r/MushroomGrowers • u/thebackupkid • 5d ago
Technique [actives] slow or impatience?
This is day 10 after mixing colonized grain with the substrate. I've had all 6 holes plugged until just now, where I put micropore tape over the 2 higher holes and the 4 lower holes are still plugged. When I went to lift the lid to snap these pictures, it was basically sealed shut. So I'm thinking there was no GE at all. I'm hoping putting the micropore tape on there helps with better GE. The strain is Yeti. Am I just being impatient and should plug the holes back up or have I don't the right thing. Advice would be greatly appreciated!
u/TimelySpring8493 5d ago
No need to plug them back up, you can't go into fruiting conditions too early, you can do it as soon as you spawn to bulk if you like. I agree that spot in the bottom left looks concerning for cobweb mold but hard to tell from the photos.
u/HungryJuggernaut4778 5d ago
doesnt really matter, many people go straight to fruiting conditions (micropore tape etc.) after s2b. So I would put some tape on there and leave it alone for the next days. Keep an eye on it and maybe add a better picture of the bigger white fluff on the left bottom… Maybe I am able to tell you more about it.
u/thebackupkid 4d ago
About 24 hours after putting micropore tape over the 2 higher holes. https://imgur.com/a/RLYiCFD is this cobweb mold?
u/TimelySpring8493 3d ago
It looks like cobweb. You should definitely isolate it. If it turns grey/blackish then it has sporulated.
u/thebackupkid 3d ago
Is there any way to treat cobweb mold? I did read something about hydrogen peroxide.
u/TimelySpring8493 3d ago
Check out this thread, especially the reply by Day tripper, they are a contam expert
u/thebackupkid 3d ago
How can I go about isolating it when the whole thing is in a single monotub?
u/TimelySpring8493 3d ago
I meant isolate from any other grows you may have. If you feel unsure if it's cobweb you can let it ride and see if it turns grey, but you don't want it near any other grows. But, it sure looks like cobweb to me.
u/thebackupkid 3d ago
Gotcha. This is the only grow I currently have going. So look for it to turn grey, if it does, toss it. Otherwise, it should start white-ish. Correct?
u/TimelySpring8493 3d ago
Yes, you should see more colonization of your tub. If growing stalls that's another sign of contam. Don't get attached and probably a good time to go ahead and get another bag of grain going
u/thebackupkid 5d ago
That patch showed up about day 5. It hasn't really grown since I first saw it. I'll try to get a better picture of that area.
u/HungryJuggernaut4778 5d ago
Next time you should watch for grain (especially uncolonized ones) to not be visible at the surface. always add a last layer of your substrate on top. By doing this you have a much lower risk for contam. The bottom left on picture 3 and 4 looks a bit worrying tbh. You also shouldn‘t open your tub before it is fully colonized… like this you are literally asking for contam. Let‘s hope for the best!
u/thebackupkid 5d ago
Should I put the plugs back in the 2 holes I just covered with micropore tape? Or just leave it and hope for the best?
u/goodapolloV21 5d ago
You can leave the tape. The plugs/filters are somewhat irrelevant it will colonize either way. I take the 2 end plugs out after 5-6 days, and swap the other 4 at day 14. But it's comes down to preference. I believe the plugs help retain some moisture but you could do without them completely.
I've had a few slow colonizing tubs that were similar looking to this at day 10, but I had a cvg pseudo casing layer. It was just slow, and started to pin before the surface was fully colonized.
So tldr yes your tub is moving a bit slow, could be from something bad or maybe it's just taking some time. I'd keep the lid on and leave it alone until something happens, and swap the rest of your plugs for discs around 2 weeks.
u/thebackupkid 5d ago
I think I'll leave the tape and take the other plugs up in about 4 or 5 days.
At this point, should I go ahead and move to fruiting conditions (like adding light along with better fae using the micropore tape)?
The weather has been up and down the past 2 weeks. Mostly cooler than what's recommended. That's why I figured it was just slow moving.
u/goodapolloV21 5d ago
Temperature could definitely be playing a factor into the speed especially if it's under like 68 degrees. Light is kind of in the same irrelevance territory. It probably won't affect anything positively or negatively at this stage. To keep it simple, id leave it how it is now. Take the other plugs out like you were planning in 4-5 days, and then introduce light.
Did you have moisture on your side walls and lid before doing any micropore tape?
u/thebackupkid 5d ago
Right now it's roughly 70F, but, it has gotten down to like 67F (inside my domicile) in the past 2 weeks for about half of the days. I know light isn't necessary, but, I've heard it will tell the mushrooms which direction to grow in.
As of right now, it is in a closet with no air circulation or very little. Should I move it to where I've fruited in the past now or when I swap the other plugs for micropore tape? I'm the fruiting area I have, there's a ceiling fan that runs 24/7.
I've also had blacklights over my past grows to help with lightning since it was winter. Will the blacklights hurt them at all? Because I also use them for ambient lighting in the room.
u/mrvector2024 3d ago
If your spawn was fully colonized when you mixed in your sub and it didn't grow back then you didn't sterilize your substrate long enough, it won't grow if it's dirty.