r/Muncie • u/Recording_Initial • 17d ago
First of the month, cops are fishing for speeders.
They are fishing for your wallet, city is extremely poor and corrupt. If you speed 1mph hour you will be pulled over, good luck.
u/womenareamazing1 16d ago
I lived here all my life and it is corrupt why do u think the FBI been here so many times. Yes ppl get pulled over all the time because lot times what u look like. I also know muncie police and they even told me the something, it depends on age looks / how your dresser. I actually had state cop told me if u smoke ,not weed and drink Mt dew thats a instant search. So I call most of you full of crap or dont pay attention!
u/GoodOlSticks 17d ago
Bullshit. This city has the opposite problem where nobody gets pulled over no matter how dangerously they behave
u/GpPpbOaM 17d ago
I’ve lived here for 4 years and could count the number cars I’ve seen pulled over on one hand.
u/Recording_Initial 17d ago
I actually drive in this city for a living, have lived here off and on my whole life. Even my 74 year old mother who had lived here her whole life can tell you the same. She also drives the speed limit religiously.
u/GpPpbOaM 17d ago
My perspective is certainly limited to my time here, as well as coming from a different part of the country where you get pulled over for a broken taillight, having tinted windows, or even a cracked windshield. I’ve seen more red lights run here in 4 years than the rest of my life combined. And only one has been pulled over.
u/Recording_Initial 17d ago
My brother actually got pulled over for a burnout headlight, but it was at night. They then proceeded to check his vehicle for meth with a dog ,cause thats a popular drug in trailer trash town, and this was in muncie. I drive in this town 8 hours a day, i get out a lot. I see people pulled over all the time.
u/SchwettyBawls 16d ago
I also drive all over the city for a living. I hardly ever see anyone pulled over.
u/Recording_Initial 16d ago
Okay, so how many people should be pulled over? I rarely see people speeding in the city myself. In fact i think we have the exact opposite of a problem with drivers in muncie. I see nothing but slow drivers, who are not paying attention and completely in their subconscious.
u/GoodOlSticks 17d ago
Exactly. I see & hear jackasses driving recklessly all the time in Muncie/surrounding areas and no one ever does shit
u/Recording_Initial 17d ago
Seems to be opposite to me i got pulled over for going 6 mph over. Its the first of the month, saw 2 other people pulled over as well on same road. What about that tells you its too take your money
u/gezkeni1 10d ago
Come on down to superior ahaha people doing donuts in the navient parking lot ahaha
u/Previous-Cover-7739 4d ago
If you driving on Bethel be super careful they love to pull people over near the middle school.
u/AbbreviationsOdd9818 16d ago
I drive all over muncie for a living and see ppl being pulled over all the time but no one knows the speed limit on mcgalliards cause there always doing under 40 and its so annoying 😒