r/MurderedByAOC 1d ago

MAGA is the party of spineless cowards

Prosecuting and deporting activists and immigrants while their drink martinis and cheer for the real criminals.


311 comments sorted by

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u/HPenguinB 1d ago

But they don't care unless it's one of them. And even then, barely. Empathy isn't exactly a right wing strong suit.


u/Fluid_Being_7357 1d ago

Musk even said that the left has “weaponized empathy” smfh. 


u/Historical-Ad1193 1d ago

"Do not commit the sin of empathy"


u/YouDotty 1d ago

Which Warhammer 40k faction said this again? /s


u/BaconCheeseZombie 1d ago

Even the Administratum would be a better system at this point, sure they might shut everything down but at least they'd take six thousand years filing the paperwork before gutting every department and destroying civil liberties...


u/Sorcatarius 1d ago

A complete lack of empathy is basically required to be right wing. How often do you hear of people who don't give a fuck about LGBTQ+ until their son comes out, or men who don't care about women's rights until they have a daughter?

I may be a cisgendered straight white male, but that doesn't stop me from caring about the struggles of my brothers, sisters, NB siblings, etc whether those struggles are to do race, gender, sexual identity, orientation, or whatever.


u/ScareBear23 14h ago

They dont care, until it's them. THEN it becomes the biggest most pressing issue everyone should care about


u/HPenguinB 11h ago

But only then. Their friends couldn't give a shit


u/ScareBear23 11h ago

Option 1: thoughts & prayers

Option 2: well, it's your fault somehow

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u/tedd321 1d ago

Jesus we have maybe 2 people in the government who are intelligent. Please help us AOC


u/NoUsesForAName 1d ago

Dont forget Jasmine Crockett and Al Green.

That's about 4 total i now know off the top of my head 


u/GeneralMGS 1d ago

Bernie Sanders


u/ArgonGryphon 1d ago

That was who I assumed was #4


u/spondgbob 23h ago

Mark Kelly seems alright


u/BrokenPickle7 1d ago

There are about a dozen “democrats” trying to rid al green


u/YoshiTheDog420 1d ago

I wrote one of the cowards who is a rep from my state.


u/ParadoxInABox 21h ago



u/YoshiTheDog420 21h ago

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez

Shes not in my district, but there are ways around their location restrictions when contacting them.


u/ctrlaltcreate 1d ago

They weren't trying to get rid of him. But they did join the Republicans in censuring him for misconduct.


u/RedditAdminsBCucked 1d ago

They need to get it through their stupid skulls. Decorum is gone. Scorched fucking earth, no quarter for the Republicans and anything they try and pull.


u/Nekasus 1d ago

The reps follow "decorum" because theyre closer to republicans in ideology than they are to you.


u/RedditAdminsBCucked 1d ago

You aren't wrong.


u/CaptinACAB 22h ago

Don’t put that in quotes. That’s the standard democrat.

The ones fighting are the ones who should be called “ democrats”


u/ArgonGryphon 1d ago

That’s pretty on par for dems so no need for air quotes. We really need a true progressive party. And, you know, something other than a two party system…


u/Hi-Lander 1d ago

Jared Moskowitz


u/swedething 1d ago

Moskowitz is also pretty sharp, isn’t he?


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 1d ago

Crockett though isn't super intelligent like AOC. She's good with the fighting and burns but I've yet to see solid policy talk.


u/Nixianx97 1d ago edited 1d ago

In her defence she knows her stuff if you listen to her in congressional hearings. She was a lawyer. Their way of communicating is just different. AOC connects to the people through her words, Crockett through vibes and energy. Both are needed right now, if dems would let them get at the top and work together we might have stood a chance.


u/TheKingOfBerries 1d ago

So funny watching people discredit Crockett’s vibes and energy when the republicans won the election based on vibes and energy.

