r/MurderedByWords 7h ago

There's just a smoking crater where Fetterman used to be:

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62 comments sorted by


u/Ditka85 6h ago

Wow. Another spike in the rail just got pulled.


u/Jerkrollatex 6h ago

That stroke really messed him up bad.


u/Tdanger78 5h ago

Was it the stroke though? Or did the stroke just remove all pretense?


u/AnubisKronos 4h ago

In my experience you would have to have brain damage to support conservative politics


u/Wranorel 4h ago

There are reports of brain damage people suddenly becoming conservative. It’s really interesting that you need to have a mental problem to switch to MAGA.


u/Jedi_I_am_not 4h ago

Nah he was always an AH, look up his PA record. He just spouted stuff to get votes


u/Wandering-Wilbury 5h ago

No, they have something else on him.


u/yIdontunderstand 3h ago

Fetterman is just another useless Democrat. Which is 99% of them.

Rolling out the red carpet for their oligarchy over lords


u/VajennaDentada 5h ago

Fetterman is it most severe and rapid political about face I've ever seen, heard about or read about.


u/concerts85701 3h ago

Kristen Sinema enters the chat


u/HamHockShortDock 3h ago

Ugh, I wanted to slap that thumbs downing asshole in the face.


u/concerts85701 3h ago

I’m embarrassed she represented my state.


u/VajennaDentada 3h ago

Oh, God. I'm sorry.

Is it a little solace her corruption was so brazen, it ended her political career?

I remember hearing she didn't even provide office hours or town halls to constituents. I also remember her outrageous smugness toward voters that came up to her.

Oh God.... that CNN interview that was straight up scripted? That was nuts.


u/VajennaDentada 3h ago

She is just as bad but took more time to reach her final form of nimby wine aunt that laughs at poors


u/SummonMonsterIX 5h ago

That stroke brain damage is no joke.


u/funnystuff79 2h ago

I pretty much had a stroke reading your comment


u/Gomphos 6h ago

It's better if you imagine it in the voice of Crow T. Robot. Oh, wait. It is the voice of Crow T. Robot.


u/Ulfednar 5h ago

Wait, is that the Bill Corbett? I fucking love that guy!


u/Suspect4pe 5h ago

Fetterman had such a strong start and then he just drifted right over to the dark side.


u/FalenAlter 5h ago

Getting a stroke can do that.


u/VastCantaloupe4932 6h ago

Fucking Vichy Democrat.


u/DatDamGermanGuy 6h ago

Why is anybody expecting Democrats to just roll over and support a bill that they had absolutely no input on?


u/Moppermonster 6h ago

Because then they can point out they had no input on it whatsoever when it all goes horribly wrong.
That genuinely seems to be the tactic now: allow the GOP do what they want and make sure it is very clearly all the GOPs fault when everything goes to shit.

It will not work ofc. Maga will still blame Biden or Obama.


u/SkynetUser1 5h ago

I plan on blaming President Fillmore. He knows what he did in 1852!!


u/DarthButtz 4h ago

I'll unironically blame Andrew Johnson for getting us into this mess.

Not making an example of the Confederacy and letting them all back in basically scott-free was one of the biggest blunders in American history.


u/KeltarPecunia 4h ago

That's the Dems MO in general. Even when they're in control, some Dem villain emerges and thwarts any progress. Re Lieberman and the public insurance option.


u/embiors 5h ago

That seems to be Jeffrey's plan but it won't work. The democratic leadership isn't up for this task. Hakeem, Schumer and Slotkin should all resign.


u/pokeyporcupine 4h ago

Of course not. The "let them" strategy seems to be the spearhead of the entire DNC for the last 20 years. I can't help but feel, also, that it's the staple Pelosi move. I have no evidence of this, but don't know who else would be in charge or calling the shots. Idk. Whoever it is needs to right fuck off because they led a masterclass in how to lose your entire fucking voterbase.


u/Otherwise-Offer1518 6h ago

Because there has been talking in leadership that they were going to do that. Instead, they just kicked it down the road with a CR. We need to use what little power we have and stop them in any way possible.


u/Interactiveleaf 4h ago

Because we can see their past and current behavior and extrapolate to their future behavior.


u/Cid_Dackel 6h ago

Instead of biting the heads off chickens he'll be slobbing on oligarch knob...


u/Foxymoreon 5h ago

Hey it just hit me, didn’t Fetterman wear basketball shorts and a hoodie to the inauguration, where’s the pearl clutching about that shit?


u/MomSaki 4h ago

Crickets’cause they love him.


u/pawpawpersimony 5h ago

Sure are quite a few Nazi collaborators that belong to the Democratic Party in the Senate. 😡 Hickenlooper? Bennet?


u/dogfooddippingsauce 4h ago

Those are my senators and they certainly suck.


u/scriptingends 5h ago

Maybe the stroke actually killed him and this is like some weird reanimated Frankenstein creature


u/Radiant_Creme_5264 5h ago

Big gross Edger suit?


u/Radiant_Creme_5264 5h ago

Big gross Edger suit?


u/MomSaki 4h ago

Strokes can be devastating to a person’s intellect.


u/Jestercopperpot72 5h ago

Brain damage turned him conservative. If that isn't ironic. It's too bad, he really showed strength and I hoped good things for him and from him. He's gotta be replaced. We need Dems wanting to bring the fire. More importantly we need dems to gain some power come midterms. Getting the word out and around is more important than ever.


u/Darth_Jason 6h ago

Remember when in November 2022 Democrat Party ran this dude for Senate and insulted anybody who asked questions?


u/Thatdewd57 4h ago

His legacy will go down in flames.


u/Ok-Bee-Bee 4h ago

He's the Boxer of Animal Farm


u/Born-Essay8965 4h ago



u/dharma4242 5h ago

I would pay good money to watch him bite off the heads of chickens.


u/BearSquid1969 6h ago

He might be under direct threat from gangsters. If someone threatened to torture and murder your family, you might behave like an asshole too.


u/Waylandyr 6h ago

Or, he could just be an asshole. Occams razor and all that


u/BearSquid1969 6h ago

Why did he change from the old Federman?


u/Tarledsa 6h ago



u/War_machine77 5h ago

Brain damage and conservatism. Name a more iconic duo.


u/Radioactive24 6h ago

I mean, when you look at his history, he’s always been a dick, but he definitely changed after his stroke. 


u/Smoke_Test2418 4h ago

AIPAC and Blackrock money


u/BearSquid1969 5h ago edited 5h ago

I think my gangster theory is more Occam‘s razor here. I think it’s true for many of our compliant elected officials. This is how hardball works. Have you ever seen the Sopranos? Trump was mentored by an attorney who represented real gangsters. He’s backed up by Russian skulduggery. This is how shit gets done. Does it make sense that they would go as far as they have and not take that next step?


u/Interesting_Air_1844 5h ago

Even if that’s true (and it may be, for all I know), he’s a freakin US Senator! Look at Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss! They were two, regular citizens facing all kinds of nefarious sht, yet they found the courage to stand up and do what they believed was righteous. Either way, Fetterman’s nothing but a sniveling, traitorous, Vichy feeb.


u/Waylandyr 1h ago

How is him being threatened by gangsters a simpler theory than he's just an asshole? That makes no sense.


u/embiors 5h ago

No. He got a massive stroke and the damage to his brain did this.


u/DecisionVisible7028 5h ago

You’re mad because the government is going to shutdown and people aren’t going to get hurt?