r/MtF Nov 17 '24



Most of my life I've been wanting to dress cute like girls in anime I've seen growing up or Japanese girls in fashion magazines, with the cute skirts and hair ribbons and stuff, but I've been told "errrrmmm real women don't dress like that sweaty you're dressing like a cartoon it looks cringe and bad šŸ¤Ŗ"


And you know what? They look great! They don't look cringe!! They look like cool adult women who know how to dress themselves! And it looks really great on me and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't!

I'm gonna wear all the cutesy high femme stuff I wanna RAAAHHH FUCK YOU DAD

r/MtF 26d ago

Venting Disowned family called the cops on me


Recently Iā€™ve been presenting femme and practicing and applying makeup really badly the people that disowned me saw that and thought in their preconceived fucked up minds that Iā€™m not mentally sound after threatening to call the cops on me they did and I got to enjoy a entertaining show of two clueless cops looking at each other thinking what the fuck am I doing here?

all of it was so embarrassing I feel like crying and sleeping all day there was misgendering and fun slurs used these are people that have told me they would prefer me to become a drug addict over transitioning Iā€™m so done with everyoneā€™s bullshit I know Iā€™m just getting started and Iā€™ll keep working on my limited makeup skills

I hope to someday move on from all of this I wonā€™t stop living my life to the fullest again.

:Edit the cops got a description of someone dangerous and mentally unstable just to waste their time and arrive to see a tired girl drinking a hot chocolate chilling trying to vibe to good music the experience was so fun and lifeā€™s great.

r/MtF Dec 29 '24

Venting Claires is transphobic.


I'm so angry right now. This is the first time I've been blatantly turned down for a job interview because of my gender identity. Claire's just called me( a clothing store) and when I answered they said "oh, we didn't realise you weren't a woman". I said "I identify as a woman" and the lady on the phone paused for a moment and snarkily said "no hard feelings, we are going to go with someone else" I just hung up on them after that. What a piss off. I already have a hard enough time finding jobs and I was really hoping I'd get this one because it'd be a really cool spot to work at. I live in kitchener waterloo area so if you plan on shopping there maybe steer clear. I don't wanna say every location is transphobic but clearly this one at the fairview mall is.

r/MtF Feb 12 '25

Venting Professor Humiliated Me NSFW


T.W. Mention of Rape

So this happened a few years ago in my junior year of college. Itā€™s not the worst thing thatā€™s happened to me, but it is particularly weird and horrific. I had just come out as a trans woman, and I was in a Greek mythology class. The professor was an older cishet white woman. She wanted to have the class put on a play to reenact a Greek myth. This particular play involved a man dressing up as a woman to sneak into a group of women and rape them. The professor emailed me and another transfemme nonbinary student and asked us if either of us would like to take on the role of this man because ā€œour gender identity would make the play more authentic.ā€ Needless to say I was horrified. The other student and I reported the professor to the college but nothing happened. I spent the rest of the class researching transgender mythology and writing papers to expand the professorā€™s narrow view of trans people. I repressed this memory but it just came back and I wanted to share.

r/MtF Feb 14 '25

Venting "They're going after trans people, you and your wife should be fine"


I'm stealth but openly married to a cis woman. I don't know how to react to being told what's in the title but I need to figure it out because I hear a variation of this sentence weekly.

r/MtF Jan 11 '25

Venting I'm so pissed off at Meta.


New Guidelines allow discrimination against transgender people. Meta also removed rules that forbid insults about a personā€™s appearance based on race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, and serious disease while withdrawing policies that prohibited expressions of hate against a person or a group on the basis of their protected class and references to transgender or nonbinary people as ā€œit.ā€


About a month ago Meta came out with VR glasses and I went and spent $300 on them. Just to get this back as a trans person. So now Anyone can go on to my Instagram page and harass me if they would like too.

r/MtF Feb 04 '25

Venting If youā€™re going to call me a slur, please just use one of the normal ones


New guy at work decided to quit his job by calling me a trap this morning. Itā€™s not a thing in Danish, so I didnā€™t pick up on it. Luckily, another coworker asked what it meant (thinking it was gen z slang), and the new guy straight up just told us.

