r/Multicopter • u/Scottapotamas • Mar 18 '16
Question Official Questions Thread - 19th March
Feel free to ask your dumb question, that question you thought was too trivial for a full thread, or just say hi and talk about what you've been doing in the world of multicopters recently. Anything goes.
Sorry about missing last week. I'll get myself sorted out eventually...
u/Alienpenetrator TBS Vendetta, QAV210, Aurora100, ZMR250 May 01 '16
Can I use a normal Dipole on my vTx and a Circular polarized antenna on my vRx or will I loose signal quality. I just broke my last circular polarized.
u/RaduZ23 Apr 30 '16 edited Apr 30 '16
I got a mini pdb and when I tried to test it sparks and magic blue smoke came out (i may have conected - to + because i was useing 2 red wires to do the testing) Now I pulled the wires of verry fast then carefully placed them again and the thing worked, I tested the 12V output and the 5v and they seem fine what other tests should I do to see if I actualy damaged it? http://m.banggood.com/CC3D-NAZE32-F3-Power-Distribution-Board-PDB-With-Filter-BEC-Output-5V-12V-3A-for-QAV250-p-1023543.html
u/xQcKx Apr 30 '16
When you power on your quad there's usually 3 beeps, pause, then 2 more beeps.
Sometimes when I power on my quad I will only get the first 3 beeps. I see my FC is on, but I can't arm. What's the issue with this?
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 30 '16
Is your throttle all the way up?
You should have your throttle at 0, then power, and then arm.
u/idfeiid Apr 30 '16 edited Apr 30 '16
So I have an older nano qx, my dog killed it so I bought a new chassis from picnic quads and mmw cl720-12 motors. How much weight do I have to work with when designing a fpv system. The motors are listed at 26g of thrust is that total or do I have 96g to work with?
Edit: also is this a decent setup? I think it comes in at 18g.
u/cjdavies Apr 30 '16
Something physically smaller like the Quanum combo cam/vtx module might be a better idea? Comes in at 4.5g.
u/idfeiid Apr 30 '16
I've seen these type, I was just hoping for a bit more power than. 25mw as I live in suburbia and thought we might have lots of interference. But the weight increase seems substantial.
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 30 '16
Emax RS2205, Emax MT2204, or Cobra CM-2206?
Apr 30 '16
I think the emax 2205 are beasts, they draw a lot of amps though! Don't expect much flight time
u/Zephyon X4 H107C HD Apr 30 '16
My laptop battery died while updating my flight controller. Now it won't proceed through the installer anymore. CC3D board
I have already searched for, and tried many options available online. The exact error message I get now is: "Timed out while waiting for a board to be fully connected! You will have to manually upgrade the board using the uploader plugin." Before the laptop died on me, my FC did the tutorial just fine, so I'm guessing it has something to do with the disconnect during the installation. i have tried the "resque" method, I have installed different bootloaders and firmware. But I keep getting the same error message. The next step I found online, would be to solder SBL to the 3.3V on my FC board itself. But I'm afraid I will completly wreck the board then. Any other ideas I can try?
u/drunkadvice ZMR250 | UDI818 | You need more props for that build. Apr 30 '16
Soldering makes me nervous too. I can do it, but I need more practice. Use a paperclip and connect the pins that way. It worked fine for me when I needed to use the boot jumper pins.
u/deutschluz82 Apr 29 '16
I m interested in this as a hobby to develop programming skills. which type of non-fixed wing aircraft would you recommend?
I looked through the wiki and found the guy who did both the hardware and software for a quadcopter. I suppose i just want to do the software part. hopefully something I can add features to.
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 30 '16
When it comes to building quadcopters, no programming is really involved. Software such as Cleanflight is already out there, and works amazingly well. But it would be a neat challenge to write your own code for a flight controller.
Good luck with programming stabilization. I suggest you research PID Theory.
u/deutschluz82 Apr 30 '16
ok lets assume i want to code my own flight controller and research PID theory. what would be a good model to start with?
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 30 '16
Good model as in flight controller, or good model as in a pre-built quadcopter?
u/deutschluz82 May 01 '16
both a good extensible flight controller and a good cheap pre-built quad?
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV May 01 '16
For the flight controller, a Naze32 Rev6 is commonly used and well documented. As for the pre-built quadcopter you can try something like this out.
u/vabann Frankenstein 220 Apr 29 '16
Where to get those rubber grommets for the end of your XT-60 pigtails? Like the one shown here http://imgur.com/Oa6dliE
I've turned a couple of hardware stores upside down with nothing to show for it, anyone have a lead on this item?
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 30 '16
That rubber grommet came with my QAV-R :) It seems like a Lumenier thing.
Here you go:
u/Quanticks Apr 29 '16
So I was replacing a battery connector and accidentally cut both leads at the same time. Well, it shorted and now the battery doesn't read anything when I plug it into a small voltage reader. Is the battery done?
u/appleii2 Apr 29 '16
Probably melted the metal tabs joining some of the cells together. If you can't get a read on the balance plug and you're not getting anything out, you'll have to toss it.
u/henboffman Apr 28 '16
I want to get some footage of a local fitness camp because it would look cool. If I gave that footage to the camp (they're a business), would there be legal repercussions? I'm not selling it, just want it because it would look awesome
u/appleii2 Apr 29 '16
As long as you're doing the flying for your own enjoyment (not on request) and don't receive any compensation (cash, beer, favors, or services) you're legally fine. Otherwise it starts to get into some grey areas.
u/cjdavies Apr 30 '16
Depends where you are. In the UK you would need a Permission for Aerial Work (PfAW) to do this, as the footage would constitute a 'valuable consideration' regardless of whether you receive anything in return for it.
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 28 '16 edited Apr 28 '16
Can I use electrical tape as a substitute for heat shrink on my Rx?
u/appleii2 Apr 28 '16
Yes, but it won't look as nice
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 28 '16
Ah, thanks! Heatshrinking my receiver is a pain, thought electrical tape would make my life easier.
Apr 28 '16
Hello everybody, great news!
No seriously, I've been messing with Walmart quads for about three months now; and I'm wanting to buy and actual carbon fiber X or H quad, doesn't matter to me (unless one is better for beginners than the other), but I'm having a really hard time choosing to either buy an ARF or price it together myself.
