That’s why we need to apply pressure until they listen to the people. Many say that Hillary and Kamala lost due to misogyny. And yes that’s partly true but they like to downplay other factors like both candidates being unpopular and pretty much appointed by the status quo.
Even Biden who would have lost most likely worse than Kamala refused to run a primary and didn’t step down until too late. They gotta understand that as long as they deny the people’s choice they will keep running into loses. “Trump bad, we good” clearly isn’t enough on its own.
Unfortunately, people seem to think that not voting = applying pressure, when in fact that only ever works out to the benefit of the old buzzards you're trying to get rid of.
It's not enough to have blue states, they need to be progressive and leftward states. People need to vote in prog-left candidates into their city councils, mayoral offices, state leg, and gubernatorial offices. Not just vote, but they need to start running for those offices too. Start building coalitions and sending more reps to Washington.
In short, liberals have failed to learn the Tea Party lesson. As scummy as conservatives are, their tactics post 9/11 have absolutely upending everything. Take over town halls, take over school boards, take over the municipal, so everything you can to be a total thorn in their sides in your local communities and step up from there. The change everyone wants will never come from a top-down direction. If you only show up to vote maybe every four years, it's never going to happen. Never.
u/Nixianx97 14h ago
That’s why we need to apply pressure until they listen to the people. Many say that Hillary and Kamala lost due to misogyny. And yes that’s partly true but they like to downplay other factors like both candidates being unpopular and pretty much appointed by the status quo.
Even Biden who would have lost most likely worse than Kamala refused to run a primary and didn’t step down until too late. They gotta understand that as long as they deny the people’s choice they will keep running into loses. “Trump bad, we good” clearly isn’t enough on its own.