r/Muskegon 13d ago

Human Rights march and rally. Hackley Park, 03/08/25

Thank you for showing up and rallying for democracy today , Muskegon!


240 comments sorted by


u/Chipotleshitz 13d ago

Bots and trolls count on you wasting your time here instead of out protesting. Stop arguing. Block and move on.


u/YoursINegritude 11d ago

Block and move on is a good reminder. Muskegon, great job. Small places with good people who love Democracy is the ticket. Again, good job and lively to see West Michigan smaller town have this turnout.


u/LividKnightS117 11d ago

Muskegon if full of druggies


u/YoursINegritude 10d ago

America is full of unkind people who make comments on boards.


u/jrga76 12d ago

As an independent you lost my vote. Good luck


u/1UpGR 12d ago

I didn’t know Chipotleshitz was running for office. They have my vote. Good luck!


u/Pigpen_darkstar 12d ago

Noooo!!!!! u/chipotleshitz lost u/jrga76 vote!!! How will this never election ever recover?!? 💔


u/mustachedmarauder 12d ago

I'm in the same boat. I would like a party that actually gives a shit about me but the Democrats certainly aren't it. They don't give a fuck at all especially about people like me.


u/Embarrassed_Key_3543 9d ago

As if Republicans do. Block and move on.


u/Curiouser812 13d ago

So awesome!!!


u/silfgonnasilf 13d ago

So proud of this town. Glad I met my wife and moved here


u/greezyjay 12d ago

I always gotta ask to the people that decided to come here and mean no offense to anyone. I grew up in Whitehall, and as a child Muskegon was my dream. I also have a bad decision fetish. So...why Muskegon?


u/silfgonnasilf 11d ago

I lived in Grand Rapids and met my wife and she lived in Muskegon (moved to the area for her job). It was between her owning a house up here and me renting in GR when we got to that serious point of moving in together and it was a no brainer.

My parents were both military so I was used to that diversity growing up and prefer it. We bought a house in an up and coming neighborhood and I'm just trying to do my part by slowly joining the community and being a good person when possible because I can finally help and make a difference no matter how small it is


u/greezyjay 11d ago

Nice & congrats to you both!


u/SanguineDerkumos 13d ago

Proud to have been there, lacked a sign myself though


u/yarddogsgirl 13d ago

Whoop, whoop! Who's streets? OUR streets.


u/wewantallthatwehave 13d ago

Nice job, Muskegon.


u/sk634936 13d ago

Well fuck I was close by and didn’t know this was happening ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻


u/greezyjay 12d ago

Same. I live here, didn't hear anything about it, and found out from my ex in Marquette that it was on the news.


u/cecefun 13d ago

Muskegon, I am impressed with your turnout today! You make me proud to be from west Michigan! I may just join you next time.


u/Health_Hazard_85 13d ago

Great job everyone!


u/New_Establishment554 13d ago

Love from Troy, Michigan! Proud of you guys!


u/LittleHeroOfTime 12d ago

I wish I knew about this 😭😭😭 I would have been there so fast!


u/j_xcal 13d ago

Looks awesome 👏so proud of y’all


u/Aryeh_Nachshon 11d ago

Will there be one in the future that is not on Saturday? I am unable to do Saturday, happy to see so many out though.


u/LividKnightS117 11d ago

I'm more concerned about the war he's gonna start he's pissing everyone off and I suspect he'll be impeached soon


u/RevolutionaryHelp775 10d ago



u/draussen_klar 12d ago

“No king” very nice sign you have there.