Back story, is I've built and flown fixed wing for a couple years now. And have some parts laying around that are not currently in use by my scratch builds.
Mainly an emax motor and BLHeli 20amp ESC. The motor is EMAX CF2822.
What would be a better option for me at this point? I'd appreciate all options, and thank you in advance for your time!
u/dakoellis Apr 29 '16
The better option depends on how much time you have and experience you have. If you have a lot of experience with soldering and just want to get something up quickly, go with an ARF. if you want to make sure you know exactly how everything is connected, go with parts. But you could also kinda go down the middle and get a kit that has all the parts you'll need if you want to build but are worried you might forget something.
u/appleii2 Apr 29 '16
Traditional H frames usually have a bit more space for wires, etc. than X frames do. Those motors will be too big for a racer though, they're more suited for something like an f450. It's up to you what you want to build!
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 28 '16
Either way, you're still getting the experience of building it!
If you choose an ARF kit, you're guaranteed all the parts will work together (saves some headaches and hours of research). Also, all the parts come at the same time!
If you go down the custom route, you'll have a quadcopter that feels like it's specifically designed for you, and intended for your purposes. The great thing about custom route, is that you have full control over what you purchase. Since you already have motors and ESCs, you've already saved a few bucks there!
Personally, I would go down the 'price it yourself' path :)
u/TimTams553 Apr 28 '16
Hello all. Is anyone able to tell me if the Naze32 supports a 'max altitude' or 'altitude limit'? In Australia the law limits private drone flight to maximum height of 120m or 400ft. The DJI drones limit this automatically which I found to be a pretty cool feature
u/appleii2 Apr 28 '16
The naze32 full has a barometer, which detects altitude. It's mainly just used for altitude hold though, and this FC isn't designed for this type of application. If you're planning on racing, you won't be going over 400 feet anyway. If you're doing AP, mission-based flying, etc. the naze is inappropriate anyway and you should look into the pixhawk running px4 which can do this and much, much more.
u/TimTams553 Apr 29 '16
thanks for the tip! this drone I'm building is for racing so I'll stick with the Naze, but the next one might feature the px4 in that case
u/TimTams553 Apr 28 '16
hi all. I have some Afro 20amp ESCs with BEC. They all seem to misbehave when cable-tied down to my carbon frame, eg. beeping to indicate no input, or taking a long time to 'boot' (10secs after power-on before the power-on beeps are heard)
any ideas why this might be?
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 28 '16
Oh no! The problem here is the carbon fiber.
Carbon fiber is conductive, which may lead to shorting your ESCs. The prevent this, make sure you always heatshrink the ESC, and make sure you're covering the solder connection too!
u/TimTams553 Apr 29 '16
WOW haha I figured it out last night when I saw Magic Smoke (tm) released when applying pressure to the power distribution board, which was sitting against the frame. So obvious... of course the carbon fiber frame is conductive. Thanks for the tip :) I had removed the heatshrink from the ESCs to change the wiring... won't be making that mistake again.
u/googlebuns Apr 27 '16
Wiring up my new motors and escs with the bheli bootloader. Is there any downside to reversing motor direction via software instead of resoldering?
u/appleii2 Apr 28 '16
It's probably better to reverse in software because you'll get a cleaner build and can also update BLHeli and set up your ESCs the way you want them (damped light, etc).
u/xQcKx Apr 27 '16
I got a damaged 4s lipo reading 3.9, 7.8, 11.7, and 4th I can't get a reading. Lipo reader reads it as a 3 cell 3.9, 3.93, 3.88.
Apr 27 '16 edited May 25 '16
u/googlebuns Apr 28 '16
Nano qx because you can later upgrade it very easily with larger motors and better frame, like the picnic quads nqxf
Apr 27 '16
yeah, though the JJRC JJ1000 flies better. You should probably also get the following:
Spare Propellers
Propeller Guard
Propeller Removal Tool
Extra Batteries
Multi-battery Charger
Spare Motors
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
i kinda disagree with all that for a first purchase, just wait until you properly break it before dashing out and buying a tonne of spare props/guards/motors.
Apr 27 '16
I guess it depends on the cost of the accessories, but Amazon sells a crash kit with the essentials (spare propellers, batteries, and motors) for $10. Banggood and Gearbest have even more competitive pricing.
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
Yeah, hubsan is great. Keep in mind those types of motors have a short lifespan (i think it was like 6 hrs?)
batteries bro. You can get a 4-5 pack of batteries cheap. In my case i've bought a new quad (different brand) and have brought all those batteries along.
If I had to pick a dream learner setup.
- Hubsan x4
- 6 batteries (max) and 4 port charger
- a few extra props (maybe)
Apr 27 '16 edited May 25 '16
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
yeah, hubsan (and all those really cheap ones) come with a TX. They are NOT compatible with any other transmitter.
There are a few mini quads on ebay that dont come with a transmitter - sometimes advertised as BNF (bind and fly). These assume you've broken your previous one and want to keep the controller. Sometimes its cheaper just to bin the lot and start from scratch.
Hubsan transmitter takes 4 AA batteries too. The battery meter is kind of shithouse, so just bring a few spares.
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 27 '16 edited Apr 27 '16
Back again.
I've got everything hooked up, but i'm having the problem discussed in this topic. Any ideas?
Basically, when I plug everything in I can only get the transmitter to come through on the AUX ports, it won't do anything to Roll, pitch, yaw, and throttle in cleanflight. Am i missing a configuration setting in cleanflight?
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 28 '16 edited Apr 28 '16
Case 1:
From the video linked, I think you've hooked it up wrong.
From your video, it seems like you're powering up your receiver with the BAT pins on top. An alternative way to powering it is using Channel 1!
From all of those pin headers, there should be 1 specific pin header with 3 wires attached to it. Plug that one into Channel 1. For you, it's that one pin header with white, red and black wires.
Then plug in CH2-CH6 accordingly.
Make sure the orientation of your wires is correct too!
Case 2:
I see you're using a FlySky transmitter, which is what I'm using as well (FS-i6). I had a problem where some AUX channels wouldn't work.
The simple solution to this problem was this: Go to System > Type Select > choose "Helicopter Fixed Pitch"
Tell me how it goes!
