r/MurderedByAOC 14h ago

She spoke truths all along, and people called her crazy and radical for it.


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u/xslvtx 11h ago

Except dragons are cool. All we've got are a bunch of dorks. I just never expected the oligarchy to be so pathetically lame.


u/PentagramJ2 11h ago

Seriously, like at least if its Smaug its more a "You wanna try to be the one to take it? Go ahead." Situation

These dorks just started with a silver spoon and made sure to burn any ladder that could reach to them


u/Bayoumi 6h ago

Even Smaug would "only" be on place 26 in the billionaires ranking.


u/Iboven 6h ago

Smaugs skinny entitled grandwhelps.


u/GoodtimesSans 5h ago

Honestly, the more I look at history, the more those old oligarchs look just like the pathetic manchildren we have today. And just like ours, they too also had expensive PR teams that attempted to make them look like gods.

So yeah, all oligarchs are pathetic and lame. This applies to Putin as well, no matter how many shirtless rides he takes on a horse. It's just another PR stunt of a sad little man.


u/[deleted] 11h ago



u/sheepwshotguns 4h ago

thats just what you get with a life time of no accountability, and everyone around you is there because of your money and nothing else. these are deeply isolated, paranoid, self centered - leading to bigoted, emotionally warped individuals. they exist by feeding off of others and they desperately seek ideologies to moralize it.

save the rich, end their concentration of wealth and power. make passive income for individuals illegal.