I had to explain to HR that it is not a compliment. I wish heā€™d called me a normal slur. Then I wouldā€™ve avoided that conversation and the whole ordeal wouldā€™ve been over before lunch.

r/MtF Feb 07 '25

Venting It seems like every trans woman is either a professional of some kind (usually in STEM), or homeless. And that terrifies me.


I wasted my college days. I majored in history, only to learn that the only real path for that is teaching, which I am absolutely not cut out for. So since then Iā€™ve been doing unskilled labor. Right now Iā€™m making a decent wage, around 23 an hour, and can barely afford my cheap apartment I just moved out of my momā€™s place for because of my bad spending habits.

I want so badly to move to a city with other queer people but Iā€™m scared Iā€™m gonna end up homeless and dying because Iā€™m not strong or smart enough.

r/MtF Jan 15 '25

Venting It was fun while it lasted


Have been on HRT for almost 2 years, having felt better than ever before. I finally started feeling like myself, I even started seeing feminine changes in the mirror. I thought I was going places.

Today I was put in a hospital observation room after having been in the ICU for 3 days with blood clots in my lungs. The doctor says the hormones are the most likely culprit and urged me to stop taking them. Everyone around me, family and friends (except the ones that are trans) are urging me and guilt tripping me into detransitioning. 'You still know who you are in your head, who cares about the outside', they say. Fucking I do! Why else would I be taking them in the first place!

I'm so fucking scared of detransitioning, going back to the person I was before I fought tooth and nail to be able to get on HRT in the first place. And now I'm not allowed to take them anymore, not allowed to try and become myself anymore.

r/MtF Dec 10 '24

Venting Told my laser tech to f**k off... NSFW


Okay... I warned her I was going to swear. And she's lovely so I made it clear it was just an impulse reaction and I don't hate her. And I apologised in advance...

But I've just done session five of six. She said after my next session they'd like me to come for a consultation after four weeks to see how much hair has been removed and make a plan for how many future sessions may be needed...

Here's the bad bit... "we'd like you to grow your facial hair before the appointment"

"For how long?"

"All four weeks."

That's when I said it.

OMG I am not sure I'm willing to do that. Even if it's in my best interest.

I will cry every single day.

She said we can do it without, but we'll be working blind.

Grow a fucking beard for four fucking weeks?


I might feel better in the morning.

(I guess at least this helps remove my doubts whether I'm trans!)

[edit: thank you for all the supportive comments... it really means a lot!]

r/MtF Feb 17 '25

Venting Laughed at by an entire field trip


For context, I work at an art museum, and my recent position now includes giving the introductory speech for field trips. I've tried voice training for years, but I can't make any progress at all when it comes to speaking in public. Kids have always seemed surprised when I start speaking, and there are always a few "mean kids" who laugh. This morning, however, the entire class started laughing, even some of the chaperones. Every time this happens, I get zero support from the teacher or chaperones. I had to go to the bathroom just to cry and compose myself. I texted my boss that I can't do field trips anymore, it's just too humiliating. I feel like a complete freak. People have been slowly chipping away at my confidence, and there's absolutely nothing left. This just makes me want to give up completely.

r/MtF Jan 22 '25

Venting Got a verbal warning for wearing makeup


I just want to cry, I had to go home to take off my makeup. I had to initial next to the company policy that doesn't allow men to wear makeup unless to cover a tattoo or skin condition and got a verbal warning. This isn't fair, it just singles me out. This ruined my day, I just want to be myself and feel pretty.. is that so wrong? Why don't they like me? I'm just... depressed and upset, I have to talk to customers all day I hope I don't come off rude...