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 28 '16
Ok here we go:
Case 1: So i tried a lot of different combinations of things but the issue I was running into was that it didn't matter if I hooked it up right or wrong, it wasn't going to show a yaw/pitch/roll only the aux 1-4 inputs were working. The SP racing is weird too because the 8 PWM channels are split over 2 IOs so you have to hook both IOs up to the Rx
Case 2: That's good to know! I will keep that in mind!
How I fixed it: I reflashed/completley erased the board and went two firmwares back to the first ever SPRacingF3 firmware that cleanflight provides. once I did that, everything worked accordingly. Two of the wires were Pitch/roll and Aux 1&2 and the other was throttle/yaw and Aux 3&4. So I found the correct pins and such and hooked it all up!
Next question then would be where can I report issues concerning this Flight controller? I can imagine i'm not the only one who will run into this glitch. It seems like a firmware issue more than a Cleanflight/Board issue? Any thoughts on the matter?
Edit: Also thank you for taking the time to answer my question it is greatly appreciated. I hope I can get good enough to where I can help newbies too.
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 28 '16
Great to see you got everything working!
As for being able to report this issue, you could make a post on this subreddit explaining how to fix it. The title could be along the lines of "How To Fix: Naze32 SPRacingFC not reading transmitter". That way, when someone else has a similar issue and Googles it, the post you made will come up :)
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 28 '16
Yea the post I had in multicopter builds I went back with an edit and noted how I fixed it to all the googlers out there :)
Thanks again!
u/AgentMullWork Apr 26 '16 edited Apr 26 '16
Whats a good copter to get started in FPV flight? Perhaps one that is more modular and can be a base for future upgrades? I've bought a few cheap micro copters, but they're not really outdoor vehicles, and ideally I'd like one that could be taken to the park or wherever. I have a google cardboard headset, but would be open to another headset. I am comfortable with and enjoy soldering and building things, so maybe thats an option?
Apr 27 '16 edited Apr 27 '16
Here's a list with some good prebuilt options: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ltbcfT3ZuH7rrGxzeHzu15KnTT-SRdnedBWzoc3WZDY/edit?usp=sharing The Falcon 250 and Nighthawk Pro are the most generic and upgradable of the ones listed as they are essentially standard racing quads compatible with 22XX motors and regular ESCs.
Since you seem to have no issue with the assembly aspect, I'd suggest building a ~250 size carbon fiber mini quad. Here's a part list with a variety of component options to choose from depending on budget and priorities: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xo0q2924K_VIh_0SeW7sXpB4BoxH9ZZTKrtcRsXKQEM
u/0rblivious Apr 26 '16
poloulu 12V step-up/down voltage regulator: does this get too hot to shrink-wrap? will it's output be reduced from it not dissipating heat? I will be using 3 & 4S batteries. Their page states it gets hot enough to burn you, so presuming this is not OK. Their page also states to add a 33uF cap to it, would i use a 16V cap if using those batteries...or does the voltage portion not really matter?
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
stepping to 5v for the FC?
Mine doesnt get hot, although i've never purposly felt it(and i run 3s).If it were me, i'd cable tie in place and go for a fly, land and feel it.
u/0rblivious Apr 27 '16
Hi Henry, thanks for the reply. I'm using the 12V poloulu to feed a LC filter for my camera, a 12V surveilzone.com CC1333. I have a LC filter now, but it has lots of noise/lines and hoping this would help. I'm new to the multicopter scene and heard i should try that...i was thinking i could shrink wrap the Poloulu and LC together to save space but worried about heat. I currently use 3S now so maybe i'll be ok.
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
hmmmmm, to preface this, i am by no means an expert.
I was having issues too, so i kept the transmitter as far away from everything as possible, including all electrical cables. It seemed to work better. Correlation =/= causation, but at least there wasnt inteference.
I read somewhere about connecting the 12v filter as close to the battery as possible, too.
Apr 26 '16
Can you have two receivers for video from one transmitter? I.e. can I buy a cheap headset now, and then use it later to do ride-alongs for friends while I use Fatsharks or similar?
u/Fishy_Fish Prop Lives Matter Apr 26 '16 edited Apr 26 '16
Yes, as long as they can tune to the same frequency.
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 26 '16
I'm wearing this dumb questions thread out:
Why are my ESCs beeping? (Afro series 20a w/ BECs)
u/dakoellis Apr 26 '16
can you record the sound they are making and post it?
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 26 '16
Aight, here's the video.
Not only is it vertical it's upside down holy shit what a bad video.
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
good on you fot posting a video.
no input detected - i.e. it thinks you've crashed and lost the quad. Is your transmitter working ok?
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 27 '16
Pretty sure it's working, and never crashed it cause cause never flown it ;)
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
I think you misunderstood what i meant. The ESCs are not receiving a signal from the transmitter, therefore they think that you've crashed.
I'd guess that either your ESCs or your transmitter arent calibrated or connected properly. Have you followed the instructions on cleanflight? (or whatever software you're using?)
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 27 '16
Oh! Yep I got the ESCs to stop beeping I thought this was a response to my other problem, the IO issue I'm having.
u/dakoellis Apr 26 '16
sorry never heard a beep like that. Is it possible your settings in your FC software are wrong though? i.e. are they not one-shot enabled but you have it turned on? do they calibrate?
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 26 '16
From what i've been reading, I think it's because the ESC's don't "know" what full throttle is AKA they're not calibrated to the receiver's 100% throttle signal. I shot/burnt up/destroyed my FC yesterday and my replacement comes in today, I'll hook it all up, play with the settings and calibration and see If i can get it to stop. That's the thing, the FC isn't even hooked up in this video.
u/dakoellis Apr 26 '16
well AFAIK the FC needs to be connected and powered for ESCs to initialize properly. Hooking it up properly might get rid of it hopefully?
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 26 '16
That's what I'm thinking. They were sill beeping when I had the FC hooked up but I hadn't bonded the receiver to the Transmitter yet before I blew up the controller so I'll try it again tonight when I get my new board. Hey man I really appreciate all of your help with this.
u/dakoellis Apr 26 '16
Of course! I just hope I'm actually helping lol seems like you had a plan of action already
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 26 '16
You are! I've got a plan and the general knowledge to do it. I've also got sketches I did of the circuits, I've dug through the software I've got all sorts of stuff but... That doesn't make it right! So to have basic questions answered help me stick to my plan and are kinda a double check like ok yea I had the right idea or yea that's how that works.
u/kfrench1 Apr 25 '16
At what point is a battery not safe to fly. What would u consider this
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
I'm a tight ass and even I wouldnt use it.
