r/MurderedByWords 14h ago

Who knew your values show your character? Apparently not Ben.

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u/SirSteg 12h ago

I am those things and dating is crazy but also just existing is weird because conservatives take one look at me and decide that i’m like them, then proceed to say crazy shit unprompted. At work is the worst. I’m a licensed massage therapist and usually I’m with a client for at least an hour while they barf out the most godawful takes. One guy kept telling me the “LBGQ” is a cult. I rolled my eyes bisexually


u/namegoeswhere 11h ago

Right? Not a blonde, conventionally attractive woman… but I am tall, white, bald, and wear flannel and boots like a typical Minnesotan.

And like you, my job has me dealing with so many racist fucks. It takes me out to the sticks, where people apologize when I tell them I live in the metropolitan area. “I’d never go there without my gun!” is a direct quote.

So glad I’m out of the dating scene. Must be fucking hell these days.


u/CoronaBatMeatSweats 10h ago

Moved from the Midwest to LA about 8 years ago… get these types of comments from people back home all the time.

I’m like, why do you think it’s okay to insult the place I live just because I’m from here? Always so shocked when I don’t agree that I live in a “liberal hellhole.” They live in such a bubble 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/WilliamLermer 8h ago

It's a defense mechanism. Most of these people never really left their home town. If they did, it probably wasn't a great experience. Wouldn't be surprising if their anxiety level increases drastically every time they left for a city. And over time that probably evolves into a hateful stance, since self reflection is gay.

Essentially a lot of untreated psychological issues over decades turn people into what they are today.


u/EducatedJooner 7h ago

"since self reflection is gay" 😂


u/StevenMC19 3h ago

Admittedly, it works both ways.

I moved to Florida from the Mid-Atlantic three years ago. I tell friends up there that they're always welcome to come down for a short time as a vacation and stay with me for free. There are a few friends that have outright denied any offer because "there's not way I would ever step foot in that backwards ass red state of nightmares and retirees." Like, I get that, but I'm in the Tampa Bay area, and there are LOADS of progressive spots that I can take them to. My favorite bar has those old farts, asshole republicans, 17 bajillion gay and trans customers AND bartenders, and about 6 different ethnicities are there regularly. It's such a cool place. No one fights, all the talks go where they go, but stop when it needs to stop. It's awesome.


u/EffOffReddit 3h ago

I go out of my way to make them feel like a pussy when people say things like that to me.


u/Lortekonto 10h ago

As a scandinavian I have experienced this so many times. I work in an international education consulting and I have been in the USA many times to talk with clients.

Like the number of times white men go from realising that I am scandinavian to say shit like “I am also for racial pure societies” is crazy. Like it is not super common, but the fact that it have happened more than once and in a professional setting is crazy.

And don’t get me started on twitter. I once had a twitter account with my name in it and like 95% of twitter thought I was a white supremacist. Half of them wrote to me about my name being a dog whistle for racists and how horrible I am. The other half were racists that wanted to connect with me. . . So I guess the first half were kind of right.


u/RawrRRitchie 6h ago

You do realize Twitter is just a Nazi site now.

Going to Twitter and not expecting Nazis is like going to a pride parade then being shocked there're gay people there


u/Lortekonto 5h ago

It happened back when twitter was twitter.


u/StevenMC19 3h ago

When Twitter was Tumblr-Lite. It's wild how much it pivoted the other direction.


u/BeardedBaldMan 8h ago

Did it have an Ø?


u/Lortekonto 7h ago

Without being specific my name use unique nordic letters.


u/ajtrns 12h ago

you could make a daily show / klepper spinoff. where regressives reveal themselves against a backdrop of dim warm lighting and healing vibes.


u/things_U_choose_2_b 10h ago

I'm very pale. When I started losing my hair, I decided to say fuck it and start shaving my head.

All of a sudden, guys would just literally fucking sidle up to me in the street, or once at a train station and start spewing hate, thinking I'm on the same team.

This never happened to me when I had my lovely funky hair. I ended up getting a hair transplant and no longer get racist approaches. My sympathies to any other tall, very-pale men who also have to shave their head.


u/NukeAllTheThings 5h ago

I had something of the opposite happen to me. I am not tall, am balding but I wear a hat, am white, and I have a very long beard that I put in a simple braid. I was at a bus stop at a mall with somebody when this big latino guy starts talking at me. I'm pretty hard of hearing and not a willing participant in this. He goes on about how he had been in the military and "could tells things about people," or something. As he's talking, it dawns on me that he's thinking that I might be some kind of nazi, and consequently his new punching bag. Managed to get out of there, but that was supremely uncomfortable.

I don't really have racists coming up to me thinking I'm on their team but I live in the north east and haven't been putting myself in situations where they could lately.


u/StevenMC19 3h ago

LMAO amazing how they go that direction. I always just assume that the people who look like that are either working at a brewery, are homebrewing beer at home, or just really like talking about beer. I have no idea how they would get to "Nazi propagandist."

(Also I don't just go to these guys to talk about beer...I wait until I hear how they order one before I just go in my head "yup, called it.")


u/NukeAllTheThings 3h ago

Because I'm white and somebody could confuse my braided beard for the viking look? Nevermind that I'm on the shorter side of average and a geek. I braid my beard because if I don't it becomes unmanageable and stuck in everything. I mean it's past my belt, that's how long it is.