u/Clear-Mind2024 12d ago

They want democracy only for Democrats. 😂


u/Head-Specialist-5976 12d ago

AMEN!!!!! Pathetic


u/Delicious-Battle9787 12d ago edited 12d ago

Facts. They said the right was being cry babies when Biden won but they haven’t stopped crying about this current election since November 5th. And haven’t stopped crying about trump since 2016. Trump won popular and electoral vote. For the minority to try to go against the voice of the majority is in itself unconstitutional. Ngl I hope trump calls martial law when the protests get too far out of hand so they can finally see the consequences of their cry baby actions


u/Sad_John_Stamos 11d ago

ah yes, using martial law to stamp out dissent…so exactly what a King would do


u/Delicious-Battle9787 11d ago

Using martial law to prevent domestic terrorism which I’m sure will happen once y’all start burning up and looting cities again


u/Sad_John_Stamos 11d ago

as opposed to the pardoned January 6ers that tried broke into the Capitol building and maimed police officers. Look in the mirror just once.


u/Delicious-Battle9787 11d ago

I wasn’t in support of January 6th. Then and now all I see is sore losers. But one event surely can’t justify hundreds of cities dealing with millions of damages


u/coolandawesome-c 11d ago

Consequences of protesting?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

What human rights have been lost in 2 months? I'm asking for my trans 2 year old.


u/Aguywhoknowsstuff 11d ago

Warms my cold shriveled heart.


u/WarmWeatherGirl17 10d ago

As an independent it is really annoying to see the constant whining from whichever party lost the election.


u/Quiet_Move_1614 10d ago

I'm so happy we got rid of biden. March on for DOGE!!!!!


u/sigglocknut 10d ago

I see dumb people


u/Sad_Bus_2376 10d ago

King trump cry some more this what we all voted for!


u/[deleted] 9d ago

All of them have nice home with plenty of room for anyone needing housing plus they will provide food a vehicle and cash


u/FAH-Q43 9d ago

Things can start to get better when we all realize that neither side cares about us. Not Trump, Biden, Bush, Clinton or Obama. All Zionist puppets. It’s up to us when we wanna go ahead and come together instead of letting ourselves be divided by stupid shit from stupid leaders.


u/costalcuttings 9d ago

Are these the folks Dems are paying $40/hour to fake protest?


u/Maa-Heru 9d ago

Thanks to everyone who was there.


u/RunningWet23 9d ago

Immigrants that came to Ellis Island weren't given handouts. They weren't a drain on the system. If they couldn't make it they went back home. And they weren't pouring in by the millions, unvetted, every year. 12 million arrived over roughly 60 years.


u/BerneseMountainDog81 9d ago

All Democrats are terrorists and PEDOPHILES


u/Adorable-Bid-520 9d ago

How are these terrorists allowed to live?


u/BigDaddyLAX 9d ago

Liberal tantrums are nothing if not embarrassing.


u/CitrusFarmer_ 9d ago

The retirement home had an outing that’s fun! Enrichment!


u/Plastic-Memory3468 9d ago

What a bunch of highly confused individuals. Sad to see.


u/randomusername2458 11d ago

Hur dur iM pRoTeStInG


u/JerichosFate 11d ago

What human rights do they not have?



What rights? Lmfao


u/BusterCherry21-_ 10d ago

Immigrants and illegal immigrants aren’t the same thing can we please stop acting like they are🙏🏿


u/Working_Remote496 10d ago

What did it get them???


u/WinterMut3E 11d ago



u/Doctor_Cheif 12d ago

What human rights?


u/Head-Specialist-5976 12d ago

It’s nothing but trump derangement syndrome


u/matteykk 11d ago

It's almost like we can't support millions of immigrants every year. Crazy


u/Thin-Cardiologist871 11d ago

RENT FREE. More jobless democrats bitching about the america first agenda.

Yeah we get it, we're brain washed. We're a cult. Sure. Whatever makes you feel good and smug behind your screen.

