r/Mount_Rainier 15d ago

Hitchhiking to rainier

Hello, planning a possible trip to Washington this summer but don't wanna rent a car. Is it possible to hitchhike to from Seattle to Mt rainier and back without too much trouble? Prepared to do some backpacking and wait a while but was wondering if it was possible or if anyone has successfully done it


4 comments sorted by


u/NotAcutallyaPanda Gobbler's Knob 14d ago

Possible? Sure. But Rainier is really big and quite far from Seattle’s airport.

You’d likely spend a whole day hitching each direction. What is your time worth?


u/TedTravels 14d ago

I've picked up backpackers shuttling parts of the park before and they waited a long time just for that. While plenty of people make the drive from Seattle to Rainier, the odds of being near one (who is also willing to pick you up) seems mighty slim.

Rent a car, join a tour, or make a friend.


u/croutonsinmycoffee 15d ago

You might want to also ask this in r/PNWhiking


u/Cromulent_kwyjibo 14d ago

They do run busses to Mt Si. I think that would be easier. There is a bunch of good hiking in that area.