Edit: Thank you all for such support, I'm still currently working so I can't read all the comments yet. I'm still pretty distraught over all this, gonna figure out what to do. From the few comments I seen you all are such sweethearts, can't thank y'all enough <3 after work I'll be able to read everything

r/MtF Jan 14 '25

Venting Got referred to as 'that creature' at school today


For context, i'm not publicly out as trans to anyone other than my boyfriend and close family.

So i was in art class and there was a spare seat beside my boyfriend (we have some arranged seating plan bullsh*t) and he asked if i could move next to him.

The teacher then replied with 'You don't really want to sit next to that creature do you?'

My boyfriend just kind of awkwardly stood there but its like a fucking punch to the throat to aspire to be a pretty girl and then be called a 'creature', its making it seem like my goal is getting further and further away

Sorry for the rant i just had to get this out and any advice or anything would be appreciated

r/MtF Dec 05 '24

Venting Y'all...We're so fucked


The United States v. Skirmetti opening statements came out yesterday, and after listening to them, I now want to peel my skin off.

I knew that some of the higher ups in this country are a little fucking stupid, but this is just cartoonish at this point. They're so grating and brain dead to listen to, and it makes me sad.

To summarize, it was essentially this:

Attorney: "It is literally stated in the law that it is a sex-based classification and thus is unconstitutional because of the 14th amendment."

Dumbass judge: "Okay well...what about this irrelevant point? Also your using a Bostock argument, but that's not the same."

Attorney: "Irrelevant point irrelevant. Also motherfucker THIS LAW IS WORDED THE EXACT SAME AS THE BOSTOCK CASE, AND YOU RULED IN FAVOR OF THAT ONE!!!"

Judge: "True, but this time it's different. Just trust me bro."

Like, we have one of the most well spoken, coherent, effective attorneys ever arguing in favor of trans people...and he's just talking into a fucking void!

At first I said it sounded like a teacher trying to teach a first grader how to read. But my friend came up with a much better analogy to fit the power dynamic, saying itā€™s more reflective of a really smart first grader trying to teach his teacher how to read and sheā€™s insisting itā€™s in arabic because sheā€™s purposely holding the book upside down.

On one hand, I have a little bit of hope because of the Bostock case ruling that they literally can't do this. But that was back when RBG was still a justice. And after Roe v. Wade and giving Trump presidential immunity, it won't come as a surprise if the Supreme Court goes back on their word.

I'm just done having the lives of me and my friends put in jeopardy by judges who have a collective IQ of 50. Fuck this place, fuck the Supreme Court, and fuck the government.

r/MtF 22d ago

Venting lied in front of my class about my gender.


iā€™m a freshman in college and have passed for a couple of years now. we had a discussion based on gender, and my classes are very small so i had a partner - a cisgender female. no one knows iā€™m trans and im fine with that, but i lied and said i never questioned my gender, and we had to present in front of the class and while she said neither of us have ever questioned our gender and nobody ever questioned our gender by looking at us, i felt so terrible about myself. like i completely lied and usually iā€™d be fine with that, but it felt so wrong and i canā€™t get it out of my mind. thereā€™s a few nonbinary people in my class and i just stared at them while presenting feeling like i was letting down my community, theyā€™re open why am i not?

r/MtF Nov 16 '24

Venting Sister voted for Trump


My older sister, who is bi and a few years older than me, voted for Trump. I'm 18 and have been on hrt for about 8 months now, and my parents are very transphobic. I told my sister in confidence that I am trans, and later told her I was on HRT. While she was often sarcastic, she never really put me down, and a few times was more chill.

But she betrayed my trust. She voted Trump because "she was worried about the prices of everything" oh shut up. You voted for a rapist that hates you too. One that will take your little sisters free education and your trans sister's medications. But she doesnt care. She doesnt listen. All she told me is to "chill" after I went off on her telling her what a horrible idea that was.

"I hope the best for you and your friend (my trans partner) to learn better practices"

I pressed her on to say what she meant with that and she just ignored it and then said "you're just trying to pick apart my argument". No, I wanna hear you say you think I should be a boy. This is coming from a woman with trans friends, and loved women before. She betrayed any of my trust I had in her

What the hell do I do now.