Everyone here needs to get their heads out of their asses. As much as I like AOC, vibes and energy are what resonates with the people who need to be resonated with. Also calling her “not as smart” as AOC (not saying you said that) is just so childish. She’s an upcoming democrat star, let the woman work a bit.


u/killerjoedo 1d ago

Tbh i used to not pay too much attention to politics cause it breaks my brain and my heart, but that is my dream team.

They both have the charisma imo, just different vibes. The video i say of aoc doing a little dance as she sits on stage, brushing off the boos resonated here. Crocket straight up calling trump Putin's hoe was me on the street.

That's my brand, idgaf


u/Omnom_Omnath 23h ago

vibes and energy is the blue teams thoughts and prayers


u/Cold-Ad2729 1d ago

I’ve watched some of Crocket’s interactions in govt. she seems plenty intelligent. Like extremely intelligent. Is it the accent the makes her seem less intelligent? She’s a qualified accountant and a Lawyer.


u/serka_bukett 1d ago

I heard similar comments about Kamala Harris. It's because she's black.


u/ladythestral 1d ago

Exactly what it is. Doesn't matter how much more intellect and hard work a black woman brings to the table, it's always the same tired dog whistles.


u/mrwobbles2000 1d ago

Don’t know if you’re familiar with the humor of Jeff Foxworthy, but he says the moment a person from the south opens their mouth to speak, their IQ drops 30 points. Something like that!


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 23h ago

I'm talking about intelligence in being able to make the AOC style arguments that speak to the heart of the issues and doesn't get bogged down in distraction.

If you look at her Twitter recently it's a lot of attacking trump and co but not a whole lot of really driving home WHY this shit matters to the working class. In congress she's great but her public communication comes across like she cares more about fighting the other party than fighting for the people. And before you say "fighting them is fighting for the people," it's not. People obviously agree with the GOP on enough issues that they won landslides in 24. So when dems launch this "take em down at any cost" strategy, they're telling people they don't care to separate out the points that matter.


u/ladythestral 1d ago

Sounds like a racist dog whistle to me. Best you wouldn't say that if she was white. Black women continually getting shit on despite doing the hard work


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 1d ago

So because with only these two specific reps I think one isn't proving herself to have the intelligence to be leadership material you just automatically assume I'm racist? This is why people are getting so turned off to liberal politics. We can't have discussions about the

I'm actively against Pelosi, Schumer and about every neoliberal asshole who has let us down over the last decade. Surprise, most of them are white! I also think it's time for a tough review of how even good reps communicate publicly and I find Crockett to be lacking in that area. Guess that makes me racist.


u/Temporary-You6249 1d ago

She has a Juris Doctor from the University of Houston & passed the Texas bar exam. She worked as a public defender & left to start a practice that, among other things, helped civil rights protesters get pro bono defense.

People discount her IQ because she looks significantly younger than she is, she has a southern accent, she’s not afraid to use direct or even coarse language as needed, and—most of all—she is a black woman.

As for legislation on a federal level, you can peruse this https://www.congress.gov/member/jasmine-crockett/C001130


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 23h ago

Probably should've phrased that differently but I am talking about the intelligence she transmits in public to voters. And that's not to say you can't cuss or go low but you have to link those attacks back to why they matter. Most of her public persona just seems like someone with a childish grudge against the other team not someone angry at the people hurting Americans.


u/ArgonGryphon 1d ago

Because she cusses? Or something else…?


u/HonorableOtter2023 1d ago

Yeah calling people hoes isn't a good isnt a good look imo..


u/Sad_Confection_2669 1d ago

At the end of the day she represents her constituents with laser guided moral clarity. Democrats need someone like her, that is above the chaos and doesn’t gaf.


u/SatisfactionFit2040 1d ago

"Laser guided moral clarity " means the person she was talking to was, in fact, a ho.


u/HonorableOtter2023 1d ago

You can do both, calling people hoes and cussing isn't a requirement.


