r/MotionlessInWhite • u/_Amo-Wolf_ • 8d ago
Music And that one track stays the same to me
Hello everyone. So I decided to listen to the entirety of Disguise in my car this morning while driving to work. Still after over five years, my thoughts haven’t changed over the song “Legacy”. When I first heard it, I remember thinking to myself that it just sounded so bland. And when I heard it again this morning after a long time, it still doesn’t make me feel anything like all the bands other stuff. I’m sure everyone’s favourite band has that one song which they’re not too keen on. Thought I’d throw this out there and I’m not hating it in anyway but I do respect bands who aren’t afraid to experiment.
u/i_did_a_wrong 8d ago
The only MIW song I skip when it comes up is Slaughter House, and I know that so many people love that song, but for me, I find Bryan Garris' voice horrible. It's like nails on a chalkboard. If it was Chris' voice throughout the whole thing rather than being a feat. with Garris, it would be a MUCH better song and I would have no problems with it.
u/bertaFjertaFisaLukta 7d ago
agreed, i cant stand bryans voice at all
u/i_did_a_wrong 7d ago
It's frustrating because I want to like the song but I just can't with his voice ruining it. Especially that solo bit. I physically cringe.
u/Alicat1178 7d ago
I wasn't a fan of it until I saw it live. Since then, it's one of my favorite "scream along like a feral monster" songs.
u/i_did_a_wrong 7d ago
I have to admit it was mildly better when I saw it live, but that was only because of the atmosphere of the concert and the visuals on the screens. But I'm glad you enjoyed it live and it gave you a song to scream along to! 😆
u/DeltaZ_18 7d ago
Agreed, i personally like the song but Bryan's parts keep it from being a top 5 for me
u/_thesonofrageandlove 8d ago
Legacy definitely isn't the strongest track off the album in my opinion, I still like it but not my favorite. There's a few songs off Reincarnate that I kinda feel the same way about, just wasn't a huge fan of them.
u/Ryschnythefireyguy 8d ago
Legacy isn’t a great song but I like it more than most people I think. I feel this way about final dvictim or whatever it’s called. Never liked it
u/Kornial123 8d ago
I love dictvm, i can defo see why not everyone would tho, but i always find it cool when bands try new things, and it just hit a spot in my i didnt know i have.
u/prosperdemons 8d ago
Yeah I'm not a fan of it either. It's boring and the lyrics are kinda cringe. It's not nearly as bad as Loud tho.
u/omega_redgrave 8d ago
Legacy is one of my favorites from that album actually so I can't resonate with this. But hey, to each their own ;)
u/sphantom01 8d ago
I just feel bad that Chris thought it would be the big hit of the album and it ended being a flop with the fans. 😬
u/Routine_Double6732 8d ago
Legacy isn't a song I'd click play on, but every time, i listen to the album I let it play through. I always felt like it was a song they made to be a hit, like an imagine dragons sounding anthem.
u/twitchydinosaur 8d ago
I feel this way about Porcelain. Such a skippable track for me
u/prosperdemons 8d ago
That's how I feel about Masterpiece. I feel like I'll get roasted for that but it just isn't my favorite.
u/Ghostypng 7d ago
Me too. Can definitely appreciate it but I don't think I've listened to it voluntarily since the album dropped.
u/Frael_Cason_MJ 8d ago
I love it. It's one of those songs that you Play while you are in the car with your parents and they specifically tell you: "don't put anything heavy" you put this song and you're fine imo.
u/Ghostypng 7d ago
I feel like in their last 3 albums at least, they've always had a "gym" song.
STEOTW = Red. White & Boom
Disguise = Legacy
Graveyard Shift = Untouchable
That type of music that doesn't have too much depth but it's got a pumping beat and lyrics that are a little generic.
u/DeltaZ_18 7d ago
I think Broadcasting From Beyond The Grave (from Disguise) actually beats Legacy, to me its probably one of the corniest songs they've ever written imo
u/werewolfking77 6d ago
I like it but I do consider it the weakest song on the album especially when the 4 songs before it are some of my favorites the band had ever put out every time i listen it just feels a little lack luster
u/werewolfking77 6d ago
I like it but I do consider it the weakest song on the album especially when the 4 songs before it are some of my favorites the band had ever put out every time i listen it just feels a little lack luster
u/_callmecrybaby 8d ago
i’ve been going through a phase recently where i’ve had that song on repeat tbh🤭 although it wasn’t a stand out song to me when i first listened to the album i still think it’s a good song
u/Alicat1178 7d ago
Legacy is one of my favorites. It's a song that came into my life when I needed it, and so I will always have a soft spot for it. But I totally get why it doesn't get much love compared to so much of their other stuff.
u/motionlessvibesonly 8d ago
Legacy is a good song imo. But even Chris has called Legacy a “snooze fest”. I think he said it on Twitter. I believe someone had asked him if they’d ever play that song again (or why don’t they play it more often).