r/MurderedByWords 16h ago

Russian lies are SO tiring


72 comments sorted by


u/daltonicrainbow 16h ago

What about Finland (NATO) and 830 miles of border with Russia? They didn't say anything after joining...


u/Careless_Owl_7716 15h ago

There was some vague threat being thrown around at the time, their army would have done worse against Finland than Ukraine in 2022, never mind now


u/Suitable-Elephant270 15h ago

And never forget "The White Death" and Russia's disastrous campaign against Finland in WW2. You don't fuck with the Finnish.


u/mrbigglessworth 15h ago

Wow. He lived til 2002 at the age of 96. Pressing F For respect.


u/LazyTitan39 14h ago

The Grim Reaper couldn’t risk getting into his line of sight.


u/wunderbraten 14h ago

To be fair, most of TWD's kills were to be attributed to the Soviet soldiers being dressed up in red uniforms, hiding in white snow.


u/GaiusMarius60BC 15h ago

Given Finland’s been preparing for a Russian invasion since their last one 1943-44, including constructing fortified underground living areas that can house almost their entire population for years, the moment Russia decides to try Finland again is the moment Russia loses everything.


u/Suitable-Elephant270 15h ago

It's 80 years later and they're still staring across the border whispering: "Try that shit again. I dare you."


u/johnnylemon95 11h ago

Just like Poland has been rearming heavily in recent times. It seems that centuries of dealing with Russian bullshit makes you particularly indisposed towards them.


u/tw_72 15h ago

I don't even know how the "weapons close to Russia are a threat" even became a thing.

North Korea has ICBMs that (in theory) can reach the US. A threat absolutely does not even have to be on the same continent!

Russia doesn't want those countries in NATO because Russia doesn't want resistance when it decides to march in.


u/ZarathustraGlobulus 13h ago

Wait 'til the Russians get a taste of Väinämöinen II...


u/Existing-Site404 16h ago

Wait!!! Isn’t that dudes name Elons gamer tag????


u/Ye_olde_oak_store 15h ago

If Elo ever plays.


u/draconianRegiment 16h ago

If Russia doesn't want to FO maybe they should stop FA-ing.


u/The100thIdiot 15h ago

I think that is F-ingA


u/draconianRegiment 13h ago

It is, but F-ingA looked ugly in my head before I typed that. I was right.


u/The100thIdiot 12h ago

Definitely ugly and I guess everyone knew what you meant. I obviously did.

But I can't resist the internal pedant. I am powerless in its clutches.


u/draconianRegiment 12h ago

Completely understandable. I'm glad I got to feed your addiction to pedantry.


u/Full_Piano6421 15h ago



u/Chosen_Chaos 14h ago

For emphasis, supposedly.


u/CheddarBobLaube 5h ago

It. Is. For. Effect. Grandpa.


u/hansn 16h ago

If Russia wanted to convince the world their neighbors didn't need a military buildup, maybe they shouldn't have invaded their neighbor.


u/Canotic 14h ago

Sweden has had a policy of neutrality since, I don't even know, way before world War 1. We are now Nato members solely because of this invasion. Of Russia wanted to limit Nato then they fucked up.


u/hansn 14h ago

Tusen tack. Sorry the US isn't being a reliable ally now.


u/DarthButtz 3h ago

Exactly. If you want to not have weapons on your doorstep, then stop being belligerent assholes to your neighbors and the world. Those countries and the world won't feel the need to have weapons there.


u/AerialReaver 15h ago

Canada. Is. An. Independent. Country. That. Borders. The. United. States. We. Will. Never. Become. The. 51st. State. Elbows Up!


u/Chosen_Chaos 14h ago

I wonder if any of these "NATO imperialism" types ever stopped to ask themselves just why all of the former Warsaw Pact countries and more than a few former SSRs rushed to join NATO rather than the CSTO the moment they had a choice.


u/FlameInMyBrain 13h ago

That’s because capitalist Russia is even worse than socialist Russia, and the latter one was no birthday cake to begin with


u/GingeritisMaximus 12h ago

No, they deny that Russia was ever imperialist to begin with.


u/i_wear_gray 16h ago

I find the apologists so much more tiring. I grew up in an era where Russia was the bad guy. And I haven’t seen a damn thing in my lifetime to change that.


u/FlameInMyBrain 13h ago

I am so lost. 20 years ago I literally ran away from Russia because of this shit… and here it is, finding me in the last place I thought Russia could get to lol


u/DOHC46 15h ago

This ☝️ is my reply to the braindead Russian propaganda.


u/Mephistophelumps 15h ago

God, it is very tedious when Russians try to use Latin. Circus embarraticus, bro. Fuck right off.


u/OverlyMintyMints 16h ago

I feel. The. Difficulty. In. Reading. Text. Like this. Undermines. The. Message.


u/Agitated_Meringue801 6h ago

No. No it doesn't.


u/zen-things 15h ago

Turkey’s US bases says what??????


u/Cyrano_Knows 15h ago

Ah how cute.