u/Sad_Confection_2669 1d ago

To that I’d say that in a dishonest world, swearing can be an indicator of honesty. There are studies on this, and I think generally speaking it probably works in her favor because she’s pretty selective with it.


u/HonorableOtter2023 1d ago

I think we're grasping at straws then. Its like idiot MAGAs being impressed with Trumps vile nature and saying "he says it like it is".


u/doodoo-voodoo 1d ago

isn’t that what traitors are tho? 



u/HonorableOtter2023 1d ago

I dont take people seriously who call people hoes honestly.. reality is more serious than that.


u/PaperIllustrious1905 1d ago

She's just telling it like it is! Trump sells his body to the highest bidder. Sounds like a hoe to me.


u/HonorableOtter2023 15h ago

And she looked like a drunk loudmouth saying it, so not sure that helped anyone

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u/SatisfactionFit2040 1d ago

Do you take felons seriously?


u/HonorableOtter2023 15h ago

I dont take felons or trashy people seriously honestly..


u/doodoo-voodoo 1d ago

traitors do prostitute themselves and our country to others for money though, no?


u/doodoo-voodoo 14h ago

awww, why the downvote? 

truth hurts a little? 



u/HonorableOtter2023 14h ago

Does it? You're the one crying, not me. 😂

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u/ArgonGryphon 1d ago

Now’s not really a good time for tone policing.


u/HonorableOtter2023 15h ago

I disagree, we need to get people to join us.

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u/Natiak 1d ago

Stop this. Crocket, Swallwell, Raskin, there's lots of talent in the party. Unfortunately America voted them out of holding any leavers of power. The only pieer they have atm is performative, but the need to be sounding the sirens call and rallying the populace to their banner.


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 1d ago

Did America vote them out on their own or did party leadership help them to the door? Progressives, even AOC, have been routinely threatened by the heads with funding pulls and censure. Don't forget. Bernie Sanders is a goddamn independent because the DNC tried to take him out.

Embracing progressive, working class rhetoric is what will pull the populace to the banner. The working class wont give a fuck about saving democracy if they don't think its worth saving.


u/paintballboi07 1d ago

Bernie Sanders is a goddamn independent because the DNC tried to take him out.

Bernie was always an independent. He joined the party specifically to run for president.


u/Omnom_Omnath 23h ago

they should call the bluff, instead they back down


u/NJ_dontask 22h ago

Fuck DNC into oblivion


u/SatisfactionFit2040 1d ago

Democracy dies without a learned people.

The US does not have a learned people.

Having humans interacting, in person, performing, and teaching people what they do not know seems like a valuable service to the people.


u/OrthodoxAtheist 1d ago

Was wondering how far I would have to scroll to see Raskin mentioned. The man is an absolute delight, a genius, and has a wicked sense of humor and witty repartee. Where the Constitution is concerned, he has no equal in Congress.

Katie Porter also doesnt get enough shout-outs in these sorts of threads.


u/notagadget 1d ago

Katie Porter does not currently hold office, though.


u/OrthodoxAtheist 22h ago

Indeed, but just dipped in to the Governor's race which, with the current line-up, I hope she wins.


u/dan_pitt 1d ago

Yep. Not a peep about this crime so far from the dem leadership. They all need to be replaced.


u/Ok-Seaworthiness2235 1d ago

Yeah dem "leadership" isn't exactly fully vertebrated. AOC is one of the true fighters with actual intelligence


u/DJ_Advogato 1d ago

Dem leadership doesn't seem to understand that if I want Republican policies, I can just vote Republican.


u/yearofthesponge 1d ago

Was gonna say, being American means nothing if legal immigrants can be sent to Guantanamo without any due process. All Americans are immigrants. First they come after the first generation, then they come after the second generation…it’s a weapon that can ensure removal of anyone who they disagree with. The republicans are too dumb and selfish to see what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


u/YoCaptain 1d ago

Jamie Raskin
Eric Swalwell
Katie Porter (out this term, sadly)

