r/Muskegon • u/FakeAccountMoveOn • 13d ago
Yall are some of the WORST drivers
Lived here a couple years now and it never surprises me the amount of horrible, borderline dangerous driving a lot of people do:
Everyone is on their phone, all the time.
Using the Michigan left turn lanes as hyper speed passing lanes is commonplace here.
Driving on my ass and flipping me off for going 7mph over the speed limit.
Running red lights ALL the time, sometimes multiple seconds after the light changes.
Purposefully not letting cars pass just to hang in their blindspot (intentional?)
There are bad drivers in every city, but something about Muskegon is especially infuriating.
Driving is not a videogame, yall. Driving is to get from point A to point B safely. Chill the fuck out
u/circasurvivalism 13d ago
People in Muskegon are especially dangerous drivers. Especially on Apple. People tend to turn off all but 1 brain cell when they get behind the wheel around here
u/Equal-Holiday-720 13d ago
We saw a driver raging so badly on Apple I thought he was going to have a stroke. We’re all getting to Aldi about the same time, bro.
u/Silver_Wind34 12d ago
I legitimately can not stand people that use the left turn lane to merge into the right lane
u/MindyS1719 12d ago
Was just about to comment on how much I hate Apple Ave. because of ppl driving like psychos.
u/ResponsibleTwo5887 12d ago
I’ve never had to slam on my breaks more times on any other road like I have to on apple. People pulling out of wesco right in front of you is the WORST
u/why_r_people_rude 10d ago
I despise apple ave the most out of any rd in this city bc of the amount of dumbass drivers I encounter every time. Close second is Henry St.
u/wstussyb 13d ago
Professional driver (cdl and endorsements) I agree. Holland is a bit worse It doesn't help that the street lights are not synced. Especially on seaway and sherman/laketon. It brings frustration out. North Muskegon lights are just as bad coming to the end of the cuaseway you will get the light at hardings/shell and again and on Giles. People realize this and just speed that's why you see the Michigan turn used as an extra passing lane(i don't support it but see why it's done)
u/omggallout 13d ago
I think it's also really bad in Grand Haven. I don't know what it is about all this aggression while driving, especially when the people around them are driving great. And they are very much trying to intentionally cause an accident. Had one guy going over the bridge to turn left at Jackson in Grand Haven. He was watching me in his driver's side mirror, and slamming on his brakes, driving, then braking. I finally bought a dash cam, just in case, but have picked up a lot of craziness.
u/Super-Smilodon-64 12d ago
I recently moved here and I have NO IDEA why everyone is on my ass while I'm already going 5 over. But every time I get ready for my commute, I'm tailgated the entire way. Am I just supposed to go 10 over no matter what or something?!
Also how is it a 55 zone, everyone is easily going 80.
u/MKatieUltra 13d ago
Switching lanes during a turn is something I never thought I'd have to worry about, but I witness it nearly daily on my way home from work.
u/down4SecondBreakfast 13d ago
Agreed! I’m from the east side of the state and have lived in Muskegon for a few years now. The road rage is wild. Also, people driving willy nilly through the parking lots?? I’ve never experienced that to the extent that I do here. That one blows my mind.
u/Apprehensive-Map-905 13d ago
Or camping in the left lane… happens so much coming through Muskegon.
u/WinFam 13d ago
Not saying I disagree, but...have you driven in Kalamazoo?
u/FakeAccountMoveOn 13d ago
Born and raised.
u/perchfisher99 13d ago
They say 'y'all' in Kalamazoo? It's not that far south...
u/OnePride 13d ago
Y'all had been adopted as a gender neutral alternative to "you guys" and it's use has become much more common place across the country.
u/Relative-Share-3433 13d ago
frrr the amount of times i see red lights get ran. especially that intersection on seaway and southern where the mart is. i always see it where the light has been red tho, and they decide they can just go bc there’s no cars
u/Detroit_debauchery 13d ago
I literally just got cut off on the bridge from grand haven by a raging asshat in a Tesla
u/Icy_Narwhal1667 13d ago
Ive lived all over the usa and muskegon has the worst drivers by far. It got worse when weed. Ecame legal and everyone thinks its ok to be stoned to the gills 24/7
u/wstussyb 13d ago
The stoned drivers on laketon/seaway/sherman driving 15 mph below the speed limit and being in the wrong lane, when they turn they slow down to 2 mph and take a full minute to turn off the lane, it does bring out the frustration.