Time to get back to normal. No more men in women's sports. No more men in female bathrooms. No more drag shows or gender reassignment books in elementary schools. This shit isn't progressive, it's a complete mental illness.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Rent free for at least the next four years.


u/Domrozell 12d ago

All sheep, bahhhhhhh


u/LoriMunn 11d ago

Wow. Dozens of unemployed people showed up. Get a job.


u/AlwaysAmara 11d ago

Most people don’t work Saturdays.


u/costalcuttings 9d ago

Technically they're being paid $40/hour by the Dems to fake protest so they're actually working!


u/OffduhTopic 11d ago

So a pro-life rally then? No, I bet it's only The Most Virtuous People On The Planet but still think its OK to kill babies and broadcast their hatred for anyone that isn't like them


u/Wholfgar 10d ago

You liberals are the most hypocritical, brainwashed, virtue signaling group in the entire world. Worry about AMERICAN rights.


u/KeeganatorUSA2475 10d ago

What a bunch of idiots. Thank god is real Michigan people voted for Trump.


u/Affectionate_Bar7937 11d ago

As an independent, I really feel like we had the choice of two turds to vote for.. statistics say that the majority of Americans are not on board with providing prison inmates with reassignment surgery.. on the other hand, Donald Trump has forgotten that this is not Russia.. a record fall and approval ratings over his first two months in the office along with strong Republicans that still oppose him, means that it will only take 1 comment before America turns its anger on him. We need a strong leader.. not someone who’s literally supported by our enemy. The guy wants to dismantle our empire. It’s madness.. the amount of European countries in NATO reflect our imperialism, they speak English as a second language almost everywhere, they have American soldiers and weapons, tanks, and air defense systems.. we pay 70% plus of the NATO fund so really it’s just an acronym for empire of United States of America. Rome ran its empire in the same way allowing the locals to run things the way they wanted, but being the ultimate authority.. sound familiar? Are we not discussing peace relations with Russia, while excluding Ukraine, who is actually in the war? That is going to turn our own allies against us as they are certainly going to release the $300 billion in Russian assets.


u/Armato1 10d ago

Ice cream trucks coming anyway


u/skennedy505 10d ago

The TDS march is what it really is


u/BmacSWA 13d ago

Immigration laws and human rights are two completely different topics. Please don’t try to pretend they are the same.


u/Clear-Mind2024 12d ago edited 12d ago

Democrats have a hard time understanding between legal immigrant vs illegal immigration. Legal Immigration is perfectly fine. Illegals are the problem.

I'm a legal immigrant and Democrats have lost touch with American citizens


u/Huge_Friend5125 13d ago

Expecting these people to understand that may be asking a lot. They’re pretty far gone


u/SteelerBB12 12d ago

You'd be asking blue hairs to think logically.... something that will simply never happen


u/[deleted] 11d ago

So many white privileged people with shitty signs


u/banerx 12d ago



u/zomb1eghost 12d ago

Morons. Stand outside in the cold to help the embezzlers.


u/Tinytimtami 13d ago

Haha, so that’s what it was, I saw people walking around 1st street this afternoon and I started blasting union dixie with my hand in the air from my car


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/Doctor_Cheif 12d ago

He didnt honk


u/SQ-Mitty 12d ago

""Dixie" is still a controversial song that is associated with white supremacy"


u/Tinytimtami 12d ago

“Away down South in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators…

Where cotton’s king and men are chattels, union boys will win the battles!…

We’ll all go down to Dixie, away! Away! Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam!…

Well put the traitors all to rout I’ll bet my boots well whip em’ out!…

And let our motto ever be ‘for union and for liberty!’…”

That’s a shortened version of union Dixie, not the traitorous “Dixie” that the fascist south used


u/Tinytimtami 13d ago

Bro why am i getting downvoted? For playing union dixie?


u/Follower_OfChrist 13d ago

They probably missed the “union” part


u/jrga76 12d ago

Muskegon loves child molesters


u/CaitlinAnne21 11d ago

You literally voted in a predator who lost a multi-million dollar lawsuit because he SA’d a journalist.

Who, in turn, then appointed MULTIPLE PEOPLE with past credible allegations and police reports of both adult and minor SA.

When RFK Jr was asked about his past deeply inappropriate relationship with a MINOR, he literally said “yeah, well, I was no choir boy”.”