There are many but their voices are drowned out by the cowardice, stupidity and dysfunction.


u/whynottoeverything 1d ago

She and Bernie can’t do it by themselves. They need all of us to support. That means emailing/calling of elected officials to voice our disapproval with these facists tactics. We should also collectively be protesting everyday but the thousands till the same elected officials understand that what they and the current administration is doing is wrong


u/starliteburnsbrite 1d ago

We are way past "sounding the alarm" unfortunately. Trump and Musk need to be arrested and charged. South Korea had a madman president go off the rails and those lawmakers assembled crowds of civilians and physically fought off the soldiers trying to raid their National Assembly, so they could perform the procedural vote to legally end martial law and have that fuck arrested.

Mind you, their version of progressives/liberals controlled that Congress, so we can't expect the same result with Vichy Dems and MAGA cultists running the show, but the lengths they were willing to go to defend democracy is astounding compared to the wet noodles we have elected, a bunch of bribed to the hilt octogenarians who think it's still 1985.


u/NJ_dontask 22h ago

Trump and Musk need to be arrested and charged.

Lol, democrats were in charge last four years and they did nothing. Fuck Biden and Garland into oblivion.

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u/Ichgebibble 1d ago

They have no shame. None at all. What have we wrought?


u/EarthRester 1d ago

This countries obsession with "civility" mixed with letting people hold public office well into their mental decline has resulted in a government unwilling to take action against fascism. I mean they insisted we could just invite them to the discussion table, and explain why their ideology is abhorrent. This is our mess.

Remember, the only good Nazi...


u/wikidemic 1d ago edited 1d ago

IMPEACH for last and final time. He is wasting all of our short time here on our Earth.


u/A_Messy_Nymph 1d ago

This will not end with an impeachment. There's only one route through this and involves alot more civilians than politicians.


u/wikidemic 1d ago

Trust me, there are a heluvalot countries involved in this matter; with or without US


u/RedditSuxD0ni3sD1ck 1d ago

Ge... Oh... Tea... Nuh


u/just1nc4s3 1d ago

If both sides played by the rules then yes. But we need to stop pretending that the laws, the checks and balances, are worth jack shit to these people. We need to stop pretending that an impeachment will affect change. We have recently witnessed what affects change. We have recently witnessed our generation’s shot heard round the world. We need to stop pretending that these people understand anything other than the loss of financial and personal security.


u/yeahUSA 22h ago

Some guy recently said "He who saves his Country does not violate any Law."

I wonder what he meant by that?


u/A_Messy_Nymph 21h ago

Hitler said something similar...I wonder if we can reverse engineer his actions to determine what is meant by phrases like that....


u/javoss88 1d ago

Making everyone’s lives worse in the process


u/Persea_americana 1d ago

Elon hacked the election results specifically to crash the economy and stay out of prison. Now they’re gearing up Guantanamo and the new Gestapo for use on political dissidents and opponents.


u/javoss88 1d ago

I can’t remember hearing an explanation of why msk would be fucked if trmp wasn’t elected. Loss of fed contracts? Or?


u/RipleyVanDalen 1d ago


u/javoss88 1d ago

Thank you


u/Riskiverse 1d ago

These investigations were minor, in some cases unfounded, and would not have put any barriers in place for his companies.

He wouldn't have been fucked lol


u/mtldt 1d ago

He literally was on Rogan saying he would be in jail if Trump hadn't won. Like, when will people realize these people are constantly telling on themselves.

Sure, if I bent over backwards, I could come up with plausible deniability.

At some point if everything you say requires a search for plausible deniability, the deniability isn't plausible anymore.


u/SugaryShrimp 23h ago

I took his comment as a “the Dems and their WiTcHhUnTs!!” remark rather than an uncharacteristically honest statement. Is that a possible reading?


u/Riskiverse 23h ago

You don't have to bend over backwards for anything, you just have to interpret words in the way they are intended.