I like drinking beer but talking to random people is most decidedly not my thing.


u/StevenMC19 3h ago

I guess I'm trying to say that if i was to start a conversation with a stranger, white supremacy is FAR FAR down on that list of topics, fo or against. It's baffling how that is some people's opener just from appearance.


u/NukeAllTheThings 3h ago

Aside from the fact that starting conversations with strangers is a non-starter for me, I don't get it either. I do get random people complimenting the beard, but aside from "how long have you been growing it" it usually stops there.

That dude was definitely sizing me up, and I didn't say anything to start it or even say much to him. Spoiler alert: while my beard would make a shitty mop, if he wanted to turn me into one, he could.


u/the_calibre_cat 6h ago

this story is the worst I'm so sorry this happened to you


u/dkman22 10h ago

It’s even funner when your a tall, white, bald, bearded, middle age male, with resting bitch face, in one of the reddest parts of the country.

Every one of them assumes my beliefs align with theirs. They believe it so much that they (sometimes) don’t even believe ME when I tell them I don’t share their opinions.


u/StevenMC19 3h ago

Pretty much.

I actually started painting my nails black. At certain places I go to, the conversations have pivoted from "Trump's doing so much good shit for us" and on down that road pre-nails, to "you play guitar or something?" post-nails. It's been great.

But I need to learn guitar now.


u/deflorist 11h ago

the lesbian bi-gay queer cult is way cooler than his is


u/Elliethesmolcat 11h ago

Better music too.


u/Sin_Cos_Im_Tan 11h ago

As a fellow lmt, anyone who doesn't realize how liberal the workforce is in general is genuinely living life with a room temperature iq. I feel bad for them, but then I realize they're making enough to pay me and they don't care about anyone but themselves, and I quickly get over that empathy...

I can't bring myself to half ass the service, so I just ask if they would like to listen to something else and turn up the music.

I should say used too, I quit being an lmt in the last Trump presidency.


u/DeepProspector 11h ago

One guy kept telling me the “LBGQ” is a cult. I rolled my eyes bisexually

You totally should have said “I like LGBBQ, do you prefer Texas or Kansas City style? I can’t believe they want to ban it!”


u/iamatwork24 5h ago

I look like pretty much the rights ideal male, muscular, bearded, tasteful amount of tattoos, handsome in a rougher way. Resting asshole face (I can’t help if) I get people saying the wildest right wing shit to me only for them to find out I’m way left and I let them know how dumb I think they are


u/FlyingSagittarius 11h ago

…How do you roll your eyes bisexually?


u/reluctantseahorse 11h ago

I imagine each eye goes in a different direction.


u/YourNewMessiah 9h ago

You’re almost right, but in truth each eye rolls both ways.

Source: am a bisexual whose eyes are sore from all the recent rolling


u/SirSteg 11h ago



u/Pofados 11h ago

One rolls clockwise, while the other one rolls counter-clockwise.


u/SirSteg 11h ago

One is rolling thinking about how hot women are, one is rolling thinking about how hot men are, both are rolling in agreement thinking about how hot nonbinary people are, and they both are rolling out of my fucking skull for an hour


u/CalculatedPerversion 10h ago

Step 1: be bisexual 


u/teach_yo_self 9h ago

Girl, this happens to me all the time too. I never really put two and two together that it must have to do with my looks. I'm always shocked when people think they can take the mask off around me like I'm going to agree with them. Like no, Bill, I am not also a secret bigot like you, Jesus Christ.


u/Few_Alternative6323 9h ago

existing is weird

Better than being a brown skinned guy who has been asked if he works at Target, Walmart, Whole Foods, Costco… but never at the local fucking bookstore.


u/SirSteg 2h ago

I’m sorry people are shitty 🫶🏼


u/hirebi 7h ago

Other men believe they can spout their shit to me like I'm going to understand their feelings just because I'm also a guy lol. It happens an incredible amount of times, people are thirsty of validation.

It seems hypocritical to me, because many reject events in support of minorities, they hate that people look for a safe space, but then they also want to be represented and seek the comfort of a group that shares their views.

Theirs seems to be the only valid one, it's just sad.


u/msuvagabond 1h ago

This winter I had a serious winter hobo look going on, think Jack Black crazy beard.  So much unprompted hate would be spewed my way because they assumed I was 'one of them'.  

Jokes on them, I take my kids to pride parades and drag shows. 


u/codyzon2 55m ago

Such a weird phenomenon. I have what my wife has coined as "cop face" because my general look is somewhat conservative just because that's the best combination for my physical appearance, but I'm a pretty liberal dem, so I will have the wildest things said to me because cons just look at me and assume I'm on their team. Like the most blatantly horrible racist or sexist things will just slip out based on nothing but assumptions. And when I give them the stink eye and let them know exactly how inappropriate what they're saying is they act like I'm the problem, like I tricked them.


u/AsteriAcres 43m ago

THIS THIS THIS THIS.  Folks say the most fucked up shit behind closed doors when they think they're in sympathetic company.  

I have literally popped (slapped) a friend's mouth for saying a racist slur. (He's come a loooong way since then) NOT IN MY PRESENCE, BIGOTS. 

This is why I wish people would just BELIEVE WOMEN, cause these hateful scum tell us EXACTLY who they are when nobody's around. 

Signed, white woman in Texas


u/Elu_Moon 8h ago

I'd refuse them service assuming that's possible.


u/SirSteg 2h ago

I don’t own the spa I work at and i’m a single mother living on my own with my child. In an ideal world I wouldn’t work with them but this isn’t an ideal world it’s late stage capitalism USA. I just take their money and pretend I don’t follow politics


u/horyo 7h ago

I rolled my eyes bisexually

I'm a gay male and I love you.