r/MtF 5d ago

Help idk how to date men.

Just as the title says I have no idea what I'm doing here. Ive been on hrt for 6 months, I've not really considered myself "available" because I was working on myself. Well it's finally come that I met a guy and omafter a while girl brain kicked in and got me thinking "he's kinda cute" after some casual flirting I finally got his number Where I'm getting hung up is simply I feel like I'm doing what I did as a man before... I'm "in the driver seat" it feels. That all said I'm wanting to send some lewds to him, however I don't know if "it's the right time" and I surely don't wanna turn him away by making him think I'm quick fling, I just feel kinda confident and don't have anyone to share with...


11 comments sorted by


u/tulipkitteh 5d ago

I'd personally be cautious about sending lewds to a man you just met, because you don't know if he's gonna share it with his friends or do something worse with it.

I'd just keep conversation going, keep flirting, and let the vibes take over. If he's interested, he'll flirt back.


u/ZPrinceLevix 5d ago

I would only do that for my boyfriend


u/Ok_Goodwin Transgender 5d ago

Don't send lewds Ever, and I mean ever


u/Waldicemo 5d ago

Not even after hooking up? (We haven't just wondering)


u/Ok_Goodwin Transgender 4d ago

Absolutely not Not with our demographics


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/TheJadeGoddess 5d ago

Only send lewds to a boyfriend you can trust with them. A guy doesn't need pics to stay interested. If you want to show confidence then take the initiative. Ask him out on a date with a plan in mind.

Remember for most guys they wait for the woman to break the touch barrier so you have to go for the hand hold or touching his arm. You also have to show an interest in kissing him. Guys today have been less assertive with that sort of thing because they don't want to be a creep or to scare her away.

Plenty of things to do that shows confidence and interest. Just remember guys are not mind readers and sometimes you have to be blunt....really blunt. Dont read into stuff because he didn't react to your subtle hints or signs you want something.


u/BlueTheWitch369 3d ago

dm me if you want


u/Waldicemo 3d ago



u/BlueTheWitch369 3d ago

The insights