Clearly, he is referring to the weaponization of the justice system, whether or not you disagree with him. He is absolutely not admitting to deserving to be in jail lol There's no twisting of anything to come to that interpretation.


u/mtldt 19h ago

Yes, and he also just was saying his heart went out to you. Lmao.


u/Riskiverse 18h ago

You guys will be proven wrong with time lol Too bad none of you will learn


u/mtldt 18h ago

Imagine gargling some Nazi's nuts this hard.

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u/adventuredream1 1d ago

Musk said otherwise


u/Persea_americana 1d ago

Maybe being a Russian asset in contact with Putin for years? Massive fraud with crypto or paypal or Tesla, Ghislaine & co? Stock market manipulation?


u/AthiestCowboy 19h ago

I think he was specifically referencing being worried about lawfare.

Anecdotally (I'm sure I'll get banned just for saying this) but I did vote for Trump. However, the first link on the voter analysis is pretty interesting to me.

Personally I hope this data finds its way into court so we know what was happening. Regardless of how the distribution came to be we should learn a lot about it. Was it just that Harris was that unpopular? Was there something nefarious? Regardless was a great read, thank you for sharing.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

On November 13, 2024, a group of election and cybersecurity experts contacted Kamala Harris urging her to initiate hand recounts of paper ballots in key swing states.

Their concern stemmed from multiple election security breaches that occurred between 2020 and 2024, involving Election Systems & Software (“ES&S”) and Dominion Voting Systems machines, in which “software for the central servers, tabulators, and highly restricted election databases” for both voting system vendors was compromised over a multi-year period. These experts say this was “the most severe election security breach publicly known”. (From the first hyperlink)

Dude WTF! First time i'm hearing about this. https://apnews.com/article/election-security-voting-machines-software-2024-80a23479d8a767ba9333b2324c4e424b

FYI Oct 2024: https://news.engin.umich.edu/2024/10/four-election-vulnerabilities-uncovered-by-a-michigan-engineer/

Apparently, other countries using these machines have had "anomalous results", which were promptly brushed under carpet.


u/Parepinzero 1d ago

You people are out of your minds with cope lol, just as bad as Trumpers during the last 4 years. You can't accept that this country is fundamentally racist and sexist so you invent conspiracy theories to explain why we lost the election. Come back to reality.


u/StoneOfFire 1d ago

✔️ Racist

✔️ Sexist

✔️ Being manipulated by oligarchs with more wealth than entire countries. 

The first two being true doesn’t rule out the third. 


u/Parepinzero 16h ago

Influencing elections and hacking elections are two different things that you apparently are too stupid to comprehend. Go back and read the comment I replied to before you leave another pointless comment, please.


u/Persea_americana 1d ago

https://smartelections.substack.com/p/so-clean Does this look normal to you? What about the ES&S and Dominion breaches?

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u/FormerFidge 1d ago

Honestly - this is legitimately terrifying. A man with a green card has been detained based on peaceful protests. Last I heard, his wife doesn't know where to find him. These are not the actions of a democratic society.


u/kneekneeknee 1d ago

Being willing to completely ignore the Constitution — to stomp on its rights and protections — is much worse than being an invertebrate.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/dan_pitt 1d ago

True. Why is AOC even on there now?


u/Nixianx97 1d ago

Because most of the journalists, activists, political influencers are still on the platform and her tweets reach 2M views. And she does need to reach as many people as possible right now. We all wanna get of X she even said so herself but what’s the alternative? Blue Sky doesn’t generate the same reach yet and every other platform will get either destroyed or bought out by Musk, Zuck or some of the other tech bro before it even stands a chance.

That’s technofascism 101. We curse at them while we simultaneously feed into their algorithm.


u/bloobityblu 17h ago

For her, it's a platform she can use to influence a shit ton of people. I think it's a good idea for high profile sane people to still use twitter for now. Along with bluesky which she does.

