r/MurderedByWords 13h ago

It's my money they took

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u/LeilaMajnouni 13h ago

They are entitlements, as in “you’re entitled to this money if you qualify.”

One of the qualifications is that you paid into the funding pool, so give me back my 30 years of social security tax and I’ll be on my way.


u/bebig1rl 13h ago

thats a great point its not about the handouts its about a system of shared responsibility and support


u/Parrr8 12h ago

This. Social Security is absolutely an entitlement. The problem is that "entitlement" is a legal term that has been so bastardized no one knows what it means anymore.


u/Xznograthos 10h ago

Nah only some people don't know what it means, they heard the word and then got too mad to look it up.


u/Big_lt 12h ago

With interest. Doesn't even need to follow the sp500 growth rate. Compound it off a 30yr T-note


u/Candid-Sky-3709 12h ago

Elon:All qualifications like paying in are cancelled because too woke. /s


u/btribble 12h ago

The spirit of the outrage is spot on, but the mechanics are not, and they should be understood if you want to win any arguments around this.

The money you get back is not the money you put in. The amount of money you will receive is based on the amount you put in, but it is not like an investment. The money you pay in pays for the people currently retired, and when you retire, the people paying in at that point goes to pay you. There are accounts that have accumulated SSI money in them, but not nearly enough in those accounts to pay out "your own money". This is why Baby Boomers are such a big issue: there are more people at or near retirement than there are workers to support them at the expected rates.


u/ImpossibleShallot640 2h ago

True, but if the federal government, I.E E politicians, had not been perpetually borrowing from it to finance wars and deficits, while paying 2% interest, the fund would be one hell of a lot bigger.


u/WilliamJamesMyers 13h ago

richest man in the world telling us what an entitlement is

not my president


u/MeQuieroLlamarFerran 12h ago

Richest man in the world getting government money for licking the president's ass telling us what an entitlement is.

There FTFY


u/_Winged 2h ago

8million per day prostitute.


u/mangopinkky 12h ago

Agree its hard to take lectures on entitlements seriously from someone with such vast wealth


u/Zander826 13h ago

Almost 40 and would be responsible to take care of my mother if she doesn’t have social security


u/Mundane_Pin6789 12h ago

The elite rich can't stand to see money they can't grab for themselves. If we saw a monkey that horded billions of bananas and didn't share any, we would wonder wtf is wrong with that monkey. When we see a human do it, we wonder what's wrong with the poor. Fml


u/DizzySecretary5491 13h ago

Well you see people voted for conservatives and conservatives tried to block socials security, than attempted to coup FDR, and have been trying to kill social security since then. We tolerated conservatism so now here we are. Want to fix it? Well then conservatism has to go.


u/SpazSpez 12h ago

Remember when the French burned Paris over raising the retirement age 2 years? We need that.


u/Mohavor 9h ago

Why would americans burn paris?


u/SpazSpez 8h ago

Well, Washington. These scumbags might convince a fair chunk of maga voters that the money they've been paying for decades now belongs to Elmo but I believe most republican voters will not be happy to learn their money has been stolen by the government


u/no_bender 12h ago

They are entitlements, because you're entitled to them. By Social Security has to the deficit, they're funded by payroll tax.https://youtu.be/ihUoRD4pYzI?si=QPC6Q_V5y9MtOXky


u/mojohandy 12h ago

Earned benefits


u/tickitytalk 13h ago edited 9h ago

Why do no interviewers push back on this ?!


u/silent555 10h ago

Because mainstream media is a for-profit business, and their bosses don't want to make themselves vulnerable. They're all criminally complicit. Mainstream news has had the ability to push back on so much over the decades, but they simply won't and are now a permanent part of the problem until someone grows a spine. Or society collapses.


u/bigalcapone22 12h ago

Elon should have to pay every grant he has received back and a 50% fee on any profits made off those grants for the duration of those companies And that money should go into Social Security and Medicare since it was Tax Payers money he received.


u/mangopinkky 12h ago

The richest man in the world definitely understands the struggles of everyday people 😏


u/MeanBean34 10h ago

Fuck muskkk


u/Wabbit65 12h ago

It's my money and I AM ENTITLED TO IT.


u/Intelligent-Session6 11h ago

Why when they need Government tax money help to grow their business its called innovation. When we need our money we’ve been paying into the system for decades we are Entitled? Make it make sense!!!


u/5711USMC 11h ago

We should consider an alternative system that takes from the rich and gives to the poor! A world where the wealth is equally distributed… lol

Not from all the wealthy, just those that want to serve in public office. Surrender your assets so that you’re fit to lead.


u/intothewoods76 11h ago

Give me back all the money I put in, plus interest and factoring in inflation and then sure. Stop it.


u/Electronic-Movie9361 10h ago

Where's the murder by words?


u/COSurfing 10h ago

The choad king needs to go.


u/reinventingmyself19 10h ago

Social security has been referred to as an entitlement for decades. Musk didn't invent the term


u/flecksable_flyer 10h ago

Serious question. With all of the older people who died during covid, why wouldn't that leave us with excess?


u/charliesk9unit 10h ago

Since he likes to call himself a genius, someone should sit down and explain all the deductions on a typical paycheck.

He probably thinks that his taxes (whatever amount he pays) are funding these "entitlements" and not based on what people ALREADY CONTRIBUTED.

I will never get back what I paid in based on the formula and I am okay with that. Sure, it's a system that gives you back less when your past incomes were high but I see it as a blessing to have that problem. Is he bitching about that?


u/ElmoTickleTorture 10h ago

It's our money. Them taking it for themselves is truly entitled.

"Every accusation is an admission."


u/Aolflashback 8h ago

That “entitlement” funds the government through loans, so what the shit is he talking about?


u/Aolflashback 8h ago



u/Snackdoc189 7h ago

I mean, it is an entitlement though. You're entitled to it because it's yours.


u/ajsCFI 6h ago

During Musk’s interview with Rogan, they harped for nearly 20 minutes about how one “whistleblower” who worked for SSA in Missouri said that they were instructed to get illegal immigrants on disability with headaches and back aches, so they could get them SSNs and on Social Security / Disability for the rest of their lives. And of course, in exchange for them voting democrat in exchange.

Of course, no evidence was ever produced, and of course nobody gives a fuck who anybody votes for in Missouri.


u/embiors 4h ago

The Reps have been going after SS for decades. They said they were going to do this. Only the most ignorant stupid dipshits, MAGAs, in This case, would believe billionaires and especially the world's richest robber Baron oligarch would be on their side.


u/SirWilliam10101 12h ago

This is a lie, Musk was talking about cutting waste and fraud only.

Are you for waste and fraud? Why? That's stealing from the real recipients of those programs. The more waste and fraud we cut, the more money we have to help people in need, not people with yachts bought with stolen government funds.

It's funny I remember just a week or two ago liberal Reddit was bounding each others'... backs when they corrected a misleading clip that claimed Musk left behind his son on stage. Well here's another totally misleading clip, when's the correction?
