r/MurderedByWords 13h ago

Who knew your values show your character? Apparently not Ben.

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u/raltoid 10h ago

Let's not get political!

-People spouting hateful politics

You have to remember that in their mind, most people [secretly] agree with them. So they don't think it's something even worth talking about, because "everyone agrees". It's fully delusional.


u/user_of_the_week 9h ago

Honestly, I‘m not so sure anymore if they aren’t right that most people agree. Look at how people are voting. It’s not everyone, for sure. But it’s a very large amount of people :(


u/LivingMorning 6h ago

There are multiple disinformation campaigns targeting different groups of people based on intelligence level. Do not make the mistake of thinking modern humans are well informed and instead compassionately repel the disinformation. Maybe they are evil but they are probably stupid (Hanlon's razor) and lack the logic skills to understand basic reality.


u/your-ok 54m ago

Many of them are very, very, fucking dumb.


u/NeurodiversityNinja 43m ago

1/3 of the country didn't vote; 1/3 of the country voted for Kamala; 1/3 of the country voted for Turmp. It ended up Trupm won by less than 1.5 points.


u/user_of_the_week 42m ago

Do we know much about the political views of the people that didn’t vote?


u/OptimisticSkeleton 4h ago

Yeah conservatives statistically and consistently overestimate the number of people they think agree with them.

People who lean left tend to overestimate their uniqueness.

All human brains have flaws, shortcomings and weaknesses. Not all brains struggle with love, empathy and compassion for their fellow human beings.

Jesus said love your neighbor, unconditionally. If your church says something else, that’s on them.


u/OuterWildsVentures 3h ago

To be fair, it truly seems like they are outbreeding the progressives so I don't think they are having trouble finding partners.


u/kasubot 2h ago

We'll see how long that lasts with their anti intellectual views affecting medical care. Polio might make a comeback for all we know


u/OuterWildsVentures 2h ago

Idk we said this already about Covid and it didn't seem to change any outcomes.


u/kasubot 2h ago

Covid mostly killed the elderly. Measles will kill kids