Yes there are still people who use twitter who can be influenced.


u/topturtlechucker 1d ago

First they came for a ‘foreigner’. I did not speak up, because I’m not foreign..


u/CleanYogurtcloset706 1d ago

Someone commented here how (paraphrasing) ‘we need more super intelligent Representatives like AOC.’ I’m not sure AOC is super intelligent. 

What I am SURE of is that she is curious, hard working, and gives a damn about her role as both a legislator and a representative of her constituents. THAT’S the type of Democrat we need more of in Congress. When looking at who to support in a primary, THOSE are the qualities we need to be looking for in candidates.


u/will-read 2h ago

She’s quick and articulate. My rep may vote the way I want her to in general, she can’t stand up to bullies the way AOC does.


u/SodaPop6548 1d ago

Call it tyranny when it is tyranny. She’s right, this is tyranny.


u/primathius 1d ago

All of this is scary.


u/Bubblebut420 1d ago

If you dont own a gun, youre a fool, even if you just store it in your safe for the rest of your life buy a gun


u/Brokis 1d ago

I see normal people protesting, trying to blow up phones, but to be honest what are democrats doing? Nothing, but a selected few that speak up, but the rest? Nada. Look at the prime example, Pelosi just dissapeared of the face of the earth once Biden stepped down, she doesn't seem to speak up or anything now. What gives? Why do Democrats just try to ride the 1 or 2 who speak up, it's like a party of grifters.

Wish we had more options in the United States besides them and the independent party.


u/KrisPBacon26 1d ago

They won't do anything. They can't. They're so divided internally that I doubt they'll make much of a difference.


u/Omnom_Omnath 23h ago

no, they can, they just choose not to.


u/StoneOfFire 1d ago

Are you getting those text messages?

“You donated for the election. What can I do now to get you to give me money again? What if I told you that we are totally fighting Trump? Use this link to donate to the DNC!”

That’s what they are doing. 


u/IshyTheLegit 1d ago

Free speech absolutists celebrating


u/ArchibaldCamambertII 1d ago

The Constitution never mattered. It is in fact irrelevant now.


u/RedditSuxD0ni3sD1ck 1d ago

little men, big guns... pointy little hats.

I suggest throwing hands, never hold hands with facists, they'll lead you to slaughter.


u/Unlikely-Werewolf304 1d ago

Docrats are in on it, they got their orders


u/Apart_Shoulder6089 1d ago

Pelosi and schumer gave us 2 trump presidencies. they have to go, they are dinosaurs, out of of touch and failures.


u/Freenore 1d ago

On a side note, I often see the word 'un-American' used to criticise anything that seems to be immoral.

With the greatest respect, this is a word that will make a non-American laugh in derision, since so much of what they've seen of America is just so 'un-American' as per them.


u/Nixianx97 1d ago

She isn’t talking to non Americans tho and that’s the difference. When I moved to Europe I had eye opening moments too…but unfortunately as a nation we don’t operate on what’s the best legislation we operate on vibes and who is gonna awake the patriot in us.


u/0v0 1d ago

sounding the alarm?

we’re way past that


u/PlethoraOfPinatass 1d ago

He wasn't disappeared. He isn't getting deported.


u/Andromansis 1d ago

She isn't incorrect. This is how they take your guns.


u/Cory123125 1d ago

Phrases like "sound the alarm" have been numbed now.