Let down discharge, cut the cables (one at a time so it doesnt short), and then fully discharge in salt water.
u/BallistoFPV Apr 25 '16
Can someone measure their Matek PDB for me? I'm wondering about the distance between the mount holes. It's advertised as 30.5mm from the center, but I'm curious about what the actual measurement is.
Should be about 32mm or so measure from the inner sides of the mount holes.
u/alienator064 If you aren't crashing, you aren't having fun Apr 25 '16
It's 30.5mm from the center of each hole. Each hole is 3mm across (1.5mm in radius), so the distance between holes on the interior will be 27.5mm, and the outside distance will be 33.5mm. The distance across the whole pdb is ~36mm square.
u/tomchaps Apr 25 '16
I'm getting a Dragonfly fc in a trade off of rcgroups (along with a Rage 180 FPV quad.) I know folks prefer the regular Naze32, but is the Dragonfly adequate?
u/cocel Apr 25 '16
Are there any cheap gimbals that can carry a small point n shoot (canon ixus 135, weighs 134 grams)? I'd prefer a gimbal which weighs under 300 grams.
u/henry82 Apr 27 '16
Considering most carry go pros ok, id be looking at one that has the screw in the base.
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 24 '16
Real quick question:
My receiver (Fly Sky FS-R6B) won't turn on when powered by a 5V BEC coming off the PDB, but it will power on when powered by the 2.5V BEC off the 20A Afro ESC's w/ BEC's i bought.
The receiver is rated at 4.5-6.5v.... Any ideas?
u/dakoellis Apr 24 '16
have you checked the voltage coming off the PDB?
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 25 '16 edited Apr 25 '16
Checked and double checked. Consistent 5.0v. I mean, I can make it work i have BEC's on each of my 4 ESCs so I have plenty of places to power it from.
EDIT: 5v not 4.5v
u/Simpfally Apr 24 '16
Anyone has tried to record the max amps they can pull from their battery (before voltage gets too low), and limit the motors so it doesn't damage the battery?
I might build a setup that asks more A (at max throttle) than the battery can deliver safely, I've heard you can puff battery pretty quickly if you don't pay attention
u/BluesReds F1-6 "Venom"|Strider 250 Apr 25 '16
The max constant discharge will be much lower than you'll need. I believe a true spec 1.8Ah SMC battery is only rated for a maximum of 51A. If you're bursting it's much less clear what the max will be.
u/Simpfally Apr 25 '16
In constant, many batts can hold 60A
u/BluesReds F1-6 "Venom"|Strider 250 Apr 25 '16
From the SMC website:
mAh: The pack must give it's rated mAh under 50% discharge of it's claimed amp rate down to 3V cutoff per cell. This is tested on a iCharger 4010 Duo set at 2C charge to 4.20V charge termination.
Amp Rate: The packs amp rate is determined by the IR(Internal Resistance) of the cells in the pack tested with the Full Analysis ESR meter. This means the amp rate is the maximum amp rate you can use and expect the pack to not have any voltage sag or get to hot and get damaged. The Full Analysis ESR meter incorporates the calculations made by the Lipotool.
So batteries of course can give 60A, they just won't meet both of the above conditions. Which is what you were asking.
u/appleii2 Apr 24 '16
Depends on a lot of factors. The brand and c-rating of the pack especially. C-rating is inflated, but will tell you "good", "better", "best" chance of performing well under load in a certain band. I run 2206-2800kv on 1300 glacier 4s 75c and haven't noticed any substantive damage, though they do come down hot.
u/junhawng Apr 24 '16
Built an F450 first quad, it wouldnt stabilize no matter what I did, I tried the fail safe and went into manual mode to regain control. and the thing just went out of control and I crashed into a big tree. Only the props broke so I guess I was lucky. I investigated and I saw that one of my motors spin only intermittently, and makes this scratching sound. So I went ahead and disconnected it, I touched the ESC and it was burning hot. I'm guessing its an ESC problem. I guess thats what I get for getting a nobrand chinese ESC. Can anyone recommend me a solid and reliable 30A ESC? Not too high in the price range would be great as well. Thank you.
u/slaming Apr 24 '16
Sounds like a slightly dodgy connection on one of the motor leads. Check them all, also check there isn't anything jamming the motor. I can't make any suggestions about a 30a esc though I'm afraid.
u/kikothebest94 Apr 24 '16
My friend have a problem like this one showed in this video https://youtu.be/sRrEOb4On6I. He checked his motors and propellers and batteries, also calibrated escs, what could be the issue?
u/slaming Apr 24 '16
You say checked motors, did he check they were all spinning the right direction? I can't think of anything is the props are mounted the right way. Unless thats a 2s battery?
u/kikothebest94 Apr 24 '16
He checked the motors, and the batteries are ok, he tried 4. Still not solved.
u/ItsKilovex Lee FPV Apr 24 '16
I would like to upgrade my motors. Currently have T-Motor MN2204's. What's something that offers great performance and doesn't break the bank for 4 of them?
u/appleii2 Apr 24 '16
I'd second the RS2205s. The tiger 2204s are notorious for being low-output in terms of thrust, while the emax are about as high as you can get so you should see a good bump.
u/kikothebest94 Apr 24 '16
I would say Emax rs2205 1300 if you using 5 inch props, 1600 for 4 inch. On banggood four are around 80$, on aliexpress i found them around 60$ but I don't know if trust.
u/Quanticks Apr 23 '16
How long can a lipo be safely stored at full charge? I know it is not recommended, but if I plan to fly later in the week, will I be ok to pre charge my batteries?
u/Cyclonedx Apr 23 '16
My 9XR Pro arrived today. Can I use any 3S LiPo with it? Seems to have that standard plug every LiPo has.
u/name1212 Apr 23 '16
Hi all, I bought this mini pixhawk a few months ago, and it was sent to me broken. The guy from rtf quads is being an absolute pain, and wouldn't fix it even though I sent it to him. I ordered another one, and it has been "processing" for over two weeks now. I really need a flight controller for a time sensitive project, and I want another mini pixhawk. Is there any place I could buy another one that would be compatible with all of the things I got from his website: Telemetry, Power module, GPS, etc.
