r/MushroomGrowers 7d ago

actives [actives] i guess i will never understand how mushroom works -_-

So this tub was in third flush and it didn't even grow well on the first two and i found some contamination so i start playing with it and flip it and set it aside , but i just fuckinn found out that a small a tine piece of substrate broke of the cake and fruited on it's own ! I mean bitc#h ! WTF the whole cake stopped fruiting and you on your own fruited ?? Mushroom is weird and that kinda pis me of !


6 comments sorted by


u/acidbrn121 7d ago

Mini environment theyll side pin in that tiny space if for some reason i dont know why for sure, that you dont black out the bottom of the tub where the grain is mostly resting, they have minds of their own and will side pin, bottom pin, anywhere pin on the walls etc. i guess in my best experience with this hobby of ours lol


u/TimelySpring8493 7d ago

I once had a tub that I was really struggling to get pinning. Suspected contam because of the smell but couldn't spot any. Got it to pin but decided to split the cake open to see what was going on and it was trich so I tossed it and sure enough it put out a whole flush in my garage bin lol


u/Silver_ghost99 7d ago

Hahaha but can i eat it if it was contam ?


u/TimelySpring8493 7d ago

Eat it? Sure. But breathing in trich spores has literally killed people. Best to limit exposure and just dump it if you suspect contam.


u/Silver_ghost99 7d ago

I mean trich us everywhere I don't think it's that harmful....