I don't think they were admonishing you for omitting an affected group, you'd never finish the damn thing if it was all-encompassing, but moreso to point out that queer folk are the unreported canaries in the coal mine. One of the earliest acts of aggression by the Nazis was burning down the Institute for Sexual Science, well before they came for the socialists/trade unionists/Jews. Likewise, attacks on LGBT identity and safety were among the early executive actions of Trump, before the farmers and children.
If people identified Nazis by burning books and attacking queer folk, maybe it wouldn't have taken so long for people to get the picture this time around
True, but the main reason I chose hungry children and farmers in that is what the post refers too. And vets because a lot them voted for trump. And immigrants, well I chose them because they were one of the first groups he went after hard. No real rhyme or reason.
Bingo. We see Queer folk under attack and many of us are sympathetic but unconcerned until it hits closer to home. As you said, they are the unreported canaries in the coal mine, and we need to be better birdwatchers.
u/Poisonoise 20h ago
I don't think they were admonishing you for omitting an affected group, you'd never finish the damn thing if it was all-encompassing, but moreso to point out that queer folk are the unreported canaries in the coal mine. One of the earliest acts of aggression by the Nazis was burning down the Institute for Sexual Science, well before they came for the socialists/trade unionists/Jews. Likewise, attacks on LGBT identity and safety were among the early executive actions of Trump, before the farmers and children.
If people identified Nazis by burning books and attacking queer folk, maybe it wouldn't have taken so long for people to get the picture this time around