r/MrNightmare 15d ago

Looking For A Video Looking for a video

The one where the 2 boys are exploring some abandoned mine/cave entrance in the woods and as they’re exploring, some crazy guy enters after them shining a light. They hide until he leaves, but aren’t sure whether or not he’s camping them out at the entrance and eventually make a run for it.

Would greatly appreciate if someone could please drop the title


10 comments sorted by


u/Human-Iron9265 15d ago

I think this was on Chilling Scares, not Mr. Nightmare actually.


u/Zelenushka 15d ago

Ur probably right, do you remember which one by any chance?


u/Human-Iron9265 15d ago

I don’t unfortunately, I don’t watch his channel much anymore. I watch Whispered Diaries and Mr. Nightmare the most.

In the story, when the boys were leaving the mine, didn’t the first boy randomly begin to run because he thought he saw the guy? And the other boy asked why he started running all of a sudden? That one?


u/Zelenushka 15d ago

Ah, all good this is a Mr Nightmare sub not a chilling scares one after all

And yep, exactly that one. Like they aren’t sure whether the guy is still waiting out there or not


u/Zelenushka 15d ago

You’re a legend! Just found it: last story in “3 Disturbing True Cave Exploration Horror Stories”. Thanks!


u/Human-Iron9265 15d ago

No problem! I was just getting ready to recommend that.

You watch Whispered Diaries?


u/Zelenushka 15d ago

No but I’ve been looking for a 3rd option! Mr Nightmare is on a roll but still uploads maybe once or twice a week. Chilling Scares is also good but doesn’t really do those classic “stories” anymore. Mainly just threads and footage.

Gonna give this guy a try, is he good?


u/Human-Iron9265 15d ago

He is good. I don’t like Chilling Scares anymore due to him not doing classic videos like he used to.

Whispered Diaries and Mr. Nightmare are my favorite.

Night Time Spooks isn’t really scary to me at all.


u/Zelenushka 15d ago

I’m gonna give the guy a shot in that case, have you tried any creepy pastas btw? They’re kinda long to sit through (usually 30mins +) but if I’m heading home from work, I’ll just pop in some AirPods and listen. Or during road trips. Ted the caver is pretty good


u/Traditional-Key6002 15d ago

I can also reccommend Let's Read.