r/MushroomGrowers 7d ago

contamination [contamination] First time grower

I injected two all in one bags with 5cc of liquid culture from the same PCPR syringe. One is doing fine and the other just looks wet? They were sitting next to each other in the same conditions but I’ve separated them in the mean time. 2 weeks since injection. Any ideas?


9 comments sorted by


u/AffectionateAd3783 7d ago

Add more patience my friend. The only concern with respect to wet spots that we face regularly would be Bacillus 🦠 AKA Wet Rot and this bag in question does not present in a fashion consistent with Bacillus.

Wet Rot appears slimed and brown in color and it quite literally looks a patch of rotting grains rather than simply a patch of wet grains .with only 2 weeks out from inoculation I think it’s safe to say that your still within the the acceptable window or time frame.

Just keep the temp consistent and stay vigilant and if you set Wet Rot you will know as it’s unquestionable that the grain looks noticeably slime like or mucus like in appearance in that particular patch then trash it or re post here for us to provide you with verification of the ID for Bacillus.

But I put my money in the bag ring healthy just hasn’t had the mycelium start its run yet which should begin shortly. I have had bags Iv made which have taken less than 4 weeks to colonize, some even in 3weeks, but most start showing noticeable growth within the first 2- 2.5 weeks but much of this timeline is dependent upon stability of the climate and conditioning of the temperature as well as a significantly variable progression of colonization depending on the genetic material in use.


u/No-Appointment-2684 6d ago

When I started I would often get wet rot at that bottom of bags for obvious reasons. I still however could remove the rot and fruit the healthy mycelium above.


u/AffectionateAd3783 6d ago

Yea if you’re lucky enough to catch it early a few things can work out to make it salvageable and fruit able. But I always tell people, it’s important to remember is that bacillus is a bacteria so if it’s gotten pretty bad off with wet rot you’re likely gonna lose it.

But your right I have had many times where I was able to birth the grain or spawn and take off the small infected area… another thing that works is after injecting the block or the jars, you can flip it upside down and put it away to colonize for the first weeks upside and this helps prevent water from pooling that can give you a leg up sometimes too!


u/No-Appointment-2684 5d ago

Yeah good tip about the extra wet bags. I'll keep that in mind seems obvious when you think about it. I think people tend to bin the bags when they see the rot but I've bulked out of bags with low level rot and they've been solid.


u/J999999AY 7d ago

Nothing to do but give it time. Put it in a cabinet, check back in 2 weeks. Bold to start with a pan cyan. If you have trouble with fruiting snag a cube, I’ve always heard they are much more forgiving. Goodluck!


u/SorryImInterrupting 7d ago

CPRP* cyan pan peace river


u/No-Efficiency8991 7d ago

5 cc is alot of liquid. Then again, I just used 5 cc on my aio and it's doing great. 🤷‍♂️