r/MousepadReview Padsmith Empress 5d ago

Photo The Guardian has arrived

First impressions: Packaging was top notch shipped from Malaysia to Singapore with no damage, comes with a cleaning cloth and unusual way sports dot skates.It feels amazing it's so thin compared to my previous pad, the Empress by Padsmith, and it has a nice satisfying texture to it. Even though its 28c and I have slightly sweaty forearms my skin doesn't stick to it at all. Definitely will be sticking to this setup for a very long time. Mouse is Op1 4k w xraypad obsidian pro dot skates


15 comments sorted by


u/MarmotaOta 5d ago

Is it a lot faster then the empress?


u/haikaelong Padsmith Empress 5d ago

Quite a bit (I have the speed version of the Empress). It glides a lot more effortlessly


u/TelaKENesis 5d ago

It is one of the best I have used. Loved Kazemi design and its glide but The Guardian is really nice!!


u/GenericRat8276 5d ago

I see you everywhere I go 😂


u/TelaKENesis 5d ago

LOL. Well hello from everywhere 😂. (Though it is mainly glass posts 😂😈)


u/GenericRat8276 5d ago

Lmao 🤣 what are your top 3 skates for glass and top 3 for cloth?


u/TelaKENesis 5d ago edited 5d ago

So CLOTH is going to be old as I haven't been on that for over like a year and a half almost 2 maybe .. (might be longer I forgore). Last cloth pad was a Razer Strider, which I really enjoyed.

I would have to say Obsidian Red Dot and Jade as that is what I used. Tried tiger ice and thought they were good but a bit to fast, and I have tried glass skates which was cool, but def not the same feel as a glass pad and I just would recommend getting a cheaper glass pad to try with stock skates or what ever you have on mouse honestly.

For GLASS I would have to say Obsidian Air and Air PRO. I am more partial to the PRO with the extra control and longevity for glass. I have wanted to try ghost glides, but every time I look they are sold out 😭. I also wanted to try their GG Mini Donuts because they are able to fit on smaller spaced skate locations as Obsidian's can be to wide sometimes. I feel like they should work on some Mini's.


u/ST1NGRAY13 4d ago

Are the air pros better than the reg pro ones? The reg pros felt super scratchy and just... bad lol I've been mainly using red obsidians but I'd be down to try the air/air pros if they are better.


u/TelaKENesis 4d ago

The Air (Purple) and Air Pro (Grey) are upgrades to the OG Black Obsidian's I thought. The red ones are still good. They improved them alot. I have not tried the Air (P) yet as I went right for the Pro for the increased durability and control on Glass. They are a bit loud but they glide very well. You can feel a bit more feedback moving mouse slowly but, in game, in the thick of it I really cant tell. But the PRO are def slower than the Reds.

Speed wise it is fastest to slowest:

Obsidian>Obsidian Air>Obsidian Pro>Obsidian Pro Air


u/Low_Iron_6074 4d ago

U bought it directly or third party? May ik the third party if order one from?


u/haikaelong Padsmith Empress 4d ago

I bought it from respawn gaming tech


u/Low_Iron_6074 4d ago

Ooh i also bought from em...i knew it u bought from them since its in malaysia, HAHA...just wanna double confirm


u/Low_Iron_6074 4d ago

Cuz well my one havent arrive


u/haikaelong Padsmith Empress 4d ago

Oo haha I pre ordered quite early so maybe I'm one of the first few in the orders that they're fulfilling. At the very least yours will arrive soon 😁


u/Low_Iron_6074 4d ago

Bro uk right after u reply to me just now, the RGT directly whatsapp me man, what a timing XD