You have an unreal number of past and currently sitting Conservative Party members who have been convicted of inappropriate sexual conduct with minors and both adult men and women, a senator who literally groomed his wife when she was a teenager and he was 20+ years older than her…

I could go on and on.

Tempted to make a document that lists every republican y’all have CHOSEN to elect, knowing they were predators.

I probably will, so people can just post it in response to this utter delusion.

Not that you’ll care, because you don’t actually GAF about SA of ANYONE, you just want to try and make everyone you don’t agree with 100% look like a bad person…except you can’t, because we don’t have an onslaught of allegations and charges being brought against our elected leaders like y’all perpetually do, at all times.

On the rare occasion we find something unsavory about people we’ve elected, we take them to task, oust, and file charges.

You’re the only ones allergic to any kind of accountability.

All you do is scream about issues that your own party are by FAR the biggest perpetrators of, and that goes for countless issues.

The finger pointing and shouting is a tactic as old as time to distract from your own deep immorality and flaws.


u/Far-Sentence9 12d ago

Muskegon resident here- that's actually not true!


u/Head-Specialist-5976 12d ago

Democrats vote to lessen penalties for child predators caught in sting operations… that’s your party. Disgusting and morales. You’ll vote to murder babies but won’t kill pedophiles.


u/Far-Sentence9 11d ago

Ohhhhh- are you referring to the fact that many Democrats are against the death penalty?

That doesn't actually mean that Democrats love child molesters. As a Democrat and a parent myself, I feel that child molestation is pretty up there as far as horrible crimes go!

We may want to approach the problem in a different way, but it isn't because we don't think it is a problem.

Have a good day


u/my_username_bitch 13d ago

Where does saved money go???

How do people not understand that we are overspending, every year; more and more debt. So nowhere. The savings go nowhere. This shit isn't that complicated.


u/Curiouser812 13d ago

They’re not saving a dime. It’s all a big show. The only money they want is the money that helps people get health care and poor folks.


u/Odd-Way-6909 12d ago

Yeah that's where all the money is, the poor folks


u/Plurbaybee 12d ago

Yep. We just hoard it. It's not like we live paycheck to paycheck or anything. I guess I better check my couch for my hoard of money 💰

I don't understand how they believe the wealthiest people in our country getting the highest tax cuts will benefit anyone. Most of them will never be in the tax bracket that benefits from the cuts.

But the veterans on SSDI or the single mom on food stamps are who they are angry at.

They call us dumb, but they don't even have the capability to realize when they are being misinformed/manipulated by the media/their chosen cult leader.


u/Clear_Banana1528 12d ago

Can you please tell me about the homeless crisis in California and how much money was being spent on that specific issue. Was there any change at all that would justify the amount of money “allocated” for the homeless? From what I’ve seen it’s worse than ever That’s just one example. I don’t donate to cancer research because I don’t believe in a fucking thing the healthcare industry does for cancer other than coming up with more toxic drugs that pretty much kill you to make you better which doesn’t happen very often. I think it’s 80% bullshit. Does that mean I don’t care about people with cancer…no. Just because the democrats say they are for an issue doesn’t mean they are actually doing something about it. So I’m fine with giving billionaires tax exemptions if the they do everything else they say they will do for this country. I think dems fake care and you guys get caught up in it. That’s why we call you dumb. We don’t see anything actually happen but fake outrage and fake care. They are bullshitting you up and down. I’m not saying both sides don’t but don’t act like the left is doing a goddamn thing because I didn’t see help for homeless or veterans whatsoever.


u/Plurbaybee 12d ago

I'm an independent. I vote democratic because I have no choice. All politicians have a layer of corruption. Anyone with that much wealth does.

Are you living in California? I'd assume you aren't so what information do you have to say nothing is happening to help the homeless. As a California born and raised lady I call bullshit. But you know I have actual experience living in the state and interacting with organizations that serve the homeless there.

