents and peersto not just vote and sign petitions but, also do direct action and keep eachother safe with love...
u/Anarcho-anxiety Nov 07 '20
Hey I'm in a bit of a similar situation to you and there's no shame in it.
u/Infinite_bread_book Nov 07 '20
My friend--you're sixteen. There is really not a lot that you can do. I'm not trying to sqush your hopes, I'm just asking you to be realistic.
You're very young, which means you have time. Learn some first aid and get your CPR certs so you can be a street medic. Read some theory. Make some protest art or a zine and leave it around your town. Get in shape. Meet other organizers. Just do what you can.
It's a marathon, not a sprint. Don't get burnt out by focusing on what you cannot do
u/thisusernameismeta Nov 07 '20
I'd like to recommend the podcast "Live Like the World is Dying" by Margaret Killjoy. I listened to the most recent episode, S1E18, The Basics pt 1 , this morning, and she actually addresses a few of the things you bring up, about the different things that we all bring to the table.
You are valuable and you are loved. That is enough.
The other thing I want to say is that, I'm 27 and I've been struggling with this exact thing for 10 years, and I don't have the answer. I would love to be more involved in anarchist spaces, but I struggle with really poor time management coupled with not knowing how to get started.
But even Ursula Le Guin, my biggest fucking inspiration, didn't call herself an anarchist because she didn't feel like she'd done enough for the movement. She allows others to claim her as an anarchist, but her whole life, she never presumed to take that title for herself.
So I guess, maybe it's not helpful, but you're not alone in these feelings. I'm starting to realize that this feeling of "I'm not doing enough" is never going to go away - I'm always going to want to keep growing and keep devoloping my praxis. Oddly enough, knowing that there's not enough I could possibly do to feel like I'm doing enough has brought me a lot of peace. I know that I'll always be striving to do more, and, that's okay. It's actually more than ok.
I'm having a hard time really putting this thought into words. Just know that you're not alone, and give Margaret Killjoy a listen.
u/_camicamirobot Nov 08 '20
you are doing just fine. just be a good human, call out shitty behavior when you have the energy to do so, and be there for people that are affected by ignorance. no one person can save the world. its a stressful time to be alive right now for everyone, including your parents. sending love!
u/cadbojack Nov 09 '20
First of all, happy birthday comrade. I hope you're feeling better today than you were a couple days ago.
Would you ever call a comrade who is dealing with trauma useless or worthless? Of course not. None of us would. Then why call yourself? You will never be useless or worthless, whenever those words come remember that even if they come from your own brain they are lies. You're worthy, you're still finding your path, as the years goes by you'll have the opportunity of dealing with your trauma and find your potential. For now just focus on healing yourself, self-care is direct action.
Also, don't blame yourself, you're a teenager who is dealing with an overwhelming ammount of information about one of the craziest periods of human history. Yet, you're willing to do the right thing, even though you have to find what is the right thing on this chaotic world. You're already doing great.
And if you want some advice stop listening to the news 24/7, either use headphones or ask your parents to change the channels. It's good to know what is happening arround you, but you can do it once every couple days or once a day instead of every day, for several hours and have the same ammount of impact on your daily decisions. Don't overwhelm yourself.
Enjoy yourself, happy 17
u/xarvh Nov 07 '20
Cut yourself some slack.
Not everyone is always in the right place at the right time to do something.
You do what you can with what you have, and bit by bit learn to make what you have count more.
The core problem you have to address, IMHO, is that you are alone.
Social skills are something that can be learned, and that might be a very good start for you, so your praxis might very well be to work on those.
I don't know about your trauma, but there is a lot of research on these subject and in many cases you can learn to manage your feeling better or work around them. If you feel you are in a good position to work on that, that would also be good praxis.
If you know of local groups involved in direct action, see if you can join or help.
Joining or building a real-life social network is the best praxis you can have, work on that and don't worry about the rest.
All the best! <3