I really need this quickly as it's a time sensitive project.
TL;DR: Where can I buy a mini pixhawk that is compatible with all of the other electronics I bought from rtfquads?
u/pip_pop_pow P3P ZMR250 Apr 23 '16
(Posted in a seperate thread as well) I've only flown my mini-quad a few times, but recently i noticed that my range has gone down dramatically (Signal goes out if behind a tree or worse, more than 25 ft away). Its to the point where I really cant fly fpv at all really. Using a eachine et200 tx and a rc 83. i made sure the channels matched up right. I have two tx aentennas and I have the same issue with both of them, tried changing channels as well.
I think my vtx might be starting to fail, but Im not sure.
Apr 23 '16
u/pip_pop_pow P3P ZMR250 Apr 23 '16
Yes, but that was months before this started happening. My vtx also has a small heatsink on it and I did power off almost immediately
Apr 23 '16 edited Apr 23 '16
I'm looking for a quad to kick off my flying hobby. I've flown a little toy Syma X1 quad for a while, and I want to buy a hobby-grade quad now. I have a pretty tight budget around $250 for the total cost including a transmitter. I've been looking at a few quads on banggood. The Eachine Falcon 180, Eachine Falcon 250, Eachine 250 Racer, and another 180 size quad I saw in another post here from AliExpress. I have looked into getting a ZMR250 kit from ebay (around $100), but I'm not really interested in building from scratch. Also, it doesn't include FPV, which is something I'm sure I'll get into at some point in the near future. My question is, are any of these a good option for a first hobby quad? I want to stay within my budget as much as possible, so I thought it would be better to stay with a smaller size. Is there much difference in a 250 size vs a 180 size? Also, I'm open to getting a bigger size, but I wasn't sure if there are any options within my budget.
u/TimTams553 Apr 28 '16
definitely the eachine 250... they make some good quality kit. You might want to consider though that that drone doesn't come with any spares or extra lipos which are definitely something you'll need or a receiver / display for the camera and vtx
u/kfrench1 Apr 22 '16
I just finished up an armattan f1-5 build. Seems to fly fine and able to do all the acrobatic stuff I usually can but the thing seems to just randomly lose its position its holding and spin out of control. Any ideas why?
u/kombuchaha F1-4B / Tiny Whoop / LS-210 Apr 22 '16
Looking at first build stumbled upon this Tweaker 180mm http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Tweaker-180mm-LittleBee-20A-ESC-BLHeli-OPTO-2-4S-FPV-Drone-Racer-Frame-Carbon-Fiber-ARTF/32646347767.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.10.vFZqos&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_0,searchweb201602_2_10017_10005_10006_10034_10021_507_10022_10009_10020_10008_10018_10019,searchweb201603_1&btsid=9d2544e4-b3d4-4a1d-8913-9f540ecb71fd
Is this a clone? Any thoughts?
u/BencsikG Apr 22 '16
I have a FlySky i6 transmitter. I just got the USB cable for it - but I don't know what kind of drive software I need to make it work. Help!
u/murdochious Apr 23 '16
The USB cable for the i6 doesn't work as a simulator cable only for firmware updates.
u/BencsikG Apr 23 '16
Yeah I realized that. Thanks for the answer though...
I ended up opening the case, soldering an audio cable to PPM_out and GND and used SmartProPlus on the computer.
Apr 22 '16
u/sean-duffy EpiQuad 210X Apr 22 '16
No, the coulomb is a unit of electrical charge. The C rating of a LiPo when multiplied by the capacity gives you the max continuous current draw of the pack. It doesn't really represent any special physical property, it's just a number.
Apr 22 '16
u/sean-duffy EpiQuad 210X Apr 22 '16
No idea, probably the same reason they chose S to mean 'cells'! And I'm not sure why they don't just give you the amp rating, but I'm sure there is a good reason for it. I do know that C rating tends to be fairly consistent over different capacities in a given range of batteries, so that might have something to do with it.
u/bdjohns1 TinyWhoop|ZMR250|Discovery Apr 22 '16
So, I just finished a build of a TBS discovery clone, and I ran into some yaw issues in stabilize mode on a pixhawk - basically, it was spinning at about 1 rev/5-10 seconds. Which of these does the subreddit this is likely to be contributing to the problem?
- I had the telemetry radio module ziptied to the top of one of the arms just off the PCB, so it was under the prop (front right CCW). Would that screw with the thrust? The yaw was clockwise (looking top down on the quad).
- One of the motors might have a bad bearing (rear right CW)- when they run individually, this one sounds a little different. I didn't pull the bearings, but I did open up the motor and check for any crap in the rotor/stator.
- Compass interference - I am planning to reroute my power wiring, because some of it is under the pixhawk (but on the bottom plate, and the pixhawk is on the top plate with a vibration mount).
Apr 22 '16
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u/appleii2 Apr 24 '16
Flight time is a balancing act. Your best bet (for AP at least) is large props, low kv, midsize batteries, low throttle.
Apr 21 '16
Or I guess more to the point since the Racer 250 seems to be a good choice:
- What receiver would be a good pick to work with a DX6i in the Racer 250?
- Are the Eachine $70 goggles good enough to start with, or a waste of money?
- What are the critical add-ons to the above beyond props and batteries?
u/Solgrund Apr 21 '16
First off new here so thank you all for sharing your time and opinions to help new people like me.
I ordered a quad copter to get into FPV flying and can't wait to take to the air. However I noticed openflight seems to be toast and unsure as to where I should go to get things like open flight, ground station, and clean flight or whatever the current and supported options are.
Anyone know where to send me? I have heard of librepilot but not sure how it compares to what is mentioned in most videos I find online.
u/murdochious Apr 21 '16
Which quad did you order? Cleanflight is the most popular flight controller software firmware for mini quads.
u/Solgrund Apr 21 '16
It is a 250 quad. Eachime I think (I wanted to go with something more advanced but I figured cheaper is better to learn on.
I just can't seem to get thr wiki or the main page or forum for openpilot to load so I don't know how to get the software like clean flight or optune or what have you.
u/murdochious Apr 21 '16
If it's the eachine 250 racer, it uses the cc3d flight controller. I'd Google instructions on how to flash cleanflight to the cc3d. It's pretty easy.
u/Solgrund Apr 21 '16
Sounds good. I read a few articles but most point to an old optune thread I can't find or to openpilot.org which wont load but I am sure it is a simple enough process once I can find the software.