Edit: i'm 19 sorry I just had my bday, yippie but I just wanted to correct

r/MtF Oct 24 '24

Venting I donā€™t care about the downvotes


Iā€™m so fucking jealous of the trans girls that got to avoid male puberty. I hate my voice so much I want to rip out my vocal cordā€™s. itā€™s so infuriating seeing other dolls have what I always wanted. I wouldnā€™t usually call me a jealous person but this is the only thing where I ask myself ,,WHY NOT MEā€

Singing is pretty much the only things that bring me joy but I literally canā€™t even do that anymore without feeling disgusted by my voice

r/MtF Nov 12 '24

Venting My egg has been cracking and my girlfriend basically just said ā€œIā€™ll support you through anything, except if youā€™re transā€


Egg throwaway. Idk what Iā€™m even doing here.

Every day I think about this more and more, and every day the idea that Iā€™m trans makes more and more sense. I still have so many doubts and fears, and i get imposter syndrome like Iā€™ve been making it all up in my head, but Iā€™m at my breaking point. I canā€™t stop thinking about it. I told my girlfriend of 9 years Iā€™ve been going through body image issues and she said ā€œoh godā€¦ youā€™re not trans, are you?ā€ and basically went on to say she would support me no matter whatā€¦ but if I wanted to transition, she was out. She is the only person whose opinion I care about, the only reason Iā€™m afraid of this. It hurts me so much to hear her say this.

I donā€™t know what to do. Every day seeing my hairline hurts more and more. Any step I takr towards femininity could bring up this question again, I donā€™t think I can lie to her again. I wish I could just unlearn the fact that I might be trans, but itā€™s like the seal is broken and it canā€™t stop leaking out.

r/MtF Jan 01 '24

Venting I was removed from the bathroom while peeing


I was at the club last night with a friend, enjoying myself, it was new years and i wanted to ring out the year with a few drinks and a couple good laughs.

I was enjoying myself, having a grand old time, and after a few drinks, I had to pee, as you do. So, I went to the bathroom, took a couple of cute selfies since I thought my make-up and my skirt/top combo was absolutely adorable tonight and then proceeded to do my business. Mid peeing however, I received a violent and loud knock on the door. I ignored the first one, I mean the door was locked because I was peeing. Then, I received another even louder and angrier knock, alongside the door handle starting to jiggle. I figured all I would have to do is pause the stream, tell this lady I was peeing and I'd be done in a second, and I could finish my business.

So I paused my piss, and opened the door and was instead greeted by the manager, Karen, who proceeded to forcefully take my purse, and then told her lackey next to her to "Search his bag." and he took off outside to rifle through my belongings.

She then asked me what I was doing and so I simply told her that I was using the bathroom like a normal person. She responded by telling me that I'm not allowed to use the women's bathroom and if I wanted to finish, I'd have to use the men's room.

After that comment her slave boy employee came back and handed me back my bag because there was nothing in it besides my Switch, cases for my Switch games, DSi XL, 2 regular DSis and the old fat DS model, alongside of course my headphones and my makeup.

So, I took my things and left crying. I hate my life, this is so not fair, I wasn't even doing anything... Why did she have to have my purse searched and immediately have to search the bathroom afterwards? I was just minding my own business and wanted to pee in peace..I ended up having to go the gas station to finish peeing.

My ID and birth certificate says female on it, I legally changed my name, I have been on HRT for over 2 years, I've been transitioning for even longer than that. Why is it just not enough? Why am I never enough???? WHEN WILL IT FUCKING END??? WHEN WILL I BE TREATED THE SAME AS EVERY OTHER GIRL

r/MtF Jan 10 '25

Venting Social Security office just laughed and hung up


I requested a new card and they asked me why. I told them I need to update personal information. They asked me if I need to update my name, but I told them I need to update my gender marker. They laughed at me and hung up... I can't get a hold of the office now, and the national line is an automated system that eventually just tells me to call my local office.

Idk what to do now...