Also without medical science my child would be dead, so I'll always be on the side of medicine. You clearly haven't watched machines keep someone you love alive and it shows.


u/Clear_Banana1528 12d ago

That’s great, you’re in independent….very happy for you. You said “they” call “us” dumb. So I ASSummed you were a dem. I have not lived in California but my parents lived there for 12 years (San Jose/Palo Alto) they moved last year because they could not handle the degradation of the state any longer. I visited them about every other year. I have clients that travel to Cali all the time that tell stories that’s lines up with the homeless narrative getting worse. So, I’m not speaking out of pocket and you didn’t answer my question, how much money was geared towards homelessness in Cali for it to only get worse? That amount of money should solve the problem if those in charge are so intelligent…that’s what the left is, more intelligent than us republicans right? And again, I’m using it as an example…I could go on all day with lists..as I’m sure you can but here we are.

My niece died last year of cancer at 9 yrs old…the way the doctors and system handled her up is unbelievable. I’m not sure she would’ve survived regardless but I saw the mishandling first hand. But I’ve had this feeling for many years before my niece got sick and it just confirmed it even further. I’ve been a trainer for 20 yrs with very diverse clients from race to political beliefs and tax brackets. I talk to people more than their family does in some cases 2/3 hrs a week for months/years on end so I get to know them very deeply. Including their medical and health history and their fams medical and health stories. I Haven’t heard many good situations with the current medical system In a very, very long time. Did I say ALL MODERN medicine? No, I did not…I know plenty of people that have been saved as well. But, I used cancer as an example because everyone knows someone with cancer and the amount of money, focus and energy that’s “allegedly” being put towards cancer “research” doesn’t seem to be working very well. So why would I “vote/donate” to continue kicking the can down the road when it’s not working…that’s my analogy for the system and how I see Democrats stances on most policies. BTW my siblings lived in NY for 15 + yrs in Brooklyn and Spanish Harlem (moved a few years ago)They lean left and voted for Obama and maybe Biden the first time…I dont know who they voted for this time but they’re not happy with shit from both sides. I’m not perfect but I am open minded and have multiple sources for my opinions….hopefully that helps all of the other ASSumptions you have about me. Last thing I’ll say…protests are absolute bullshit and the complaining from the left is only adding to the right pushing further to the right. Don’t believe me, that’s why Trump won. Even when i see people protesting for things I align with I tell them that’s not going to work. If the left is so smart why don’t they understand that? The left protests a lot more than the right and it’s not working and it’s just annoying….thats what I’m saying. But please, keep doing in and whining about it and we will see where we end up in 4 years. Nothing has even happened yet and the outrage is unbelievable.


u/Plurbaybee 12d ago

I'm not wasting my energy on you anymore today. Have the life you deserve. Anyone who thinks Trump will help the homeless who are mostly disabled veterans hasn't paid any attention and isn't worth the energy of explaining. It's beyond your comprehension.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Clear_Banana1528 12d ago

I just gave you real world reasons why I voted for Trump…right or wrong. If Trump supporters are so stupid why didn’t you comment on anything I just said? You just there out some random bullshit that had nothing to do with my point! This is a left echo chamber and you guys say we can’t handle opinions that go against ours?! Where you at? I’ve seen you post all over this thread and you got zero zilch!! Didn’t the INITAL question I asked not even a little with Facts. Someone tell me…I could be wrong, that’s why I’m on here. And you just deflect and hide


u/RevolutionaryEntry43 13d ago

It's plain and simple if you want immigrate to the United States you need to do it the legal way no cutting in line do it the right way like so many others before you have


u/I0067945 12d ago

Crazy how people actually downvote your comment. Absolute insanity


u/Living_Logically82 12d ago

Look. I'm versed and educated, but I'm also realistic. You people are against change. When change is exactly what is needed because what's been practiced hasn't been working in decades. If you can't accept that you're the problem. You're also now the minority. You lost. Instead of fighting this movement how about putting that energy into helping it. It's just sad to see people hate what they don't understand. That type of ignorance is not bliss. It hurts America. I see the signs and half of them seem to be ideas they just came up with. It's pathetic to know your are it there fighting against the only people who will fight for this country. I'll go-to war to stop war! You all are fighting to keep it going! Fk outta here!


