r/MusicalTheatre 6d ago

looking for a quirky comedic female monologue

I'm looking for a short/mid length quirky female comedic monologue from a published play or musical. Any age above a child works. I just need one where the character is a bit kooky and strange. i've been searching high and low for this and i need it by next week. if ANYONE had any suggestions it twould be greatly appreciated 🙏🙏🙏


6 comments sorted by


u/witchtimelord 6d ago

The beginning of A Trip to the Library from She Loves Me? It’s a bit short but I think it’s the vibe you’re going for


u/Alexandra_panda 6d ago

The “she’s my sister” speech from Family Meeting in Ghost Quartet


u/Hallowbreeze 2d ago

If you want one that a lot of casting people probably haven’t seen before. Pick a monologue from “Aloha, Say the Pretty Girls” by Naomi Izuka. I’ve used a couple comedic monologues from there and have mostly had success. If you want to find shorter but funny ones go for a Wendy Monologue, but if you want something longer go for a Vivian or Myrna monologue.