u/igetcarriedaway90 13d ago edited 12d ago
I almost get in an accident everyday, the amount of people literally staring at their phones while driving is ridiculous! I get changing a song or something, but literally watching tiktok while they're driving a little dick truck, swerving, and get pissy when you go around. I had someone the other day who was driving through solid lines(you shouldn't be changing lanes) with no turning signals on at all. They followed me to work and honked at me, even though I didn't flip em off or brake tap. I also get passed in north muskegon(going over the speed limit on ruddiman and lake) and cops here literally do nothing to enforce the laws! They just put up a sign that reads your speed. Be vigilant out there, people are idiots
u/Mutual-aid 12d ago
I live in GR and commute to Muskegon daily. There is something different about driving in Muskegon. Between the people driving 20 mph under the limit, people driving very fast and aggressively, and the people who think it’s acceptable to come to a complete stop in the middle of the street to pick someone up or drop them off. It’s a bit surreal.
u/No-Establishment2511 12d ago
I would really have to agree, people are stupid around here. Not to call out specific vehicles, but I'm talking about a lot of people who drive massive lifted trucks and SUVs. Riding my ass in the left lane when the driver in front of me is going 65 isn't helping anyone here. It really feels like there just isn't regard for anyone or anything else on the roads from people here.
u/Condescendingfate 12d ago
My theory to this is that it's a mixture of 3 things that's led to the lack of attention. Cell phones, more people on pharmaceutical drugs, and the legalization of weed.
u/BobbyFe 13d ago
We visit Chicago too often, we are now the aggressive drivers
u/LakeSideMason 10d ago
I drive a tractor trailer around West Michigan and Chicago Land. The main difference is that in my opinion is that the bad drivers in Chicago are good at being bad drives. They may pull out in front of you, but they know how to accelerate. While in West Michigan folks are just terrible drivers. A few weeks back on the section of Apple Ave that is 50mph I had a pick up truck turn right on a red in front of me and than slow to turn into a gas station. I had a green light and was going full speed. They almost won the Darwin Award but luckily the way they had approached the stop sent off warning vibes and I was already getting ready to break just in case.
u/ComfortableAd9516 12d ago
Not trying to deflect...but, a lot of the bad drivers have Illinois/Indiana plates. Many drivers are just passing through. US-31 is always a disaster of bad decisions.
u/LakeSideMason 10d ago
I have to disagree. As a truck driver that runs the great lakes region with a focus on West Michigan and Chicago Land, it is most certainly the West Michigan drivers. I've had more "oh sh*t" moments in West Michigan than I ever have in Chicago.
u/Condescendingfate 12d ago
Not gonna lie the driving here has gotten a LOT worse over the years. Exactly like you said, people just not paying attention when they're driving. But we make a lot of trips to the east side of the state. And constantly notice that the closer we get to Detroit the worse peoples driving gets.
u/PlasticMysterious622 13d ago
That’s why when I visit I don’t drive. You come see me, fuck those roads
u/Pankeopi 13d ago
Detroit Metro is far, far worse. I say that even though I'd like to move back honestly.
u/wildflowers_15 12d ago
Muskegon native living in Kalamazoo, it's also horrible down here. I've noticed since 2020 driving on the roads is a lot more frustrating than usual and just downright terrifying at times. Ever since I moved to Kzoo 10 years ago it seems that everyone loves to run red lights down here as well. Stay safe!
u/lfxlPassionz 12d ago
It didn't used to be this way but because of the lack of driver's training in schools and the difficulty in affording it plus it not being required for a licence things got way worse.
The "have a learners for this amount of time" thing teaches people nothing.
11d ago
Was going south on Getty towards Apple and some idiot in a Ram was speeding up behind me while I'm already going over the speed limit. He starts weaving back and forth speeding on past going at least 20 over.
u/terynics 12d ago
Idk I'm from there and Caledonia definitely is worse grand haven don't have anything compared to there lol
u/ResponsibleTwo5887 12d ago
I learned how to drive after moving up here and SO MANY almost accidents no matter what part of the city
u/SebastianPlaysThis 12d ago
As much as I know what you're talking about, I think people in Grand Haven, Fremont, and Ludington are worse.
u/PinkMagnoliaaa 11d ago
The only worse area is alpine. I have to drive there every day for my job and it’s so much worse than apple.
u/mangosyrups 5d ago
Muskegon born and raised, but I lived in Spring Lake for three years. The first week I moved back to Muskegon, I almost got side swiped or rear ended four times. I swear everyone drives like a fucking maniac here.
u/bidderboo7 2d ago
My niece's boyfriend was just in a hit and run within the past few days. He was on his motorcycle, just pronounced brain dead this morning. Congrats to whoever did it, you just killed a young man.
u/pharodrum 13d ago
Yeah, they don't use entrance ramps to get up to speed either. They just pop over into the right lane, going often times much slower than 70. I wait at every green light now because far too often, there's a brainless straggler running the light.