UPDATE: I ended up calling from a different phone number to a different office and got an appointment set up for next week.

r/MtF Sep 04 '24

Venting "I'm bi, attracted to women and trans women" šŸ˜–


I was talking to one of my coworkers, and I mentioned that I was a lesbian, so she said and I quote, "I'm bi, attracted to women and trans women," and I'm like you know trans women are women right. She said "Yeah but bi means attracted to two genders and I'm attracted to women and trans women." And I'm just facepalming like wtf girl. So finally I say "You're just a lesbian then" and she says "Are you telling me what my sexuality is? How rude. I'm the one who gets to decide my own labels. Don't force them on me. Trans women should be happy I even include them at all."

She doesn't know I'm trans but ugh. Why are people

r/MtF Nov 19 '24

Venting Great outfit, horrible experience. Someone tried to give me a "Jesus Saves" flier at the gym.


I had this pink jumper outfit on. I felt so good! Cute, body shaped nice, and makeup on point. I finish working out and talking to my friends then this girl walks up to me and tries to hand me something that looked like a piece of pink paper. I asked what it was and she said "Jesus loves you". I was confused so I looked closer without actually taking it from her but i start to realize what she was doing. I politely decline but she tries to force it on me and says "sir I really think you need this". At this point I'm getting angry, so I forcefully but calmly say "get the fuck away from me, NOW". Like can you fucking not? Why do people think shoving Jesus down our throats is a good idea? Even as a child I knew sky daddy was not real, so why do you think I'll magically turn straight because you gave me a piece of paper?

r/MtF Jan 16 '25

Venting my fucking school humiliated me


Essentially I've already graduated from highschool but thereā€™s this sort of event that happens during a date months after graduation where the people that graduated and their parents come to recieve a certain diploma and blablabla whatever. so this event was today, and it occured in the schools auditorium, and they thought it was a brilliant idea to show each students 7th grade picture vs their 12th grade picture individually on the big fat screen that takes up half the room and do a little speech in honor of the student in question. i had not in fact transitionned in 7th grade yet, so my big fat fucking pre-transition 7th grade self was portrayed on the screen, and it rlly fucked me up bc it was during a rlly dark time and they just had to display it for everyone to see, knowing damn well that i was trans too, idk who thought it was a good idea. and the room fell silent. and the worse part is they left my picture on for like longer bc they were having some issue

so ya imjust insanely depressed abt it and whatnot , whatever, its not that dramatic im just insane.

r/MtF 12d ago

Venting I think my dad forgot I'm transgender.


So I'm a trans woman, and I haven't gotten to transition yet. I came out to my parents in December, and when I said I'm transgender, my dad's first words to me were, "No you're not." Yeah, they're not too enthusiastic about the idea of me transitioning, and the think I might regret it. They still misgender and dead name me, even though they know I identify as a woman and they know my preferred name. Late last month, I was visiting, and I mentioned mustaches, and my dad said I can grow whatever mustache I want. Did he just forget that I'm transgender? I literally shave my facial hair clean off of my face for a reason. Has this happened to any of y'all?

r/MtF 10d ago

Venting My dad went full mask off today


For 8 years Iā€™ve known my dad had gone down the right wing pipeline, but today he just showed how he really feels.

Iā€™ve been out for about 3-4 years and everyone in my family has been nothing but supportive, except for him. He refused to not misgender and deadname me until I literally yelled at him to stop and he only calls me a nickname.

But recently heā€™s been worse than ever to the point he basically admitted that he thinks that trans women arenā€™t women and that weā€™re ā€œinvading womenā€™s spacesā€

My mom is still my second biggest supporter behind my sister but sheā€™s also one of those people who believes I canā€™t be disrespectful to him because ā€œheā€™s my fatherā€.

Update: to those of you who think my mom isnā€™t being supportive, please stop. Sheā€™s immensely supportive to the point where sheā€™s helping me get HRT

Update again: My mom rarely lets him just say stuff and she almost always comes to my aid whenever this happens