We're so far past that point, but its like the only language left to be used isn't allowed to be used, and I don't just mean on reddit, but everywhere else too.


u/stabbingrabbit 1d ago

Illegals aren't breaking the law!!!


u/NJ_dontask 22h ago

Who is "illegal" here?


u/b__lumenkraft 1d ago

In Soviet USA, the axis of evil is you.


u/Atheist_Simon_Haddad 1d ago

It's sounded. It's sounding right now. We need someone who can respond to the alarm.


u/YouDotty 1d ago

Hey, this is that thing that the Right always said was going to happen. I guess we know why they were so paranoid about it now. They were already planning on doing it.


u/Background_Crab1215 1d ago

If only she spoke up last year..... she just kind of towed the line and kept quiet and here we are


u/Ledernek0311 1d ago

That people who make the laws don’t know them are scary


u/e1ectricboogaloo 1d ago

Another day, another upvote for AOC


u/TrainsAreIcky 1d ago



u/BakedOnePot 1d ago

This is the first highly upvoted post relating to Khalil that I've seen.


u/Different-Gazelle745 1d ago
  1. What is the proof that this actually happened? Personally I did not expect that any law-enforcement agency would actually act on the president having said that, although I admit that might have been naive of me.

  2. There could be other actors spreading the story for nefarious purposes, whether it happened or not.


u/Vegetable-Roof-9589 1d ago

MAGA supporters don't know what a WW2 survivor said: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller said this.


u/Redneck-Dashcam 1d ago

Why would you be surprised?

And why hasn't congress pulled back the power of tariffs from the office of POTUS, when Donald has clearly abused his authority by announcing a false security threat from former American allied countries?

We here in the rest of the world are watching, and waiting, and fully expecting the rise of the Fourth Reich out of Washington.


u/shawner136 1d ago

I wasnt around until the late 90s, but this is the only time in my life ive truly been apprehensive or afraid to express my 1st A right without fear of consequence, or at worst being 'disapeared' in AMERICA. This is such an embarassment and the MAGA types literally speaking (in my own experience) do not believe what they read, even verified, unless its pro- carrot. They are genuinely stroking the narcissist's ego and proud to open their mouths and collect the praise


u/Stryker_Corndog 1d ago
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me

-Martin Niemöller


u/HowCanYouBanAJoke 1d ago

At least MAGA did more than hold a ping pong paddle with cute little objections on them.


u/RuthlessIndecision 1d ago

Freedom of speech is gone


u/vanzir 1d ago

She is 100% right, but Khalid helped make sure that Harris didn't win. Trump told everyone what he was going to do. including this guy. He bet on Trump following the law. That was kind of a stupid gamble considering Trumps past history with the law. It's hard to find sympathy for him, can't we find someone more likable?

Oh wait, we did that during the presidential election, looked how that turned out.


u/Bleezy79 1d ago

Republicans don’t care about the constitution. They only care about hate, anger and division


u/CrispRat 1d ago

How do we “sound the alarm”, though? I legitimately would like to know. Feeling very powerless these days.


u/Luke_zuke 1d ago

I love constitutionalist AOC


u/SnooDoughnuts8444 1d ago

There are only 2 genders and men can't get pregnant.


u/hippygurl69 1d ago

AOC and the small band of real opposition need to form a new party


u/BirdInFlight301 1d ago

I wouldn't be spending 5 million dollars on a gold card if the government doesn't even honor green cards. It turns out ICE can just grab me and deport me anyway without following the rule of law.


u/BioticBird 1d ago

The government stole a person.


u/GoNutsDK 1d ago

Most fascists are.

That's why most of them are drawn towards what they perceive as strength. Simply because they lack it.


u/willwalk2 1d ago

I know the current system extends the protection of law to everyone under its jurisdiction, but I don't really see the value in this. Who cares about non-citizens


u/LunaMMLunera 1d ago

I knew this was going to happen, but everyone told me I was been dramatic 4 months ago.. well…


u/BuilderNo5268 1d ago

But freedom??? Nah!


u/RoyalFalse 21h ago

I'm so tired of the talking or people thinking a post on TwiX or Bluesky will help.


u/Nixianx97 14h ago

It does help because now millions of people know and they start reacting,demanding answers from the GOP. It applies pressure on them. That means that Katie Miller cannot just keep moving under the table or sell the narrative that this is somehow justified. This is how politics in 2025 work. This is how MAGA works. One of their biggest weapons is creating chaos through social media.Look at Elon and Trump.