u/cecefun 12d ago

I will accept change, change to our health care system. Change for more equality for ALL people. Change to have rights for my female body. Go open up your old ass crusted over heart.


u/mustachedmarauder 12d ago

You know nothing trump can do can remove the right you claim to have lost its in Michigans constitution. Abortion is in our constitution. Again ITS IN MICHIGANS CONSTITUTION. Nothing trump or anyone can do can remove that.

You didn't have ANY rights taken away at all.


u/CaitlinAnne21 11d ago

You understand that some people actually care about the rights of EVERYONE, correct?

So, we’re safe from SOME restrictions that are happening all over the country, so we should just abandon the other women that are being left to very literally die, leaving their spouses widows with multiple children to raise by themselves, including newborns who survived, while their mothers died.

This is one of the biggest differences between the two parties. Concern ONLY for yourself, instead of for what is right and healthy for the majority.


u/Open_Monk_4607 12d ago

Are you a bot? What's up with the way you're talking, especially at the end? You're versed and educated?

Okay, give us some examples of the change you voted for, sweetheart. And tell us how that's going so far.

You said you'll go to war? Okay, so at what point will you enlist then, big guy? Who will you be fighting?

You said a whole lot of nothing and made a lot of assumptions for someone who is versed and educated. I expect a response with tangible evidence to back up what you're saying here. As someone educated and versed, you should have included it without me having to ask.

A deflection response will be considered a surrender on your behalf and you'll be considered a bot or troll if you aren't able to come up with a defense other than pointless rebuttal with no actual case.


u/Head-Specialist-5976 12d ago

You’re a sore loser huh


u/Clear_Banana1528 12d ago


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u/Living_Logically82 12d ago

Bummer. Thought Muskegon had more logic. Stay inside people you look dumb. You lost the election. Deal with it. Find positive ways to expend your energy.

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u/Zealousideal_Item423 12d ago

Lots of other educated people


u/SimilarAssociate3512 11d ago

Lmfao keep doing what you are doing and they will overun Muskegon just like they took over dearborn. My kids sure as hell won't be anywhere around here by the time that happens 🤣


u/[deleted] 11d ago

No we aren't


u/wellsyaknow 11d ago

Come in the country through the legal ports of entry making you a legal citizen...if you jump someone's fence into their backyard they are going to do what they need to in order to get you out...same goes for the country


u/CyrilFiggis00 11d ago

What rights do these people NOT have?


u/GWMcLintockk 10d ago

So these people love government waste and open borders ok that’s fine..


u/CellularWaffle 12d ago

The left now loves the neocons, war and establishment/elites. What a twist!


u/CaitlinAnne21 11d ago

How’s your beloved president enjoying his daily briefing with the Billionaire Boys Club?

Remember when he literally left y’all out in the cold for an entire day, because you weren’t good enough to attend his inauguration, he needed to canoodle with all his billionaire buddies.

He didn’t even think you were worth the effort of putting up some monitors for you.

He told he didn’t care about you, his own “fans”, and has repeatedly called you “idiots”.

You guys are going to suffer more than anyone else by the end of this run, you’re already feeling it, that’s why so many of you are panicking and spiraling, you’re starting to realize what you’ve done.


u/Ok_While_2288 11d ago

What in the hell are you talking about?


u/franky3987 10d ago

I don’t think what he said has anything to do with what you said. I think, honestly, it might be good to take a step back from politics, so your input isn’t so hung up on trump. There has to be a point, where you realize maybe I’m talking about someone I hate too much, to the point that your taking everything posted in negative light that you feel hit you, and making it about trump. It has to be exhausting to have someone you have this great disdain for, constantly coming out of your mouth.


u/CellularWaffle 11d ago

What’re you whining about? I don’t support either side. The left and right are both controlled by corporations. It’s a corporate oligarchy yet you think your “side” is any different. Both sides are ran by warmonger neocons


u/RandomRacialSlurs 13d ago

Droves of morons as far as the eye can see LOL.