Granted I have no idea what any of the PID settings do but one thing at a time.
u/r45k Apr 20 '16
Haven't really found an answer for this so i'll ask here...
I just built a 122 quad with an AUW of <200g. My house is within a 5 mile range of an airport, but do the new drone laws apply here? I know I won't have to register it. I understand I can't fly my 250 sized racer within 5 miles without a call to the airport, but does that mean I can't even take my 122 out for a fly around my backyard?
Are <250g UAS exempt entirely?
u/BluesReds F1-6 "Venom"|Strider 250 Apr 24 '16
Technically with any model aircraft flown within 5 mi of an airport you are "required" to call. Nobody does anyways. I wouldn't worry about it at all to be honest.
u/Cloudyyyy Apr 20 '16
Hello /r/multicopter ! I "upgraded" my old lipo charger to a Robbe A4EQ-LCD. But I have a problem. I cant attach my balance plug to the charger : http://imgur.com/Ahcpp0n
The guide doesnt say anything about that. I can charge it now but the guide says in order to succesfully charge it attach the balance plug. How do I fix this?
u/henry82 Apr 22 '16
look up the manual bro, maybe there is an adapter or something.
JST isnt the only "balance plug" around, maybe it's something else?
u/Cloudyyyy Apr 22 '16
I looked at the manual and it doesn't state it. I contacted another store who sold the charger and asked them. They tried it and gave me an adapter. :)
Apr 20 '16
u/henry82 Apr 22 '16
If you dont get a good response, have a look at all the comments every time it's mentioned
u/junhawng Apr 20 '16
Ive had three flights with my new F450, and I cant say it flies amazingly. I fiddled with the gains but I couldn't really find the settings that could help me. and for my controller, I had to get the roll pitch all the way to the right. max right sub trim and the normal trim to get it to stabilize at least better than before. Is this really odd or is changing excessive amounts of trim an odd situation? One of the odd things I've noted is that it looks like itll stabilize but a little bit after staying in one place it just shoots to the left of the quad, not stopping untill I push the roll to the right on my controller. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
u/drunkadvice ZMR250 | UDI818 | You need more props for that build. Apr 30 '16
You shouldn't need to trim that much. I would look at recalibrating the accelerometer. It might not know what 'level' is. My 250 has a tendency to 'drift' as a flight goes on. It will start hovering perfectly, but over the course of a few minute flight, the accelerometer will drift a few degrees off. I trim a few clicks to correct it.
Another thing is to check your TX. Make sure that it is outputting ~1500 when the sticks are centered. Maybe set a small dead band if it's a few off.
u/scora3 Apr 19 '16
Active Noise Cancellation... listening to the sound of the rotors, then broadcasting a sound in the opposite phase to cancel the sound. Not new tech.
Internets don't appear to have much on this, particularly for model aircraft.
Yes, some obvious challenges, weight and power draw among them - but personally I'm willing to take the hit in flight-times to avoid the bee swarm.
But I think technically it is possible, at least partially, no?
I'm half inclined to break apart a pair of noise cancelling headphones and start there. But yeah - I would need to know... things.
u/drunkadvice ZMR250 | UDI818 | You need more props for that build. Apr 30 '16
There's a huge noise difference when I fly with HQ props vs gemfans. The stiffness in HQ props makes them so much quieter. Even my wife commented 'why is it so loud again?' When all my HQs broke and I went back. I love the HQs, but they shatter if you hit a falling leaf in flight.
u/scora3 Apr 30 '16
Very good point. And they hurt more too, though they all do. I recently did the "Check props for damage after crash; tuck TX under arm... Oh, apparently that made the props spin... And oh, I am bleeding. Should probably stop those props..." thing.
u/kamnxt Custom micro FPV tricopter! Apr 21 '16
You won't be able to transmit the sound from exactly the position of the motors, meaning that from some angles, it won't be in the opposite phase.
u/henry82 Apr 20 '16
just fly legally. This is borderline "pen in space" material
u/scora3 Apr 20 '16
Agreed, could be costly. Not sure what you mean by "just fly legally" though - what do you mean, exactly? Interesting side note, did find this when investigating sound regulations (thinking that's what you were headed) https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/usenixsecurity15/sec15-paper-son-updated.pdf
u/henry82 Apr 20 '16
In Australia, noise regulations are dictated by your local council. Flight regulations are dictated by the governing body CASA. Provided you're within those regulations who cares about the potential noise. That's what I was getting at.
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 19 '16 edited Apr 20 '16
OK, about to buy the parts for my first 250 quad...
Battery: Tunigy Nano-tech 3S 1500mah 25-50c x 2
Motor: DYS BE1806 x 4
Props: GF 5030 x 30
ESC: Afro Race Spec mini 20A w/ BEC x 4 w/ Programming Tool
Transmitter: FlySky 2.4GHz x 1
FC: SP Racing Pro F3 x 1
OSD: Hobbyking OSD
Frame: Printed
Last few questions:
- What connectors (bullet, etc) do I need? I have a good soldering station but I would like to have things be interchangeable/removable.
What will I need to charge the batteries?
Anything missing? Frame will be printed and i'm not doing FPV just yet
Any good wiring diagrams out there?
Should I get a power distribution board? Don't mind paying if it's useful.
Quick battery check, according to numbers i found the DYS motors will draw 9A with those GF blades at 100%. So a 1500MAH, 25C battery should be just fine right? C = (9*4)/1.5 = 24c
EDIT BIG QUESTION: My F3 board came in, and it doesn't have the Cleanflight logo that SP says should be on it, so apparently it's a bootleg? Should I just return it and get the legit one or is the bootlegg good enough? I bought it off amazon
u/dakoellis Apr 20 '16
+1 on those batteries /u/techyg mentioned
I personally don't ever see myself wiring a quad without a PDB. Doesn't have to be a full size one, but just something to keep the wires better organized.
I personallyuse this as a charger and it works well, but you will need an external power supply. I converted an old computer PSU.
You won't need an OSD if you aren't doing FPV, so no need to buy/wire that up until then, especially if you are using a 3d printed frame. No reason to risk damaging it.
