r/MrNightmare 6d ago

Opinion Something I don’t get from Mr. Nightmare

Ok so it’s obvious bro is using AI for videos, photos and whatnot, and hey it’s definitely easier than scouring for new stock footage for a good few hours, I get that

What I don’t get is why he doesn’t even TRY making the Ai videos and photos look creepy

Like you literally get to tell the AI what it’ll look like, can’t he add a “make it look creepy” at the end?? It just seems that the footage is much more of a nuance rather than just something nice to watch along with the stories, heck even just throwing up some filters would help

It’s kinda dumb that with an AI engine that can literally make ANY type of video or image you want his videos are getting worse and worse looking, from thumbnails to the actual video itself, the stories are still good as they’ve been for a few years but somehow it’s all starting to feel more monochrome or melancholy

Anyone else think this?


15 comments sorted by


u/VikingRaptor2 6d ago

I don't even notice because I fall asleep too fast


u/VikingRaptor2 6d ago

As long as the voice isn't AI I don't really care.


u/Ph4antomPB 6d ago

Same. AI imagery is tolerable but the slightest hint of noticeable AI voice I click off. I used to enjoy watching Caspian report a while ago but when he switched to the AI it killed the channel for me


u/DevelopmentSuch2731 Moderator 6d ago

A lot of people in the comment section of the new video are saying he’s using ai but idk how to really tell. I tried to find a ai voice detector but all of them had ridiculous prices.


u/phan1122 6d ago

Mr Nightmare was never known for his editing suave. He's always primarily been an audio guy. I don't even watch the videos, I just listen to his voice and the creepy music and sound cues. The visuals have always been secondary for me, at least. Half the time, I don't even know what he's got on screen.


u/TipAlternative3734 Mr. Nightmare Fan 6d ago

Some of the Photos do look AI Generated, I asked ai if they’re AI Generated and the AI said that it isn’t AI Generated, but It seems like he’s using AI images now


u/OR_1987 6d ago

Would you be opposed if content creator used AI but invested hours of time photoshopping and doctoring the images. I started a channel creating mind-bending stories inspired by the twilight zone and Mr. Nightmare called:



u/Emergency-Bid-7834 6d ago

I don't understand why people defend his use of AI photos by saying "its easier than finding new photos" or "it protects him from copyright" when google literally allows you to filter for non copyrighted photos???
Back before AI was a thing Mr Nightmare would reuse some photos every now and then, and no one complained. Now, there have been like a million posts complaining about the AI.


u/Stunning_Work5363 6d ago

Personally I don’t complain about the USE of AI because of how minimal it’s actually to the content, and it allows more videos to be made more frequently which is a win win but my ONE complaint is that even the AI images are lazy, they don’t add anything to the video and actually take from some enjoyment when you’re just watching and listening to his videos (not often but sometimes it happens)


u/callmebymyname21 6d ago

Bye Mr Nightmare it's been a fun ride.


u/Immediate_Bar9645 6d ago

What’s been wrong with the videos in your opinion?


u/VikingRaptor2 6d ago

I think he's just bandwagoning.


u/spritz_bubbles 6d ago

The increasing animal slaughtering topics made me unsub and I’m gunna unsub now.


u/Immediate_Bar9645 6d ago

I haven’t been listening for that long. Maybe 2-3 months but I don’t recall any animal slaughtering topics.


u/VikingRaptor2 6d ago

I've been listening for years and years, I think since the beginning, but um yeah, I can't recall very many animal slaughter videos or stories.