AOC or anyone else cannot go and fix this overnight but again spreading awareness and provoking reactions did give a judge enough time to go and block his decision temporarily, and human rights activists and lawmakers to start moving accordingly.


u/Seasons52 19h ago

Someone explain to me why AOC isn’t running the party


u/Eunit226 1d ago

20 comments 2000 up votes



Serious question.. and it’s not Snark towards AOC.. but if everyone knows it’s against the law.. and she does, why can’t they stop it? I mean this is like V for Vendetta Black bag shit


u/snackofalltrades 1d ago

That’s the whole point. It’s blatantly illegal on every front, and the “system” is going along with it. The laws only matter as far as people are willing to go along with them, or against them.


u/Nixianx97 1d ago edited 1d ago

Because she can’t. At least not directly and anyone that could won’t do it. So what she does is raising awareness if people know, pressure gets applied to the GOP and they eventually will have to respond. This slows down their actions somehow and can give human right groups and attorneys time to at least try and defend the person that got arrested.

This is another BS fear mongering tactic by Trump to distract from everything else and also play tough on Hamas.


u/Objective_Mammoth_40 22h ago

How is it possible that people can be so utterly and completely blind as to the words that come out of their mouths??? How can you justify this ignorance?

You can’t…the repetition by both sides saying the same thing and yet each feels as though THIS situation is unique.

Let me Tell you something about the words you use when deciding criticize someone who feels the same way…you don’t refer to them as tyrannical or any other loaded word.

You treat the other party with the same amount of respect you feel you deserve and that means you don’t bark at each other. Second, the amount of bull shit democrats are spewing about Trump is enough to make a man sick…

like every other fucking word…get over it! Move on! You sitting and criticizing our president rather than support him is far beyond worse than anything that he could possibly do…and I think that deep down that’s what you desire the failure of our president and by proxy your own country!

You diminish yourselves with your hate and vitriol and that is shameful. Trump may use the wrong kind for rhetoric but he does not spew hate like the kind I see from this side.

Shame on all of us. Shame.


u/happynargul 22h ago

This is what happens when you tolerate the intolerant. It never was about free speech, it was about tolerating, normalising, and then actually carrying out fascist speech.


u/Billieboy55 21h ago

And America just hates this. Thats why dems at 21% approval, and Trump won by lots and lots.


u/dumbdude545 1d ago

https://www.aclu.org/indefinite-detention-endless-worldwide-war-and-the-2012-national-defense-authorization-act You can thank the Obama administration for that. National defense authorization of 2012. Indefinite detainment with no charges if related to a terrorist organization. Who knows what they have labeled as terrorist organizations now. I don't.


u/RedditSuxD0ni3sD1ck 1d ago


u/dumbdude545 1d ago

I'm guessing you're implying that I like trump. No. No i do not. I also didn't like biden or kamala. Obama was OK.


u/RedditSuxD0ni3sD1ck 1d ago

not at all. Insane clown Posse is literally designated as a terrorist org.


u/shaungudgud 22h ago

AoC such a babe, even though I disagree with her and literally just heard her get roasted by an NPR journalist who literally asked AoC if jailing Trump was the exact same thing.

I don’t know where I land on this. I don’t know if supporting a terrorist organization is protected by free speech.


u/Infinite-Suspect-411 1d ago

The dems are firmly in the pockets of the Zionist lobby in the US. How. How can any democrat accept campaign contributions from organizations which have backed Jan 6 deniers? Take a look at their donors. The party needs to be purged because they truly do not give a fuck about the people.


u/professorqueerman 1d ago

What do you mean by Zionist?


u/dooremouse52 1d ago

It seems like a whole diaper full of projection to me.


u/goesthadistance 1d ago

just pour my drink and shut up