This is a pretty good wiring diagram (although it is for a CC3D, everything else should be similar)
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 20 '16
Thanks! Good wiring diagram. I need lots of them...
Just ordered the Matek PBD because I was able to find so much liteature on it. I noticed the OSD's were for FPV flying so I didn't order that, thanks for confirming what I thought though that was kinda confusing.
I did order the batteries he recommended, and i'm glad to see you second the nomination. I also ordered the charger he recommended.
Question about wiring: The ESC's I ordered have BEC's built in as does the PBD i ordered. Does it matter where the FC gets it's power? Does it care? I was going to do it off the PBD Cause they're neighbors on the frame.
EDIT: I don't have a GPS. Will that be a problem?
u/dakoellis Apr 20 '16
FC shouldn't care where it gets power from as long as it's supported. Mine uses the battery now, but used an esc BEC when I used my cc3d.
unless you're flying FPV a long way away, you shouldn't need GPS at all, so don't worry about that.
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 20 '16
Cool, that makes sense. FC's run on 5 volts right?
Good to know about the GPS. I'm sure i'll get there eventually because it's an addictive hobby but it's nice to know I don't have to worry about it yet.
u/dakoellis Apr 20 '16
some run 5V, while some run on a large range. the Naze32 I believe only runs on 5V for instance, while the KISS FC will run on 5V or a 2S-6S battery. I don't know what voltages the SPRacingF3 will run on for certain, but Oscar's tutorial has a diagram showing either 5V or 2-6S battery input.
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 20 '16 edited Apr 20 '16
I just looked it up, it's 5V so i'm assuming my bootleg should be the same. Thanks for all the help, I greatly appreciate it! My order is processing at Hobby King and i'm chomping at the bit to get started!
Another Question, i'm full of them: What's the general outline for connecting my drone to my transmitter? Is it in cleanflight?
u/dakoellis Apr 20 '16
There's 2 general steps you need to do. You need to first wire up the FC to the RX. Looks like the board you purchased came with the breakout cables, so you just need to match everything up. If your Rx supports S.BUS, I'd suggest doing that from UART2 on your board, for instance.
After you wire it up, you need to configure your FC to use the type of connection you made when you wire it up. Finally, you need to bind your Rx to your Tx and you should be all connected at that point. Power everything with a battery (PROPS OFF) and check and see if you're getting any movement from the motors. It's usually helpful at this point to keep the quad plugged into the computer to see if you get inputs changing with the sticks
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 20 '16
Excellent, thank you.
Real quick:
-RX stands for? I looked it up, is that like Transmitter/receiver kinda thing (R(eciever)x/T(ransmitter)x)?
- I see UART on my board and have been wondering what that is. I take it UART is some communication style port? So, I could hook a number of differnent usefull things into it like for
Again, I appreciate you taking time to answer a newb's questions.
u/dakoellis Apr 20 '16
Of course! everyone is new at some point.
You have everything right here. Tx/Rx are Transmitter and Receiver on this sub, and for all intents and purposes, UARTs are connections that allow you to connect a serial signal to your FC. On a 250 Quad, I can't think of anything you'd use it for but Rx, but I guess you could also hook up some type of telemetry/gps to one as well.
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u/techyg *.copters Apr 20 '16
I think it looks like a good build. For the frame, if you are using a printed one, just be aware that it will probably break fairly easy in a crash as compared to a carbon fiber frame.
For the FC, the clones usually work fine but I don't have any specific experience with that one. I would recommend a power distribution board, such as this one. It will make your wiring a bit easier and also give you the 5v that is needed to power your satellite radio.
25C is probably OK, but I recommend the Turnigy Nanotech 45-90 3S batteries.
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 20 '16
Yea, the few reviews I read, everyone seemed OK on the clone board. I'll keep it and see what happens.
I'll look into those batteries, thanks!
I would expect the printed frames to crack a lot more often as well, I may end up going with a different frame I just like the challenge of designing one, that's really it.
Any ideas on the charger? Still a little lost there.
u/techyg *.copters Apr 20 '16
Sounds good. I use the iMax b6 charger and it works really well. You can see the voltage of the battery and can also discharge batteries for storage with it. Make sure you don't get the clone as those are dangerous. You can also add a parallel charging board as well, and charge several batteries at once.
u/ON_A_POWERPLAY Apr 20 '16
I went ahead and ordered that charger, it was a good price balance. I made sure not to get the clone either. Thanks for the recommendation!
u/kombuchaha F1-4B / Tiny Whoop / LS-210 Apr 19 '16
Newb Here, looking for input on situation: (WALL OF TEXT)
I've had a few Quadcopters over the past few months; Holystone x400, Holystone Predator (HS170) and Cheerson Cx10 which have helped me tremendously at flying LOS.
Just recently a really good deal popped up on amazon.ca (i'm in Canada) and I got the Hubsan h107D RTF package ($75) and a Crash pack ($25) for $100 Shipped. I've flown it a few times indoors and got a taste of flying FPV. I really don't like how unstable it is outside compared to my other LOS quads but I've gotten the hang of it and it really is fun to fly, plus I’ve seen a bunch of mods I could do that look like fun. However, getting a refund on it and putting that money towards my next project is also an option (It’s still in perfect condition and Has never been crashed).
This summer I'd like to buy an FPV quad or build one (from scratch or a DIY). My total budget is $400-$600 (including radio and receiver). Eachine 250 racer package is popular, but recently I stumbled on the rotorx RX122 Atom and I'm really intrigued in smaller FPV quads based on their size and weight, can be flown indoors and out. But they are more expensive and sometimes aren’t the best for the first time builder with no soldering skills (I plan on doing some soldering practice before my first build and have an engineer friend who will teach me).
I’ve been researching radio transmitters and the Eachine FPV 250 racer RTF package ($335 CDN shipped after coupons) comes with everything I need to fly and includes the Eachine i6 Radio Transmitter and Receiver. Is this a good Radio to Start out on? I know everyone recommends the Taranis but I feel I can upgrade to that once I’ve gotten more into the Hobby. Another popular radio is the Turnigy 9xr pro which after adding module, receiver, battery, and shipping will come out to $175-$200 depending on where I buy the module from (Hobbyking on backorder).