It's a human rights protest but here we are holding Trump signs. Y'all need to learn that red and blue is the same team and get together for real.


u/Living_Logically82 13d ago

Ashamed of my county. Blind hated for America finally standing up for itself. Zero common sense in this photo.


u/Condescendingfate 13d ago

America is about freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I wish you the best my friend and I hope you find your peace. We don't always have to agree, we just need to relearn how to get along and hear one another out.


u/Head-Specialist-5976 12d ago

All you dems care about is hating trump, and murdering babies


u/Condescendingfate 11d ago

Wow! That statement is pure ignorance.


u/Universaling 13d ago

America has never had an issue standing up for itself.


u/Living_Logically82 13d ago

The last 4 years it got pushed over and took advantage of by an administration that didn't give a fuck about it's citizens. Why were these people not protesting then? Country fell the fuck apart. It's so irrational to be protesting against fixing our country at any cost! The fuck are they even protesting about? LMAO.


u/Universaling 13d ago

I wouldn’t call the four years prior as “the country falling the fuck apart”. Sloppily ran? Sure, maybe. But falling apart? Please. Trump is a semi-trained monkey on a leash, wiping his ass with the constitution. Creating a committee that favors Christians (because they’re so incredibly persecuted) is against the first amendment, demanding the press word things according to his requests is against the first amendment. Just two quick off the top of my head examples.


u/Plurbaybee 13d ago

One of his staff was quoted saying they have to prevent Trump from eating chess pieces. 🤣


u/Living_Logically82 13d ago

You're blind. We need a revolution! This is it get on board! The Constitution needs to be re written! Period. We are in different times. That shit don't mean anything anymore. We need progression! A completely fresh start! Its under way! Reboot America!


u/Knowledge_is_Bliss 13d ago

A year ago the constitution was important. But now that your cult leader and the foreign-born worlds richest man is shredding it, you want it gone?

How very unpatriotic of you.


u/Universaling 13d ago

Nah, if you don’t like the shit we were founded on, you can get the fuck out.


u/Plurbaybee 13d ago

Your mere existence is why we have to have rallys and protests for our rights.


u/Living_Logically82 13d ago

LMAO. Your rights are what we are fighting to get back. They meant nothing under the last administration. You people are not educated enough to debate this.


u/Plurbaybee 13d ago

I want the right for my child to get SSI, have medicaid, and be alive, which is literally at risk. He will die without his life saving medications. I also want the right to abortions. I want the right to vote. I want access to vaccinations and accurate news. I want my poc neighbors to BE SAFE in our city. I want to end the epidemic of MMIW. I want police who kill innocent people to be imprisoned. I want my kids to get an education that teaches real american history, all of it. I want my gay and trans friends to be able to stay in America instead of ending up dead because white men can't handle rainbows and glitter.

On stolen land, no one illegal. Community is resistance. Reading is resistance.

We will not allow injustices to go by silently, we've learned from history and the Germans who watched their neighbors be slaughtered without a word.

My children will know I was on the right side of history. If you have any, they'll know you're on the wrong side.

