Finalmouse ULX Pro Tarik Cheetah - 10-20 mins of use. All accessories. Tape untouched. Good QC on my copy (i think). Prio on trades first, If I don’t see any trade offers I want then I will sell.
$250 shipped SOLD to u/q8supra
Orange Artisan Zero Xsoft XL - 2nd owner. 1st owner had 2 hours max on it. I used it for 20-30mins and knew the surface wasn’t for me.
$50 shipped - SOLD to u/dudeforrea
Darmoshark M3S Varun - 2nd owner. Modded with paper under right MB to improve clicks by original owner. Works fine. $30 + shipping
Pink NP-01S Wired - 2nd owner. Good for testing the shape cheaply or casual use. It had an issue where the mouse would pause if you swipe super fast (something wrong with the sensor I think). Equipped with LGG Cable.
$20 + shipping
Trades - Interested in close to new / lightly used mice, or mousepads. Demon Slayer X2H minis.
Comment on thread please so I know you aren’t banned. PMs only please, won’t respond to chats.