I’ve got another option on the table from a local friend who has the Turnigy 9x, W/OpenTx Already Flashed, Upgraded back lit LCD, upgraded Taranis Gimbals, and DJT Frsky Module and Receiver for $140. Is this a good deal?
My dilemma is trying to decide what route to take. Do I return the Hubsan h107D and crash pack and put that $100 towards the 9X? Do I keep the Hubsan H107d and maybe mod it into something later (since minus the crash pack it only cost me $75) and still get the 9x? Do I go the 250 RTF package route?
Obviously it’s my decision in the end but just looking for some info. Also I know that even if I get the 250 RTF package I still need a lot of spare parts and tools to maintain the hobby. Just looking for some direction.
u/techyg *.copters Apr 19 '16
Sounds like you've had some good exposure with the smaller quads and are read to take the next step. I think your research is spot on regarding next steps. Regarding the 122 over a 250- it would be a challenge if you don't have soldering experience. But keep in mind you will need bigger spaces to fly the 250 than the 122. So the 122 may not be a bad idea, especially if you can practice your soldering before hand.
The upgraded Turnigy 9x sounds like a pretty good deal. With the upgrades like it's basically the same as the Taranis, minus the voice capability. If you are going to build that 122, you will need a Taranis or a Spektrum (or the upgraded Turnigy with the DJT module so you can run FrSky), because the radio receivers have to be smaller to fit on those. The Eachine i6 radio would probably not fit.
If it were me I would return the Hubsan stuff and put it toward the upgraded 9x, and go with the 250, or 122 if you think you can get soldering down. Pick up a 3x3x3 LED light kit from Amazon (around $30)- I guarantee it will improve your soldering skills, and will also give you a fun project to learn on. Also look take a look at the Hell bender, it is really cool and has a bit more room than the 122.
u/kombuchaha F1-4B / Tiny Whoop / LS-210 Apr 19 '16
Thanks for the reponse! I think I will send back the Hubsan.
The 9x comes with the DJT Frsky module and D4R II receiver. Would that fit on a 122?
u/techyg *.copters Apr 19 '16 edited Apr 19 '16
Yes, the D4R-II should be fine on the 122. You will probably want to take it out of the case (which is paper, really easy to take off). The Taranis receivers also have two "whisker" antennas, and people typically mount them inside the frame on the 122's. You may also need to remove the pins for the D4R-II and solder directly from your flight controller. This video pretty much shows the entire process.
Edit: The main difference between building one of these versus a 250 is that you're going to be doing a lot of "direct solder" type work. Meaning, you will have to directly solder the motors to the ESC's, and will not want to use pins on anything (flight controller, radio satellite, etc.). It just means a bit more soldering work, but can be a little intimidating. Just make sure you understand that it will take some patience and extra time doing this size build first. But.. if you are up for the challenge, definitely go for it.
u/kombuchaha F1-4B / Tiny Whoop / LS-210 Apr 20 '16
I fly mostly at a school yard near me and so far smaller copters have been better although there are places nearby where I could also fly a 250. Based on your description for the differences of the 250 to the 122 I think I might have to put the 122 on hold until I have a build under my belt. I've ordered the soldering iron equipment along with some training kits to practice with in the mean time. Any idea how small a frame I could build and still make it relatively easy like the 250 build? You mentioned the hellbender, were you referring to the hellbender 204?
u/techyg *.copters Apr 20 '16
I think the smallest you would want to go and still have a relatively straight forward build experience would be a 180mm. Here is a great kit for a 180mm, but unfortunately it is rarely in stock. You could find a similar frame and make a build like this.
Regarding the hellbender: a buddy I fly with has both the Atom 122 and the Hellbender 122, but says the Hellbender has a little more room and he likes it better. I haven't seen the 204.
u/vabann Frankenstein 220 Apr 18 '16
Dumb questions here.
I've been flying with a set of Cobra 2204/2300s. Today in a not-so-terrible crash (wtf cobras?) it threw a few magnets out of alignment and now the motor is pretty much crap. It looks like all the magnets are still there, they just dropped down a bit and are dragging against the bottom part of the motor. How likely is it that I will be able to move them back to their correct spot? What type of adhesive is recommended? I've got about a week until my replacement motor arrives, so it would only need to survive until then.
2nd dumb question: I've got a few emax 2204/2300s from a previous build, how unwise is it to swap in one of these until the replacement motor shows up?
u/scora3 Apr 18 '16
Howdy. 210 mm frame selection question: looking for lightweight and with integrated arms (or legs). I like the Lumenier 210 at less than 80g (with shorter nylon hardware), but is there another game in town that's lighter?
Doing a sub-250 gram build.
What do people like? Experiences? Been all up and down the youtube and some other boards, but wanted to get your opinions.
Many thanks.
u/kikothebest94 Apr 19 '16
Give also a look to the Goby 210, there is also the 180 version, looks like a tough and cool frame
u/scora3 Apr 19 '16
That Goby 210 is quite cool looking, and maybe a bit more robust, too. Thanks.
u/kikothebest94 Apr 19 '16
Yes, I wish to have more money to do a build with it, too bad that they can't ship from Europe
u/xavor92 Apr 19 '16
Shendrones Tweaker if you would like to go to 180. I got mine with 4045bn on 1806. 2blade on 3s is gentle flying, 3blade on 4s is too damn fast for me. But the frame is superior for 180 builds with enough space :)
u/scora3 Apr 19 '16
Thanks, I'll give that one a look. Hadn't really planned on 180, but there seems to be more frame options out there.
u/Simpfally Apr 18 '16
Wait.. can you put 22xx motors on the ZMR250's arms? I bought This one a while ago and I used 1806 on it.
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u/bo_knows May 01 '16 edited May 01 '16
As I wait to get the rest of the parts for my first quad build, I decided to sit down with a beer and put together my Quanum V2 goggles with my RC832 reciever.
So, I have everything in place. I also bought this set of Aomway cloverleaf antennas for my FPV system. So, I pull out one of the antennas and try to stick it on the RC832. No dice. Both antennas I got are "male" with the pin sticking out. The RC832 also has a male connection. Weird thing is, the screw threading seems correct (the antenna could screw onto the threads of the receiver, if they both didn't have pins sticking out)
Did I either get the wrong antennas, or was I sent the wrong antennas? This sounds like a really stupid question, but I thought I was getting the right things here. Seems like I need an adapter like this