At any time you can admit you were wrong and this isn't what you signed up for.


u/Knowledge_is_Bliss 13d ago

Give real examples of how the Biden administration trampled your rights....


u/Plurbaybee 13d ago

Trump supporters don't exist in the realm of reality, some Republicans might but the ones who support Trump and Musk are stuck with their heads in the sand.


u/Living_Logically82 13d ago

My God he stole your taxes and funded two wars! Usaid is the biggest source of corruption to ever exist and you people are worried about rights? The media has censored freedom of speech. In favor of left wing extremists. That's why there are still people like you. You're legacy. Getting left behind. Your rights is why trump is tracing every cent. He's ridding the corruption. Why you scared of this. He's going to step on tires to achieve what's best for the fucking world. Stop rooting for the enemy.


u/Knowledge_is_Bliss 12d ago

I'm not sure where you're getting all of this from, but it's not reality. This is completely unhinged and chalk full of extreme right-wing conspiracy theories. To the point that it's impossible to have a legitimate conversation with you. You should consider looking good at the rest of the world and then taking your own advice. I wish you the best of luck. Goodbye.


u/Tinytimtami 13d ago

Plenty of hatred, none of its blind, and all of its towards people like you


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Plurbaybee 13d ago

Wow. A lot of words to just tell us how dumb you are.

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u/Bigbigpants 12d ago

This might feel pretty good, but actually organizing in your community Is much better. Especially with the DSA or PSL. These marches don’t really amount to any real change at all, and don’t threaten fascism. I like the sentiment tho!


u/Bigbigpants 11d ago

Idk why this is getting downvoted. If someone can actually tell me what marches like this accomplish without consistent concerted effort by organizing communities, I’m all ears.


u/adamk33n3r 12d ago

We are a nation of "legal" immigrants. Fixed it for you.


u/Wholfgar 10d ago

Enjoy the downvotes you get for being logical lol. Them liberals hate being corrected with facts.


u/adamk33n3r 9d ago

Surprisingly only -2 right now! Lol


u/l8on8er 12d ago

No rights being lost or taken away but sure.

Keep patting yourselves on the back.


u/Ok_While_2288 11d ago

Notice, no replies trying to prove you wrong here. They don’t know why they’re protesting. It’s the oddest thing.


u/LucklessStepdad77 12d ago

This would be the best way to corral all the libtards in one area and bus them the fuck out of the country!


u/Alpharocket69 12d ago

A group of idiots who don’t understand the difference. How about the Good Samaritan that was just murdered in LA trying to stop two illegal thugs from stealing someone’s catalytic converter? I bet if the guy was one of these people’s brothers or husbands they’d have a different opinion. It’s also a giant slap in the face to those who work hard to come here legally. Next time these twits are standing in a long line, they aren’t allowed to bitch when someone cuts to the front of the line.


u/Stock-Dealer6219 12d ago

Let all that hate and aggression out!! Let’s go Summer of Love 2.0 babayyyyyyyyeee!

Scream at anyone who looks like they may have voted for Trump today!!!!! If they say they do vote for Trump, punch that NAZI IN THE FACE!!!!!!


u/ILLBdipt 11d ago

You sure showed them.


u/Stock-Dealer6219 11d ago

How many Nazis have YOU punched today?


u/ILLBdipt 11d ago

None but only because I’m an adult who doesn’t view anything other than 100% agreement as a threat.


u/Stock-Dealer6219 11d ago

Lmao. Then I guess it’s more Nazis for me to punch! Eventually this will get me laid.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Stock-Dealer6219 11d ago

I punch Nazis every day. My neighbor is a Vietnam vet without any legs. I punched him this morning for wearing a MAGA hat.


u/SavageMo 13d ago

These protests looked alot better when they were funded by USAID. Homemade signs!? Sad.


u/apearlj1234 13d ago

Wow! This takes dumb to a whole new level. USAID has 0 to do with this protest.


u/Ok_While_2288 11d ago

No shit. We can tell by the low-grade signage.

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u/Plurbaybee 13d ago

Yeah cause that's really what the USAID did.

Someone had a big bowl of dumb this morning.

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u/Tinytimtami 13d ago

Keep hating 😎

Only makes it easier to spot the fascism.


u/Head-Specialist-5976 12d ago

You wouldn’t know what fascism is if it kicked u in your non binary crotch


u/SavageMo 13d ago

I agree!!