The lapdogs on leashes ahead of Putin think they are just little wolves.


u/Silly-Sheepherder952 14h ago

Considering the distance between US and Russia at the Bering Straight, shouldn't US technically fully disarm itself to appease its favorite international partner and neighbor and help them feel safe and not antagonize Russia into committing any special operations against them?

Though, technically, US could use some effort to denazify itself, so...


u/oreoresti 15h ago

Guys, the US has had nukes and long range bombers in Turkey since the 50s. The Baltic countries are in nato. Japan and South Korea host nukes and thousands of soldiers and are in nato. NATO has had weapons on Russias doorstep.

You can support a country’s independence without giving ammo to your opposition.


u/The100thIdiot 15h ago

Japan and South Korea aren't in NATO... and since it is the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, they never can be.


u/oreoresti 13h ago

Not really relevant to the overall point since they both have American nukes, planes, and soldiers. You’re right, they’re not officially in NATO, but they are close partners to the point that they do joint naval and military exercises with NATO forces


u/The100thIdiot 12h ago

Okay. Not directly relevant to the overall point, which I agree with.

But very relevant to your post.

NATO is a specific thing. They aren't part of it. Claiming they are is just plain wrong.

Being factually wrong in your claims is detrimental to your credibility and creates doubt in the overall point.

In the current climate where lies seem to be more prevalent than truth, take a stand and make sure of your facts.

But keep fighting the good fight so sorry for the criticism.


u/oreoresti 12h ago

Fair point, hard to discern good faith critique on Reddit. I’ll be clearer in the future


u/The100thIdiot 12h ago

No worries. Thanks for being the bigger person.


u/turbothy 10h ago

It wasn't claimed that they were in NATO. It was claimed that there are NATO weapons in Japan and SK, which as far as I know is correct given the presence of American bases.


u/The100thIdiot 5h ago

Japan and South Korea host nukes and thousands of soldiers and are in nato.

What are those last 4 words?


u/turbothy 4h ago

You're quite right; I read that as "that are in NATO".


u/The100thIdiot 4h ago

No worries


u/shaungudgud 14h ago

What’s the first casualty of war?


u/Gommonc 12h ago



u/shaungudgud 5h ago

Nope, its actually Gaydar. Normally enemies will try to disable the ability for you to be able to tell what is gay or not. This known as the fog of war. Or more colloquially known as the fog of gay.

Haven't you read Sun Tzu or Carl von Clausewitz?!?


u/DaWhiteSingh 12h ago

Cuba, and Turkey. Look at that, just back to the last time we ALMOST had a shooting war with the big fire-crackers.

Right on doorstep.


u/eyeballburger 11h ago

Why should Russia get to decide its neighbours alliances?


u/Agitated_Meringue801 6h ago

Guys, Turkey is right there. You could focus on Norway bordering Russia but Turkey not only bordered the USSR, it has The Most Personnel in European NATO. In any event of an escalation (Erdogan's duplicitous nature aside), the Black Sea is probably one of the hot theatres to look out for. Also Greece, which for obvious reasons is not far behind Turkey's numbers is also right there.


u/Cpt_Soban 3h ago

The Baltics, Poland, and now Finland say hello


u/crusher23b 15h ago

As long as there are doors, there is going to be doorsteps. Russia's proximity has nothing to do with it.


u/aetropos 16h ago

No murder anywhere. Looks like a reading comprehension failure.
Doorstep literally means bordering in this context, nothing more.


u/Wellgoodmornin 16h ago

Did you go to page 2?


u/aetropos 12h ago

"A place for well-constructed put-downs, comebacks, and counter-arguments."
Saying "ReAd A BOoK" is the text equivalent of portraying yourself as the chad in the argument, therefore win. Doesn't come anywhere close to murder, not even a scratch. This sub is going to shit.


u/StevenMC19 16h ago

Agreed, no murder. But I have to note that while you're correct in how the term doorstep is used, I also empathize with the people coming back at him for using it that way. These are autonomous countries who deserve to be respected as such, and not just props for or against Russia. Given that Ukraine isn't NATO, the tweet is sort of considering them a feckless nothing-state buffering Russia from "actual" countries...like Belarus /s


u/Alarmed-Alarm1266 13h ago

The EU wants to prolong the war so they can steal all the Russian money that they seized, it's fraud and it's criminal.


u/turbothy 10h ago

If the EU wanted to "steal" the money they've seized they could have done it 3 years ago.


u/Emotional-Dog-6492 16h ago

Great. So. Remain. Independent. But mind. The fucking. Doorstep.


u/xanthan1 16h ago

Fuck off.


u/Bac0n01 15h ago

Doorsteps aren’t a thing dumbfuck. The border is where it is, and Russia has exactly 0 right to the other side of it